938 resultados para Biogeochemistry|Analytical chemistry|Environmental science
Scots pine seedlings colonized by ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi from natural soil inoculum were exposed to a range of Cd or Zn concentrations to investigate the effects of metals on ECM fungi-Scots pine associations in a realistic soil environment. Experiments focused on the relationship between the sensitivity of ECM fungi and their host plants, the influence of metals on ECM community dynamics on Scots pine roots, and the effects of metal exposure on ECM colonization from soil-borne propagules. Ectomycorrhizal colonization was inhibited by Cd and Zn, with a decrease in the proportion of ECM-colonized root tips. Shoot and root biomass, total root length, and total root-tip density, however, were unaffected by Cd or Zn. A decrease in the diversity of ECM morphotypes also occurred, which could have a negative effect on tree vigor. Overall, colonization by ECM fungi was more sensitive than seedling growth to Cd and Zn, and this could have serious implications for successful tree establishment on metal-contaminated soils.
The effect of increasing concentrations (65, 130, 325, 1,300, and 3,250 μg/g soil dry weight) of 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB) on the microbial biomass, metabolic potential, and diversity of culturable bacteria was investigated using soil microcosms. All doses caused a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in viable hyphal fungal length. Bacteria were more tolerant, only direct total counts in soils exposed to 3,250 μg/g were significantly (p < 0.05) lower than untreated controls, and estimates of culturable bacteria showed no response. Pseudomonads counts were stimulated by 1,2-DCB concentrations of up to 325 μg/g; above this level counts were similar to controls. Fatty acid methyl ester analysis of taxonomic bacterial composition reflected the differential response of specific genera to increasing 1,2-DCB concentrations, especially the tolerance of Bacillus to the highest concentrations. The shifts in community composition were reflected in estimates of metabolic potential assessed by carbon assimilation (Biolog) ability. Significantly fewer (p < 0.05) carbon sources were utilized by communities exposed to 1,2-DCB concentrations greater than 130 μg/g (<64 carbon sources utilized) than control soils (83); the ability to assimilate individual carbohydrates sources was especially compromised. The results of this study demonstrate that community diversity and metabolic potential can be used as effective bioindicators of pollution stress and concentration effects.
Isolates of the endomycorrhizal fungus Hymenoscyphus ericae and the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme from soils uncontaminated with AsO4/3-, were compared with regard to their sensitivity to AsO4/3- in solution culture. When grown in liquid media amended with a range of AsO4/3- concentrations, H. ericae demonstrated reduced sensitivity to AsO4/3- compared to H. crustuliniforme. The concentrations causing 50% inhibition of growth (EC50) were 1.33 mol/m3 and 0.33 mol/m3, respectively, for H. ericae and H. crustuliniforme. The compound AsO4/3- is a PO4/3- analogue for the plasmalemma PO4/3- transporter. The presence of PO4/3- in the media at high concentrations ameliorated the toxic effects of AsO4/3- in both the ericoid and ectomycorrhizal fungi. This could be due to both suppression of the PO4/3- transporter under high phosporus status and competition of PO4/3- with AsO4/3- for the transport protein. The kinetics of AsO4/3- influx in H. ericae and H. crustuliniforme were also investigated. Hymenoscyphus ericae demonstrated a high K(m) value, 0.071 mol/m3, consistent with values obtained for AsO4/3- -tolerant plants. We suggest that the high K(m) value may be a mechanism used by H. ericae to express reduced AsO4/3- sensitivity. The ecological significance of this reduced sensitivity is also discussed.
