947 resultados para Citrullinated peptides
This dissertation is presented to obtain a Master degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry
17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 10 (HSD10) deficiency is a rare X-linked inborn error of isoleucine catabolism. Although this protein has been genetically implicated in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis, studies of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) in patients with HSD10 deficiency have not been previously reported. We found, in a severely affected child with HSD10 deficiency, undetectable levels of Aβ in the cerebrospinal fluid, together with low expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, α-synuclein, and serotonin metabolites. Confirmation of these findings in other patients would help elucidating mechanisms of synaptic dysfunction in this disease, and highlight the role of Aβ in both early and late periods of life.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
Doctorate in Biology, Specialty in Biotechnology
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Química Sustentável
Mollusks of the genus Conus present a venomous apparatus composed of radulae, a chitin structure linked to glands, which injects potent neurotoxic peptides, causing serious human envenomation and even death, associated with the blockage of certain receptors and muscular paralysis. No reported envenomation has occurred in Brazil, but certain populations are at risk of accidents.
Introduction Arboviruses are an important public health problem in Brazil, in especially flaviviruses, including the Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) and the Rocio virus (ROCV), are especially problematic. These viruses are transmitted to humans or other vertebrates through arthropod bites and may cause diseases with clinical manifestations that range from asymptomatic infection, viral hemorrhagic fever to encephalitis. Methods A serological survey of horses from various regions of Brazil using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with recombinant SLEV domain III peptides and ROCV E protein as antigens. Results Overall, 415 (55.1%) of the 753 horses that were screened were seropositive for flavivirus and, among them, monotypic reactions were observed to SLEV in 93 (12.3%) and to ROCV in 46 (6.1%). These results suggested that these viruses, or other closely related viruses, are infecting horses in Brazil. However, none of the studied horses presented central nervous system infection symptoms. Conclusions Our results suggest that SLEV and ROCV previously circulated among horses in northeast, west-central and southeast Brazil.
AbstractPhage display is a high-throughput subtractive proteomic technology used for the generation and screening of large peptide and antibody libraries. It is based on the selection of phage-fused surface-exposed peptides that recognize specific ligands and demonstrate desired functionality for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Phage display has provided unmatched tools for controlling viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections, and allowed identification of new therapeutic targets to treat cancer, metabolic diseases, and other chronic conditions. This review presents recent advancements in serodiagnostics and prevention of leishmaniasis -an important tropical parasitic disease- achieved using phage display for the identification of novel antigens with improved sensitivity and specificity. Our focus is on theranostics of visceral leishmaniasis with the aim to develop biomarker candidates exhibiting both diagnostic and therapeutic potential to fight this important, yet neglected, tropical disease.
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:While no single factor is sufficient to guarantee the success of influenza vaccine programs, knowledge of the levels of immunity in local populations is critical. Here, we analyzed influenza immunity in a population from Southern Brazil, a region with weather conditions that are distinct from those in the rest of country, where influenza infections are endemic, and where greater than 50% of the population is vaccinated annually.METHODS:Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from 40 individuals. Of these, 20 had received the H1N1 vaccine, while the remaining 20 were unvaccinated against the disease. Cells were stimulated in vitro with the trivalent post-pandemic influenza vaccine or with conserved major histocompatibility complex I (MHC I) peptides derived from hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. Cell viability was then analyzed by [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide)]-based colorimetric assay (MTT), and culture supernatants were assayed for helper T type 1 (Th1) and Th2-specific cytokine levels.RESULTS:Peripheral blood lymphocytes from vaccinated, but not unvaccinated, individuals exhibited significant proliferation in vitro in the presence of a cognate influenza antigen. After culturing with vaccine antigens, cells from vaccinated individuals produced similar levels of interleukin (IL)-10 and interferon (IFN)-γ, while those from unvaccinated individuals produced higher levels of IFN-γ than of IL-10.CONCLUSIONS:Our data indicate that peripheral blood lymphocytes from vaccinated individuals are stimulated upon encountering a cognate antigen, but did not support the hypothesis that cross-reactive responses related to previous infections can ameliorate the immune response. Moreover, monitoring IL-10 production in vaccinated individuals could comprise a valuable tool for predicting disease evolution.
