1000 resultados para CHSE-214
The front end of innovation is regarded as one of the most important steps in building new software products or services, and the most significant benefits in software development can be achieved through improvements in the front end activities. Problems in the front end phase have an impact on customer dissatisfaction with delivered software, and on the effectiveness of the entire software development process. When these processes are improved, the likelihood of delivering high quality software and business success increases. This thesis highlights the challenges and problems related to the early phases of software development, and provides new methods and tools for improving performance in the front end activities of software development. The theoretical framework of this study comprises two fields of research. The first section belongs to the field of innovation management, and especially to the management of the early phases of the innovation process, i.e. the front end of innovation. The second section of the framework is closely linked to the processes of software engineering, especially to the early phases of the software development process, i.e. the practice of requirements engineering. Thus, this study extends the theoretical knowledge and discloses the differences and similarities in these two fields of research. In addition, this study opens up a new strand for academic discussion by connecting these research directions. Several qualitative business research methodologies have been utilized in the individual publications to solve the research questions. The theoretical and managerial contribution of the study can be divided into three areas: 1) processes and concepts, 2) challenges and development needs, and 3) means and methods for the front end activities of software development. First, the study discloses the difference and similarities between the concepts of the front end of innovation and requirements engineering, and proposes a new framework for managing the front end of the software innovation process, bringing business and innovation perspectives into software development. Furthermore, the study discloses managerial perceptions of the similarities and differences in the concept of the front end of innovation between the software industry and the traditional industrial sector. Second, the study highlights the challenges and development needs in the front end phase of software development, especially challenges in communication, such as linguistic problems, ineffective communication channels, a communication gap between users/customers and software developers, and participation of multiple persons in software development. Third, the study proposes new group methods for improving the front end activities of software development, especially customer need assessment, and the elicitation of software requirements.
Strategic development of distribution networks plays a key role in the asset management in electricity distribution companies. Owing to the capital-intensive nature of the field and longspan operations of companies, the significance of a strategy is emphasised. A well-devised strategy combines awareness of challenges posed by the operating environment and the future targets of the distribution company. Economic regulation, ageing infrastructure, scarcity of resources and tightening supply requirements with challenges created by the climate change put a pressure on the strategy work. On the other hand, technology development related to network automation and underground cabling assists in answering these challenges. This dissertation aims at developing process knowledge and establishing a methodological framework by which key issues related to network development can be addressed. Moreover, the work develops tools by which the effects of changes in the operating environment on the distribution business can be analysed in the strategy work. To this end, the work discusses certain characteristics of the distribution business and describes the strategy process at a principle level. Further, the work defines the subtasks in the strategy process and presents the key elements in the strategy work and long-term network planning. The work delineates the factors having either a direct or indirect effect on strategic planning and development needs in the networks; in particular, outage costs constitute an important part of the economic regulation of the distribution business, reliability being thus a key driver in network planning. The dissertation describes the methodology and tools applied to cost and reliability analyses in the strategy work. The work focuses on determination of the techno-economic feasibility of different network development technologies; these feasibility surveys are linked to the economic regulation model of the distribution business, in particular from the viewpoint of reliability of electricity supply and allowed return. The work introduces the asset management system developed for research purposes and to support the strategy work, the calculation elements of the system and initial data used in the network analysis. The key elements of this asset management system are utilised in the dissertation. Finally, the study addresses the stages of strategic decision-making and compilation of investment strategies. Further, the work illustrates implementation of strategic planning in an actual distribution company environment.
Stratospheric ozone can be measured accurately using a limb scatter remote sensing technique at the UV-visible spectral region of solar light. The advantages of this technique includes a good vertical resolution and a good daytime coverage of the measurements. In addition to ozone, UV-visible limb scatter measurements contain information about NO2, NO3, OClO, BrO and aerosols. There are currently several satellite instruments continuously scanning the atmosphere and measuring the UVvisible region of the spectrum, e.g., the Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imager System (OSIRIS) launched on the Odin satellite in February 2001, and the Scanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) launched on Envisat in March 2002. Envisat also carries the Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars (GOMOS) instrument, which also measures limb-scattered sunlight under bright limb occultation conditions. These conditions occur during daytime occultation measurements. The global coverage of the satellite measurements is far better than any other ozone measurement technique, but still the measurements are sparse in the spatial domain. Measurements are also repeated relatively rarely over a certain area, and the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere changes dynamically. Assimilation methods are therefore needed in order to combine the information of the measurements with the atmospheric model. In recent years, the focus of assimilation algorithm research has turned towards filtering methods. The traditional Extended Kalman filter (EKF) method takes into account not only the uncertainty of the measurements, but also the uncertainty of the evolution model of the system. However, the computational cost of full blown EKF increases rapidly as the number of the model parameters increases. Therefore the EKF method cannot be applied directly to the stratospheric ozone assimilation problem. The work in this thesis is devoted to the development of inversion methods for satellite instruments and the development of assimilation methods used with atmospheric models.
