936 resultados para Biofilms and pathogenesis
The pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is complex involving multiple contributing factors. The extent to which AD pathology impacts upon the metabolome is still not understood, nor is it known how disturbances change as the disease progresses. For the first time we have profiled longitudinally (6, 8, 10, 12 and 18 months) both the brain and plasma metabolome of APP/PS1 double transgenic and wild type (WT) mice. A total of 187 metabolites were quantified using a targeted metabolomics methodology. Multivariate statistical analysis produced models that distinguished APP/PS1 from WT mice at 8, 10 and 12 months.Metabolic pathway analysis found perturbed polyamine metabolism in both brain and blood plasma. There were other disturbances in essential amino acids,branched chain amino acids and also in the neurotransmitter serotonin.Pronounced imbalances in phospholipid and acylcarnitine homeostasis was evident in two age groups. AD-like pathology therefore impacts greatly on both the brain and blood metabolomes, although there appears to be a clear temporal sequence whereby changes to brain metabolites precede those in blood.
Background: Candida albicans is a commensal organism and a constituent of the normal oral flora. Cell concentrations of 1x102 cells/ml and below are indicative of commensal colonisation in the oral cavity, above this level C. albicans can become an opportunistic pathogen; it is the most prevalent human fungal pathogen and a causal agent of the oral infection, candidiasis. The capacity of C. albicans to cause infection arises from its ability to exist in a biofilm ecosystem. Mature C. albicans biofilms display a high level of resistance to antifungals and the need for other therapeutic options has become paramount. Objectives: The objectives of the current study were to determine the antifungal activity of LL-37 (a member of the human cathelicidin family) and two truncated peptide mimetics against C. albicans in both planktonic and biofilm form. Methods: Radial diffusion assays were used to obtain the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of LL-37 and the truncated mimetics KE-18 and KR-12 against planktonic C. albicans. A 96 well microtitre plate assay was employed to study the effects of the peptides on early candida biofilm formation (up to 24 hours) compared with the antifungal drug fluconazole. Biofilm quantification was achieved using the crystal violet assay. Results: MIC values obtained: LL-37 >250µg/ml; KE-18 51µg/ml; and KR-12 11µg/ml. LL-37 significantly reduced the quantity of biofilm formed by C.albicans at both the 4 h and 24 h timepoints (p <0.0001). KE-18 showed significant biofilm reduction over 4 h and 24 h (p=0.0002, p=0.013 respectively), KR-12 showed significant reduction at the 24 h time point only (p=0.0256). Conclusions: Results suggest that LL-37 has the ability to disrupt early biofilm formation of C. albicans with its potency of action similar with that of fluconazole.
Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) production and the prevalence of the β-lactamase-encoding gene blaTEM were determined in Prevotella isolates (n=50) cultured from the respiratory tract of adults and young people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Time-kill studies were used to investigate the concept of passive antibiotic resistance and to ascertain whether a β-lactamase-positive Prevotella isolate can protect a recognised CF pathogen from the action of ceftazidime in vitro. The results indicated that approximately three-quarters (38/50; 76%) of Prevotella isolates produced ESBLs. Isolates positive for ESBL production had higher minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of β-lactam antibiotics compared with isolates negative for production of ESBLs (P<0.001). The blaTEM gene was detected more frequently in CF Prevotella isolates from paediatric patients compared with isolates from adults (P=0.002), with sequence analysis demonstrating that 21/22 (95%) partial blaTEM genes detected were identical to blaTEM-116. Furthermore, a β-lactamase-positive Prevotella isolate protected Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the antimicrobial effects of ceftazidime (P=0.03). Prevotella isolated from the CF respiratory microbiota produce ESBLs and may influence the pathogenesis of chronic lung infection via indirect methods, including shielding recognised pathogens from the action of ceftazidime.
Endothelial dysregulation is central to the pathogenesis of acute Plasmodium falciparum infection. It has been assumed that this dysregulation resolves rapidly after treatment, but this return to normality has been neither demonstrated nor quantified. We therefore measured a panel of plasma endothelial markers acutely and in convalescence in Malawian children with uncomplicated or cerebral malaria. Evidence of persistent endothelial activation and inflammation, indicated by increased plasma levels of soluble intracellular adhesion molecule 1, angiopoetin 2, and C-reactive protein, were observed at 1 month follow-up visits. These vascular changes may represent a previously unrecognized contributor to ongoing malaria-associated morbidity and mortality.
Ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP) remains a significant problem within intensive care units (ICUs). There is a growing recognition of the impact of critical-illness-induced immunoparesis on the pathogenesis of VAP, but the mechanisms remain incompletely understood. We hypothesised that, because of limitations in their routine detection, Mycoplasmataceae are more prevalent among patients with VAP than previously recognised, and that these organisms potentially impair immune cell function.
Methods and setting
159 patients were recruited from 12 UK ICUs. All patients had suspected VAP and underwent bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). VAP was defined as growth of organisms at >104 colony forming units per ml of BAL fluid on conventional culture. Samples were tested for Mycoplasmataceae (Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma spp.) by PCR, and positive samples underwent sequencing for speciation. 36 healthy donors underwent BAL for comparison. Additionally, healthy donor monocytes and macrophages were exposed to Mycoplasma salivarium and their ability to respond to lipopolysaccharide and undertake phagocytosis was assessed.
Mycoplasmataceaewerefoundin49%(95%CI 33% to 65%) of patients with VAP, compared with 14% (95% CI 9% to 25%) of patients without VAP. Patients with sterile BAL fluid had a similar prevalence to healthy donor BAL fluid (10% (95% CI 4% to 20%) vs 8% (95% CI 2% to 22%)). The most common organism identified was M. salivarium. Blood monocytes from healthy volunteers incubated with M. salivarium displayed an impaired TNF-α response to lipopolysaccharide ( p=0.0003), as did monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) (p=0.024). MDM exposed to M. salivarium demonstrated impaired phagocytosis ( p=0.005).
Discussion and conclusions
This study demonstrates a high prevalence of Mycoplasmataceae among patients with VAP, with a markedly lower prevalence among patients with suspected VAP in whom subsequent cultures refuted the diagnosis. The most common organism found, M. salivarium, is able to alter the functions of key immune cells. Mycoplasmataceae may contribute to VAP pathogenesis.
O gene ataxin-3 (ATXN3; 14q32.1) codifica uma proteína expressa ubiquamente, envolvida na via ubiquitina-proteassoma e na repressão da transcrição. Grande relevância tem sido dada ao gene ATXN3 após a identificação de uma expansão (CAG)n na sua região codificante, responsável pela ataxia mais comum em todo o mundo, SCA3 ou doença de Machado-Joseph (DMJ). A DMJ é uma doença neurodegenerativa, autossómica dominante, de início tardio. O tamanho do alelo expandido explica apenas uma parte do pleomorfismo da doença, evidenciando a importância do estudo de outros modificadores. Em doenças de poliglutaminas (poliQ), a toxicidade é causada por um ganho de função da proteína expandida; no entanto, a proteína normal parece ser, também, um dos agentes modificadores da patogénese. O gene ATXN3 possui dois parálogos humanos gerados por retrotransposição: ataxin-3 like (ATXN3L) no cromossoma X, e LOC100132280, ainda não caracterizado, no cromossoma 8. Estudos in vitro evidenciaram a capacidade da ATXN3L para clivar cadeias de ubiquitina, sendo o seu domínio proteolítico mais eficiente do que o domínio da ATXN3 parental. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a origem e a evolução das retrocópias ATXN3L e LOC100132280 (aqui denominadas ATXN3L1 e ATXN3L2), assim como testar a relevância funcional de ambas através de abordagens evolutivas e funcionais. Deste modo, para estudar a divergência evolutiva dos páralogos do gene ATXN3: 1) analisaram-se as suas filogenias e estimou-se a data de origem dos eventos de retrotransposição; 2) avaliaram-se as pressões seletivas a que têm sido sujeitos os três parálogos, ao longo da evolução dos primatas; e 3) explorou-se a evolução das repetições CAG, localizadas em três contextos genómicos diferentes, provavelmente sujeitos a diferentes pressões seletivas. Finalmente, para o retrogene que conserva uma open reading frame (ORF) intacta, ATXN3L1, analisou-se, in silico, a conservação dos locais e domínios proteicos da putativa proteína. Ademais, para este retrogene, foi estudado o padrão de expressão de mRNA, através da realização de PCR de Transcriptase Reversa, em 16 tecidos humanos. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que dois eventos independentes de retrotransposição estiveram na origem dos retrogenes ATXN3L1 e ATXN3L2, tendo o primeiro ocorrido há cerca de 63 milhões de anos (Ma) e o segundo após a divisão Platirrínios-Catarrínios, há cerca de 35 Ma. Adicionalmente, outras retrocópias foram encontradas em primatas e outros mamíferos, correspondendo, no entanto, a eventos mais recentes e independentes de retrotransposição. A abordagem evolutiva mostrou a existência de algumas constrições selectivas associadas à evolução do gene ATXN3L1, à semelhança do que acontece com ATXN3. Por outro lado, ATXN3L2 adquiriu codões stop prematuros que, muito provavelmente, o tornaram num pseudogene processado. Os resultados da análise de expressão mostraram que o gene ATXN3L1 é transcrito, pelo menos, em testículo humano; no entanto, a optimização final da amplificação específica dos transcriptos ATXN3L1 permitirá confirmar se a expressão se estende a outros tecidos. Relativamente ao mecanismo de mutação inerente à repetição CAG, os dois parálogos mostraram diferentes padrões de evolução: a retrocópia ATXN3L1 é altamente interrompida e pouco polimórfica, enquanto a ATXN3L2 apresenta tratos puros de (CAG)n em algumas espécies e tratos hexanucleotídicos de CGGCAG no homem e no chimpanzé. A recente aquisição da repetição CGGCAG pode ter resultado de uma mutação inicial de CAG para CGG, seguida de instabilidade que proporcionou a expansão dos hexanucleótidos.Estudos futuros poderão ser realizados no sentido de confirmar o padrão de expressão do gene ATXN3L1 e de detetar proteína endógena in vivo. Adicionalmente, a caracterização da proteina ataxina-3 like 1 e dos seus interatores moleculares poderá povidenciar informação acerca da sua relevância no estado normal e patológico.
A Diabetes Mellitus (DM) compreende um conjunto de desordens metabólicas comuns caracterizadas por hiperglicemia, que afeta diferentes órgãos do organismo. Ao longo do tempo, ocorrem danos microvasculares no glomérulo renal, retina e nervos periféricos, bem como doença macrovascular nas artérias. A composição da saliva também é afetada pela DM, com consequências na homeostasia oral. No entanto, o proteoma e o peptidoma salivar têm sido pouco explorados na DM tipo 1 e nas suas complicações crónicas. Tendo em conta o crescente interesse na saliva como fluido diagnóstico, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar os eventos proteolíticos subjacentes à DM tipo 1 e às suas complicações microvasculares, bem como, caracterizar as alterações induzidas pela DM tipo 1 no proteoma e peptidoma salivar. A DM tipo 1 e particularmente as complicações microvasculares associadas modulam o perfil proteolítico dos fluidos biológicos, com diferenças significativas de atividade observadas na urina e saliva, atribuídas principalmente ao complexo Metaloproteinase da Matriz (MMP)-9/lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos, aminopeptidase N, azurocidina e calicreína 1. O aumento da atividade proteolítica observado na saliva total dos diabéticos resultou no aumento da percentagem de péptidos, principalmente de um número acrescido de fragmentos de colagénio do tipo I, refletindo possivelmente um estado inflamatório crónico dos tecidos orais e periodontais. O peptidoma também corrobora uma maior suscetibilidade das proteínas salivares, especificamente, das proteínas ricas em prolina básicas (bPRP) 1, bPRP2 e proteínas ricas em prolina ácidas (aPRP) à proteólise, evidenciando a geração de fragmentos de proteínas associadas à ligação a bactérias. A análise do proteoma salivar baseada em iTRAQ mostrou uma sobre-expressão de L-plastina, fator do adenocarcinoma do pâncreas e das proteínas S100-A8 e S100-A9, enfatizando a importância do sistema imune inato na patogénese da DM tipo 1 e das complicações microvasculares associadas. A análise integrada de todas as proteínas expressas diferencialmente entre os pacientes diabéticos com ou sem complicações microvasculares e indivíduos saudáveis foi realizada com o STRING, onde se observam três conjuntos funcionalmente ligados, um compreende a interação entre o colagénio tipo I, colagénio tipo II e MMP-9, um segundo conjunto envolve a MMP-2 e o colagénio de tipo I e um terceiro conjunto composto por proteínas salivares e inflamatórias. Estes conjuntos estão associados com as vias Kegg de interação recetor-matriz extracelular, de adesão focal e migração transendotelial dos leucócitos. Por outro lado, a análise do proteoma e peptidoma salivar destacou potenciais biomarcadores para o diagnóstico e prognóstico da DM tipo 1 e das suas complicações.
The development of mining activities over thousands of years in the region of Aljustrel is nowadays visible as a vast area of ore tailings, slag and host rocks of sulphides mineralization. The generation of acidic waters by the alteration of pyritic minerals - Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) - causes a significant impact on the river system both in the south of the village (Rib ª. Água Forte) and in the north of it (Rib ª. Água Azeda and Barranco do Farrobo), which is reflected in extremely low pH values (< 3) and high concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn and sulphates. This study aimed to assess the environmental impacts extent, integrating geochemical (surface waters and stream sediments) and biological (diatoms) parameters. Three groups of sites were defined, based on sediments and water analysis, which integration with diatom data showed the same association of groups: Group 1- impacted, with acidic pH (1.9-5.1), high metal contents (0.4-1975 mg L-1) and Fe-Mg-sulphate waters, being metals more bioavailable in waters in cationic form (Me2+); mineralogically the sediments were characterized by phyllosilicates and sulphates/oxy-hydroxysulphate phases, easily solubilized, retaining a high amount of metals when precipitated; dominant taxon was Pinnularia aljustrelica (a new species); Group 2- slightly impacted, weak acid to neutral pH (5.0-6.8), metal contents not so high (0.2-25 mg L-1) and Fe-Mg-sulphate to Mg-chloride waters; dominant taxa were Brachysira neglectissima and Achnanthidium minutissimum; Group 3- unimpacted, alkaline pH (7.0-8.4), low metal contents (0-7 mg L-1) with Mg-chloride waters. In this group, metals were associated to the primary phases (e.g. sulphides), not so easily available; the existence of high chloride contents explained the presence of typical taxa of brackish/marine (e.g. Entomoneis paludosa) waters. Taxonomical aspects of the diatoms were studied (discovery of a new species: Pinnularia aljustrelica Luis, Almeida et Ector sp. nov.), as well as morphometric (size decrease of diatoms valves, as well as the appearance of deformed valves of Eunotia exigua in Group 1 and A. minutissimum in Group 2) and physiological (effective to assess the effects of metals/acidity in the photosynthetic efficiency through PAM Fluorometry) aspects. A study was carried out in an artificial river system (microcosm) that aimed to mimic Aljustrel’s extreme conditions in controlled laboratory conditions. The chronic effects of Fe, SO42- and acidity in field biofilms, inoculated in the artificial rivers, were evaluated as well as their contribution to the communities’ tolerance to metal toxicity, through acute tests with two metals (Cu and Zn). In general, the effects caused by low pH values and high concentrations of Fe and SO42- were reflected at the community level by the decrease in diversity, the predominance of acidophilic species, the decrease in photosynthetic efficiency and the increase of enzymatic (e.g. catalase, superoxide dismutase) and non-enzymatic activities (e.g. total glutathione and total phytochelatins). However, it was possible to verify that acidity performed a protective effect in the communities, upon Cu and Zn addition. A comparative study between Aljustrel mining area and New Brunswick mining area was carried out, both with similar mining and geological conditions, reflected in similar diatom communities in both mines, but in very different geographic and climatic areas.
Helicobacter pylori is a bacterial pathogen that affects more than half of the world’s population with gastro-intestinal diseases and is associated with gastric cancer. The cell surface of H. pylori is decorated with lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) composed of three distinct regions: a variable polysaccharide moiety (O-chain), a structurally conserved core oligosaccharide, and a lipid A region that anchors the LPS to the cell membrane. The O-chain of H. pylori LPS, exhibits unique oligosaccharide structures, such as Lewis (Le) antigens, similar to those present in the gastric mucosa and are involved in interactions with the host. Glucan, heptoglycan, and riban domains are present in the outer core region of some H. pylori LPSs. Amylose-like glycans and mannans are also constituents of some H. pylori strains, possibly co-expressed with LPSs. The complexity of H. pylori LPSs has hampered the establishment of accurate structure-function relationships in interactions with the host, and the design of carbohydrate-based therapeutics, such as vaccines. Carbohydrate microarrays are recent powerful and sensitive tools for studying carbohydrate antigens and, since their emergence, are providing insights into the function of carbohydrates and their involvement in pathogen-host interactions. The major goals of this thesis were the structural analysis of LPSs from H. pylori strains isolated from gastric biopsies of symptomatic Portuguese patients and the construction of a novel pathogen carbohydrate microarray of these LPSs (H. pylori LPS microarray) for interaction studies with proteins. LPSs were extracted from the cell surface of five H. pylori clinical isolates and one NCTC strain (26695) by phenol/water method, fractionated by size exclusion chromatography and analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The oligosaccharides released after mild acid treatment of the LPS were analysed by electrospray mass spectrometry. In addition to the conserved core oligosaccharide moieties, structural analyses revealed the presence of type-2 Lex and Ley antigens and N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) sequences, typically found in H. pylori strains. Also, the presence of O-6 linked glucose residues, particularly in LPSs from strains 2191 and NCTC 26695, pointed out to the expression of a 6-glucan. Other structural domains, namely ribans, composed of O-2 linked ribofuranose residues were observed in the LPS of most of H. pylori clinical isolates. For the LPS from strain 14382, large amounts of O-3 linked galactose units, pointing to the occurrence of a galactan, a domain recently identified in the LPS of another H. pylori strain. A particular feature to the LPSs from strains 2191 and CI-117 was the detection of large amounts of O-4 linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues, suggesting the presence of chitin-like glycans, which to our knowledge have not been described for H. pylori strains. For the construction of the H. pylori LPS microarray, the structurally analysed LPSs, as well as LPS-derived oligosaccharide fractions, prepared as neoglycolipid (NGL) probes were noncovalently immobilized onto nitrocellulosecoated glass slides. These were printed together with NGLs of selected sequence defined oligosaccharides, bacterial LPSs and polysaccharides. The H. pylori LPS microarray was probed for recognition with carbohydratebinding proteins (CBPs) of known specificity. These included Le and blood group-related monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), plant lectins, a carbohydratebinding module (CBM) and the mammalian immune receptors DC-SIGN and Dectin-1. The analysis of these CBPs provided new information that complemented the structural analyses and was valuable in the quality control of the constructed microarray. Microarray analysis revealed the occurrence of type-2 Lex and Ley, but not type-1 Lea or Leb antigens, supporting the results obtained in the structural analysis. Furthermore, the H. pylori LPSs were recognised by DC-SIGN, a mammalian lectin known to interact with this bacterium through fucosylated Le epitopes expressed in its LPSs. The -fucose-specific lectin UEA-I, showed restricted binding to probes containing type-2 blood group H sequence and to the LPSs from strains CI-117 and 14382. The presence of H-type-2, as well Htype- 1 in the LPSs from these strains, was confirmed using specific mAbs. Although H-type-1 determinant has been reported for H. pylori LPSs, this is the first report of the presence of H-type-2 determinant. Microarray analysis also revealed that plant lectins known to bind 4-linked GlcNAc chitin oligosaccharide sequences bound H. pylori LPSs. STL, which exhibited restricted and strong binding to 4GlcNAc tri- and pentasaccharides, differentially recognised the LPS from the strain CI-117. The chitin sequences recognised in the LPS could be internal, as no binding was detected to this LPS with WGA, known to be specific for nonreducing terminal of 4GlcNAc sequence. Analyses of the H. pylori LPSs by SDS-PAGE and Western blot with STL provided further evidence for the presence of these novel domains in the O-chain region of this LPS. H. pylori LPS microarray was also applied to analysis of two human sera. The first was from a case infected with H. pylori (H. pylori+ CI-5) and the second was from a non-infected control.The analysis revealed a higher IgG-reactivity towards H. pylori LPSs in the H. pylori+ serum, than the control serum. A specific IgG response was observed to the LPS isolated from the CI-5 strain, which caused the infection. The present thesis has contributed to extension of current knowledge on chemical structures of LPS from H. pylori clinical isolates. Furthermore, the H. pylori LPS microarray constructed enabled the study of interactions with host proteins and showed promise as a tool in serological studies of H. pyloriinfected individuals. Thus, it is anticipated that the use of these complementary approaches may contribute to a better understanding of the molecular complexity of the LPSs and their role in pathogenesis.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014
Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Microbiologia Aplicada). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Genética), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
The role of bacterial communication, also known as quorum sensing is an important mechanism in biofilm formation which is fundamental to the development of anti-biofilm strategies. In this current study, the synergy between a quorum sensing inhibitor (cinnamaldehyde) and two antibiotics (ceftazidime and levofloxacin) was evaluated in an attempt to develop a strategy for biofilm disruption using the high-throughput minimum biofilm eliminating concentration (MBEC) assay. Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis biofilms of initial broth suspensions of 108 colony forming units (CFU) per mL, cultivated on the pegs of the MBEC device were challenged with 5120 µg/ml of ceftazidime and levofloxacin in a double dilution assay in the presence of 500 µM cinnamaldehyde. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) in the presence of cinnamaldehyde for ceftazidime and levofloxacin were 0.125% (640 µg/mL) and 0.0625% (320 µg/mL) respectively with no significant bacterial growth on LB agar. The MBECs for ceftazidime and levofloxacin were above 5120 and 2560 µg/mL respectively which yielded over 70% reduction in both Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis biofilms. The above results indicate the possibility that the synergy between antimicrobial agents may lead to biofilm eradication.
OBJECTIVE: To provide a detailed phenotype/genotype characterization of Bietti crystalline dystrophy (BCD). DESIGN: Observational case series. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty patients from 17 families recruited from a multiethnic British population. METHODS: Patients underwent color fundus photography, near-infrared (NIR) imaging, fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging, spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), and electroretinogram (ERG) assessment. The gene CYP4V2 was sequenced. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical, imaging, electrophysiologic, and molecular genetics findings. RESULTS: Patients ranged in age from 19 to 72 years (median, 40 years), with a visual acuity of 6/5 to perception of light (median, 6/12). There was wide intrafamilial and interfamilial variability in clinical severity. The FAF imaging showed well-defined areas of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) loss that corresponded on SD-OCT to well-demarcated areas of outer retinal atrophy. Retinal crystals were not evident on FAF imaging and were best visualized with NIR imaging. Spectral domain OCT showed them to be principally located on or in the RPE/Bruch's membrane complex. Disappearance of the crystals, revealed by serial recording, was associated with severe disruption and thinning of the RPE/Bruch's membrane complex. Cases with extensive RPE degeneration (N = 5) had ERGs consistent with generalized rod and cone dysfunction, but those with more focal RPE atrophy showed amplitude reduction without delay (N = 3), consistent with restricted loss of function, or that was normal (N = 2). Likely disease-causing variants were identified in 34 chromosomes from 17 families. Seven were novel, including p.Met66Arg, found in all 11 patients from 8 families of South Asian descent. This mutation appears to be associated with earlier onset (median age, 30 years) compared with other substitutions (median age, 41 years). Deletions of exon 7 were associated with more severe disease. CONCLUSIONS: The phenotype is highly variable. Several novel variants are reported, including a highly prevalent substitution in patients of South Asian descent that is associated with earlier-onset disease. Autofluorescence showed sharply demarcated areas of RPE loss that coincided with abrupt edges of outer retinal atrophy on SD-OCT; crystals were generally situated on or in the RPE/Bruch's complex but could disappear over time with associated RPE disruption. These results support a role for the RPE in disease pathogenesis.
The thesis is divided into two parts corresponding to structural studies on two different proteins. The first part concerns the study of two UDP-glucose dehydrogenases (UGDs) from Sphingomonas elodea ATCC 31461 and Burkholderia cepacia IST 408, both involved in exopolysaccharide production. Their relevance arises because some of these bacterial exopolysaccharides are valuable as established biotechnological products, the former case, whilst others are highly problematic, when used by pathogens in biofilm formation over biological surfaces, as the latter case, namely in the human lungs. The goal of these studies is to increase our knowledge regarding UGDs structural properties, which can potentiate either the design of activity enhancers to respond to the increased demand of useful biofilms, or the design of inhibitors of biofilm production, in order to fight invading pathogens present in several infections. The thesis reports the production and crystallisation of both proteins, the determination of initial phases by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) in S. elodea crystals using a seleno-methionine isoform, and phasing of B. cepacia crystals by molecular replacement (MR) using the S. elodea model, as well as the refinement, structural analysis and comparison between the several UGDs structures available during this work.(...)