990 resultados para BIOMASS DECOMPOSITION


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Microcystins (cyclic heptapeptides) are produced by a number of freshwater cyanobacteria and cause concern in potable water supplies due to their acute and chronic toxicity. The present study reports the structural characterization of the degradation products of the photocatalytic oxidation of microcystin-LR, so aiding the mechanistic understanding of this process. TiO2 photocatalysis is a promising technology for removal of these toxins from drinking water. However, before it can be adopted in any practical application it is necessary to have a sufficient knowledge of degradation byproducts and their potential toxicity. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated that the major destruction pathway of microcystin appears to be initiated via three mechanisms: UV irradiation, hydroxyl radical attack, and oxidation. UV irradiation caused geometrical isomerization of microcystin converting the (4E), (6E) of the Adda configuration to (4E), 6(Z) or 4(Z), 6(E). Hydroxyl radical attack on the conjugated diene structure of Adda moiety produced dihyroxylated products. Further oxidation cleaved the hydroxylated 4-5 and/or 6-7 bond of Adda to form aldehyde or ketone peptide residues, which then were oxidized into the corresponding carboxylic acids. Photocatalysis also hydrolyzed the peptide bond on the ring structure of microcystin to form linear structures although this appeared to be a minor pathway.


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Density functional theory calculations were carried out to examine the mechanism of ethanol decomposition on the Rh(211) surface. We found that there are two possible decomposition pathways: (1) CH(3)CH(2)OH -> CH(3)CHOH -> CH(3)COH -> CH(3)CO -> CH(3) + CO -> CH(2) + CO -> CH + CO -> C + CO and (2) CH(3)CH(2)OH -> CH(3)CHOH -> CH(3)COH -> CH(2)COH -> CHCOH -> CHCO -> CH + CO -> C + CO. Both pathways have a common intermediate of CH(3)COH, and the key step is the formation of CH(3)CHOH species. According to our calculations, the mechanism of ethanol decomposition on Rh(211) is totally different from that on Rh(111): the reaction proceeds via CH(3)COH rather than an oxametallacycle species (-CH(2)CH(2)O- for Rh( 111)), which implies that the decomposition process is structure sensitive. Further analyses on electronic structures revealed that the preference of the initial C(alpha)-H path is mainly due to the significant reduction of d-electron energy in the presence of the transition state (TS) complex, which may stabilize the TS-surface system. The present work first provides a clear picture for ethanol decomposition on stepped Rh(211), which is an important first step to completely understand the more complicated reactions, like ethanol steam reforming and electrooxidation.


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Demand Response (DR) algorithms manipulate the energy consumption schedules of controllable loads so as to satisfy grid objectives. Implementation of DR algorithms using a centralised agent can be problematic for scalability reasons, and there are issues related to the privacy of data and robustness to communication failures. Thus it is desirable to use a scalable decentralised algorithm for the implementation of DR. In this paper, a hierarchical DR scheme is proposed for Peak Minimisation (PM) based on Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition (DWD). In addition, a Time Weighted Maximisation option is included in the cost function which improves the Quality of Service for devices seeking to receive their desired energy sooner rather than later. The paper also demonstrates how the DWD algorithm can be implemented more efficiently through the calculation of the upper and lower cost bounds after each DWD iteration.


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Ectomycorrhizal fungi and saprotrophic microorganisms coexist and interact in the mycorrhizosphere. We review what is known regarding these interactions and how they may influence processes such as ectomycorrhiza formation, mycelial growth, and the dynamics of carbon movement to and within the rhizosphere. Particular emphasis is placed on the potential importance of interactions in decomposition of soil organic matter and degradation of persistant organic pollutants in soil. While our knowledge is currently fairly limited, it seems likely that interactions have profound effects on mycorrhizosphere processes. More extensive research is warranted to provide novel insights into mycorrhizosphere ecology and to explore the potential for manipulating the ectomycorrhizosphere environment for biotechnological purposes.


