872 resultados para Bimodal Universities
En aquest article es fa una descripció de l"examen de Grec de les Proves d"Accés a la Universitat, en l"àmbit universitari de Catalunya. La intenció principal de l"autora és exposar a partir de quins paràmetres són confegits i quins objectius pretén atènyer cadascun dels cinc exercicis que composen l"examen, així com l"examen en el seu conjunt, tant en relació amb les assignatures de Grec del batxillerat com en relació als continguts, habilitats i competències avaluables de cara a l"accés a una titulació universitària.
ProDoc is a joint initiative between three universities in Switzerland to provide education and research opportunities for PhD students across the country. Importantly, the scheme is set to produce a new generation who will help strengthen switzerland's research into occupational health and, better still, contribute on an international platform.
The end of an orogenic Wilson cycle corresponds to amalgamation of terranes into a Pangaea and is marked by widespread magmatism dominated by granitoids. The post-collision event starts with magmatic processes still influenced by subducted crustal materials. The dominantly calc-alkaline suites show a shift from normal to high-K to very high-K associations. Source regions are composed of depleted and later enriched orogenic subcontinental lithospheric mantle, affected by dehydration melting and generating more and more K- and LILE-rich magmas. In the vicinity of intra-crustal magma chambers, anatexis by incongruent melting of hydrous minerals may generate peraluminous granitoids bearing mafic enclaves. The post-collision event ends with emplacement of bimodal post-orogenic (PO) suites along transcurrent fault zones. Two suites are defined, (i) the alkali-calcic monzonite-monzogranite-syenogranite-alkali feldspar granite association characterised by [biotite + plagioclase] fractionation and moderate [LILE + HFSE] enrichments and (ii) the alkaline monzonite-syenite-alkali feldspar granite association characterised by [amphibole + alkali feldspar] fractionation and displaying two evolutionary trends, one peralkaline with sodic mafic mineralogy and higher enrichments in HFSE than in LILE, and the other aluminous biotite-bearing marked by HFSE depletion relative to LILE due to accessory mineral precipitation. Alkali-calcic and alkaline suites differ essentially in the amounts of water present within intra-crustal magma chambers, promoting crystallisation of various mineral assemblages. The ultimate enriched and not depleted mantle source is identical for the two PO suites. The more primitive LILE and HFSE-rich source rapidly replaces the older orogenic mantle source during lithosphere delamination and becomes progressively the thermal boundary layer of the new lithosphere. Present rock compositions are a mixture of major mantle contribution and various crustal components carried by F-rich aqueous fluids circulating within convective cells created around magma chambers. In favourable areas, PO suites pre-date a new orogenic Wilson cycle. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The usual development of the continuous-time random walk (CTRW) assumes that jumps and time intervals are a two-dimensional set of independent and identically distributed random variables. In this paper, we address the theoretical setting of nonindependent CTRWs where consecutive jumps and/or time intervals are correlated. An exact solution to the problem is obtained for the special but relevant case in which the correlation solely depends on the signs of consecutive jumps. Even in this simple case, some interesting features arise, such as transitions from unimodal to bimodal distributions due to correlation. We also develop the necessary analytical techniques and approximations to handle more general situations that can appear in practice.
The MTC’s main focus is on education and human capital. This focus is in recognition of the fact that the transportation industry, both public and private, in the region served by the MTC faces a serious shortage of well-trained human capital. For this reason, the MTC is in volved in creating totally new transportation education programs at two of its member universities. The University of Northern Iowa (UNI) in Cedar Falls Iowa had no courses or students in transportation when the MTC grant began. During the first year of the grant, UNI’s Geography Department took the lead in developing courses, attracting students, an getting involved a a partner in transportation activities in its service region. A similar start-up effort is now underway at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri. The MTC has also been able to strengthen and add quality to transportation education efforts at universities in the region that were already leaders in transportation.
The MTC’s main focus is on education and human capital. This focus is in recognition of the fact that the transportation industry, both public and private, in the region served by the MTC faces a serious shortage of well-trained human capital. For this reason, the MTC is in volved in creating totally new transportation education programs at two of its member universities. The University of Northern Iowa (UNI) in Cedar Falls Iowa had no courses or students in transportation when the MTC grant began. During the first year of the grant, UNI’s Geography Department took the lead in developing courses, attracting students, an getting involved a a partner in transportation activities in its service region. A similar start-up effort is now underway at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri. The MTC has also been able to strengthen and add quality to transportation education efforts at universities in the region that were already leaders in transportation.
