981 resultados para Burn, Ian


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This study evaluates the effects of environmental variables on traditional and alternative agroecosystems in three Ejidos (communal lands) in the Chiapas rainforest in Mexico. The tests occurred within two seasonal agricultural cycles. In spring-summer, experiments were performed with the traditional slash, fell and burn (S-F-B) system, no-burn systems and rotating systems with Mucuna deeringiana Bort., and in the autumn-winter agricultural cycle, three no-burn systems were compared to evaluate the effect of alternative sowing with corn (no-burn and topological modification of sowing). The results show a high floristic diversity in the study area (S_S = 4 - 23%), with no significant differences among the systems evaluated. In the first cycle, the analysis of the agronomical variables of the corn indicated better properties in the fallowing systems, with an average yield of 1950 kg ha^‑1, but there was variation related to the number of years left fallow. In the second cycle, the yields were positive for the alternative technology (average yield 3100 kg ha^‑1). The traditional S-F-B systems had reduced pests and increased organic matter and soil phosphorous content. These results are the consequence of fallow periods and adaptation to the environment; thus, this practice in the Chiapas rainforest constitutes an ethnocultural reality, which is unlikely to change in the near future if the agrosystems are managed based on historical principles.


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Short summary: This study was undertaken to assess the diversity of plant resources utilized by the local population in south-western Madagascar, the social, ecological and biophysical conditions that drive their uses and availability, and possible alternative strategies for their sustainable use in the region. The study region, ‘Mahafaly region’, located in south-western Madagascar, is one of the country’s most economically, educationally and climatically disadvantaged regions. With an arid steppe climate, the agricultural production is limited by low water availability and a low level of soil nutrients and soil organic carbon. The region comprises the recently extended Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, with numerous sacred and communities forests, which are threatened by slash and burn agriculture and overexploitation of forests resources. The present study analyzed the availability of wild yams and medicinal plants, and their importance for the livelihood of the local population in this region. An ethnobotanical survey was conducted recording the diversity, local knowledge and use of wild yams and medicinal plants utilized by the local communities in five villages in the Mahafaly region. 250 households were randomly selected followed by semi-structured interviews on the socio-economic characteristics of the households. Data allowed us to characterize sociocultural and socioeconomic factors that determine the local use of wild yams and medicinal plants, and to identify their role in the livelihoods of local people. Species-environment relationships and the current spatial distribution of the wild yams were investigated and predicted using ordination methods and a niche based habitat modelling approach. Species response curves along edaphic gradients allowed us to understand the species requirements on habitat conditions. We thus investigated various alternative methods to enhance the wild yam regeneration for their local conservation and their sustainable use in the Mahafaly region. Altogether, six species of wild yams and a total of 214 medicinal plants species from 68 families and 163 genera were identified in the study region. Results of the cluster and discriminant analysis indicated a clear pattern on resource, resulted in two groups of household and characterized by differences in livestock numbers, off-farm activities, agricultural land and harvests. A generalized linear model highlighted that economic factors significantly affect the collection intensity of wild yams, while the use of medicinal plants depends to a higher degree on socio-cultural factors. The gradient analysis on the distribution of the wild yam species revealed a clear pattern for species habitats. Species models based on NPMR (Nonparametric Multiplicative Regression analysis) indicated the importance of vegetation structure, human interventions, and soil characteristics to determine wild yam species distribution. The prediction of the current availability of wild yam resources showed that abundant wild yam resources are scarce and face high harvest intensity. Experiments on yams cultivation revealed that germination of seeds was enhanced by using pre-germination treatments before planting, vegetative regeneration performed better with the upper part of the tubers (corms) rather than the sets of tubers. In-situ regeneration was possible for the upper parts of the wild tubers but the success depended significantly on the type of soil. The use of manure (10-20 t ha¹) increased the yield of the D. alata and D. alatipes by 40%. We thus suggest the promotion of other cultivated varieties of D. alata found regions neighbouring as the Mahafaly Plateau.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Participante en la convocatoria: Premios de buenas pr??cticas en materia de convivencia, Gobierno de Arag??n 2009-10


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En l’actualitat el burnout o síndrome de cremar-se per la feina és considerat un risc emergent als països occidentals essent el col·lectiu docent un dels més afectats. L’espai europeu d’educació superior proposa un nou rol pel professor que haurà de ser compaginat amb la gestió, la recerca i la transferència de coneixement. En la present recerca s’analitza el nivell de burnout en una mostra formada per 42 docents (mitjana d’edat: 37,21 anys; D.T.: 8,98; 70,8% dones) del departament de Psicologia de la Universitat de Girona. El burnout s’ha avaluat amb el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) així com amb un qüestionari d’elaboració pròpia que recull variables sociodemogràfiques, característiques del tipus de treball i de l’ús del temps lliure, el locus de control i el burnout percebut. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen valors mitjans en les puntuacions de les dimensions Cansament Emocional i Despersonalització, i valors elevats en Realització Personal. El 20,5% dels docents es percep cremat per la feina


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Depending on the various models explaining the burnout syndrome, different questionnaires have been developed to asses this topic, the most widely-used is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Moreover, in trying to asses this syndrome in a faster and more practical way, several authors have developed other instruments with fewer items. The present investigation aims: 1. Study the prevalence of burnout syndrome perceived using a simple measure of self-reported burnout, and to analyse its association with the scales of MBI. 2. Study demographic and work conditions associated with the perceived burnout. 3. Relate the burnout to personal and work evaluations. The sample consist of 6150 health professionals in Latin America (mainly from Argentina but with representation from Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, Guatemala and Spain, among others. The mean age of the sample was 42.4 years, 52.7% were males. They were supplied with an online questionnaire through the health web page ”Intramed” in order to measure characteristics, perceptions and professional opinions. The MBI and a simple question to assess perceptions of burnout (Do you feel burnt out ?) was also included. The results indicated that 36.3% of the sample has the perception of “burnt out” or burnout . The perceived burnout is closely related to emotional exhaustion and is independent of depersonalisation. The burnout is associated with the perceived sense of personal and family deterioration due to working conditions, and the idea of abandoning the profession


