947 resultados para Bayesian spatial analysis, dengue, socioecological factors


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En España existe una amplia oferta de empresas proveedoras de Internet (ISP). Con este panorama resulta extremadamente difícil para los clientes elegir el proveedor. Por tanto, este trabajo trata de analizar los factores que contribuyen a la elección de proveedor de servicios de Internet por parte de los clientes. Para ello, se ha utilizado una muestra de jóvenes universitarios a los que se han analizado sus preferencias. Los jóvenes universitarios generalmente constituyen un grupo representativo de las tendencias en este sector. Además, para analizar el comportamiento de los clientes se utiliza por primera vez el análisis conjunto. Nuestros resultados muestran que el precio y la posibilidad de obtener un terminal móvil son los dos atributos más valorados. Por el contrario, otros atributos como la permanencia o el número de megas no son muy tenidos en cuenta por los jóvenes a la hora de seleccionar al proveedor de Internet. Estos resultados proporcionan una información muy valiosa tanto para los usuarios como para las empresas del sector ISP.


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Denitrification is a microbially-mediated process that converts nitrate (NO3-) to dinitrogen (N2) gas and has implications for soil fertility, climate change, and water quality. Using PCR, qPCR, and T-RFLP, the effects of environmental drivers and land management on the abundance and composition of functional genes were investigated. Environmental variables affecting gene abundance were soil type, soil depth, nitrogen concentrations, soil moisture, and pH, although each gene was unique in its spatial distribution and controlling factors. The inclusion of microbial variables, specifically genotype and gene abundance, improved denitrification models and highlights the benefit of including microbial data in modeling denitrification. Along with some evidence of niche selection, I show that nirS is a good predictor of denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) and N2O:N2 ratio, especially in alkaline and wetland soils. nirK was correlated to N2O production and became a stronger predictor of DEA in acidic soils, indicating that nirK and nirS are not ecologically redundant.


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Objectives: Because there is scientific evidence that an appropriate intake of dietary fibre should be part of a healthy diet, given its importance in promoting health, the present study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to evaluate the knowledge of the general population about dietary fibres. Study design: The present study was a cross sectional study. Methods: The methodological study of psychometric validation was conducted with 6010 participants, residing in ten countries from 3 continents. The instrument is a questionnaire of self-response, aimed at collecting information on knowledge about food fibres. For exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was chosen the analysis of the main components using varimax orthogonal rotation and eigenvalues greater than 1. In confirmatory factor analysis by structural equation modelling (SEM) was considered the covariance matrix and adopted the Maximum Likelihood Estimation algorithm for parameter estimation. Results: Exploratory factor analysis retained two factors. The first was called Dietary Fibre and Promotion of Health (DFPH) and included 7 questions that explained 33.94 % of total variance ( = 0.852). The second was named Sources of Dietary Fibre (SDF) and included 4 questions that explained 22.46% of total variance ( = 0.786). The model was tested by SEM giving a final solution with four questions in each factor. This model showed a very good fit in practically all the indexes considered, except for the ratio 2/df. The values of average variance extracted (0.458 and 0.483) demonstrate the existence of convergent validity; the results also prove the existence of discriminant validity of the factors (r2 = 0.028) and finally good internal consistency was confirmed by the values of composite reliability (0.854 and 0.787). Conclusions: This study allowed validating the KADF scale, increasing the degree of confidence in the information obtained through this instrument in this and in future studies.


