999 resultados para BB-vård
O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é um produto derivado da centrifugação do sangue total, sendo rico em fatores bioativos, como os de crescimento. Apesar da ampla utilização em processos cicatriciais, há controvérsia sobre a eficácia da terapia na cicatrização cutânea. O objetivo desse estudo foi quantificar e comparar a concentração dos fatores TGF-β1 e PDGF-BB no PRP, plasma sanguíneo e pele, durante diferentes fases do processo de cicatrização da pele tratada ou não com PRP. Foram utilizados sete equinos machos castrados, mestiços, hígidos, com idade entre 16 e 17 (16,14±0,63) anos. Três lesões em formato quadrangular (6,25cm²) foram produzidas cirurgicamente nas regiões glúteas direita e esquerda de todos os animais. Doze horas após indução das feridas, 0,5mL do PRP foi administrado em cada uma das quatro extremidades das feridas de uma das regiões glúteas (Grupo tratado = GT), escolhida aleatoriamente. A região contralateral foi utilizada como controle (GC). As feridas foram submetidas à limpeza diária com água Milli Q, e amostras foram obtidas mediante biópsias realizadas com Punch de 6mm. Foram obtidas seis biópsias de pele, sendo a primeira realizada logo após a produção da ferida (T0), e as demais com 1 (T1) 2 (T2) 7 (T3) e 14 (T4) dias após a indução da lesão. A sexta biópsia (T5) foi obtida após completo fechamento da pele, que ocorreu aproximadamente aos 37 dias (36,85±7,45, GC; 38,85±6,46, GT). Também foram obtidas amostras de sangue com EDTA em todos os tempos mencionados. A quantificação dos fatores de crescimento TGF-β1 e PDGF-BB na pele, PRP e plasma sanguíneo foi realizada pela técnica ELISA. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste t, correlação de Pearson e regressão, utilizando nível de significância de 5%. Não houve diferença entre os grupos, nos valores dos dois fatores de crescimento mensurados na pele, nos diferentes tempos. Também não houve correlação entre a quantidade dos fatores de crescimento presentes na pele e no plasma. Por outro lado, correlação positiva foi observada entre PRP e pele no grupo tratado, para os fatores de crescimento TGF-β1 (r=0,31) e PDGF-BB (r=0,38), bem como entre ambos os fatores de crescimento presentes no PRP (r=0,81). Considerando as concentrações dos fatores de crescimento no T0, os maiores valores cutâneos (p<0,05) do TGF-β1, em ambos os grupos, ocorreram nos tempos T3 e T5. Valores mais elevados (p<0,05) do PDGF-BB ocorreram no T4 (GT) e T5 (GC). No plasma não houve alteração nas concentrações desses fatores em relação ao T0, o que sugere que o PRP não acarreta efeito sistêmico, quando os procedimentos adotados na presente pesquisa são utilizados. A administração local de PRP no volume estudado, 12 h após indução cirúrgica de ferida cutânea na região glútea de equinos não ocasiona maiores concentrações dos fatores de crescimento TGF-β1 e PDGF-BB no plasma sanguíneo e pele, durante o processo de cicatrização.
Publikationen är en jordbrukets översiktsplan som utgördes på avrinningsområdet i Raseborg och Ingå kustområden under sommaren och hösten 2013. I arbetet kartlades särskilt behovet av skyddszoner vid åkrarna. Dessutom söktes objekt med biologisk mångfald, vårdbiotoper och lämpliga platser för våtmarker. Det visade sig finnas ett behov av skyddszon på åkrarna längs vattendragen på en sammanlagd sträcka av över 56 kilometer. Dessutom rekommenderas skyddszoner för sammanlagt 357 ha åkrar med översvämningsrisk och 813 ha åkrar på grundvattenområden. Planen inbegriper sammanlagt 25 våtmarksobjekt, som alla ska anläggas genom grävning. Sammanlagt 207 naturens mångfaldsobjekt och 30 vårdbiotoper hittades i jordbruksområdena. Till mångfaldsobjekten hör rikligt med trädbevuxna åkerholmar som är typiska för detta planeringsområde. Syftet med översiktsplanen är att inspirera jordbrukarna att vidta åtgärder för vattenskyddet och värna om mångfalden i landskapet och naturen. Åtgärderna är frivilliga för markägarna. Uppgifterna i planen kan användas som stöd för en mer detaljerad plan när man ansöker om finansiering för objekten. Planen baserar sig på terränginventeringar av objekten som företogs på basis av en kartundersökning och uppgifter från olika instanser. Av resultaten från kartläggningen skapades också ett material för geografisk information. I rapporten ges basinformation om området samt om anläggande och vård av objekt
Olika aspekter av psykisk hälsa och psykoterapi för personer med utvecklingsstörning undersöktes med hjälp av intervjuer. Syftet var att göra en kartläggning över erfarenheter och åsikter bland personer som arbetar med utvecklingsstörda i Svenskfinland. Totalt deltog 15 personer i undersökningen, 10 omsorgspsykologer, 4 socialkuratorer och en privatpraktiserande psykoterapeut. Deras erfarenhet av arbete med personer med utvecklingsstörning var i medeltal 17,3 år. Undersökningens resultat visar att psykisk ohälsa är ofta förekommande bland personer med utvecklingsstörning och att utvecklingsstörningen numera ofta särskiljs från psykiska störningar. Det är förändringar i beteendet som är signalen på psykisk ohälsa och oförmågan att uttrycka sitt mående som är det största hindret till att få lämplig vård. Andra hinder är bristen på ett fungerande samarbete mellan omsorg, sjukvård och mentalvård och okunskap beträffande många olika aspekter av psykisk ohälsa hos utvecklingsstörda. Inställningen till psykoterapi för utvecklingsstörda håller på att förändras till det positivare, och man börjar även uppmärksamma handikappmedvetenhet och identitetsutveckling samt dess betydelse för den psykiska hälsan. Denna undersökning betonar mötet mellan terapeut och klient som en betydelsefull faktor i samtal med personer med utvecklingsstörning. Resultaten stöder forskning på området, och fördjupar förståelsen av de olika aspekterna kring psykisk hälsa, stödsamtal och psykoterapi för personer med utvecklingsstörning.
