998 resultados para Camões, Bento de.


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An interferometric technique was used to determine the temperature coefficient of the optical path length (dS/dT) as a function of the temperature in several optical glasses. The temperature range was between 25degreesC and 180degreesC. The studied samples included undoped and doped oxide glasses, such as low silica calcium aluminosilicate, phosphates, borates and also chalcogenides. The oxide glasses had dS/dT between 10 X 10(-6) K-1 and 20x10(-6) K-1, while for the chalcogenides, these were around 70 x 10(-6)K(-1). The results showed that dS/dTs increased with the temperature in all samples. For samples doped with Nd the dS/dT values were found to be independent of concentration. on the other hand, for the phosphate glass doped with Cr, dS/dT increased about 5% when compared with the Nd doped one. In conclusion, the used interferometric method, which is a considerably simpler and a lower cost technique, and is a useful tool to measure dS/dT in semi-transparent glasses as a function of the composition and temperature. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The camera motion estimation represents one of the fundamental problems in Computer Vision and it may be solved by several methods. Preemptive RANSAC is one of them, which in spite of its robustness and speed possesses a lack of flexibility related to the requirements of applications and hardware platforms using it. In this work, we propose an improvement to the structure of Preemptive RANSAC in order to overcome such limitations and make it feasible to execute on devices with heterogeneous resources (specially low budget systems) under tighter time and accuracy constraints. We derived a function called BRUMA from Preemptive RANSAC, which is able to generalize several preemption schemes, allowing previously fixed parameters (block size and elimination factor) to be changed according the applications constraints. We also propose the Generalized Preemptive RANSAC method, which allows to determine the maximum number of hipotheses an algorithm may generate. The experiments performed show the superiority of our method in the expected scenarios. Moreover, additional experiments show that the multimethod hypotheses generation achieved more robust results related to the variability in the set of evaluated motion directions


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The area between São Bento do Norte and Macau cities, located in the northern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State is submitted to intense and constant processes of littoral and aeolian transport, causing erosion, alterations in the sediments balance and modifications in the shoreline. Beyond these natural factors, the human interference is huge in the surroundings, composed by sensitive places, due to the existence of the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole, RN, the greater terrestrial oil producing in Brazil, besides the activities of the salt companies and shrimp farms. This socioeconomic-environmental context justifies the elaboration of strategies of environmental monitoring of that coastal area. In the environmental monitoring of coastal strips, submitted to human impacts, the use of multi-sources and multitemporal data integrated through a Spatio- Temporal Database that allows the multiuser friendly access. The objective was to use the potential of the computational systems as important tools the managers of environmental monitoring. The stored data in the form of a virtual library aid in making decisions from the related results and presented in different formats. This procedure enlarges the use of the data in the preventive attendance, in the planning of future actions and in the definition of new lines of researches on the area, in a multiscale approach. Another activity of this Thesis consisted on the development of a computational system to automate the process to elaborate Oil-Spill Environmental Sensitivity Maps, based on the temporal variations that some coastal ecosystems present in the sensibility to the oil. The maps generated in this way, based on the methodology proposed by the Ministério do Meio Ambiente, supply more updated information about the behavior of the ecosystem, as a support to the operations in case of oil spill. Some parameters, such as the hydrodynamic data, the declivity of the beach face, types of resources in risk (environmental, economical, human or cultural) and use and occupation of the area are some of the essential basic information in the elaboration of the sensitivity maps, which suffer temporal alterations.In this way, the two computational systems developed are considered support systems to the decision, because they provide operational subsidies to the environmental monitoring of the coastal areas, considering the transformations in the behavior of coastal elements resulting from temporal changes related the human and/or natural interference of the environment


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Considering a non-relativistic ideal gas, the standard foundations of kinetic theory are investigated in the context of non-gaussian statistical mechanics introduced by Kaniadakis. The new formalism is based on the generalization of the Boltzmann H-theorem and the deduction of Maxwells statistical distribution. The calculated power law distribution is parameterized through a parameter measuring the degree of non-gaussianity. In the limit = 0, the theory of gaussian Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution is recovered. Two physical applications of the non-gaussian effects have been considered. The first one, the -Doppler broadening of spectral lines from an excited gas is obtained from analytical expressions. The second one, a mathematical relationship between the entropic index and the stellar polytropic index is shown by using the thermodynamic formulation for self-gravitational systems


