987 resultados para Bahrdt, Karl Friedrich, 1741-1792.
Values of repeatability (r) and reproducibility (R) are parameters of an analytical method. They are related to the maximum difference between two results of analysis (permissible range) and can be obtained by interlaboratorial comparisons. They represent great importance for the quality control of the results and decisions about the fitness-for-purpose of the method. Water determination in fuel oil samples were performed by 16 laboratories, using the Karl Fischer reaction, during the period from June 1997 to December 1999. Values of r and R were presented. Discussion is made in terms of the main factors that would be contribution to analytical method variabilities and uncertainties of final results.
Tradicionalment s'ha dit que les clases socials van sorgir durant la revolució neolítica, quan algunes persones van comen- çar a exercir drets de propietat sobre la terra, la qual cosa, al seu torn, va significar l'origen, en paraules de filòsofs com Karl Marx i Friedrich Engels, de l'anomenada lluita de classes. No queda clar, però, si abans ja existien diferències de classe, de manera que la revolució neolítica potser només les va aprofundir. El motiu d'aquesta segona possibilitat és que totes les espècies animals que tenen comportaments socials mostren diferències jeràrquiques entre els diversos membres. Un nou estudi publicat a Current Biology demostra que els corbs, ocells amb comportaments socials complexos, també tenen clases socials i lluites de classe.
Este artigo apresenta e comenta dois textos do jovem Friedrich Schlegel, Vom Wert des Studiums der Griechen und Römer (Sobre o valor do estudo dos gregos e romanos), de 1795/1796, e Über das Studium der griechischen Poesie (Sobre o estudo da poesia grega), de 1795, escritos antes de sua ida para Jena, em 1796, nos quais o autor elabora uma teoria original sobre a história e a filosofia da história.
Resitatiivi ja aaria (Largo): Xerxes, 1.näytös.
The thoughts of the philosopher Paul Karl Feyerabend brought important contributions to the debate on Science in the 20th century. Most recently his views about non-existence of a single method for doing science have been employed to rethink science education and propose the use of multiple methods for effective teaching-learning process. This article employs the theoretical framework of the author expressed in the book Against Method, 1977, about the epistemological anarchism and the methodological pluralism and uses it in the contemporary discussion of medical education.
Author: Anton Friedrich Büsching.
Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli
Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli