815 resultados para COCOA-BEANS


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El objetivo de este trabajo es describir las características de la cadena de valor del cacao en Perú. Para ello se realiza un estudio de tipo documental que relata el desempeño de los mercados de comodities agrarios, la comercialización de estos, el funcionamiento de la cadena en el País y la explicación de la estrategia nacional para este producto. Como resultado se plantea que el contexto en que se desarrolla el cacao peruano presenta ventajas debido a los problemas que tienen los productores en África, el potencial del mercado internacional con la inclusión de China e India, y el apoyo que el Estado está brindando a los pequeños produc­tores, lo que debe ser aprovechado a través de la formación de cadenas de valor


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The positive benefits of DF associated with the regulation of the intestinal transit, and the prevention or treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and regulate colon cancer and obesity. The aim of this research was to collect information on knowledge about dietary fibre on citizens’ of Latvia. The questionnaire consists 22 questions, which aim was to evaluate knowledge on three distinct areas: six for knowledge about food fibres; six for the relation between fibres and variety of foods and 12 for the relations between fibres and diseases. The methodological study was conducted with 231 participants, from which 64.9% were female and 35.1% male, aged between 17 and 80 years. The respondents were selected by convenience, although of age, literacy, gender, geographical area of residence, including people from different cities and smaller villages. 67% of respondents consider that the consumption of sufficient amounts of fibres can prevent or treat different diseases. 85% of respondents have noted that legumes (peas, beans) are source of fibres, but more possible take up the fibre with a combination of vegetables and animal products. This research was prepared in the ambit of the multinational project from CI&DETS Research Centre (IPV e Viseu, Portugal) with reference PROJ/CI&DETS/2014/0001.


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The rehabilitation of the old cocoa ( Theobroma cacao L. ) farms is one of the major challenges for a sustainable cocoa production. A study was carried out to set up a guide which could be used as a decision making tool for a quick and efficient diagnosis of the old cocoa orchards and to choose the appropriate regeneration option (rehabilitation or replanting). A sample of 90 rehabilitated cocoa farms and of 75 replanted cocoa farms was surveyed in 12 regions representing the three main cocoa producing sectors in the country. Data were collected on the key agronomic characteristics of these cacao farms. These were cocoa variety, farm size, age, yield, planting density, number of shade trees and the level of damages caused by insects and diseases. The results showed that age, planting density and yield were the discriminating criteria of these farms. The average values of these criteria were 25 to 30 years for the age, 800 to 1 000 trees ha-1 for the planting density and 250 to 400 kg ha-1 an-1 for the yield. Based on these criteria and their average values, a decision making guide was designed for the diagnosis of cocoa farms and the choice of regeneration option. According to this guide, old cocoa farms (more than 25 years), degraded and unproductive should be replanted. However, younger farms having planting density and yield higher than the average values above should be rehabilitated.


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Processed meat products are of worldwide importance and, because of their intrinsic factors as well as the processing methods, they are highly prone to fungal and mycotoxin contamination. Ochratoxin A (OTA) is the most significant mycotoxin in processed meat products. Penicillium nordicum is considered to be responsible for OTA contamination of meat products, as it is highly adapted to salt and protein-rich matrices and is moderately psycrotrophic. However, another OTA-producing fungus, Aspergillus westerdijkiae, adapted to carbon-rich matrices such as cereals and coffee beans, has been recently associated with high levels of OTA in meat products. Several Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and yeasts have been tested as biocontrol agents against P. nordicum growth and OTA production in meat products, with promising results, but none of the studies have considered A. westerdijkiae. The aim of this work was to evaluate in vitro the effect of a commercial starter culture used in sausage fermentation and four yeasts isolated from dry-cured sausage on these two OTA-producing fungi, both in terms of fungal growth and of OTA production, using different meat-based culture media as model systems. The mechanisms underlying the observed effect were also studied. For this purpose, C. krusei, C. zeylanoides, R. mucilaginosa, R. glutinis, a mix of these yeasts and the starter culture were co-inoculated with P. nordicum and A. westerdijkiae in industrial sausage, traditional sausage, and ham-based media, under conditions of water activity, salt concentration and temperature that mimic real conditions at beginning and end of sausage curing process. Fungal growth was determined by measuring colony diameter, and OTA production was quantified by HPLC-FLD after extraction with methanol. Yeasts where found to inhibit significantly the growth of both fungi. P. nordicum was unable to produce detectable OTA in both sausage-based media under any condition. In ham, yeasts reduced OTA production, while the starter culture significantly increased it. Unexpectedly, OTA production by A. westerdijkiae was significantly stimulated in all media tested by all microorganisms. Matrix has a significant effect on OTA production by P. nordicum, but not by A. westerdijkiae, for which only temperature showed to have effect. By testing the mechanisms of action by which starter culture and C. zeylanoides influenced fungal responses, we were able to determine that direct contact and simultaneous growth of test organisms were the mechanisms more significantly involved in the responses. In conclusion, ochratoxigenic fungi do not all respond to antagonistic microorganisms in the same way. The use of biocontrol agents with the intent of reducing fungal growth and mycotoxin production by one fungus can have unexpected effects on others, thus leading to unforeseen safety problems. Further experiments are recommended to properly understand the reasons behind the different effects of microorganisms, to ensure their safe as biocontrol agents.


