999 resultados para Citrus tristeza virus


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Nucleotide sequence analysis was carried out to study genes encoding the matrix (M) protein of measles virus (MV) from several regions of the brain of a case of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. This analysis revealed the presence of MV with 'wild-type' sequences as well as variants which had undergone at least five biased hypermutation events (U to C and A to G in the positive strand sequences). Despite the presence of MV variants with genes encoding the intact matrix protein open reading frame, M protein could not be detected in any of the brain regions. The distribution of virus variants was studied by cDNA cloning and sequence analysis and by in situ hybridization. The hypermutated viruses appeared to expand clonally throughout the brain of patient B.


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Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence of the H gene of 75 measles virus (MV) strains (32 published and 43 new sequences) was carried out. The lineage groups described from comparison of the nucleotide sequences encoding the C-terminal regions of the N protein of MV were the same as those derived from the H gene sequences in almost all cases. The databases document a number of distinct genotype switches that have occurred in Madrid (Spain). Well-documented is the complete replacement of lineage group C2, the common European genotype at that time, with that of group D3 around the autumn of 1993. No further isolations of group C2 took place in Madrid after this time. The rate of mutation of the H gene sequences of MV genotype D3 circulating in Madrid from 1993 to 1996 was very low (5 x 10(-4) per annum for a given nucleotide position). This is an order of magnitude lower than the rates of mutation observed in the HN genes of human influenza A viruses. The ratio of expressed over silent mutations indicated that the divergence was not driven by immune selection in this gene. Variations in amino acid 117 of the H protein (F or L) may be related to the ability of some strains to haemagglutinate only in the presence of salt. Adaptation of MV to different primate cell types was associated with very small numbers of mutations in the H gene. The changes could not be predicted when virus previously grown in human B cell lines was adapted to monkey Vero cells. In contrast, rodent brain-adapted viruses displayed a lot of amino acid sequence variation from normal MV strains. There was no convincing evidence for recombination between MV genotypes.


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In this paper, a coupling of fluorophore-DNA barcode and bead-based immunoassay for detecting avian influenza virus (AIV) with PCR-like sensitivity is reported. The assay is based on the use of sandwich immunoassay and fluorophore-tagged oligonucleotides as representative barcodes. The detection involves the sandwiching of the target AIV between magnetic immunoprobes and barcode-carrying immunoprobes. Because each barcode-carrying immunoprobe is functionalized with a multitude of fluorophore-DNA barcode strands, many DNA barcodes are released for each positive binding event resulting in amplification of the signal. Using an inactivated H16N3 AIV as a model, a linear response over five orders of magnitude was obtained, and the sensitivity of the detection was comparable to conventional RT-PCR. Moreover, the entire detection required less than 2 hr. The results indicate that the method has great potential as an alternative for surveillance of epidemic outbreaks caused by AIV, other viruses and microorganisms.


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In this paper, we report a coupling of fluorophore-DNA barcode and bead-based
immunoassay for the detection of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV), a potential pandemic threat for human health and enormous economic losses. The detection strategy is based on the use of sandwich immunoassay and fluorophore-tagged oligonucleotides as representatively fluorescent barcodes. Despite its simplicity the assay has sensitivity comparable to RT-PCR amplification, and possesses a great potential as a rapid and sensitive on-chip detection format.


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ABSTRACT (250 words)
BACKGROUND: The mechanism underlying respiratory virus-induced cough hypersensitivity is unknown. Up-regulation of airway neuronal receptors responsible for sensing physical and chemical stimuli is one possibility and the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel family are potential candidates. We have used an in vitro model of sensory neurones and human rhinovirus (HRV-16) to study the effect of virus infection on TRP expression.
METHODS: IMR32 neuroblastoma cells were differentiated in culture to express three TRP channels, TRPV1, TRPA1 and TRPM8. Flow cytometry and qRT-PCR were used to measure TRP channel protein and mRNA levels following inoculation with live virus, inactivated virus, virus- induced soluble factors or pelleted virus particles. Multiplex bioassay was used to determine nerve growth factor (NGF), interleukin (IL)-1ß, IL-6 and IL-8 levels in response to infection.
RESULTS: Early up-regulation of TRPA1 and TRPV1 expression occurred 2 to4 hours post infection. This was independent of replicating virus as virus induced soluble factors alone were sufficient to increase channel expression 50 and 15 fold, respectively. NGF, IL-6 and IL-8 levels, increased in infected cell supernatants, represent possible candidates. In contrast, TRPM8 expression was maximal at 48 hours (9.6 fold) and required virus replication rather than soluble factors
CONCLUSIONS We show for the first time that rhinovirus can infect neuronal cells. Furthermore, infection causes up-regulation of TRP channels by channel specific mechanisms. Increase in TRPA1 and TRPV1 levels can be mediated by soluble factors induced by infection whereas TRPM8 requires replicating virus. TRP channels may be novel therapeutic targets for controlling virus-induced cough.