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The segment of Carnaubais Fault located in the southeasthern portion of Guamaré Graben (Potiguar Basin) was studied. Several structures were detected and some of them strongly suggest that the last movements in Carnaubais Fault are of Neotectonic age. The study comprises an integrated interpretation of geologic, geomorphologic and geophysical data (gravimetry, magnetometry, resistivity, and self potential methods). According to the size of the studied areas, two approaches were used in this research. The first approach is of a regional nature and was conducted in an area, hereafter named Regional Area, having approximately 6,000 km2 and localized in the northern portion of Rio Grande do Norte state, around Macau city. The second approach comprises detailled studies of two small areas inside the Regional Area: the Camurupim and São Bento areas. Gravimetric and topographic data were used in the Regional Area. A separation into regional and residual components were conducted both on gravimetric and topographic data. The interpretation of the residual component of the gravimetric data allows a precise mapping of the borders of the Guamaré Graben. The regional component features of the topographic data are controlled by the pair of conjugate faults composed by the Carnaubais Fault (NE direction) and the Afonso Bezerra Fault (NW direction). On the other hand, the residual component of the topographic data shows that river valleis of NW direction are sharply interrupted where they intersect Carnaubais Fault. This fact is interpreted as an evidency that the last significant moviments occured in the Carnaubais Fault. Geologic, geomorphologic and geophysical data (magnetometry, resistivity, and self potential methods) were used in the Camurupim Area. The geologic mapping allows to identify five lithophacies unities. The first two unities (from base to top) were interpreted as composing a marine (or transitional) depositional sequency while the other were interpreted is composing a continental depositional sequence. The two sequences are clearly separated of an erosional discordance. The unities grouped in the marine sequence are composed by calcarenites (Unity A) and mudstones (Unity B). Unity A was deposited in a shalow plataform while Unity B, in a tidal flat. The unities grouped in the continental sequence are composed of conglomerate (Unity C) and sandstones (Unities D and E). Unities C and D are fluvial deposits while unity E is an eolian deposit. Unities A and B can be stratigraphycally correlated with Guamaré Formation. Unities C and D present three possible correlations. They may be correlated with Tibau Formation; or with Barreiras Formation; or with a clastic sediment deposit, commonly found in some rivers of Rio Grande do Norte state, and statigraphycally positioned above Barreiras Formation. Based on the decrease of the grain sizes from base to top both on unities C and D, it is proposed that these unities are correlated with the clastic sediment above mentioned. In this case, these unities would have, at least, Pleistocenic age. Finally, it is proposed that Unity E represent an eolian deposit that sufferred recent changes (at least in the Quaternary). The integrated interpretation of hydrographic, morphologic and geophysical data from Camurupim Area shows that Carnaubais Fault is locally composed by a system of several paralel subvertical faults. The fault presenting the larger vertical slip controls the valley of Camurupim river and separates the area in two blocks; in the nothern block the top of the Jandaira limestone is deeper than in the southern block. In addition, at least one of the faults in the northern block is cutting the whole sedimentary section. Because unities C , D, and/or E may be of Quaternary age, tectonic moviments possibly occured in Carnaubais Fault during this period. Detailled geologic mapping were conducted in beachrocks found in São Bento Area. This area is located at the intersection of the coast line with the Carnaubais Fault. The detected structures in the beachrocks are very similar to those caused by fragile deformations. The structures mapped in the beachrocks are consistent with a stress field with maximun compressional stress in E-W direction and extensional stress in the N-S direction. Since the Carnaubais Fault has a NE direction, it is optimally positioned to suffer tectonic movements under the action of such stress field. In addition, the shape of the coastal line appear to be controlled by the Carnaubais Fault. Furthemore, the observed structures in Camurupim Área are consistent with this stress field. These facts are interpreted as evidences that Carnaubais Fault and beachrocks suffered coupled tectonic movements. These moviments are of Neotectonic age because the beachrocks present ages less than 16,000 years


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Because the penetration depth of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) signals is very limited in high conductive soils, the usefullness of this method in tropical regions is not yet completly known. The main objective of this researh is to test the usefullness of the method in Brazil. Two typical problems where GPR has been used in Europe and North American were choosed for this test: the first one is to characterize the internal structures of a sand body and the second problem is the localization of old buried pipes lines. The first test was done near the city of São Bento do Norte, in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte state, NE Brazil. In this region, there is a sand dune that is migrating very fast in the direction of adjacent settling areas. To characterize the internal structure of the dune and its relationship to the prevailing wind direction, as a preliminary step to understand the dune migration, GPR profiles using the 400 MHz frequency were performed in E-W, N-S, NE-SW, and SE-NW directions over the sand dune intersecting at the top of the dune. The practical resolution of the GPR data is around 30 cm; this was sufficient to distinguish individual foresets inside the dune. After applying the elevation correction to the data, we identified that dips of bedding structures are smallest for the N-S profile, which is perpendicular to the dominant wind direction, largest for the E-W profile, and intermediate for the SW-NE and SE-NW profiles. Foresets in the E-W profile dip with angles varying from 2 to 6 degrees. In the E-W profile, the water table and a horizontal truncation interface separating two generations of dunes were identified, as well as an abrupt directional change in the foreset patterns associated to a lateral contact between two dune generations, the older one extending to the west. The used high frequency of 400 Mhz does not allow a penetration deep enough to map completely these internal contacts. The second test was done near Estreito, a small town near Carnaúbais city, also in Rio Grande do Norte state. In this locality, there are several old pipe lines buried in area covered by plantations where digging should be minimized. Several GPR profiles using the 400 and 200 MHz frequency were performed trying to intercept perpendicularly the possible pipe lines. Because of the high conductivity of the soil, the raw original data can hardly be use to identify the pipe lines. However, after an adequate processing over the 200 MHz profiles, six pipe lines were identified. As a global result of the tests, GPR can be very usefull if the conductivity of the ground is low or, in the case of medium conductivities of the soils, if adequate processing is performed


