988 resultados para Blessington, Marguerite, Countess of, 1789-1849.
Convention Book. Contains the minutes and transactions of the Philadelphia Convention, 1790 to 1807.
Eleven-page notebook containing John Winthrop's handwritten observations and calculations. Titled by Winthrop "Observations of 'Spots' on ye Sun with ye Naked Eye," this is the first known record of his scientific observations and records what he saw while examining the sun "with an 8 foot telescope from 6 a.m. til sun set" on the Boston Commons and concluding with "a considerable aurora borealis" that night (April 20, 1739). It has been speculated that his reference to the aurora borealis in these observations may indicate that he recognized the interrelation of the aurora borealis and sun spots, a concept which was not definitively established until the mid-nineteenth century.
Small printed daily pocket journal repurposed by both John and Hannah between 1766 and 1779 to record household accounts including livestock pasturing, income received, and payments to servants, merchants, and tradesmen for food, livestock, clothing, linen, etc. Many of the pages are unused. The January-April pages contain account records from 1766-1779, one page in June has a few accounting notes from September 1779, the rest of June-November is empty, and three books are listed on a November page. The last three calendar pages contain lists of books in Hannah's handwriting dated 1773 and August 1768.
Four printed quarter bills for Stephen Moody (Harvard AB 1790) with sizing and punishment totals, each signed by Steward Caleb Gannett.
Four printed quarter bills for Nathaniel Thayer (Harvard AB 1789) with sizing and punishment totals, signed by Steward Caleb Gannett.
This subseries contains one short handwritten list of dishware, cutlery, and a set of money scales and weights brought to Harvard College by Loammi Baldwin on September 16, 1799.
A handwritten list of forensic and syllogistic questions compiled between 1789 and 1791 on two pages, and a half-page list of the questions for June 1800.
Handwritten draft of an exhibition program with the names of the student orators from the Harvard Classes of 1825 and 1826.
List of the student names from the Harvard Classes of 1828 and 1829 performing in the April 29, 1828 exhibition.