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El Sistema Energético Solar-Hidrógeno (SESH) constituye un sistema energético cuya fuente primaria es la energía solar, directa o indirecta, y la secundaria el hidrógeno. Actualmente, se considera como la mejor opción para complementar en el mediano y sustituir en el largo plazo, al actual sistema energético basado en fuentes fósiles. En este contexto se desenvuelve este trabajo, cuyo objetivo es identificar y analizar los factores intervinientes en el desarrollo del SESH en el ámbito latinoamericano, mediante una investigación documental basada en una amplia revisión bibliográfica. Se obtiene que la mayoría de países latinoamericanos disponen de ingentes potenciales aprovechables de energías renovables que harían posible y atractiva económicamente la implantación del SESH; que la hidrogenaría y biomasa son las fuentes más adecuadas como base para esta implantación, tanto por su potencial como por su presencia en la matriz energética y costos del SESH. Los estudios indican que la energización rural y el transporte urbano constituyen nichos de oportunidad para la penetración del SESH. También se reportan barreras: acciones de investigación escasas y concentradas en pocos países, un exiguo talento humano formado y capacitado para operar y desarrollar esta tecnología, como resultado de una débil oferta formativa; y la carencia de un marco legal e institucional que incentive el desarrollo de este sistema. Se concluye que sólo con la acción concertada de centros de investigación, universidades y la empresa privada, bajo la tutela del estado, se logrará que este elemento químico singular conduzca el desarrollo humano de la región por caminos sustentables.


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This work aims to describe how is occurring through the process of institutionalizing the Administration distance course of UFRN. To this end, structured into two parts: through research and analysis of content, sought to impound as if gave historic process of creation, as well as identify variables isomórficas, proposed by Powell and DiMaggio (1991), on the actions undertaken, and still present, institutional actors-having been found three typologies; then investigated the process itself, analyzing the factors of institutionalization suggested Esman (1966-1972), internal structure doctrine, leadership programme, resources, links and exchanges, from the political plan educational course. As the research methodology was defined as qualitative, even though I used survey to collect, reviewed the second ANOVA. The results found in this step pointed out that only the doctrine and internal structure variables are consistent with the assumptions of model; we found for other, discharged indicated a gap between the political acts contemplated in teaching and the actions taken so far, unfavourable element to its legitimacy. However, although the implications found in the analysis of these factors suggest that this course can derive one more discontinuous Government proposal of distance course, this study believes that are still reasonable assistance to facilitate and promote the process aimed at strengthening the progress achieved so far in the success of its institutionalization


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Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych


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This study describes the psychometric properties of the Children's Separation Anxiety Scale (CSAS), which assesses separation anxiety symptoms in childhood. Participants in Study 1 were 1,908 schoolchildren aged between 8 and 11. Exploratory factor analysis identified four factors: worry about separation, distress from separation, opposition to separation, and calm at separation, which explained 46.91% of the variance. In Study 2, 6,016 children aged 8–11 participated. The factor model in Study 1 was validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The internal consistency (α = 0.82) and temporal stability (r = 0.83) of the instrument were good. The convergent and discriminant validity were evaluated by means of correlations with other measures of separation anxiety, childhood anxiety, depression and anger. Sensitivity of the scale was 85% and its specificity, 95%. The results support the reliability and validity of the CSAS.


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Burnout is a psychological syndrome triggered in response to continuous exposure to interpersonal stressors. It is considered a multifactorial construct, which is commonly characterized by three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, dehumanization, and lack of personal accomplishment.This study aimed to verify if the three characteristics of burnout (exhaustion, lack of dehumanization and personal accomplishment) are present in people working as guides Tourism in Natal - RN. It is a descriptive and quantitative study. 109 subjects were surveyed. Data collection was done through the use of questionnaires, the instrument used was the characterization of the Burnout Scale (ECB) created and validated in Brazil by Trocoli and Tamayo (2000). In order to analyze data we used descriptive statistics, analysis of core measures, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, multiple discriminant and Spearman correlation. Factor analysis identified four factors that explain 58.3% of the total variance. Those factors were named exhaustion, deception, avoidance, and dehumanization. The reliability of the instrument, as measured by Cronbach's Alpha was 0.918, which is considered excellent reliability. The 109 subjects were grouped into three cluster, which had the deception, avoidance, and dehumanization as discriminant. It is possible to conclude that the characteristics of burnout syndrome are present in the studied population where 19 people are on the high level of burnout, moderate in 32 and 56 in the light. The correlations between socio-demographic variables studied and the dimensions of burnout, were few and weak. The variable leave for health reasons in the study appeared to be related to feelings of exhaustion and avoidance behavior appeared related to younger individuals and who work only in the activity of Receptive Tourism Guide. Verification of the incidence of burnout in individuals surveyed suggest the need to adopt intervention strategies are individual, organizational and / or combined