Cooling crystallization is one of the most important purification and separation techniques in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The product of the cooling crystallization process is always a suspension that contains both the mother liquor and the product crystals, and therefore the first process step following crystallization is usually solid-liquid separation. The properties of the produced crystals, such as their size and shape, can be affected by modifying the conditions during the crystallization process. The filtration characteristics of solid/liquid suspensions, on the other hand, are strongly influenced by the particle properties, as well as the properties of the liquid phase. It is thus obvious that the effect of the changes made to the crystallization parameters can also be seen in the course of the filtration process. Although the relationship between crystallization and filtration is widely recognized, the number of publications where these unit operations have been considered in the same context seems to be surprisingly small. This thesis explores the influence of different crystallization parameters in an unseeded batch cooling crystallization process on the external appearance of the product crystals and on the pressure filtration characteristics of the obtained product suspensions. Crystallization experiments are performed by crystallizing sulphathiazole (C9H9N3O2S2), which is a wellknown antibiotic agent, from different mixtures of water and n-propanol in an unseeded batch crystallizer. The different crystallization parameters that are studied are the composition of the solvent, the cooling rate during the crystallization experiments carried out by using a constant cooling rate throughout the whole batch, the cooling profile, as well as the mixing intensity during the batch. The obtained crystals are characterized by using an automated image analyzer and the crystals are separated from the solvent through constant pressure batch filtration experiments. Separation characteristics of the suspensions are described by means of average specific cake resistance and average filter cake porosity, and the compressibilities of the cakes are also determined. The results show that fairly large differences can be observed between the size and shape of the crystals, and it is also shown experimentally that the changes in the crystal size and shape have a direct impact on the pressure filtration characteristics of the crystal suspensions. The experimental results are utilized to create a procedure that can be used for estimating the filtration characteristics of solid-liquid suspensions according to the particle size and shape data obtained by image analysis. Multilinear partial least squares regression (N-PLS) models are created between the filtration parameters and the particle size and shape data, and the results presented in this thesis show that relatively obvious correlations can be detected with the obtained models.
Two spectrophotometric methods are described for the simultaneous determination of ezetimibe (EZE) and simvastatin (SIM) in pharmaceutical preparations. The obtained data was evaluated by using two different chemometric techniques, Principal Component Regression (PCR) and Partial Least-Squares (PLS-1). In these techniques, the concentration data matrix was prepared by using the mixtures containing these drugs in methanol. The absorbance data matrix corresponding to the concentration data matrix was obtained by the measurements of absorbances in the range of 240 - 300 nm in the intervals with Δλ = 1 nm at 61 wavelengths in their zero order spectra, then, calibration or regression was obtained by using the absorbance data matrix and concentration data matrix for the prediction of the unknown concentrations of EZE and SIM in their mixture. The procedure did not require any separation step. The linear range was found to be 5 - 20 µg mL-1 for EZE and SIM in both methods. The accuracy and precision of the methods were assessed. These methods were successfully applied to a pharmaceutical preparation, tablet; and the results were compared with each other.
Invocatio: D.O.D.
The aim of this work was to prepare and characterize spray-dried nanocapsule-coated microparticles obtained in one step, using indomethacin as a hydrophobic drug model and poly(e-caprolactone) or Eudragit® RS100, as polymers. Nanocapsule-coated microparticles showed micrometric mean sizes (10 - 15 µm) and a reduced surface area (75 - 85 m²g-1) compared to the raw material (214 m²g-1). Microparticles coated with Eudragit® RS100-nanocapsules showed a better control of the drug release. The release profiles fit to the monoexponetial model and to the Power Law. The mechanism of the indomethacin release from the microparticles is non-Fickian and depends on the particles desagglomeration.