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1981- : 21 x 28 cm.


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The 2014 Farm Bill created Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO), a new add-on crop insurance option which provides supplemental coverage on a producer’s underlying crop insurance policy. SCO operates by mimicking a producer’s individual crop insurance coverage and covering a portion of the deductible based on county-level yield or revenue. SCO is available in select Maryland counties for apples, barley, corn, grain sorghum, green peas, oats, peaches, processing beans, soybeans, sweet corn, and winter wheat, as of the 2017 crop year. USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) continues to expand covered counties and crops covered, and begin distinguishing by practices (such as irrigated compared to non-irrigated).


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Introduction: Studies on infant dietary intake do not generally focus on the types of liquids consumed. Objective: To document by age and breastfeeding status, the types of liquids present in the diet of Mexican children under 1 year of age (< 1 y) who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012 (ENSANUT-2012). Methods: Analysis of the infant < 1 y feeding practices from the ENSANUT-2012 survey in non-breastfed (non-BF) and breastfed (BF) infants by status quo for the consumption of liquids grouped in: water, formula, fortified LICONSA milk, nutritive liquids (NL; thin cereal-based gruel with water or milk and coffee with milk) and non-nutritive liquids (non-NL) as sugared water, water-based drinks, tea, beans or chicken broth, aguamiel and coffee. In this infants < 1 y we analyzed the not grouped consumption of liquids in the first three days of life (newborns) from the mother's recall. Percentage and confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated adjusting for survey design. Statistical differences were analyzed by Z test. Results: We observed a high consumption of human milk followed by formula (56.7%) and water (51.1%) in infants under 6 months of age (< 6 mo). The proportion of non-BF infants consuming non-NL was higher than for BF infants (p < 0.05). More than 60% of older infants (6 mo and < 1 y) consumed formula and were non-BF. In newborns formula consumption was predominant, followed by tea or infusion and water. Conclusions: Non-breast milk liquids are present undesirably in Mexican infants' diet and non-NL are consumed earlier than NL, revealing inadequate early dietary practices.


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En la búsqueda de tecnologías más limpias para el tratamiento de efluentes que contienen metales pesados se ha dirigido la atención hacia la biosorción. Este estudio permitió abordar el proceso de biosorción de 〖Cd〗^(+2)y 〖Pb〗^(+2) en efluentes mineros a través de la cáscara de cacao. Se determinó las características físico-químicas del biosorbente y el resultado obtenido fue: la cáscara de cacao tiene una superficie neutra, compuesta principalmente por grupos ésteres alifáticos; además se estudió los factores que afectan este proceso como son: pH, tamaño de partícula, tiempo de contacto, Temperatura, y la concentración inicial del metal. El pH óptimo para la biosorción de plomo es entre 4 y 5 y para el cadmio fue entre 5 y 6; con respecto al tiempo de contacto necesario para eliminar la mayor cantidad de iones metálicos fue de 10 minutos, siendo el resultado obtenido en la remoción tanto de cadmio como de plomo de 86,92% y 96,74% respectivamente. Se observó que la temperatura no afecta significativamente el proceso de biosorción como el pH y se determinó como óptima 25℃ ; también se analizó que la cáscara de cacao tiene mayor afinidad por el cadmio por tener un radio iónico más pequeño que el plomo permitiéndole alcanzar poros reducidos; además al aumentar la concentración, la eliminación de cadmio disminuyó y para el plomo aumentó pero no de forma significativa. Los datos experimentales de la biosorción de plomo y cadmio en cáscara de cacao, reproducen favorablemente el modelo cinético Pseudo Segundo Orden, con coeficientes de correlación (R^2) para 〖Pb〗^(+2) de 0,999 y 〖Cd〗^(+2) de 1. Finalmente en el estudio de equilibrio el modelo de Langmuir describe el proceso de adsorción para 〖Cd〗^(+2) y el modelo de Fleundlich se ajustó mejor a los datos experimentales para 〖Pb〗^(+2).