Fluxes of HCH isomers α- and γ-HCH dynamics were determined in four industrial U.K. rivers feeding the North Sea. Sampling was conducted weekly basis over a 2-year period. This was complemented by discrete studies of events where two hourly sampling periods were used to investigate the fine time scale dynamics of fluxes. Two intensively industrialized rivers had average isomer concentrations of ~20 ng L-1 for both isomers, while average concentrations in the two less industrialized rivers ranged between 1.5 and 5.0 ng L-1. α-HCH concentrations showed no strong temporal patterns on any river, which contrasts with γ-HCH levels that increased considerably during late summer/early autumn following sustained periods of low river flow. Sampling during high river flow events on rivers with differing HCH pollution histories both showed the same dynamics in HCH isomer concentrations. γ-HCH concentrations decreased 4-fold during events while α-HCH-concentrations stayed constant. The increases in γ-HCH concentrations under low flow conditions and the rapid dilution of this isomer during events indicate that γ-HCH has current inputs to these river systems. It was calculated that these four rivers export 30.8 kg yr-1 of γ-HCH and 14.8 kg yr-1 of α-HCH to the North Sea.
On 25 April 1998 part of the tailings pond dike of the Aznalcollar Zn mine north of the Guadalquivir marshes (Donana) in southern Spain collapsed releasing an estimated 5 million m3 of acidic metal-rich waste. This event contaminated farmland and wetland up to >40 km downstream, including the 900-ha 'Entremuros', an important area for birds within the Donana world heritage site. In spite of the contamination, birds continued to feed in this area. Samples of two abundant macrophytes (Typha dominguensis and Scirpus maritimus) were taken from the Entremuros and nearby uncontaminated areas; these plants are important food items for several bird species. Analyses showed that in the Entremuros mean plant tissue concentrations of Cd were 3-40-fold (0.8-7.4 ppm) and Zn 20-100-fold (20-3384 ppm) greater than those from control areas. Comparable dietary concentrations of Zn have been reported to cause severe physiological damage to aquatic birds under experimental conditions. Elevated Cd concentrations are of concern as Cd bioconcentrates and is a cumulative poison. Metals released in this accident are moving into this food-chain and present a considerable risk to species feeding on Typha sp. and Scirpus sp. Many other food-webs exist in this area and require detailed examination to identify the species at risk, and to facilitate the management of these risks to minimise future impacts to the wildlife of Donana. Copyright (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd.
A microcosm system was developed to investigate transfers of organic xenobiotics in air-soil-plant systems. This was validated using 14C labelled 1,2-dichlorobenzene (DCB) as a model compound. Trapping efficiency was 106 ± 3% for volatile compounds and 93.0 ± 2.2% for carbon dioxide in a blank microcosm arrangement. Recovery of 1,2-dichlorobenzene spiked to grassed and unplanted soils was > 90% after 1 week. The predominant DCB loss process was volatilisation with no evidence for mineralisation over 1 week and 20-30% of the added spike remained in soil. Although there was no evidence for root uptake and translocation of added label, foliar uptake of soil volatilised compound was detected. The microcosm showed good potential for study of 14C labelled and unlabelled organic xenobiotic transfers in air-soil-plant systems with single plants and also intact planted cores.
Biodegradation of the model pollutant, 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) by Burkholderia sp. RASC c2, in contaminated soil was assessed by combining chemical analysis with a toxicity test using Escherichia coli HB101 pUCD607. E. coli HB101 pUCD607 was previously marked with luxCDABE genes, encoding bacterial bioluminescence and was used as an alternative to Microtox. Mineralization of 14C-2,4-DCP (196.2 μg g-1 dry wt) in soil occurred rapidly after a 24 h lag. Correspondingly, 2,4-DCP concentrations in soil and soil water extracts decreased with time and concentrations in the latter were at background levels (<0.12 μg mL-1) after day 2. Toxicity of soil water extracts to the lux-based biosensor also decreased with time. Mean light output of E. coli was stimulated by ~1.5 X control values in soil water extracts when concentrations of 2,4-DCP were approaching the limit of detection by HPLC but returned to values equivalent to those of controls when soil water 2,4-DCP concentrations were below the detection limit. No mineralization or microbial growth was detected in noninoculated microcosms. 2,4-DCP concentration in sterile controls decreased significantly with time as did toxicity to E. coli Lux-based E. coli was a sensitive biosensor of 2,4-DCP toxicity during biodegradation and results complemented chemical analysis.
Insertion of lux genes, encoding for bioluminescence in naturally bioluminescent marine bacteria, into the genome of Pseudomonas fluorescens resulted in a bioluminescent strain of this terrestrial bacterium. The lux- marked bacterium was used to toxicity test the chlorobenzene series. By correlating chlorobenzenes 50% effective concentration (EC50) values against physiochemical parameters, the physiochemical properties of chlorobenzenes that elicit toxic responses were investigated. The results showed that the more chlorinated the compounds, the more toxic they were to lux-marked P. fluorescens. Furthermore, it was shown that the more symmetrical the compound, the greater its toxicity to P. fluorescens. In general, the toxicity of a chlorobenzene was inversely proportional to its solubility (S) and directly proportional to its lipophilicity (K(ow). By correlating lux- marked P. fluorescens EC50 values, determined for chlorobenzenes, with toxicity values determined using Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow), Cyclotella meneghiniana (diatom), and Vibrio fischeri (marine bacterium), it was apparent that lux-marked P. fluorescens correlated well with freshwater species such as the diatoms and fathead minnow but not with the bioluminescent marine bacterium V. fischeri. The implications of these findings are that a terrestrial bacterium such as P. fluorescens should be used for toxicity testing of soils and freshwaters rather than the marine bacterium V. fischeri.
Response of soil microbial biomass to 1,2-dichlorobenzene addition in the presence of plant residues
The impact of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on soil microbial biomass in the presence and absence of fresh plant residues (roots) was investigated by assaying total vital bacterial counts, vital fungel hyphal length, total culturable bacterial counts, and culturable fluorescent pseudomonads. Diversity of the fluorescent pseudomonads was investigated using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) characterization in conjunction with metabolic profiling of the sampled culturable community (Biolog). Mineralization of [14C]1,2- dichlorobenzene was also assayed. Addition of fresh roots stimulated 1,2- dichlorobenzene mineralization by over 100%, with nearly 20% of the label mineralized in root-amended treatments by the termination of the experiment. Presence of roots also buffered any impacts of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on microbial numbers. In the absence of roots, 1,2-dichlorobenzene greatly stimulated total culturable bacteria and culturable pseudomonads in a concentration-dependent manner. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, up to concentrations of 50 μg/g soil dry weight had little or no deleterious effects on microbial counts. The phenotypic diversity of the fluorescent pseudomonad population was unaffected by the treatments, even though fluorescent pseudomonad numbers were greatly stimulated by both roots and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. The presence of roots had no detectable impact on the bacterial community composition. No phenotypic shifts in the natural population were required to benefit from the presence of roots and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. The metabolic capacity of the culturable bacterial community was altered in the presence of roots but not in the presence of 1,2-dichlorobenzene. It is argued that the increased microbial biomass and shifts in metabolic capacity of the microbial biomass are responsible for enhanced degradation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene in the presence of decaying plant roots.
The toxicity and accumulation of arsenate was determined in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris in soil from different layers of a forest profile. Toxicity increased fourfold between 2 and 10 d. Edaphic factors (pH, soil organic matter, and depth in soil profile) also affected toxicity with a three fold decrease in the concentration that causes 50% mortality with increasing depth in soil (from 0-70 mm to 500-700 mm). In a 4-d exposure study, there was no evidence of arsenic bioconcentration in earthworm tissue, although bioaccumulation was occurring. There was a considerable difference in tissue residues between living and dead earthworms, with dead worms having higher concentrations. This difference was dependent on both soil arsenate concentration and on soil type. Over a wide range of soil arsenate concentrations, earthworm arsenic residues are homeostatically maintained in living worms, but this homeostasis breaks down during death. Alternatively, equilibration with soil residues may occur via accumulation after death. In long-term accumulation studies in soils dosed with a sublethal arsenate concentration (40 μg/g dry weight), bioconcentration of arsenate did not occur until day 12, after which earthworm concentrations rose steadily above the soil concentration, with residues in worms three fold higher than soil concentrations by the termination of the study (23 d). This bioconcentration only occurred in depurated worms over the time period of the study. Initially, depurated worms had lower arsenic concentrations than undepurated until tissue concentrations were equivalent to the soil concentration. Once tissue concentration was greater than soil concentration, depurated worms had higher arsenic residues than undepurated.
