912 resultados para Business Administration, Management|Information Science|Engineering, System Science


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Heart disease is one of the main factor causing death in the developed countries. Over several decades, variety of electronic and computer technology have been developed to assist clinical practices for cardiac performance monitoring and heart disease diagnosis. Among these methods, Ballistocardiography (BCG) has an interesting feature that no electrodes are needed to be attached to the body during the measurement. Thus, it is provides a potential application to asses the patients heart condition in the home. In this paper, a comparison is made for two neural networks based BCG signal classification models. One system uses a principal component analysis (PCA) method, and the other a discrete wavelet transform, to reduce the input dimensionality. It is indicated that the combined wavelet transform and neural network has a more reliable performance than the combined PCA and neural network system. Moreover, the wavelet transform requires no prior knowledge of the statistical distribution of data samples and the computation complexity and training time are reduced.


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Synthetic Geology Information System(SGIS) is a part of the theory of Engineering Geomechanics-mate-Synthetics(EGMS), is also a development of its technical methodology. SGIS includes ways of geology engineering investigation, design, and construction. Although SGIS has an integrate theory frame, and some parts of it have gained great progress, the completion of SGIS is a continuous and accumulative process. This paper analyses the ways and principle of building knowledge database and model database, summarizes the experts' experience on exploration methods selection and the characters of exploration models, combining with the application of Decision Support System(DSS) in Decision support of Synthetic Exploration Methods for Railway engineering Geology. By the analysis of hierarchy structure of the model database, the effects of geology engineering factors on the selection of exploration methods are expressed. By the usage of fuzzy patterns recognize, hierarchy structure analysis, fuzzy collection closement analysis etc, the software of DSS for engineering design and construction are developed. At same time, by the development of Monitoring Data Analysis System and experiment data management system of Hydro-power project, this paper discussed the data management of science experiment of Hydro-power project by the usage of synthetic database and the usage of Geography Information System(GIS) and DSS technics. The technic of visual operation of data process and project monitoring system are presented. The intelligence algorithm of self-adoption is carried out to improve the data process and analysis of monitoring. Items of the project theoretical analysis and data process are designed in detail. All the theory and technical methods presented in this paper are one part of SGIS, in which the application of DSS and GIS, is an important step of the progress and completion of SGIS.


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A 5-minute clip from a 1975 video on Bath University Library has been incorporated as slide 21 of this PowerPoint. The video was produced by the author to show library and information science students details of a library with a computer-based cataloguing and circulation system. To make sure that the video clip functions correctly within the presentation, please make sure that you have downloaded both the presentation (.ppt file) and the video (.wmv file) into the same directory. To activate the video move the cursor to the middle of Slide 21 (i.e. the screen that says Bath University) and then click the mouse.


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This paper presents a techno-economic assessment for a unique Isolated Hybrid Power System (IHPS) design for remote areas isolated from the grid which also has the capability of being operated as a smart μ-grid. The share of renewable energy sources in resource poor developing countries is low. In these countries an increase in the share of alternative energy (wind, water and sun) delivered with inexpensive operationally robust generation and delivery systems is seen to the way forward. In our design also incorporates a novel storage system to increase the effectiveness of the Isolated IHPSs previously reported in the literature. The configuration reported is a system consisting of, the wind and sun powered generation complemented with batteries, fuel cell unit and a diesel generator. The modelling design and simulations were based on Simulations conducted using MATLAB/SIMULINK, and HOMER Energy Planning and Design software tools. The design and simulation of a new storage approach incorporating Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) fuel cell (increasing the efficiency of the fuel cell from 35% to 65%) and a single board computer (Raspberry Pi) used for the energy management and control the system are the novel features of our design. The novel control strategy implemented also includes a synchronization capability that facilitates IHPS to IHPS or IHPS to Main-Grid connection. In the paper after briefly but comprehensively detailing the design and simulations we will present the results on which we conclude that smart independent systems that can utilize indigenous renewable energy with a capability of being able to synchronize with the grid or each other are the most optimal way of electrifying resource poor developing countries in a sustainable way with minimum impact on the environment and also achieve reductions in Green House Gases.