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Más de 12000 m3 de mucilago de cacao CCN-51 son producidos y abandonados en las fincas de cacao en el Ecuador cada año. El estudio tiene como objetivo caracterizar este residuo en la Zona 6. Las muestras se obtuvieron de 10 lugares dentro de la zona de estudio, las mismas que están geo referenciadas. Para el análisis se usó espectrofotometría UV-Visible para la identificación de azucares reductoras totales, y espectrofotometría de absorción atómica para identificar minerales. Además se determinó parámetros físicos. Los resultados de los análisis fueron los siguientes: pH 4.05±0.004, los sólidos solubles fue de 17.15±0.86 0Brix, la acidez Titulable fue 245.25±21.19 meq/L. Por otra parte las azucares reductoras totales fueron de 1228.82±178.52 g/L y los de calcio, sodio y potasio fueron de 169.21±31.04 mg/L, 161.85±40.41 mg/L, 462.9±49.96 mg/L respectivamente. Se analizó una muestra mediante espectroscopia de infrarrojo para identificar glucosa y sacarosa, los resultados de este análisis fueron 398 g/L, 800g/l, posteriormente se realizó un análisis t student con el resultado obtenido en espectrofotometría UV-Visible de las azucares reductoras totales, como resultado final se estableció que no existe diferencia significativa entre las dos técnicas instrumentales.


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The establishment of a specific Marker-Assisted Selection Facility at the Embrapa Rice and Beans Biotechnology Laboratory, in 2014, has better supported the routine analysis with molecular markers demanded by the Embrapa Common Bean Breeding Program. In addition, it has also supported other Embrapa plant breeding programs, such as rice and cotton.


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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume crop in the world, providing low-cost, high quality protein, minerals and dietary fiber for human nutrition. The crop was originated from diversity centers in America and exhibits adaptation abilities to different environmental conditions, including soil with low pH. Acid soils occupy 30% of the agro ecosystem areas in the world. In Madeira, acid Andosols and unsatured Cambisols are the dominant groups of soils. Generally, under acidic and infertile conditions, besides of H+ toxicity, soluble aluminium (Al) is the most important abiotic factor limiting plant development and crop productivity. In the field, the hidden roots are also affected and the reduction of root growth under Al stress can be clearly observed in early stages. Seedlings of fifty bean accessions from the Archipelago of Madeira were tested under controlled conditions in the presence of 50 mM Al at pH 4.4. In general, the tested germplasm appeared to be sensitive or very sensitive to Al toxicity. However, fifteen traditional cultivars clearly exhibited elevated Al-tolerance, with an average root relative elongation (RRE) exceeding 50%, while top six accessions surpassed the 60% RRE mark. The Madeira bean germplasm is a valuable resource for sustainable crop production in acid soils and it could be used as parental lines in breeding programs aimed for Al tolerance in common beans.


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The article analyses the viability of promoting crop-specific programs as a mean to improve smallholder net farm income and food security. The case study explores the relevance of European Union Stabilisation of Export Earnings (STABEX) funds in supporting Sierra Leone’s agricultural development agenda. By analysing the drivers of food security for a number of targeted smallholders in the two most important agricultural zones of Sierra Leone, it is possible to compare the suitability of crop-specific support (in rice, cocoa and coffee) versus general aid programs (public infrastructure, on and off farm diversification opportunities, sustainable practices, access to productive assets, etc.). The results indicate that crop diversification strategies are widespread and closely related to risk minimisation and enhanced food security among smallholders. Similarly, crop-specific programs mainly focusing on commercialisation tend to overlook important constraints associated to self-consumption and productivity.


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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume crop in the world, providing low-cost, high quality protein, minerals and dietary fiber for human nutrition. The crop was originated from diversity centers in America and exhibits adaptation abilities to different environmental conditions, including soil with low pH. Acid soils occupy 30% of the agro ecosystem areas in the world. In Madeira, acid Andosols and unsatured Cambisols are the dominant groups of soils. Generally, under acidic and infertile conditions, besides of H+ toxicity, soluble aluminium (Al) is the most important abiotic factor limiting plant development and crop productivity. In the field, the hidden roots are also affected and the reduction of root growth under Al stress can be clearly observed in early stages. Seedlings of fifty bean accessions from the Archipelago of Madeira were tested under controlled conditions in the presence of 50 mM Al at pH 4.4. In general, the tested germplasm appeared to be sensitive or very sensitive to Al toxicity. However, fifteen traditional cultivars clearly exhibited elevated Al-tolerance, with an average root relative elongation (RRE) exceeding 50%, while top six accessions surpassed the 60% RRE mark. The Madeira bean germplasm is a valuable resource for sustainable crop production in acid soils and it could be used as parental lines in breeding programs aimed for Al tolerance in common beans.


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En este trabajo se estima el efecto que tienen distintos choques a los hogares sobre el logro académico de los niños. Mediante un modelo de regresión lineal, se encuentra un efecto adverso de la presencia de choques sobre el puntaje de la prueba Saber 11. Además, los resultados sugieren que el trabajo infantil es un mecanismo por el cual los choques afectan negativamente la acumulación de capital humano. Al explorar efectos heterogéneos por sexo y edad, las estimaciones indican que el efecto de los choques es guiado por los hombres y los adolescentes mayores a 14 años.