The MTC’s main focus is on education and human capital. This focus is in recognition of the fact that the transportation industry, both public and private, in the region served by the MTC faces a serious shortage of well-trained human capital. For this reason, the MTC is in volved in creating totally new transportation education programs at two of its member universities. The University of Northern Iowa (UNI) in Cedar Falls Iowa had no courses or students in transportation when the MTC grant began. During the first year of the grant, UNI’s Geography Department took the lead in developing courses, attracting students, an getting involved a a partner in transportation activities in its service region. A similar start-up effort is now underway at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri. The MTC has also been able to strengthen and add quality to transportation education efforts at universities in the region that were already leaders in transportation.
The Midwest Transportation Consortium (MTC) recently completed its sixth year of operation. The MTC has become an established portion of the research and educational programs at ISU and its partner universities. The MTC continues to emphasize its primary focus of developing human capital. For example, this semester, Fall, 2005, ISU has graduate scholars in its educational program. However, we also recognize that the federal grant is an opportunity to build programs at our respective universities that continue after the U.S. DOT UTCP may end. An example of building a long lasting program is the University of Missouri – St. Louis’ (UMSL) and its development of a transportation Ph.D. program in their business college. Admittedly, this program could have been started regardless, but Dr. Ray Mundy, Director of UMSL’s Transportation Scholars Program, believes that the MTC support of the transportation educational program at UMSL was the essential component in establishing a Ph.D. program. At ISU, the MTC has been instrumental in establishing two research and outreach programs, and both have themes that are related to the MTC’s theme of “Transportation System Management and Operation.” The Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety (C-WIMS) was recently established, and the Center for Road Infrastructure Management and Operations (RIMO) is in the process of being established. The MTC has a critical role in establishing each of these two programs. As part of the on-going MTC program, we have established an effective network that promotes the education of future transportation professionals and the development of new knowledge on how to manage transportation infrastructure and services in a more sustainable manner. The MTC has a track record of developing outstanding students; these students are now becoming leaders in the private sector, government, and academia. The MTC has also supported the development of an extensive research portfolio related to sustainable transportation asset management. More research projects are in the pipeline. Finally, the MTC has dedicated itself to the dissemination of asset management research results through an ongoing technology transfer program. This document provides a progress for the latest fiscal year of operation of the MTC, which ran from October 2004 through September 2005.
The Midwest Transportation Consortium (MTC) recently completed its sixth year of operation. The MTC has become an established portion of the research and educational programs at ISU and its partner universities. The MTC continues to emphasize its primary focus of developing human capital. For example, this semester, Fall, 2005, ISU has graduate scholars in its educational program. However, we also recognize that the federal grant is an opportunity to build programs at our respective universities that continue after the U.S. DOT UTCP may end. An example of building a long lasting program is the University of Missouri – St. Louis’ (UMSL) and its development of a transportation Ph.D. program in their business college. Admittedly, this program could have been started regardless, but Dr. Ray Mundy, Director of UMSL’s Transportation Scholars Program, believes that the MTC support of the transportation educational program at UMSL was the essential component in establishing a Ph.D. program. At ISU, the MTC has been instrumental in establishing two research and outreach programs, and both have themes that are related to the MTC’s theme of “Transportation System Management and Operation.” The Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety (C-WIMS) was recently established, and the Center for Road Infrastructure Management and Operations (RIMO) is in the process of being established. The MTC has a critical role in establishing each of these two programs. As part of the on-going MTC program, we have established an effective network that promotes the education of future transportation professionals and the development of new knowledge on how to manage transportation infrastructure and services in a more sustainable manner. The MTC has a track record of developing outstanding students; these students are now becoming leaders in the private sector, government, and academia. The MTC has also supported the development of an extensive research portfolio related to sustainable transportation asset management. More research projects are in the pipeline. Finally, the MTC has dedicated itself to the dissemination of asset management research results through an ongoing technology transfer program. This document provides a progress for the latest fiscal year of operation of the MTC, which ran from October 2004 through September 2005.