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Este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo aferir quais as tarefas e valências específicas necessárias para a manutenção permanente de UAS, em contraste com os requisitos preconizados nos regulamentos de aeronavegabilidade permanente de aeronaves militares. A aeronavegabilidade consiste na avaliação e certificação de uma aeronave voar de acordo com os padrões de segurança estabelecidos. Esta é dividida em aeronavegabilidade continuada, que avalia a condição de uma aeronave após a sua construção, e a aeronavegabilidade permanente, que estabelece as ações de manutenção necessárias para manter os níveis de aeronavegabilidade pretendidos durante a sua operação. Para assegurar que os UAS atingem os padrões aeronáutica atuais, é importante perceber como os regulamentos podem ser adaptados para responder à sua especificidade. Para aferir quais as tarefas e valências de manutenção específicas para UAS, é desenvolvido um modelo qualitativo e indutivo fazendo uso da análise de literatura e dados recolhidos através de entrevistas estruturadas a pessoal de manutenção de UAS. As dimensões consideradas seguem o modelo SHELL preconizado pela ICAO para a análise de fatores humanos em sistemas aeronáuticos. A partir do modelo gerado, é sintetizado um conjunto de conteúdos curriculares como proposta para adequação a UAS dos conteúdos requeridos no EMAR 66. Abstract: This research work has the objective of assessing which specific tasks and skills are necessary for the continuous maintenance of UAS, in contrast with the requirements recommended in the rules and regulations for continuous airworthiness of militar aircrafts. Airworthiness consists on the evaluation and certification of the capability of an aircraft to fly in compliance with the established safety standards. It is divided in initial airworthiness, which evaluates the condition of na aircraft after its construction, and the continuous airworthiness, which establishes what are the necessary maintenance actions in order to keep the desired airworthiness levels during operation. In order to assure that UAS meet the current aeronautics standards, it is paramount to understand how the rules and regulations can be adapted to cope with its specific features. In order to understand which are the specific maintenance tasks and skills specific for UAS, it is developed a qualitative and inductive model taking into consideration a literature analysis and structured interviews to UAS maintenance personnel. The dimensions considered follow the SHELL model recommended by ICAO for the analysis of human factors in aviation. From the developed model, it is synthesized a set of learning topics that serves as a proposal for extending the basic skills required by the EMAR 66.


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La generación de residuos sólidos dentro de las mecánicas automotrices en la actualidad, se ha convertido en unos de los principales problemas difíciles de manejar y solucionar, debido al incremento y demanda de vehículos, generando un impacto ambiental negativo tanto en el área de trabajo como en la ciudad. Por tal razón, en varias ciudades del Ecuador y del mundo se ha propuesto la implementación de diferentes planes para el manejo de Residuos Sólidos en este sector. El presente estudio está enfocado a la elaboración de un plan de gestión de Residuos Sólidos, aplicado a dos mecánicas automotrices de la ciudad de Cuenca: J.J. & HIJO y MAGL, realizando de esta manera un análisis a los factores que inciden en la eficiencia y eficacia del mismo. El diseño y aplicación del plan de gestión permitirá estimar el grado de impacto ambiental producido por la generación de los residuos en mecánicas automotrices, por otro lado permitirá la optimización de recursos, disminución de impactos y contaminaciones ambientales, mejoras en el sistema de clasificación, recolección, transporte y disposición final de los desechos e impulsar la conservación de ambiente que nos rodea.