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The television and film industries are used to working on large projects. These projects use media and documents of various types, ranging from actual film and videotape to items such as PERT charts for project planning. Some items, such as scripts, evolve over a period and go through many versions. It is often necessary to attach information to these “objects” in order to manage, track, and retrieve them. On large productions there may be hundreds of personnel who need access to this material and who in their turn generate new items which form some part of the final production. The requirements for this industry in terms of an information system may be generalized and a distributed software architecture built, primarily using the internet, to serve the needs of these projects. This architecture must enable potentially very large collections of objects to be managed in a secure environment with distributed responsibilities held by many working on the production. Copyright © 2005 by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Inc.


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The reverse engineering of a skeleton based programming environment and redesign to distribute management activities of the system and thereby remove a potential single point of failure is considered. The Ore notation is used to facilitate abstraction of the design and analysis of its properties. It is argued that Ore is particularly suited to this role as this type of management is essentially an orchestration activity. The Ore specification of the original version of the system is modified via a series of semi-formally justified derivation steps to obtain a specification of the decentralized management version which is then used as a basis for its implementation. Analysis of the two specifications allows qualitative prediction of the expected performance of the derived version with respect to the original, and this prediction is borne out in practice.


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Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit handelt es sich um eine überarbeitete Version einer Hausarbeit im Modul Research Management im Masterstudiengang Unternehmensentwicklung im Sommersemester 2014 bei Prof. Dr. Sven Litzcke. In der Arbeit wird untersucht, ob die oftmals vorherrschende Meinung zutrifft, dass Studierende wirtschaftsorientierter Studiengänge ihre Studiengangwahl aufgrund der positiven Karriere- und Verdienstmöglichkeiten und unter Vernachlässigung ihrer persönlichen Neigungen und Interessen getroffen haben. Mittels eines Fragebogens werden die Ausprägungen der Motivationsformen extrinsische und intrinsische Motivation von Studierenden der Fakultät IV Wirtschaft und Informatik der Hochschule Hannover gemessen. Da Studierenden von künstlerischen und kreativen Studiengängen dieses Verhalten nicht unterstellt wird, werden Studierende der Fakultät III Medien, Information und Design der Hochschule Hannover als Vergleichsgruppe herangezogen. Die Untersuchung orientiert sich an der Hypothese, dass die extrinsische Motivation von Studierenden der Fakultät IV der Hochschule Hannover in Bezug auf ihr Studium stärker ausgeprägt ist als die von Studierenden an der Fakultät III der Hochschule Hannover. Da vermutet wird, dass die Fakultät IV der Hochschule Hannover nicht aus einer homogenen Gruppe besteht, untersucht diese Arbeit zudem die Hypothese, dass die extrinsische Motivation von Studierenden im Studiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Bezug auf ihr Studium stärker ausgeprägt ist, als die von Studierenden der Angewandten Informatik. Die Auswertung von 312 Fragebögen hat beide Hypothesen bestätigt. Studierende der Fakultät III sind weniger extrinsisch und stärker intrinsisch motiviert als Studierende der Fakultät IV. Zudem sind Studierende der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Hochschule Hannover stärker extrinsisch motiviert als Studierende der Angewandten Informatik an der Hochschule Hannover.


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The paper presents a study on business micro-location behaviour as well as corresponding factors of influence, conducted in two metropolitan areas, Bucharest-Ilfov (Romania) and Greater Porto (Portugal). By business micro-location we refer to a specific site such as a building or facility, accommodating a business within a small, compact geographical area (e.g. metropolitan area). At this geographical scale, the macroeconomic layer factors were excluded, applicable when discern between regions or countries. The factors derived from location theory and previous empirical studies were surveyed, completing a cross-sectional analysis in order to find out the specific weights of the location factors and preferences, by region and by industry. Based on already established firms’ feedback on location, the specific weights were granted by each industry to the main location factors, types of areas, and types of accommodation facilities. The authors also suggested a model to integrate these results into a Geographical Information System (GIS).