The Midwest Transportation Consortium (MTC) recently completed its sixth year of operation. The MTC has become an established portion of the research and educational programs at ISU and its partner universities. The MTC continues to emphasize its primary focus of developing human capital. For example, this semester, Fall, 2005, ISU has graduate scholars in its educational program. However, we also recognize that the federal grant is an opportunity to build programs at our respective universities that continue after the U.S. DOT UTCP may end. An example of building a long lasting program is the University of Missouri – St. Louis’ (UMSL) and its development of a transportation Ph.D. program in their business college. Admittedly, this program could have been started regardless, but Dr. Ray Mundy, Director of UMSL’s Transportation Scholars Program, believes that the MTC support of the transportation educational program at UMSL was the essential component in establishing a Ph.D. program. At ISU, the MTC has been instrumental in establishing two research and outreach programs, and both have themes that are related to the MTC’s theme of “Transportation System Management and Operation.” The Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety (C-WIMS) was recently established, and the Center for Road Infrastructure Management and Operations (RIMO) is in the process of being established. The MTC has a critical role in establishing each of these two programs. As part of the on-going MTC program, we have established an effective network that promotes the education of future transportation professionals and the development of new knowledge on how to manage transportation infrastructure and services in a more sustainable manner. The MTC has a track record of developing outstanding students; these students are now becoming leaders in the private sector, government, and academia. The MTC has also supported the development of an extensive research portfolio related to sustainable transportation asset management. More research projects are in the pipeline. Finally, the MTC has dedicated itself to the dissemination of asset management research results through an ongoing technology transfer program. This document provides a progress for the latest fiscal year of operation of the MTC, which ran from October 2004 through September 2005.
The Midwest Transportation Consortium (MTC) recently completed its sixth year of operation. The MTC has become an established portion of the research and educational programs at ISU and its partner universities. The MTC continues to emphasize its primary focus of developing human capital. For example, this semester, Fall, 2005, ISU has graduate scholars in its educational program. However, we also recognize that the federal grant is an opportunity to build programs at our respective universities that continue after the U.S. DOT UTCP may end. An example of building a long lasting program is the University of Missouri – St. Louis’ (UMSL) and its development of a transportation Ph.D. program in their business college. Admittedly, this program could have been started regardless, but Dr. Ray Mundy, Director of UMSL’s Transportation Scholars Program, believes that the MTC support of the transportation educational program at UMSL was the essential component in establishing a Ph.D. program. At ISU, the MTC has been instrumental in establishing two research and outreach programs, and both have themes that are related to the MTC’s theme of “Transportation System Management and Operation.” The Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety (C-WIMS) was recently established, and the Center for Road Infrastructure Management and Operations (RIMO) is in the process of being established. The MTC has a critical role in establishing each of these two programs. As part of the on-going MTC program, we have established an effective network that promotes the education of future transportation professionals and the development of new knowledge on how to manage transportation infrastructure and services in a more sustainable manner. The MTC has a track record of developing outstanding students; these students are now becoming leaders in the private sector, government, and academia. The MTC has also supported the development of an extensive research portfolio related to sustainable transportation asset management. More research projects are in the pipeline. Finally, the MTC has dedicated itself to the dissemination of asset management research results through an ongoing technology transfer program. This document provides a progress for the latest fiscal year of operation of the MTC, which ran from October 2004 through September 2005.
The Midwest Transportation Consortium (MTC) recently completed its sixth year of operation. The MTC has become an established portion of the research and educational programs at ISU and its partner universities. The MTC continues to emphasize its primary focus of developing human capital. For example, this semester, Fall, 2005, ISU has graduate scholars in its educational program. However, we also recognize that the federal grant is an opportunity to build programs at our respective universities that continue after the U.S. DOT UTCP may end. An example of building a long lasting program is the University of Missouri – St. Louis’ (UMSL) and its development of a transportation Ph.D. program in their business college. Admittedly, this program could have been started regardless, but Dr. Ray Mundy, Director of UMSL’s Transportation Scholars Program, believes that the MTC support of the transportation educational program at UMSL was the essential component in establishing a Ph.D. program. At ISU, the MTC has been instrumental in establishing two research and outreach programs, and both have themes that are related to the MTC’s theme of “Transportation System Management and Operation.” The Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety (C-WIMS) was recently established, and the Center for Road Infrastructure Management and Operations (RIMO) is in the process of being established. The MTC has a critical role in establishing each of these two programs. As part of the on-going MTC program, we have established an effective network that promotes the education of future transportation professionals and the development of new knowledge on how to manage transportation infrastructure and services in a more sustainable manner. The MTC has a track record of developing outstanding students; these students are now becoming leaders in the private sector, government, and academia. The MTC has also supported the development of an extensive research portfolio related to sustainable transportation asset management. More research projects are in the pipeline. Finally, the MTC has dedicated itself to the dissemination of asset management research results through an ongoing technology transfer program. This document provides a progress for the latest fiscal year of operation of the MTC, which ran from October 2004 through September 2005.