1816/08/01 (Numéro 214).
Crude extract and fractions of Buddleja thyrsoides were investigated regarding antioxidant activities by DPPH, total phenolic contents by Folin-Ciocalteau and antimicrobial activity by the broth microdilution method. Total phenolics varied from 214.07 ± 3.6 to 438.4 ± 0.3 mg g-1. Crude extract, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane and butanolic fractions exhibited a weak scavenging activity (SC50=186.04 ± 10.8, 137.70 ± 8.5, 146.89 ± 9.0 and 165.71 ± 3.2 µg mL-1, respectively). A correlation between the antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents could be shown (r=0.857, p<0.01). The lowest value of MIC was observed with butanolic fraction against Saccharomyces cerevisiae (MIC and MFC at 62.5 µg mL-1). Dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions were effective against Staphylococcus aureus with MIC value at 250 and 500 µg mL-1 respectively.
Dedicatio: Zacharias Forsman, Eva Aurora Forsman, f. Estlander.
Suunnanmuutoksia -raporttiin on koottu hankkeen tuloksia sekä aiemmissa Etelä-Karjala-instituutin hankkeissa syntynyttä tietoa. Raportti on tiivis lukupaketti, joka sisältää seitsemän artikkelia maakunnan kannalta keskeisistä aiheista. Jokaisen ytimekkään artikkelin lopussa on toimenpide-ehdotuksia, jotka on laadittu aluekehitystä silmälläpitäen. Raportissa pohditaan kestävän rakennemuutoksen mahdollisuuksia, maakunnan identiteetin ja median suhdetta, Saimaata ja veden merkitystä, yliopiston asemaa maakunnassa, venäläisten maahanmuuttoa ja monikulttuurisuutta, matkailun kehittämistä sekä kulttuurin merkitystä maakunnan hyvinvoinnille. Etelä-Karjalassa on tehty paljon työtä hyvinvoinnin eteen ja kirjoitettu runsaasti erilaisia strategioita. Strategioiden toteuttajia ei tunnu kuitenkaan olevan tarpeeksi. Maakunta on ikään kuin odottavassa tilassa ja toivoo, että jostakin löytyisi veturi, joka tulisi vetämään maakuntaa eteenpäin. Suunnanmuutoksia -raportin kirjoittajat esittävät, että Etelä-Karjalan on aika siirtyä veturin odottamisesta malliin, jossa kaikki toimijat ottavat vastuuta oma-aloitteisina toimijoina. Luovuus ei synny siitä, että yksi vetää muita perässään kohti tiettyä päämäärää, vaan siitä, että kukin toimija ottaa vastuun omasta hyvinvoinnistaan ja kulkee luovasti sitä kohti. Suunnanmuutoksia -raportti päättyy toivomukseen maakunnallisesta flow-ilmiöstä, keskittymisen, osaamisen ja onnistumisen kautta saavutetusta onnellisuuden tunteesta. Sen alkua ja suuntaa on mahdoton ennustaa, mutta aika on kypsä entistä radikaaleimmille innovaatioille. Näiden tekeminen vaatii flowta; halua ja rohkeutta tavoitella jotakin sellaista, joka on arkipäiväisyyden yläpuolella. Raportti on suunnattu kaikille Etelä-Karjalan tulevaisuudesta ja kehittämisestä kiinnostuneille. Raportin kirjoittaneet Etelä-Karjala-instituutin tutkijat toivovat etenkin kuntien päättäjien ja aluekehittäjien ottavan sen työkalukseen.