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Introducción: la fotoprotección constituye las actividades preventivas que minimizan los efectos deletéreos de la exposición solar; estos comportamientos de salud pueden estar relacionados con actitudes y conocimientos adquiridos. Objetivo: Identificar estas asociaciones en Estudiantes de Medicina de la Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad del Rosario, quienes se encargarán de transmitir educación y ejemplo de comportamiento en su contexto personal y profesional. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal. Se implementó una encuesta voluntaria por correo institucional y físicamente entre estudiantes de 1-8 semestre matriculados en el segundo semestre de 2009; n= 122 estudiantes, la mayoría menores de 20 años y de género femenino; factores de estudio analizados: biológico – demográficos, informador, actitudes, conocimientos, personas modelo y comportamiento, expresados en frecuencias, analizados con pruebas y fuerzas de asociación con intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados: factores asociados a fotoprotección: ser de 1-4 semestre (p=0,008), ser =19 años (p=0,028), reconocer como consecuencias las alteraciones en los ojos y la visión (p=0,043) y las alteraciones producidas en el sistema inmune (p=0,021), uso de la pareja de ropa protectora (p=0,019), permanencia de un amigo a la sombra (p=0,055), conocimiento de la posibilidad de quemadura independiente al clima (p=0,001) y conocimiento de la posibilidad de quemadura sin sentir los rayos calientes del sol (p=0,049). Conclusiones: es posible reforzar comportamientos preventivos, favorecer el seguimiento de modelos positivos afines a los jóvenes, incrementar el conocimiento en salud y afirmar la educación primaria en salud desde la Medicina General y mejorar así la fotoprotección.


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Lecture notes for MATH2009, Vector Calculus and Applications (discontinued after 2007?). These are based on the notes of Bob Craine, typed up by Ian Hawke.


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MATH2009, Vector Calculus and Applications. The lecture course was discontinued after 2007/8 (?); these notes are from the year before. Based on Bob Craine's notes as typed up by Ian Hawke. Note that they are not complete as they were principally for my own use.


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A combination of perl scripts and LaTeX files, this generates multiple multiple choice class tests from a single set of questions. You input a list of questions and answers into a text file. The script then produces any number of class tests that can be used, together with master answer sheets, by scrambling the order of the questions and the answers. Includes a detailed README file, but best just to try it and see.


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Course notes for the Numerical Methods course (joint MATH3018 and MATH6111). Originally by Giampaolo d'Alessandro, modified by Ian Hawke. These contain only minimal examples and are distributed as is; examples are given in the lectures.


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These are the slides used in the joint lectures for MATH3018/MATH6111. They focus on the examples that do not appear in the course notes (see related material). Each lecture comes with example Matlab files that generate the figures used in the lectures.


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Introducción: Estudios de depilación láser (DL) con seguimientos a largo plazo son limitados. Resultados en reducción del pelo oscilan entre 60-80% en la literatura disponible. Metodología: En una Cohorte Histórica analizamos resultados en 123 áreas de 57 pacientes con seguimientos mayores a 1 año contemplando características del paciente y tratamiento. Resultados: 123 áreas de 57 pacientes femeninas entre 17 y 61 años, FitzPatrick II-IV, color de pelo castaño claro/oscuro y negros, tuvieron seguimientos mayores a 12 meses; El promedio de seguimiento superó los 2 años (29.6±20.3 meses). El promedio de sesiones fue 17.0±9.0 en su mayoría con Alexandrita (79.7%).El promedio de reducción fue 87.6±13%. El 61% de las áreas presentaron más del 90% de reducción (p<0.049). No hubo diferencia significativa entre porcentajes de reducción y características del paciente. La densidad de energía (Kj/cm2) presento diferencia estadísticamente significativa, (cara p<0.01, miembros inferiores p<0.05); así como el mayor número de sesiones (p<0.039). El resultado en la sesión 6, 12, 18 y 24, comparado con la reducción final mostró mayor similitud a partir de la sesión 18 en todas las áreas excepto en cara, La complicación más frecuente fue la quemadura superficial con Alexandrita, al menos en una ocasión en 32 de 57 pacientes. Discusión: Este estudio descriptivo mostro que la DL ofrece altas reducciones de pelo que se mantienen por periodos mayores a 2 años, asociadas con número de sesiones y densidad de potencia. En cara se obtuvieron altos resultados con mayor número de sesiones, superiores a lo reportados en la literatura.


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A partir del año 2000 las relaciones entre la República de Cuba y la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela están constituidas sobre una fuerte base ideologica (socialismo)y una dinamica economica dirigida al desarrollo y al progreso de cada nacion mediante las ventajas cooperativas. Lo anterior evidencia a la region y al mundo un alto interes por cambiar el actual orden mundial. En efecto una relacion muy criticada, preocupada por problemas reales pero dispuesta a solucionarlos de manera general. Investigacion analizada a la luz del Realismo Subalterno de Mohammed Ayoob.


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The MATH2038 (Partial Differential Equations) course, as given in semester 2 2008/9. Syllabus has changed slightly from previous years, as has coursework weighting.