RESUMO: As células dendríticas (DCs) têm a capacidade única de induzir respostas imunitárias contra as células tumorais, fagocitando antigénios tumorais e apresentando-os às células T, provocando respostas imunitárias específicas que conduzem à eliminação de células de tumorais. Por induzirem memória imunológica de longa duração, as DCs são uma estratégia atrativa para o tratamento e/ou prevenção do cancro. No entanto, os resultados terapêuticos obtidos em ensaios clínicos com DCs são escassos e pouco eficientes. O nosso grupo demonstrou que ácidos siálicos que contêm glicanos desempenham um papel funcional importante em DCs geradas ex vivo. Com o objetivo de estabelecer um modelo in vitro para avaliar a resposta anti-tumoral específica realizou-se um tratamento enzimático a DCs derivadas de monócitos (moDCs) com sialidase, enzima que cliva ácidos siálicos na superfície celular. O perfil de maturação de moDCs foi caracterizado por citometria de fluxo e expressão de citocinas. Os resultados mostram que a sialidase pode regular positivamente a expressão de moléculas co-estimuladoras na superfície de moDCs estimuladas com agonistas de Toll like receptors (TLRs). Para percebermos se o tratamento com sialidase afeta a sinalização dos TLRs foram usadas células HEK transfectadas de forma estável com TLRs 2, 4 and 7/8. Os dados mostraram que a desialilação não afeta a sinalização através estes recetores. Para investigar o impacto funcional da sialidase na capacidade de moDCs em apresentar um antigénio e ativar células T, moDCs foram tratadas, ou não, com sialidase e cultivadas com clones de células T CD8+ específicas para os péptidos derivados do antigénio tumoral gp100. Os resultados mostram que DCs HLA*02:01+ desialiladas exibem maior cross-presentation do péptido gp100280-288 às células T CD8+ específicas. Além disso o tratamento com sialidase também aumenta a capacidade de DCs de induzir a proliferação de células T CD4+. Em conjunto, os resultados indicam que moDCs com menos ácidos siálicos na superfície, têm melhor potencial imuno-estimulador, com maior capacidade de induzir respostas imunes anti-tumorais.--------------------- ABSTRACT: Dendritic cells (DCs) have a unique capacity to induce immune responses against tumor cells. They can phagocyte tumor antigens, maturate and present them to T cells, triggering antigen-specific immune responses that may lead to the elimination of tumor cells. Since they induce long-lasting immunological memory, DCs become an attractive strategy as cellular targets for vaccines in the treatment and/or prevention of cancer. However, the therapeutic results obtained in clinical trials with DCs are scarce and only few patients effectively respond to the DC vaccines. Our group has shown that sialic acid containing glycans play an important functional role in ex vivo generated DC. Here we aimed to establish an in vitro model to assess specific antitumor responses. To achieve this, an enzymatic treatment of monocyte-derived DCs (moDCs) was performed using sialidase to cleave surface sialic acids. The maturation profile of the moDCs was characterized by flow cytometry and cytokine expression. The results show that sialidase treatment can upregulate co-stimulatory molecules on surface of moDCs stimulated with Toll like receptor (TLR) agonists. To understand whether sialidase treatment affected the TLR signaling, we have used HEK cells stably transfected with TLRs 2, 4 and 7/8. The data showed that desialylation of moDCs does not affect the signaling via these receptors. To investigate the functional impact of sialidase treatment in the capacity of moDCs to present antigen and to activate antigen specific T cells, sialidase treated and untreated moDCs were co-cultured with CD8+ T cell clones specific for peptides derived from the gp100 tumor antigen. Our results show that desialylated HLA02:01+ DCs are superior in cross-presentation of the peptide to gp100280–288 specific CD8+ T cells. In addition, sialidase treatment also increased the DC capacity to induce CD4+ T cells proliferation. Together, these data indicate that moDCs with altered cell surface sialic acids, through a sialidase treatment, have a better immunostimulatory potential which could improve anti-tumor immune responses.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde
The use of chemical analysis of microbial components, including proteins, became an important achievement in the 80’s of the last century to the microbial identification. This led a more objective microbial identification scheme, called chemotaxonomy, and the analytical tools used in the field are mainly 1D/2D gel electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The Edman degradation reaction was also applied to peptides sequence giving important insights to the microbial identification. The rapid development of these techniques, in association with knowledge generated by DNA sequencing and phylogeny based on rRNA gene and housekeeping genes sequences, boosted the microbial identification to an unparalleled scale. The recent results of mass spectrometry (MS), like Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF), for rapid and reliable microbial identification showed considerable promise. In addition, the technique is rapid, reliable and inexpensive in terms of labour and consumables when compared with other biological techniques. At present, MALDI-TOF MS adds an additional step for polyphasic identification which is essential when there is a paucity of characters or high DNA homologies for delimiting very close related species. The full impact of this approach is now being appreciated when more diverse species are studied in detail and successfully identified. However, even with the best polyphasic system, identification of some taxa remains time-consuming and determining what represents a species remains subjective. The possibilities opened with new and even more robust mass spectrometers combined with sound and reliable databases allow not only the microbial identification based on the proteome fingerprinting but also include de novo specific proteins sequencing as additional step. These approaches are pushing the boundaries in the microbial identification field.
The use of chemical analysis of microbial components, including proteins, became an important achievement in the 80’s of the last century to the microbial identification. This led a more objective microbial identification scheme, called chemotaxonomy, and the analytical tools used in the field are mainly 1D/2D gel electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The Edman degradation reaction was also applied to peptides sequence giving important insights to the microbial identification. The rapid development of these techniques, in association with knowledge generated by DNA sequencing and phylogeny based on rRNA gene and housekeeping genes sequences, boosted the microbial identification to an unparalleled scale. The recent results of mass spectrometry (MS), like Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF), for rapid and reliable microbial identification showed considerable promise. In addition, the technique is rapid, reliable and inexpensive in terms of labour and consumables when compared with other biological techniques. At present, MALDI-TOF MS adds an additional step for polyphasic identification which is essential when there is a paucity of characters or high DNA homologies for delimiting very close related species. The full impact of this approach is now being appreciated when more diverse species are studied in detail and successfully identified. However, even with the best polyphasic system, identification of some taxa remains time-consuming and determining what represents a species remains subjective. The possibilities opened with new and even more robust mass spectrometers combined with sound and reliable databases allow not only the microbial identification based on the proteome fingerprinting but also include de novo specific proteins sequencing as additional step. These approaches are pushing the boundaries in the microbial identification field.
The study of the interaction between hair filaments and formulations or peptides is of utmost importance in fields like cosmetic research. Keratin intermediate filaments structure is not fully described, limiting the molecular dynamics (MD) studies in this field although its high potential to improve the area. We developed a computational model of a truncated protofibril, simulated its behavior in alcoholic based formulations and with one peptide. The simulations showed a strong interaction between the benzyl alcohol molecules of the formulations and the model, leading to the disorganization of the keratin chains, which regress with the removal of the alcohol molecules. This behavior can explain the increase of peptide uptake in hair shafts evidenced in fluorescence microscopy pictures. The model developed is valid to computationally reproduce the interaction between hair and alcoholic formulations and provide a robust base for new MD studies about hair properties. It is shown that the MD simulations can improve hair cosmetic research, improving the uptake of a compound of interest.