The dissertation is based on four articles dealing with recalcitrant lignin water purification. Lignin, a complicated substance and recalcitrant to most treatment technologies, inhibits seriously pulp and paper industry waste management. Therefore, lignin is studied, using WO as a process method for its degradation. A special attention is paid to the improvement in biodegradability and the reduction of lignin content, since they have special importance for any following biological treatment. In most cases wet oxidation is not used as a complete ' mineralization method but as a pre treatment in order to eliminate toxic components and to reduce the high level of organics produced. The combination of wet oxidation with a biological treatment can be a good option due to its effectiveness and its relatively low technology cost. The literature part gives an overview of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). A hot oxidation process, wet oxidation (WO), is investigated in detail and is the AOP process used in the research. The background and main principles of wet oxidation, its industrial applications, the combination of wet oxidation with other water treatment technologies, principal reactions in WO, and key aspects of modelling and reaction kinetics are presented. There is also given a wood composition and lignin characterization (chemical composition, structure and origin), lignin containing waters, lignin degradation and reuse possibilities, and purification practices for lignin containing waters. The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of the operating conditions of WO, such as temperature, partial pressure of oxygen, pH and initial concentration of wastewater, on the efficiency, and to enhance the process and estimate optimal conditions for WO of recalcitrant lignin waters. Two different waters are studied (a lignin water model solution and debarking water from paper industry) to give as appropriate conditions as possible. Due to the great importance of re using and minimizing the residues of industries, further research is carried out using residual ash of an Estonian power plant as a catalyst in wet oxidation of lignin-containing water. Developing a kinetic model that includes in the prediction such parameters as TOC gives the opportunity to estimate the amount of emerging inorganic substances (degradation rate of waste) and not only the decrease of COD and BOD. The degradation target compound, lignin is included into the model through its COD value (CODligning). Such a kinetic model can be valuable in developing WO treatment processes for lignin containing waters, or other wastewaters containing one or more target compounds. In the first article, wet oxidation of "pure" lignin water was investigated as a model case with the aim of degrading lignin and enhancing water biodegradability. The experiments were performed at various temperatures (110 -190°C), partial oxygen pressures (0.5 -1.5 MPa) and pH (5, 9 and 12). The experiments showed that increasing the temperature notably improved the processes efficiency. 75% lignin reduction was detected at the lowest temperature tested and lignin removal improved to 100% at 190°C. The effect of temperature on the COD removal rate was lower, but clearly detectable. 53% of organics were oxidized at 190°C. The effect of pH occurred mostly on lignin removal. Increasing the pH enhanced the lignin removal efficiency from 60% to nearly 100%. A good biodegradability ratio (over 0.5) was generally achieved. The aim of the second article was to develop a mathematical model for "pure" lignin wet oxidation using lumped characteristics of water (COD, BOD, TOC) and lignin concentration. The model agreed well with the experimental data (R2 = 0.93 at pH 5 and 12) and concentration changes during wet oxidation followed adequately the experimental results. The model also showed correctly the trend of biodegradability (BOD/COD) changes. In the third article, the purpose of the research was to estimate optimal conditions for wet oxidation (WO) of debarking water from the paper industry. The WO experiments were' performed at various temperatures, partial oxygen pressures and pH. The experiments showed that lignin degradation and organics removal are affected remarkably by temperature and pH. 78-97% lignin reduction was detected at different WO conditions. Initial pH 12 caused faster removal of tannins/lignin content; but initial pH 5 was more effective for removal of total organics, represented by COD and TOC. Most of the decrease in organic substances concentrations occurred in the first 60 minutes. The aim of the fourth article was to compare the behaviour of two reaction kinetic models, based on experiments of wet oxidation of industrial debarking water under different conditions. The simpler model took into account only the changes in COD, BOD and TOC; the advanced model was similar to the model used in the second article. Comparing the results of the models, the second model was found to be more suitable for describing the kinetics of wet oxidation of debarking water. The significance of the reactions involved was compared on the basis of the model: for instance, lignin degraded first to other chemically oxidizable compounds rather than directly to biodegradable products. Catalytic wet oxidation of lignin containing waters is briefly presented at the end of the dissertation. Two completely different catalysts were used: a commercial Pt catalyst and waste power plant ash. CWO showed good performance using 1 g/L of residual ash gave lignin removal of 86% and COD removal of 39% at 150°C (a lower temperature and pressure than with WO). It was noted that the ash catalyst caused a remarkable removal rate for lignin degradation already during the pre heating for `zero' time, 58% of lignin was degraded. In general, wet oxidation is not recommended for use as a complete mineralization method, but as a pre treatment phase to eliminate toxic or difficultly biodegradable components and to reduce the high level of organics. Biological treatment is an appropriate post treatment method since easily biodegradable organic matter remains after the WO process. The combination of wet oxidation with subsequent biological treatment can be an effective option for the treatment of lignin containing waters.