The ability of four ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes to biotransform 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) in axenic culture was tested. All species were capable of TNT biotransformation to a greater or lesser extent. When biotransformation was expressed on a biomass basis 4 out of the 5 isolates tested were equally efficient at transforming TNT. The factors regulating TNT biotransformation were investigated in detail for one fungus, Suillus variegatus. When the fungus was grown under nitrogen limiting conditions the rate of biotransformation decreased relative to nitrogen sufficient conditions, but no decrease was observed under short term carbon starvation. Extracellular enzymes of S. variegatus could transform TNT, but transformation was greater in intact cells. The mycelial cell wall fraction did not degrade TNT. The TNT concentration that caused 50% reduction in biomass (EC50) for S. variegatus was within the range observed for other basidiomycete fungi being between 2-10 μg mL-1. The potential use of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes as in-situ bioremediation agents for TNT contaminated soils is discussed.
Experiments were conducted to determine if two ectomycorrhizal fungi (Paxillus involutus and Suillus variegatus) could degrade 2,4-dichlorophenol both in axenic liquid culture and during symbiosis with a host tree species Pinus sylvestris. Both fungi readily degraded 2,4- dichlorophenol in batch culture with similar rates of mineralization on a biomass basis. Up to 17% of the 2,4-dichlorophenol was mineralized over a 17 day period. Growth of the fungi in symbiosis with P. sylvestris stimulated greater mineralization than when fungi were grown in absence of the host. S. variegatus was more efficient than P. involutus (in the presence of P. sylveslris) at mineralizing 2,4- dichlorophenol. Mineralization in vermiculite culture was greatly reduced compared to liquid culture. Only 3% of the 2,4-dichlorophenol was mineralized after 13 days in vermiculite culture for the most efficient degrading treatment.
A bacterial bioassay has been developed to assess the relative toxicities of xenobiotics commonly found in contaminated soils, rivers, waters, and ground waters. The assay utilized decline in luminescence of lux- marked Pseudomonas fluorescens on exposure to xenobiotics. Pseudomonas fluorescens is a common bacterium in the terrestrial environment, providing environmental relevance to soil, river, and ground water systems. Three principal environmental contaminants associated with benzene degradation were exposed to the luminescence-marked bacterial biosensor to assess their toxicity individually and in combination. Median effective concentration (EC50) values for decline in luminescence were determined for benzene, catechol, and phenol and were found to be 39.9, 0.77, and 458.6 mg/L, respectively. Catechol, a fungal and bacterial metabolite of benzene, was found to be significantly more toxic to the biosensor than was the parent compound benzene, showing that products of xenobiotic biodegradation may be more toxic than the parent compounds. Combinations of parent compounds and metabolites were found to be significantly more toxic to the bioassay than were the individual compounds themselves. Development of this bioassay has provided a rapid screening system suitable for assessing the toxicity of xenobiotics commonly found in contaminated soil, river, and ground-water environments. The assay can be utilized over a wide pH range and is therefore more applicable to such environmental systems than bioluminescence-based bioassays that utilize marine organisms and can only be applied over a limited pH and salinity range.
Major industrial accidents pose a serious threat to surrounding habitats. Each accident is unique in terms of pollutants released, pollutant concentrations and pollutant dispersal. The habitats receiving the pollutant(s) are also unique. These factors mean that assessing the environmental and ecological impact of any given pollution event will be complex. Case histories of the biological impact of chemicals released from industrial accidents are reviewed to determine how to assess ecotoxicity of pollutants involved.