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Beachrocks são rochas sedimentares formadas pela cimentação de sedimentos praiais por carbonato de cálcio em especial, calcita e/ou aragonita em zona de estirâncio. A ocorrência dessas rochas é bastante comum em diversas partes do globo, sobretudo em regiões com latitudes inferiores a 40º. O Rio Grande do Norte possui grande quantidade de beachrocks, os quais afloram tanto em regiões costeiras quanto em zona costa-afora. Os depósitos de beachrocks de zona costeira do referido estado têm sido estudados por diversos autores, os quais abordaram os mais variados temas desde o início do século XX. Por outro lado, os depósitos de zona costa-afora apesar de terem sido estudados por poucos autores têm ganhado atenção apenas nos últimos anos. Porém, nenhum trabalho até o presente fez algum tipo de estudo comparativo de cunho geológico entre os corpos de beachrocks presentes em ambas as zonas: costeira e costa-afora. Sendo assim, a presente dissertação teve o intuito de correlacionar os corpos de beachrocks que afloram em zona costeira aos que estão atualmente dispostos em zona costa-afora, próximo a isóbata de 25 m, levando em consideração seus aspectos petrográficos, diagenéticos e sedimentológicos. Para isso, foram percorridos cerca de 260 km de litoral, correspondendo ao trecho entre os municípios de Extremoz e Tibau, em busca de afloramentos de beachrocks. Seções colunares foram confeccionadas e amostras coletadas em estações de amostragem representativas da zona costeira, ao passo que da zona costa-afora apenas seções delgadas foram analisadas. Trabalhos disponíveis na literatura sobre o tema e área em pauta também foram utilizados. A partir dos dados levantados, observou-se que os beachrocks são formados por diferentes camadas ao longo de um perfil vertical. Estas camadas são claramente identificadas em afloramento pela diferença existente na composição, textura e estruturas sedimentares peculiares a cada uma delas. Seções delgadas foram confeccionadas e analisadas a partir de amostras coletadas nas diferentes camadas de diversos afloramentos. Um afloramento foi escolhido como afloramento modelo sendo este o de São Bento do Norte por apresentar a maior espessura de rocha aflorante (1,9 m). Este tem sido muito bem estudado tanto no corrente trabalho quanto em trabalhos de outros autores. A este foram comparados todos os outros afloramentos analisados. A partir da análise micropetrográfica, foram identificadas 03 microfácies para os beachrocks do Rio Grande do Norte, sendo elas: Quartzarenítica (< 2,9% de bioclastos), Quartzarenítica Bioclástica (entre 3 e 9,9% de bioclastos) e Bio-quartzarenítica (> 10% de bioclastos). Associando essas microfácies às análises sedimentológicas realizadas foi possível propor que as microfácies Quartzarenítica e Bio-quartzarenítica foram depositadas em zona de estirâncio enquanto que a microfácies Quartzarenítica Bioclástica foi depositada em zona de face litorânea superior. A história diagenética dos beachrocks estudados é marcada por quatro principais processos: compactação mecânica, cimentação, dissolução e geração de porosidade secundária, e oxidação. Dentre esses, o processo de cimentação é o mais importante, sendo caracterizado por precipitação de cimento de calcita rica em Mg sob cinco morfologias, a saber: cutículas criptocristalinas, franjas prismáticas isópacas, calcita espática microcristalina, calcita espática equante e agregados pseudo-peloidais. Todas estas morfologias foram formadas durante o estágio de eodiagênese, nas zonas freática marinha ativa ou freática meteórica ativa, corroborando assim com a idéia de que beachrocks têm sua litificação completa a pequenas profundidades. Associando as análises microfaciológicas às diagenéticas foi possível sugerir que a sucessão vertical de camadas vista em alguns beachrocks costeiros representam registros de variações de mais alta frequência do nível do mar durante o Holoceno. A partir daí, baseando-se em informações obtidas através de curvas de variação do nível do mar relativo no Holoceno para o Rio Grande do Norte, disponíveis na literatura, e na correlação aqui realizada entre os beachrocks costeiro e aqueles de zona costa-afora, foi possível inferir que estes últimos representam uma antiga linha de costa formada a idades relativas superiores a 7.000 anos A.P