Teknologian hallittu käyttö vanhuspalveluissa: opas teknologiapäätösten ja teknologian käytön tueksi
Demand forecasting is one of the fundamental managerial tasks. Most companies do not know their future demands, so they have to make plans based on demand forecasts. The literature offers many methods and approaches for producing forecasts. When selecting the forecasting approach, companies need to estimate the benefits provided by particular methods, as well as the resources that applying the methods call for. Former literature points out that even though many forecasting methods are available, selecting a suitable approach and implementing and managing it is a complex cross-functional matter. However, research that focuses on the managerial side of forecasting is relatively rare. This thesis explores the managerial problems that are involved when demand forecasting methods are applied in a context where a company produces products for other manufacturing companies. Industrial companies have some characteristics that differ from consumer companies, e.g. typically a lower number of customers and closer relationships with customers than in consumer companies. The research questions of this thesis are: 1. What kind of challenges are there in organizing an adequate forecasting process in the industrial context? 2. What kind of tools of analysis can be utilized to support the improvement of the forecasting process? The main methodological approach in this study is design science, where the main objective is to develop tentative solutions to real-life problems. The research data has been collected from two organizations. Managerial problems in organizing demand forecasting can be found in four interlinked areas: 1. defining the operational environment for forecasting, 2. defining the forecasting methods, 3. defining the organizational responsibilities, and 4. defining the forecasting performance measurement process. In all these areas, examples of managerial problems are described, and approaches for mitigating these problems are outlined.
Tutkimuksen aiheeksi valittiin pienten osakeyhtiöiden verosuunnittelu. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys perustui aiempaan laskentatoimen empiiriseen verotutkimukseen sekä laskentatoimen kontingenssiteoreettiseen pk-yritystutkimukseen. Tutkimusaineistoa kerättiin kyselytutkimuksella sekä tilinpaatostietokannasta Voitto+. Kyselytutkimukseen valittiin satunnaisotannalla osakeyhtiötä Etelä Suomen läänistä, joiden liikevaihto oli välillä 1 10 milj. euroa. Kyselytutkimukseen vastasi 216 yritystä, jolloin vastausprosentiksi saatiin 21,3. Kerättyä tutkimusaineistoa analysoitiin kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Pääasiallisina analysointimenetelminä käytettiin pääkomponentti-, klusteri- ja regressioanalyysiä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteeksi asetettiin kokonaiskuvan muodostaminen pienten osakeyhtiöiden verosuunnittelusta, verosuunnittelun asemointi osaksi yrityksen taloushallintoa sekä yritysten erilaisia verosuunnittelustrategioita selittävien tekijöiden tunnistaminen. Tutkimusaineistosta kyettiin tunnistamaan pääkomponenttianalyysillä neljä erilaista verosuunnitteluorientaatiota: valistunut, resursseja panostava, veroa minimoiva sekä vastuuta ulkoistava. Verosuunnitteluorientaatioita kuvaavien muuttujien avulla yritykset jaettiin klusterianalyysilla neljään ryhmään. Yritykset nimettiin ryhmien luonteidensa mukaisesti verosuunnittelun osalta vastuun ulkoistajiksi, veron minimoijiksi, veroneutraaleiksi sekä valistuneiksi. Verosuunnitteluvastuuta ulkoistavien yritysten ryhmään kuului n. 57 % kyselyyn vastanneista yrityksistä. Tulos osoittaa sen, että yritykset ovat verosuunnittelun osalta paljolti riippuvaisia taloushallinnon sidosryhmistä, tilitoimistoista sekä tilintarkastajista. Tulosta voidaan tulkita myös niin, että taloushallinnon sidosryhmien ammattitaito verosuunnittelun osalta on keskeisessä roolissa, kun arvioidaan, miten yritysten välinen tasapuolisuus verotuksen osalta käytännössä toteutuu. Yritysten erilaisia verosuunnitteluorientaatioita, jotka kuvasivat yritysten verosuunnittelustrategioita, ei kyetty kvantitatiivisilla analyyseilla selittämään samoilla muuttujilla kuin yritysten erilaisia johdon laskentatoimen käytänteitä. Tätä havaintoa tulkittiin siten, että vaikka verosuunnittelu on selkeästi osa yrityksen taloushallintoa, sen asema ei ole johdon laskentatoimen käytänteiden tavoin taloushallinnon ytimessä. Tutkimuksessa kyettiin tuottamaan tuloksia, jotka kontribuoivat aiempia laskentatoimen empiirisiä verotutkimuksia, ja joilla on uutuusarvoa käytännön toimijoiden näkökulmasta.