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The impact of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on soil microbial biomass in the presence and absence of fresh plant residues (roots) was investigated by assaying total vital bacterial counts, vital fungel hyphal length, total culturable bacterial counts, and culturable fluorescent pseudomonads. Diversity of the fluorescent pseudomonads was investigated using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) characterization in conjunction with metabolic profiling of the sampled culturable community (Biolog). Mineralization of [14C]1,2- dichlorobenzene was also assayed. Addition of fresh roots stimulated 1,2- dichlorobenzene mineralization by over 100%, with nearly 20% of the label mineralized in root-amended treatments by the termination of the experiment. Presence of roots also buffered any impacts of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on microbial numbers. In the absence of roots, 1,2-dichlorobenzene greatly stimulated total culturable bacteria and culturable pseudomonads in a concentration-dependent manner. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, up to concentrations of 50 μg/g soil dry weight had little or no deleterious effects on microbial counts. The phenotypic diversity of the fluorescent pseudomonad population was unaffected by the treatments, even though fluorescent pseudomonad numbers were greatly stimulated by both roots and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. The presence of roots had no detectable impact on the bacterial community composition. No phenotypic shifts in the natural population were required to benefit from the presence of roots and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. The metabolic capacity of the culturable bacterial community was altered in the presence of roots but not in the presence of 1,2-dichlorobenzene. It is argued that the increased microbial biomass and shifts in metabolic capacity of the microbial biomass are responsible for enhanced degradation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene in the presence of decaying plant roots.


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A number of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, from sites uncontaminated by toxic metals, were investigated to determine their sensitivity to Cd2-, Pb2+, Zn2+ and Sb3-, measured as an inhibition of fungal biomass production. Isolates were grown in liquid media amended with the metals, individually (over a range of concentrations) and in combination (at single concentrations) to determine any significant interactions between the metals. Significant interspecific variation in sensitivity to Cd2+ and Zn2+ was recorded, while Pb2+ and Sb3- individually had little effect. The presence of Pb2+ and Sb3- in the media did however, ameliorate Cd2+ and Zn2+ toxicity in some circumstances. Interactions between Cd2+ and Zn2+ were investigated further over a range of concentrations. Zn2+ was found to significantly ameliorate the toxicity of Cd2+ to three of the four isolates tested. The influence of Zn2+ varied between ECM species and with the concentrations of metals tested.


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Biomass and phosphorus allocation were determined in arsenate tolerant and non-tolerant clones of the grass Holcus lanatus L. in both solution culture and in soil. Arsenate is a phosphate analogue and is taken up by the phosphate uptake system. Tolerance to arsenate in this grass is achieved by suppression of arsenate (and phosphate) influx. When clones differing in their arsenate tolerance were grown in solution culture with a range of phosphate levels, a tolerant clone did not fare as well as a non-tolerant at low levels of phosphate nutrition in that it had reduced shoot biomass production, increased biomass allocation to the roots and lower shoot phosphorus concentration. At a higher level of phosphate nutrition there was little or no difference in these parameters, suggesting that differences at lower levels of phosphate nutrition were due solely to differences in the rates of phosphate accumulation. In experiments in sterile soil (potting compost) the situation was more complicated with tolerant plants having lower growth rates but higher phosphorus concentrations. The gene for arsenate tolerance is polymorphic in arsenate uncontaminated populations. When phosphorus concentration of tolerant phenotypes was determined in one such population, again tolerants had a higher phosphorus status than non-tolerants. Tolerants also had higher rates of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection. The ecological implications of these results are that it appears that suppression of the high affinity uptake system, is at least in part, compensated by increased mycorrhizal infection. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Kinetic demixing and decomposition were studied on three La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3- δ oxygen-separation hollow fibre membrane modules, which were operated under a 0.21/0.009bar oxygen partial pressure difference at 950°C for 1128, 3672 and 5512h, respectively. The post-operation membranes were characterized by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Scanning Electronic Microscope, Energy Dispersive Spectrum and X-ray Diffraction. The occurrence of kinetic demixing and decomposition was confirmed through the microstructural evolution of the membranes. Secondary-phase grains were found on the air-side surface of the membranes after the long-term operation and Co and Fe enrichment as well as La depletion was found on the surface and in the bulk at the air side. Cation diffusivities were found to be in the order Co>Fe>Sr>La. Kinetic demixing and decomposition rates of the membranes at the air side were found to be self-accelerating with time; the role of A-site deficiency in the perovskite lattice in the bulk near the air side surface is implicated in the mechanism. The oxygen permeability was not affected by the kinetic demixing and decomposition of the material during long-term operation (up to 5512h), however, we may expect permeability to be affected by secondary phase formation on the air-side surface at even longer operational times. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.