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Resumen La desmesurada forma en la que está creciendo la ciudad y la sociedad en general, ha ocasionado un desequilibrio en la relación personas - espacio público recreacional. A partir de esta condición se ha tomado la iniciativa nacional de reciclar espacios semipúblicos y convertirlos en equipamientos que contribuyan a la formación de los ciudadanos. Los urbanistas señalan como fin último el mejorar la calidad de vida, siendo en el espacio urbano lo público el núcleo a partir del cual se contribuye a este objetivo. Los cuarteles militares en muchas de las urbes del país han sido alcanzados por la urbanización, pudiéndose ocupar estos sitios para solucionar la problemática urbana que se ha generado en torno a estos lugares. En esta tesis se evidencia que la arquitectura se piensa y se produce desde el lugar, tomando como referencia la metodología del análisis espacial urbano, y complementándola a su vez con la obra y el pensamiento de Rafael Pina Lupiañez. El sector del predio de la Brigada de Artillería Portete es el espacio idóneo para una intervención, en el cual se ha implantado la propuesta de un parque urbano recreacional, donde no solo se ha potencializado las características trópicas y antrópicas sino también se ha conseguido mitigar las condiciones desfavorables. Se ha considerado este proyecto como el precursor para facilitar el cambio de uso a estos espacios semipúblicos restringidos que tanto se necesitan dentro de la ciudad, siendo un primer acercamiento con el cuerpo militar.


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This study presents an application of the geographical information system technology on plant disease involving a multidisciplinary teamwork of geoprocessing and physiopathology specialists. The spatial analysis tools in a GIS were used to evaluate the spatial distribution of two diseases of maize in Brazil: polysora rusl caused by Puccinia polysora and tropical rust caused by Physopella zeae. A database of cIimate variables (mean temperature. relative humidity. and leaf wetness duration) of cIimatological normal from 1961-1990 was obtained and then related it to a mathematical model of disease development (polysora rust) and to the cIimate intervals (tropical rust) in order to obtain the maps. The choice of the model or the favorable climate interval is the important chalIenge of the method because the difficulty of adequacy to the spatial and temporal scales for the specific application. The major incidence of both disease occurred in almost alI the North region from January to June. although this region has traditionalIy a low production of maize. Considering the biggest producers regions. for both the diseases, favorable areas are located in part of Mato Grosso, Tocanlins. Minas Gerais; Mato Grosso do Sul. and coastal areas of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. varying among the dilferent months from January to June. The method allowed making an adequate distinction of the states and the months considered.


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Human activities are altering greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and causing global climate change. The issue of impacts of human-induced climate change has become increasingly important in recent years. The objective of this work was to develop a database of climate information of the future scenarios using a Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. Future scenarios focused on the decades of the 2020?s, 2050?s, and 2080?s (scenarios A2 and B2) were obtained from the General Circulation Models (GCM) available on Data Distribution Centre from the Third Assessment Report (TAR) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The TAR is compounded by six GCM with different spatial resolutions (ECHAM4:2.8125×2.8125º, HadCM3: 3.75×2.5º, CGCM2: 3.75×3.75º, CSIROMk2b: 5.625×3.214º, and CCSR/NIES: 5.625×5.625º). The mean monthly of the climate variables was obtained by the average from the available models using the GIS spatial analysis tools (arithmetic operation). Maps of mean monthly variables of mean temperature, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and solar radiation were elaborated adopting the spatial resolution of 0.5° X 0.5° latitude and longitude. The method of elaborating maps using GIS tools allowed to evaluate the spatial and distribution of future climate assessments. Nowadays, this database is being used in studies of impacts of climate change on plant disease of Embrapa projects.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, Programa de Pós Graduação em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das Organizações, 2016.


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Este relatório de estágio representa o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia, com recurso a Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica, que permite a identificação de zonas que condicionam os processos de planeamento, projecto e manutenção das estruturas que compõem a Rede de Distribuição de Energia Eléctrica. Centra-se assim nas Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica enquanto instrumentos que permitem realizar estudos de carácter territorial com relevância para o sector energético. São trabalhadas a identificação e delimitação de zonas de gelo, zonas de poluição industrial e zonas de salinidade em Portugal Continental. A delimitação destas zonas foi realizada com recurso a ferramentas de análise espacial, utilizando dados fidedignos provenientes de Instituições da Administração Pública. São documentadas também tarefas extraordinárias propostas pela EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A. Desta forma é possível compreender as vantagens e desvantagens da utilização destas tecnologias por parte da EDP Distribuição, de forma a melhorar a gestão dos recursos disponíveis, para ajudar a manter a qualidade do serviço prestado. Ficou no entanto a recomendação de uma maior aposta nestas tecnologias.