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho estudar modelos com efeitos não-aditivos diretos e maternos em uma população composta em clima tropical, tentando minimizar esses efeitos para obtenção dos valores genéticos dos animais avaliados. Foram utilizados dados de animais de uma população composta, por meio da comparação de três modelos que incluíram os efeitos fixos de grupo contemporâneo, ordem de parto e heterose direta e materna e os efeitos aleatórios de efeito genético aditivo direto e materno. As análises foram realizadas em duas etapas; na primeira foram estudadas as estimativas dos efeitos raciais e de heterose individual e materna e na segunda etapa, calculadas as variâncias, herdabilidades e os valores genéticos dos animais. O efeito materno, quando não foi considerado no modelo, pareceu superestimar o efeito aditivo racial. Os efeitos aditivos raciais, racial materno e de heterose individual e materna influenciaram significativamente o ganho médio diário no pré-desmame, obtendo-se diferentes estimativas entre os tipos biológicos. Considerando o arquivo de dados corrigidos para os efeitos não-aditivos diretos e maternos, as herdabilidades direta e materna foram de 0,22 e 0,20, respectivamente. Os efeitos racial materno e de heterose individual e materna foram importantes fontes de variação para o ganho médio diário no pré-desmame e devem ser considerados durante a avaliação genética de uma população multirracial.


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OBJETIVO: identificar a prevalência e os tipos de má oclusão encontrados em crianças dentro da faixa etária de 2 a 4 anos; e correlacionar a presença de más oclusões com a forma de aleitamento e com os hábitos bucais infantis. METODOLOGIA: foram avaliadas por meio de exame clínico 226 crianças de 2 a 4 anos, sendo 100 delas inseridas no programa de prevenção do Centro de Pesquisa e Atendimento a Pacientes Especiais (Cepae) - FOP UNICAMP, e 126 pertencentes a creches municipais da cidade de Piracicaba. Foi também aplicado um questionário dirigido aos responsáveis a respeito dos hábitos infantis e formas de aleitamento, sendo os dados submetidos à análise estatística de Fischer (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: observou-se alta prevalência de más oclusões (superior a 50% da amostra avaliada) e verificou-se uma correlação positiva entre a falta de amamentação natural e hábitos bucais inadequados em relação à presença de más oclusões na amostra analisada. A chupeta revelou-se a variável mais significativa na contribuição para a instalação de más oclusões.


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Testamos o efeito da betaína na performance de crescimento do peixe piauçu. Para tal, 21 espécimes (média ± DP: peso corpóreo: 14,9 ± 1,3 g) foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em um entre três tratamentos (n = 7 cada; 1 peixe/aquário): ração sem acréscimo de betaína (controle), 3,6 g betaína/Kg de ração, 7,1 g betaína/Kg de ração. Os peixes foram submetidos às condições experimentais por 60 dias. Os peixes apresentaram crescimento estatisticamente significativo ao longo do experimento, porém nenhuma diferença estatística foi encontrada para qualquer parâmetro analisado, exceto para o fator de condição o qual foi maior no grupo controle do que nos grupos tratados com betaína. de acordo com isso, concluímos que a betaína não melhora o crescimento do piauçu.


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Working in the context of a proposal for collisional dark matter, we derive bounds on the Higgs boson coupling g' to a stable light scalar particle, which we refer to as phion (phi), required to solve problems with small scale structure formation which arise in collisionless, dark matter models. We discuss the behaviour of the phion in the early universe for different ranges of its mass. We find that a phion in the mass range of 100 MeV is excluded and that a phion in the mass range of I GeV requires a large coupling constant, g' greater than or similar to 2, and m(h) less than or similar to 130 GeV in order to avoid overabundance, in which case the invisible decay mode of the Higgs boson would be dominant. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we conducted several analysis of the simulated dynamic behavior of two passive suspension types of the trailed sprayer booms. The suspension analysis was conducted under conditions of a bump track test ISO 5008, with two levels of speed (5 km h(-1) and 15 km h(-1)) and two track profiles proposed in these standards (bumpy and smooth). It was used the simulations software MATLAB (R), SIMULINK (R) and Visual Nastran (R). The results obtained showed that suspensions of trapezoidal type have good performance at low frequencies input (omega < 0,2 Hz) while suspensions of simple pendulum type have good performance in others conditions.