975 resultados para BREAST-CARCINOMA
A woman's risk of breast cancer is strongly affected by her reproductive history. The hormonal milieu is also a key determinant of the course of the disease. Combining mouse genetics with tissue recombination techniques, we have established that the female reproductive hormones, estrogens, progesterone, and prolactin, act sequentially on the mammary epithelium to trigger distinct developmental steps. The hormones impinge directly on a subset of luminal mammary epithelial cells that express the respective hormone receptors and act as sensor cells translating and amplifying systemic signals into local stimuli. Local signaling is stage and age specific. During puberty, estrogens promote proliferation using the EGF family member, amphiregulin, as essential paracrine mediator. In adulthood, progesterone, rather than estrogen, is the major inducer of stem cell activation and cell proliferation of the mammary epithelium. Hormonal signaling modulates crucial developmental pathways that impinge on mammary stem cell populations, while Notch signaling, by inhibiting p63, is central to mammary cell fate determination. Cell proliferation occurs in two waves. The first results from direct stimulation of the small fraction of hormone receptor positive cells. It is followed by a second wave of progesterone-induced proliferation involving mostly hormone receptor negative cells, in which RANKL is a key mediator. A model in which repeated activation of paracrine signaling by progesterone with resulting stem cell activation promotes breast carcinogenesis is proposed.
Introducción: el principal tratamiento del carcinoma basocelular (CBC) es la extirpación quirúrgica. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de márgenes afectados por el tumor, globalmente y en función del especialista que lo interviene. Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de de los informes histológicos de CBC (enero de 2009 - marzo de 2010), un análisis estadístico (Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, U de Mann-Whitney, test de Kruskal-Wallis) y multivariable mediante regresión
El tratamiento del carcinoma de páncreas continúa siendo uno de los grandes retos de la Oncología Médica. Un mejor conocimiento de las vías moleculares que intervienen en su desarrollo ha contribuido al uso de nuevos agentes terapéuticos dirigidos frente a las mismas. Una de esas vías es la del EGFR. Moore et al llevaron a cabo en 2007 un ensayo fase III aleatorizado en el que compararon gemcitabina frente a gemcitabina y erlotinib (un inhibidor de EGFR) y en el que demostraron de forma estadísticamente significativa por primera vez una mejoría en supervivencia global al asociar un agente a la gemcitabina en el tratamiento del adenocarcinoma pancreático avanzado. Hemos adoptado el esquema empleado en el ensayo fase III de Moore como primera línea de tratamiento del carcinoma pancreático localmente avanzado e irresecable y metastático en nuestro centro y creo necesario analizar la toxicidad y la supervivencia observada en nuestro medio. Para ello presento los resultados de eficacia, toxicidad y supervivencia global en la serie de 55 pacientes tratados con dicho esquema entre octubre de 2007 y octubre de 2010 en nuestro centro.
Estudio de los polimorfismos del gen de la timidilato sintasa y los genes reparadores del ADN ERCC1 y XRCC1 y su relación con la rdespuesta al tratamiento neoadyvante con qumiorradioterapia basada en capecitabin, en pacientes afecto de carcinoma colorrectal de localmente avanzado.
In the past decades, prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) has not improved despite substantial progress in treatment options. Since antitumoral immunity was described, immunotherapy has shown promising results as an adjunctive treatment in various cancer types. Tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) have been identified and shown to stimulate selective T-cell-mediated antitumoral immune response. This article briefly reviews the work done in the field of immunotherapy of HNSCC in the past few years. It gives confidence that immunotherapy may play an important role in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Among various TAAs, the family of cancer testis antigens (CTAs) may be promising candidates for specific immune therapy in HNSCC. Ongoing studies will confirm whether CTAs may generate an immune response in clinical vaccine trials.
OBJECTIVES: There is a continuing need to monitor and evaluate the impact of organized screening programmes on cancer incidence and mortality. We report results from a programme assessment conducted within the International Cancer Screening Network (ICSN) to understand the characteristics of cervical screening programmes within countries that have established population-based breast cancer screening programmes. METHODS: In 2007-2008, we asked 26 ICSN country representatives to complete a web-based survey that included questions on breast and cervical cancer screening programmes. We summarized information from 16 countries with both types of organized programmes. RESULTS: In 63% of these countries, the organization of the cervical cancer screening programme was similar to that of the breast cancer screening programme in the same country. There were differences in programme characteristics, including year established (1962-2003 cervical; 1986-2002 breast) and ages covered (15-70+ cervical; 40-75+ breast). Adoption of new screening technologies was evident (44% liquid-based Pap tests; 13% human papillomavirus (HPV)-triage tests cervical; 56% digital mammography breast). There was wide variation in participation rates for both programme types (<4-80% cervical; 12-88% breast), and participation rates tended to be higher for cervical (70-80%) than for breast (60-70%) cancer screening programmes. Eleven ICSN member countries had approved the HPV vaccine and five more were considering its use in their organized programmes. CONCLUSION: Overall, there were similarities and differences in the organization of breast and cervical cancer screening programmes among ICSN countries. This assessment can assist established and new screening programmes in understanding the organization and structure of cancer screening programmes.