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Bioenergy derived from biomass provides a promising energy alternative and can reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated from fossil fuels. Biomass-based thermochemical conversion technologies have been acknowledged as apt options to convert bioresources into bioenergy; this bioenergy includes electricity, heat, and fuels/chemicals in solid, liquid, and gaseous phases. In this review, the techno-economic and life cycle assessment of these technologies (combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, liquefaction, carbonization, and co-firing) are summarized. Specific indicators (production costs in a techno-economic analysis, functional units and environmental impacts in a life cycle analysis) for different technologies were compared. Finally, gaps in research and future trends in biomass thermochemical conversion were identified. This review could be used to guide future research related to economic and environmental benefits of bioenergy.


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In this study, we investigate an adaptive decomposition and ordering strategy that automatically divides examinations into difficult and easy sets for constructing an examination timetable. The examinations in the difficult set are considered to be hard to place and hence are listed before the ones in the easy set in the construction process. Moreover, the examinations within each set are ordered using different strategies based on graph colouring heuristics. Initially, the examinations are placed into the easy set. During the construction process, examinations that cannot be scheduled are identified as the ones causing infeasibility and are moved forward in the difficult set to ensure earlier assignment in subsequent attempts. On the other hand, the examinations that can be scheduled remain in the easy set.

Within the easy set, a new subset called the boundary set is introduced to accommodate shuffling strategies to change the given ordering of examinations. The proposed approach, which incorporates different ordering and shuffling strategies, is explored on the Carter benchmark problems. The empirical results show that the performance of our algorithm is broadly comparable to existing constructive approaches.


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Demersal fisheries targeting a few high-value species often catch and discard other "non-target" species. It is difficult to quantify the impact of this incidental mortality when population biomass of a non-target species is unknown. We calculate biomass for 14 demersal fish species in ICES Area VIIg (Celtic Sea) by applying species-and length-based catchability corrections to catch records from the Irish Groundfish Survey (IGFS). We then combine these biomass estimates with records of commercial discards (and landings for marketable non-target species) to calculate annual harvesting rates (HR) for each study species. Uncertainty is incorporated into estimates of both biomass andHR. Our survey-based HR estimates for cod and whiting compared well with HR-converted fishing mortality (F) estimates from analytical assessments for these two stocks. Of the non-target species tested, red gurnard (Chelidonichthys cuculus) recorded some annual HRs greater than those for cod or whiting; challenging "Pope's postulate" that F on non-target stocks in an assemblage will not exceed that on target stocks. We relate HR for each species to two corresponding maximum sustainable yield (MSY) reference levels; six non-target species (including three ray species) show annual HRs >= HRMSY. This result suggests that it may not be possible to conserve vulnerable non-target species when F is coupled to that of target species. Based on biomass, HR, and HRMSY, we estimate "total allowable catch" for each non-target species.


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Photocatalytic conversion of cellulose to sugars and carbon dioxide with simultaneous production of hydrogen assisted by cellulose decomposition under UV or solar light irradiation was achieved upon immobilization of cellulose onto a TiO2 photocatalyst. This approach enables production of hydrogen from water without using valuable sacrificial agents, and provides the possibility for recovering sugars as liquid fuels.