The Midwest Transportation Consortium (MTC) recently completed its sixth year of operation. The MTC has become an established portion of the research and educational programs at ISU and its partner universities. The MTC continues to emphasize its primary focus of developing human capital. For example, this semester, Fall, 2005, ISU has graduate scholars in its educational program. However, we also recognize that the federal grant is an opportunity to build programs at our respective universities that continue after the U.S. DOT UTCP may end. An example of building a long lasting program is the University of Missouri – St. Louis’ (UMSL) and its development of a transportation Ph.D. program in their business college. Admittedly, this program could have been started regardless, but Dr. Ray Mundy, Director of UMSL’s Transportation Scholars Program, believes that the MTC support of the transportation educational program at UMSL was the essential component in establishing a Ph.D. program. At ISU, the MTC has been instrumental in establishing two research and outreach programs, and both have themes that are related to the MTC’s theme of “Transportation System Management and Operation.” The Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety (C-WIMS) was recently established, and the Center for Road Infrastructure Management and Operations (RIMO) is in the process of being established. The MTC has a critical role in establishing each of these two programs. As part of the on-going MTC program, we have established an effective network that promotes the education of future transportation professionals and the development of new knowledge on how to manage transportation infrastructure and services in a more sustainable manner. The MTC has a track record of developing outstanding students; these students are now becoming leaders in the private sector, government, and academia. The MTC has also supported the development of an extensive research portfolio related to sustainable transportation asset management. More research projects are in the pipeline. Finally, the MTC has dedicated itself to the dissemination of asset management research results through an ongoing technology transfer program. This document provides a progress for the latest fiscal year of operation of the MTC, which ran from October 2004 through September 2005.
The Midwest Transportation Consortium (MTC) recently completed its sixth year of operation. The MTC has become an established portion of the research and educational programs at ISU and its partner universities. The MTC continues to emphasize its primary focus of developing human capital. For example, this semester, Fall, 2005, ISU has graduate scholars in its educational program. However, we also recognize that the federal grant is an opportunity to build programs at our respective universities that continue after the U.S. DOT UTCP may end. An example of building a long lasting program is the University of Missouri – St. Louis’ (UMSL) and its development of a transportation Ph.D. program in their business college. Admittedly, this program could have been started regardless, but Dr. Ray Mundy, Director of UMSL’s Transportation Scholars Program, believes that the MTC support of the transportation educational program at UMSL was the essential component in establishing a Ph.D. program. At ISU, the MTC has been instrumental in establishing two research and outreach programs, and both have themes that are related to the MTC’s theme of “Transportation System Management and Operation.” The Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety (C-WIMS) was recently established, and the Center for Road Infrastructure Management and Operations (RIMO) is in the process of being established. The MTC has a critical role in establishing each of these two programs. As part of the on-going MTC program, we have established an effective network that promotes the education of future transportation professionals and the development of new knowledge on how to manage transportation infrastructure and services in a more sustainable manner. The MTC has a track record of developing outstanding students; these students are now becoming leaders in the private sector, government, and academia. The MTC has also supported the development of an extensive research portfolio related to sustainable transportation asset management. More research projects are in the pipeline. Finally, the MTC has dedicated itself to the dissemination of asset management research results through an ongoing technology transfer program. This document provides a progress for the latest fiscal year of operation of the MTC, which ran from October 2004 through September 2005.
En los últimos tiempos, parece estar ya fuera de toda duda la complejidad de la situación en la que se halla la institución universitaria. Con el objeto de responder adecuadamente a los desafíos que le presenta la sociedad del conocimiento, la universidad debe concluir una reforma iniciada hace algunas décadas; un cambio estructural profundo del que el proceso de Bolonia es sólo una de las facetas, si bien quizá la más llamativa. La creciente aceleración del cambio, que sí constituye un fenómeno más reciente, ha subrayado todavía más si cabe la necesidad y la urgencia del proceso, y confiere sentido a trabajos como el presente. Este artículo pretende contribuir al esclarecimiento de la reforma destacando algunos de los aspectos principales de su vertiente económica, tal y como ésta se presenta a escala europea. Además, y para compensar la más amplia divulgación del proceso de Bolonia, se ha considerado en particular las características de tal reforma en el modelo de investigación universitaria.