Introducció En pacients amb carcinoma de bufeta localment avançat, la quimioteràpia neoadjuvant ha demostrat un benefici modest a la supervivència. No obstant això encara no s'ha identificat el subgrup de pacients que obtindria un major benefici Objectius Determinar la supervivència en pacients i analitzar els factors pronòstic. Material i mètodes Es van analitzar retrospectivament 112 pacients. Es correlacionar els factors clínics i patològics amb la supervivencia. Resultats La supervivència global a 5 anys va ser de 45%. La hidronefrosi,l'estadi clínic, la resecció quirúrgica completa, l'afectació ganglionar limfàtica, ganglis ressecats& 7, l'estadi patològic i la invasió limfovascular van ser significatius en l'anàlisi univariada. Conclusions L'estadi patològic i la resecció de més de 7 ganglis limfàtics apareixen com a factors pronòstics independents de supervivencia.
Cheap and massively parallel methods to assess the DNA-binding specificity of transcription factors are actively sought, given their prominent regulatory role in cellular processes and diseases. Here we evaluated the use of protein-binding microarrays (PBM) to probe the association of the tumor suppressor AP2α with 6000 human genomic DNA regulatory sequences. We show that the PBM provides accurate relative binding affinities when compared to quantitative surface plasmon resonance assays. A PBM-based study of human healthy and breast tumor tissue extracts allowed the identification of previously unknown AP2α target genes and it revealed genes whose direct or indirect interactions with AP2α are affected in the diseased tissues. AP2α binding and regulation was confirmed experimentally in human carcinoma cells for novel target genes involved in tumor progression and resistance to chemotherapeutics, providing a molecular interpretation of AP2α role in cancer chemoresistance. Overall, we conclude that this approach provides quantitative and accurate assays of the specificity and activity of tumor suppressor and oncogenic proteins in clinical samples, interfacing genomic and proteomic assays.
The Department of Health and Children, through the National Cancer Forum, requested the Women's Health Council to conduct research on the views and perceptions of women who attended symptomatic breast care clinics. The aim of this research was to identify how well the current service meets the needs of women, and whether it could be improved. Download the Report here
In April 1999, the Minister of Health and Children asked the National Cancer Forum to report and make recommendations on the development of breast services for symptomatic women. The Forum established a subgroup to undertake this exercise, under the Chairmanship of Prof J. Fennelly. Download the Report here
Breast Implants Information for women considering breast implants The information in this booklet is being provided for women considering the option of breast implant surgery. The aim of the booklet is to assist women in making an informed choice about breast implants before opting for surgery. The information has been compiled by a subcommittee of the Advisory Committee for Medical Devices at the Irish Medicines Board and has included consultation with health professionals and representatives of interested organisations. Download the PDF
Introducció. Material y mètodes. El nostre objectiu és valorar la utilitat del PET/CT 11C-Colina a la recidiva bioquímica oculta del carcinoma de pròstata. Es van estudiar retrospectivament 58 pacients amb aument de PSA posttractament. La interpretació de les imatges fou visual. Resultats: El PET/CT fou positiu en 39 pacients (67%) (PSA mitjà: 11.7). Es van dividir els malats en 4 grups segons el valor del PSA (sensibilitat%): &1ng/ml:50% 1ng/ml -3ng/ml:60% 3ng/ml-5ng/ml:86% & a 5ng/ml:91% . Conclusió: La PET/CT 11C-Colina mostra una alta capacitat de detecció per valors de PSA superiors a 5ng/ml i pot ser útil en valors superiors a 1ng/ml.
The Rare Cancer Network (RCN), founded in 1993, performs research involving rare tumors that are not common enough to be the focus of prospective study. Over 55 studies have either been completed or are in progress.The aim of the paper is to present an overview of the 30 studies done through the RCN to date, organized by disease site. Five studies focus on breast pathology, including sarcoma, lymphoma, phyllodes tumor, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and ductal carcinoma in situ in young women. Three studies on prostate cancer address prostatic small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of young and elderly patients. Six studies on head and neck cancers include orbital and intraocular lymphoma, mucosal melanoma, pediatric nasopharyngeal carcinoma, olfactory neuroblastoma, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the salivary glands. There were 4 central nervous system studies on patients with cerebellar glioblastoma multiforme, atypical and malignant meningioma, spinal epidural lymphoma and myxopapillary ependymoma. Outside of these disease sites, there is a wide variety of other studies on tumors ranging from uterine leiomyosarcoma to giant cell tumors of the bone. The studies done by the RCN represent a wide range of rare pathologies that were previously only studied in small series or case reports. With further growth of the RCN and collaboration between members our ability to analyze rare tumors will increase and result in better understanding of their behavior and ultimately help direct research that may improve patient outcomes.
Quality Assurance Standards for Symptomatic Breast Disease Services People in Ireland have a right to expect that medical care be of good quality. They expect that standards of care are consistently high. They expect that access to care is easy, speedy, effective and efficient. Society expects quality of care to measure up to international norms of good practice. Such assurance can be given by auditing the quality of activity. Click here to download PDF 606kb
Report on the Independent Review of Symptomatic Breast Care Services at Barringtons Hospital, Limerick This independent review was established by Barringtons Hospital and the Department of Health and Children following concerns which had been raised about the standard of symptomatic breast care including cancer services at the Hospital. The terms of reference for the review are included at Appendix 1. An independent review team was established under the chairmanship of Dr Henrietta Campbell. The membership is listed at Appendix 2. Click here to download PDF 152kb