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Ce mémoire présente les recherches et réflexions entourant la conception d’une application à base d’ontologie dédiée au e-recrutement dans le domaine des services de dotation de personnel en technologies de l’information à l’ère du Web Social. Cette application, nommée Combine, vise essentiellement à optimiser et enrichir la Communication Médiée par Ordinateur (CMO) des acteurs du domaine et utilise des concepts issus du paradigme technologique émergent qu’est le Web sémantique. Encore très peu discuté dans une perspective CMO, le présent mémoire se propose donc d’examiner les enjeux communicationnels relatifs à ce nouveau paradigme. Il présente ses principaux concepts, dont la notion d’ontologie qui implique la modélisation formelle de connaissances, et expose le cas de développement de Combine. Il décrit comment cette application fut développée, de l’analyse des besoins à l’évaluation du prototype par les utilisateurs ciblés, tout en révélant les préoccupations, les contraintes et les opportunités rencontrées en cours de route. Au terme de cet examen, le mémoire tend à évaluer de manière critique le potentiel de Combine à optimiser la CMO du domaine d’activité ciblé. Le mémoire dresse au final un portrait plutôt favorable quant à la perception positive des acteurs du domaine d’utiliser un tel type d’application, et aussi quant aux nets bénéfices en frais d’Interactions Humain-Ordinateur (IHO) qu’elle fait miroiter. Il avertit toutefois d’une certaine exacerbation du problème dit « d’engagement ontologique » à considérer lors de la construction d’ontologies modélisant des objets sociaux tels que ceux dont le monde du recrutement est peuplé.


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En la actualidad, el uso de las tecnologías ha sido primordial para el avance de las sociedades, estas han permitido que personas sin conocimientos informáticos o usuarios llamados “no expertos” se interesen en su uso, razón por la cual los investigadores científicos se han visto en la necesidad de producir estudios que permitan la adaptación de sistemas, a la problemática existente dentro del ámbito informático. Una necesidad recurrente de todo usuario de un sistema es la gestión de la información, la cual se puede administrar por medio de una base de datos y lenguaje específico, como lo es el SQL (Structured Query Language), pero esto obliga al usuario sin conocimientos a acudir a un especialista para su diseño y construcción, lo cual se ve reflejado en costos y métodos complejos, entonces se plantea una pregunta ¿qué hacer cuando los proyectos son pequeñas y los recursos y procesos son limitados? Teniendo como base la investigación realizada por la universidad de Washington[39], donde sintetizan sentencias SQL a partir de ejemplos de entrada y salida, se pretende con esta memoria automatizar el proceso y aplicar una técnica diferente de aprendizaje, para lo cual utiliza una aproximación evolucionista, donde la aplicación de un algoritmo genético adaptado origina sentencias SQL válidas que responden a las condiciones establecidas por los ejemplos de entrada y salida dados por el usuario. Se obtuvo como resultado de la aproximación, una herramienta denominada EvoSQL que fue validada en este estudio. Sobre los 28 ejercicios empleados por la investigación [39], 23 de los cuales se obtuvieron resultados perfectos y 5 ejercicios sin éxito, esto representa un 82.1% de efectividad. Esta efectividad es superior en un 10.7% al establecido por la herramienta desarrollada en [39] SQLSynthesizer y 75% más alto que la herramienta siguiente más próxima Query by Output QBO[31]. El promedio obtenido en la ejecución de cada ejercicio fue de 3 minutos y 11 segundos, este tiempo es superior al establecido por SQLSynthesizer; sin embargo, en la medida un algoritmo genético supone la existencia de fases que amplían los rangos de tiempos, por lo cual el tiempo obtenido es aceptable con relación a las aplicaciones de este tipo. En conclusión y según lo anteriormente expuesto, se obtuvo una herramienta automática con una aproximación evolucionista, con buenos resultados y un proceso simple para el usuario “no experto”.


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The goal of this work was developing a query processing system using software agents. Open Agent Architecture framework is used for system development. The system supports queries in both Hindi and Malayalam; two prominent regional languages of India. Natural language processing techniques are used for meaning extraction from the plain query and information from database is given back to the user in his native language. The system architecture is designed in a structured way that it can be adapted to other regional languages of India. . This system can be effectively used in application areas like e-governance, agriculture, rural health, education, national resource planning, disaster management, information kiosks etc where people from all walks of life are involved.


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Traffic Management system (TMS) comprises four major sub systems: The Network Database Management system for information to the passengers, Transit Facility Management System for service, planning, and scheduling vehicle and crews, Congestion Management System for traffic forecasting and planning, Safety Management System concerned with safety aspects of passengers and Environment. This work has opened a rather wide frame work of model structures for application on traffic. The facets of these theories are so wide that it seems impossible to present all necessary models in this work. However it could be deduced from the study that the best Traffic Management System is that whichis realistic in all aspects is easy to understand is easy to apply As it is practically difficult to device an ideal fool—proof model, the attempt here has been to make some progress-in that direction.


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Kerala was the pioneer in modern seafood processing and exporting. But now the industry is Iacingalot of problems due to low productivity and deterioration in the quality of the products. only about 17% of the installed freezing capacity in sea food processing industry was reported to be utilised during 1979-80. The price of the export commodities its decided by the buyers based on international supply and demand pattern and based on the strength and weakness of dollar/yen. The only way to increase the profitability of the processors is to reduce the cost of production to the possible extent. The individual processors find it difficult to continue in this field due to low productivity and quality problems. The main objectives of the research are to find out how the production is being managed in the seafood processing(freezing) 17industry in Kerala and the reasons for low productivity and poor quality of the products. The study includes a detailed analysis of Location of the factories. Layout Purchase, production and storage patterns. Production planning and scheduling. Work Measurement of the processing of important products. Quality Control and Inspection. Management Information System


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The library professional in an academic institution has to anticipate the changing expectations of the users, and be flexible in adopting new skills and levels of awareness. Technology has drastically changed the way librarians define themselves and the way they think about their profession and the institutions they serve. In addition to the technical and professional skills, commitment to user centred services and skills for effective oral and written communication; they must have other skills, including business and management, teaching, leadership, etc. Eventually, library and information professionals in academic libraries need to update their knowledge and skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as they play the role of key success factor in enabling the library to perform its role as an information support system for the society.


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Web services from different partners can be combined to applications that realize a more complex business goal. Such applications built as Web service compositions define how interactions between Web services take place in order to implement the business logic. Web service compositions not only have to provide the desired functionality but also have to comply with certain Quality of Service (QoS) levels. Maximizing the users' satisfaction, also reflected as Quality of Experience (QoE), is a primary goal to be achieved in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Unfortunately, in a dynamic environment like SOA unforeseen situations might appear like services not being available or not responding in the desired time frame. In such situations, appropriate actions need to be triggered in order to avoid the violation of QoS and QoE constraints. In this thesis, proper solutions are developed to manage Web services and Web service compositions with regard to QoS and QoE requirements. The Business Process Rules Language (BPRules) was developed to manage Web service compositions when undesired QoS or QoE values are detected. BPRules provides a rich set of management actions that may be triggered for controlling the service composition and for improving its quality behavior. Regarding the quality properties, BPRules allows to distinguish between the QoS values as they are promised by the service providers, QoE values that were assigned by end-users, the monitored QoS as measured by our BPR framework, and the predicted QoS and QoE values. BPRules facilitates the specification of certain user groups characterized by different context properties and allows triggering a personalized, context-aware service selection tailored for the specified user groups. In a service market where a multitude of services with the same functionality and different quality values are available, the right services need to be selected for realizing the service composition. We developed new and efficient heuristic algorithms that are applied to choose high quality services for the composition. BPRules offers the possibility to integrate multiple service selection algorithms. The selection algorithms are applicable also for non-linear objective functions and constraints. The BPR framework includes new approaches for context-aware service selection and quality property predictions. We consider the location information of users and services as context dimension for the prediction of response time and throughput. The BPR framework combines all new features and contributions to a comprehensive management solution. Furthermore, it facilitates flexible monitoring of QoS properties without having to modify the description of the service composition. We show how the different modules of the BPR framework work together in order to execute the management rules. We evaluate how our selection algorithms outperform a genetic algorithm from related research. The evaluation reveals how context data can be used for a personalized prediction of response time and throughput.