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Mixed infections are one of the major therapeutic challenges, as the current strategies have had limited success. One of the most common and widespread conditions of mixed infection is respiratory syncytial virus-mediated pathology of the respiratory tract in children. There is a dire need for the development of novel therapeutic approaches during mixed infections. Therapeutic intravenous immunoglobulin preparations, obtained from plasma pools of healthy donors have been used in immune deficiencies. This study was thus designed to characterize the functional efficacy of RSV-specific antibodies in IVIg. To explore the functional ability of these affinity-purified RSV-specific antibodies, the antibody-dependent and complement dependent cytotoxicity was determined using peripheral cells of healthy donors. This study demonstrates the existence of highly potent RSV-specific antibodies in IVIg preparations and provides the basis for the use of IVIg as broad-spectrum protective shield to RSV-infected children during mixed infections


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Although respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major human respiratory pathogen, our knowledge of how it causes disease in humans is limited. Airway epithelial cells are the primary targets of RSV infection in vivo, so the generation and exploitation of RSV infection models based on morphologically and physiologically authentic well-differentiated primary human airway epithelial cells cultured at an air-liquid interface (WD-PAECs) provide timely developments that will help to bridge this gap. Here we review the interaction of RSV with WD-PAEC cultures, the authenticity of the RSV-WD-PAEC models relative to RSV infection of human airway epithelium in vivo, and future directions for their exploitation in our quest to understand RSV pathogenesis in humans.


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major pathogen that primarily infects airway epithelium. Most infants suffer mild upper respiratory tract (URT) symptoms, while approximately one third progress to lower respiratory tract (LRT) involvement. Despite the ubiquity of URT infection, little is known about the relative cytopathogenesis of RSV infection in infant URT and LRT.


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Sera from seals infected during the 1988 European epizootic of phocine distemper virus and sera from Canadian seals collected since 1972 have been tested for the presence of antibodies to morbillivirus. Approximately one third of the Canadian sera have been shown to contain anti-morbillivirus antibodies; the possibility that these populations of seals provided a source of infection for European seals is discussed.


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A hybrid between a murine myeloma cell line and spleen cells from a mouse immunized with measles has been produced. Two stable clones produce antibody with identical immunochemical and biological properties. This antibody reacts with the 76,000 mol. wt. protein present in the lysates and on the surface of cells persistently infected with measles. It exhibits HAI and neutralizing activity.


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Measles virus Edmonston strain was purified by ultrafiltration followed by two successive sedimentations through sucrose. Purified virus retained infectivity and, when used as an immunogen, elicited high titred antibody to measles antigens by conventional serology. The measles preparations were examined by SDS-PAGE followed by staining. In addition, following PAGE, the purity of these preparations was assessed immunochemically using antisera directed to measles and host cell antigens. The results of these studies demonstrate the utility of the purification method for the preparation of milligram quantities of relatively pure measles virus.


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A solid-phase radioimmunoassay was used to determine the specificity of IgG antibodies from normal sera, sera and CSF from patients with SSPE for the structural polypeptides of measles virus. The polypeptide specificity of antibodies from these sources were qualitatively similar; these results indicate antigenic cross-reactivity between SSPE-derived (Mantooth) and non-SSPE-derived strains of measles virus and stimulation of antibody formation by comparable antigens.


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There is a paradox between the remarkable genetic stability of measles virus (MV) in the field and the high mutation rates implied by the frequency of the appearance of monoclonal antibody escape mutants generated when the virus is pressured to revert in vitro (S. J. Schrag, P. A. Rota, and W. J. Bellini, J. Virol. 73: 51-54, 1999). We established a highly sensitive assay to determine frequencies of various categories of mutations in large populations of wild-type and laboratory-adapted MVs using recombinant viruses containing an additional transcription unit (ATU) encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Single and double mutations were made in the fluorophore of EGFP to ablate fluorescence. The frequencies of reversion mutants in the population were determined by measuring the appearance of fluorescence indicating a revertant virus. This allows mutation rates to be measured under nonselective conditions, as phenotypic reversion to fluorescence requires only either a single-or a double-nucleotide change and amino acid substitution, which does not affect the length of the nonessential reporter protein expressed from the ATU. Mutation rates in MV are the same for wild-type and laboratory-adapted viruses, and they are an order of magnitude lower than the previous measurement assessed under selective conditions. The actual mutation rate for MV is approximately 1.8 x 10(-6) per base per replication event. Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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Red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) declined in Great Britain and Ireland during the last century, due to habitat loss and the introduction of grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), which competitively exclude the red squirrel and act as a reservoir for squirrelpox virus (SQPV). The disease is generally fatal to red squirrels and their ecological replacement by grey squirrels is up to 25 times faster where the virus is present. We aimed to determine: (1) the seropositivity and prevalence of SQPV DNA in the invasive and native species at a regional scale; (2) possible SQPV transmission routes; and, (3) virus degradation rates under differing environmental conditions. Grey (n = 208) and red (n = 40) squirrel blood and tissues were sampled. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) techniques established seropositivity and viral DNA presence, respectively. Overall 8% of squirrels sampled (both species combined) had evidence of SQPV DNA in their tissues and 22% were in possession of antibodies. SQPV prevalence in sampled red squirrels was 2.5%. Viral loads were typically low in grey squirrels by comparison to red squirrels. There was a trend for a greater number of positive samples in spring and summer than in winter. Possible transmission routes were identified through the presence of viral DNA in faeces (red squirrels only), urine and ectoparasites (both species). Virus degradation analyses suggested that, after 30 days of exposure to six combinations of environments, there were more intact virus particles in scabs kept in warm (25°C) and dry conditions than in cooler (5 and 15°C) or wet conditions. We conclude that SQPV is present at low prevalence in invasive grey squirrel populations with a lower prevalence in native red squirrels. Virus transmission could occur through urine especially during warm dry summer conditions but, more notably, via ectoparasites, which are shared by both species.