994 resultados para BCR-ABL ONCOGENE


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Metaplastic breast carcinoma (MBC) is a rare histological breast cancer subtype characterized by mesenchymal elements and poor clinical outcome. A large fraction of MBCs harbor defects in breast cancer 1 (BRCA1). As BRCA1 deficiency sensitizes tumors to DNA cross-linking agents and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors, we sought to investigate the response of BRCA1-deficient MBCs to the PARP inhibitor olaparib. To this end, we established a genetically engineered mouse model (GEMM) for BRCA1-deficient MBC by introducing the MET proto-oncogene into a BRCA1-associated breast cancer model, using our novel female GEMM ES cell (ESC) pipeline. In contrast to carcinomas, BRCA1-deficient mouse carcinosarcomas resembling MBC show intrinsic resistance to olaparib caused by increased P-glycoprotein (Pgp) drug efflux transporter expression. Indeed, resistance could be circumvented by using another PARP inhibitor, AZD2461, which is a poor Pgp substrate. These preclinical findings suggest that patients with BRCA1-associated MBC may show poor response to olaparib and illustrate the value of GEMM-ESC models of human cancer for evaluation of novel therapeutics.


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In chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), oncogenic BCR-ABL1 activates the Wnt pathway, which is fundamental for leukemia stem cell (LSC) maintenance. Tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment reduces Wnt signaling in LSCs and often results in molecular remission of CML; however, LSCs persist long term despite BCR-ABL1 inhibition, ultimately causing disease relapse. We demonstrate that TKIs induce the expression of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family ligand CD70 in LSCs by down-regulating microRNA-29, resulting in reduced CD70 promoter DNA methylation and up-regulation of the transcription factor specificity protein 1. The resulting increase in CD70 triggered CD27 signaling and compensatory Wnt pathway activation. Combining TKIs with CD70 blockade effectively eliminated human CD34(+) CML stem/progenitor cells in xenografts and LSCs in a murine CML model. Therefore, targeting TKI-induced expression of CD70 and compensatory Wnt signaling resulting from the CD70/CD27 interaction is a promising approach to overcoming treatment resistance in CML LSCs.


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The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) family of signalling enzymes play a key role in the transduction of signals from activated cell surface receptors controlling cell growth and proliferation, survival, metabolism, and migration. The intracellular signalling pathway from activated receptors to PI3K and its downstream targets v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog (Akt) and mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is very frequently deregulated by genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in human cancer, including leukaemia and lymphoma. In the past decade, an arsenal of small molecule inhibitors of key enzymes in this pathway has been developed and evaluated in pre-clinical studies and clinical trials in cancer patients. These include pharmacological inhibitors of Akt, mTOR, and PI3K, some of which are approved for the treatment of leukaemia and lymphoma. The PI3K family comprises eight different catalytic isoforms in humans, which have been subdivided into three classes. Class I PI3K isoforms have been extensively studied in the context of human cancer, and the isoforms p110α and p110δ are validated drug targets. The recent approval of a p110δ-specific PI3K inhibitor (idelalisib/Zydelig®) for the treatment of selected B cell malignancies represents the first success in developing these molecules into anti-cancer drugs. In addition to PI3K inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors are intensively studied in leukaemia and lymphoma, and temsirolimus (Torisel®) is approved for the treatment of a type of lymphoma. Based on these promising results it is hoped that additional novel PI3K pathway inhibitors will in the near future be further developed into new drugs for leukaemia and lymphoma.


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Regulation of tissue size requires fine tuning at the single-cell level of proliferation rate, cell volume, and cell death. Whereas the adjustment of proliferation and growth has been widely studied [1, 2, 3, 4 and 5], the contribution of cell death and its adjustment to tissue-scale parameters have been so far much less explored. Recently, it was shown that epithelial cells could be eliminated by live-cell delamination in response to an increase of cell density [6]. Cell delamination was supposed to occur independently of caspase activation and was suggested to be based on a gradual and spontaneous disappearance of junctions in the delaminating cells [6]. Studying the elimination of cells in the midline region of the Drosophila pupal notum, we found that, contrary to what was suggested before, Caspase 3 activation precedes and is required for cell delamination. Yet, using particle image velocimetry, genetics, and laser-induced perturbations, we confirmed [ 6] that local tissue crowding is necessary and sufficient to drive cell elimination and that cell elimination is independent of known fitness-dependent competition pathways [ 7, 8 and 9]. Accordingly, activation of the oncogene Ras in clones was sufficient to compress the neighboring tissue and eliminate cells up to several cell diameters away from the clones. Mechanical stress has been previously proposed to contribute to cell competition [ 10 and 11]. These results provide the first experimental evidences that crowding-induced death could be an alternative mode of super-competition, namely mechanical super-competition, independent of known fitness markers [ 7, 8 and 9], that could promote tumor growth.


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Cell-cell intercalation is used in several developmental processes to shape the normal body plan. There is no clear evidence that intercalation is involved in pathologies. Here we use the proto-oncogene myc to study a process analogous to early phase of tumour expansion: myc-induced cell competition. Cell competition is a conserved mechanism driving the elimination of slow-proliferating cells (so-called 'losers') by faster-proliferating neighbours (so-called 'winners') through apoptosis and is important in preventing developmental malformations and maintain tissue fitness. Here we show, using long-term live imaging of myc-driven competition in the Drosophila pupal notum and in the wing imaginal disc, that the probability of elimination of loser cells correlates with the surface of contact shared with winners. As such, modifying loser-winner interface morphology can modulate the strength of competition. We further show that elimination of loser clones requires winner-loser cell mixing through cell-cell intercalation. Cell mixing is driven by differential growth and the high tension at winner-winner interfaces relative to winner-loser and loser-loser interfaces, which leads to a preferential stabilization of winner-loser contacts and reduction of clone compactness over time. Differences in tension are generated by a relative difference in F-actin levels between loser and winner junctions, induced by differential levels of the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate. Our results establish the first link between cell-cell intercalation induced by a proto-oncogene and how it promotes invasiveness and destruction of healthy tissues.


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Induction of cell-autonomous apoptosis following oncogene-induced overproliferation is a major tumor-suppressive mechanism in vertebrates. However, the detailed mechanism mediating this process remains enigmatic. In this study, we demonstrate that dMyc-induced cell-autonomous apoptosis in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster relies on an intergenic sequence termed the IRER (irradiation-responsive enhancer region). The IRER mediates the expression of surrounding proapoptotic genes, and we use an in vivo reporter of the IRER chromatin state to gather evidence that epigenetic control of DNA accessibility within the IRER is an important determinant of the strength of this response to excess dMyc. In a previous work, we showed that the IRER also mediates P53-dependent induction of proapoptotic genes following DNA damage, and the chromatin conformation within IRER is regulated by polycomb group-mediated histone modifications. dMyc-induced apoptosis and the P53-mediated DNA damage response thus overlap in a requirement for the IRER. The epigenetic mechanisms controlling IRER accessibility appear to set thresholds for the P53- and dMyc-induced expression of apoptotic genes in vivo and may have a profound impact on cellular sensitivity to oncogene-induced stress.


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Polyomavirus enhancer activator 3 (PEA3) is a member of the Ets family of transcription factors. We demonstrated in a previous study that, through down-regulating the HER-2/neu oncogene at the transcriptional level, PEA3 can inhibit the growth and tumor development of HER-2/neu-overexpressing ovarian cancer cells. Here, we established stable clones of the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-361DYT2 that express PEA3 under the control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter. The expression of PEA3 in this cell line inhibited cell growth and resulted in cell cycle delay in the G1 phase independently of the HER-2/neu down-regulation. In an orthotopic breast cancer model, we showed that expression of PEA3 inhibited tumor growth and prolonged the survival of tumor-bearing mice. In a parallel experiment in another breast cancer cell line, BT474M1, we were unable to obtain stable PEA3-inducible transfectants, which suggests that PEA3 possessed a strong growth inhibitory effect in this cell line. Indeed, PEA3 coupled with the liposome SN2 demonstrated therapeutic effects in mice bearing tumors induced by BT474M1. These results provide evidence that the PEA3 gene could function as an antitumor and gene therapy agent for human breast cancers. ^


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In the last few years, our laboratory has studied the regulatory mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation in epidermal tissues. Our results showed differences in the roles of cyclin dependent-kinases 4 and 6, and the three D-type cyclins, during normal epidermal proliferation and neoplastic development. Thus, to elucidate the role of the different cell cycle regulators, we developed transgenic mice that overexpress CDK4 (K5-CDK4), or their cognate D-type cyclins, in epithelial tissues. The most severe phenotype was observed in K5-CDK4 animals that developed dermal fibrosis, epidermal hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Forced expression of CDK4 in the epidermal basal cell layer increased the malignant conversion of skin papillomas to squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). Contrastingly, lack of CDK4 completely inhibited tumor development, suggesting that CDK4 is required in this process. Biochemical studies demonstrated that p21 Cip1 and p27Kip1 inhibitors are sequestered by CDK4 resulting in indirect activation of Cyclin E/CDK2, implicating the non-catalytic activity of CDK4 in deregulation of the cell cycle progression. ^ It has been proposed that the proliferative and oncogenic role of Myc is linked to its ability to induce the transcription of CDK4, cyclin D1, and cyclin D2 in vitro. Deregulation of Myc oncogene has been found in several human cancers. Also it has been demonstrated that CDK4 has the ability to functionally inactivate the product of the tumor suppressor gene Rb, providing a link between Myc and the CDK4/cyclin D1/pRb/p16 pathway in some malignant tumors. Here, we sought to determine the role of CDK4 as a mediator of Myc activities by developing a Myc overexpressing mouse nullizygous for CDK4. We demonstrated that lack of CDK4 results in reduced keratinocyte proliferation and epidermal thickness in K5-Myc/CDK4-null mice. In addition, complete reversion of tumor development was observed. All together, this work demonstrates that CDK4 acts as an oncogene independent of the D-type cyclin levels and it is an important mediator of the tumorigenesis induced by Myc. In addition, we showed that the sequestering activity of CDK4 is critical for the development of epidermal hyperplasia during normal proliferation, malignant progression from papillomas to squamous cell carcinomas, and tumorigenesis induced by Myc. ^


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nach Handschriften der k. Bibliothek in Paris und der Stadtbibliothek zu Hamburg nebst Erläuterungen und historischen Untersuchungen hrsg. von Adolph Jellinek


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The protein p53 binding protein one (53BP1) was discovered in a yeast two-hybrid screen that used the DNA binding domain of p53 as bait. Cloning of full-length 53BP1 showed that this protein contains several protein domains which help make up the protein, which include two tandem BRCT domains and a amino-terminal serine/glutamine cluster domain (SCD). These are two protein domains are often seen in factors that are involved in the cellular response to DNA damage and control of cell cycle checkpoints and we hypothesize that 53BP1 is involved in the cellular response to DNA damage. In support of this hypothesis we observe that 53BP1 is phosphorylated and undergoes a dramatic nuclear re-localization in response to DNA damaging agents. 53BP1 also interacts with several factors that are important in the cellular response to DNA damage, such as the BRCA1 tumor suppressor, ATM and Rad3 related (ATR), and the phosphorylated version of the histone variant H2AX. Mice deficient in 53BP1 display increased sensitivity ionizing radiation (IR), a DNA damaging agent that introduces DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). In addition, 53BP1-deficient mice do not properly undergo the process of class switch recombination (CSR). We also observe that when a defect in 53BP1 is combined with a defect in p53; the resulting mice have an increased rate of formation of spontaneous tumors, notably the formation of B and T lineage lymphomas. The T lineage tumors arise by two distinct mechanisms: one driven by defects in cell cycle regulation and a second driven by defects in the ability to repair DNA DSBs. The B lineage tumors arise by the inability to repair DNA damage and over-expression of the oncogene c-myc. ^ With these observations, we conclude that not only does 53BP1 function in the cellular response to DNA damage, but it also works in concert with p53 to suppress tumor formation. ^