Studies on the association between vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphism and bone mineral density (BMD) in different populations have produced conflicting results probably due to ethnic differences in the populations studied. The Brazilian population is characterized by a very broad genetic background and a high degree of miscegenation. Of an initial group of 164, we studied 127 women from the city of São Paulo, aged 20 to 47 years (median, 31 years), with normal menses, a normal diet and no history of diseases or use of any medication that could alter BMD. VDR genotype was assessed by PCR amplification followed by BsmI digestion of DNA isolated from peripheral leukocytes. BMD was measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (Lunar DPX) at the lumbar site (L2-L4) and femoral neck. Most of the women (77.6%) were considered to be of predominantly European ancestry (20.6% of them reported also native American ancestry), 12.8% were of African-Brazilian ancestry and 9.6% of Asian ancestry, 41.0% (52) were classified as bb, 48.8% (62) as Bb and 10.2% (13) as BB. The BB, Bb and bb groups did not differ in age, height, weight, body mass index or age at menarche. Lumbar spine BMD was significantly higher in the bb group (1.22 ± 0.16 g/cm²) than in the BB group (1.08 ± 0.14; P<0.05), and the Bb group presented an intermediate value (1.17 ± 0.15). Femoral neck BMD was higher in the bb group (0.99 ± 0.11 g/cm²) compared to Bb (0.93 ± 0.12) and BB (0.90 ± 0.09) (P<0.05). These data indicate that there is a significant correlation between the VDR BsmI genotype and BMD in healthy Brazilian premenopausal females.
Fractures are the feared consequences of osteoporosis and fractures of the proximal femur (FPF) are those that involve the highest morbidity and mortality. Thus far, evaluation of bone mineral density (BMD) is the best way to determine the risk of fracture. Genetic inheritance, in turn, is one of the major determinants of BMD. A correlation between different genotypes of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and BMD has been recently reported. On this basis, we decided to determine the importance of the determination of VDR genotype in the presence of an osteoporotic FPF in a Brazilian population. We studied three groups: group I consisted of 73 elderly subjects older than 65 years (78.5 ± 7.2 years) hospitalized for nonpathological FPF; group II consisted of 50 individuals older than 65 years (72.9 ± 5.2 years) without FPF and group III consisted of 98 young normal Brazilian individuals aged 32.6 ± 6.6 years (mean ± SD). Analysis of VDR gene polymorphism by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was performed by PCR amplification followed by BsmI digestion of DNA isolated from peripheral leukocytes. The genotype distribution in group I was 20.5% BB, 42.5% Bb and 37% bb and did not differ significantly from the values obtained for group II (16% BB, 36% Bb and 48% bb) or for group III (10.2% BB, 47.6% Bb and 41.8% bb). No differences in genotype distribution were observed between sexes or between the young and elderly groups. We conclude that determination of VDR polymorphism is of no practical use for the prediction of FPF. Other nongenetic factors probably start to affect bone mass, the risk to fall and consequently the occurrence of osteoporotic fractures with advancing age.
The carotid bodies from adult spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetic rats (strain BB/S) were perfusion-fixed at normal arterial blood pressure with 3% phosphate-buffered glutaraldehyde and compared with the organs from control rats (strain BB/Sc) prepared in the same way. Serial 5-µm sections were cut, stained, and using an interactive image analysis system, were analysed to determine the volumes of the carotid body and its vascular and extravascular compartments. There was no evidence of systemic arterial disease in the carotid stem arteries in either group of animals, and the microvasculature of the organs appeared normal by light microscopy. The volume of the carotid body was unchanged 3 months after the onset of diabetes but was increased at 6 months. The total vascular volume of the organ was unchanged, but the volume of the small vessels (5-12 µm) was increased. In the control group the small vessels comprised 5% of the total volume of the carotid body, or about 44% of the vascular compartment. The percentage of small vessels increased at 3 months in the diabetic group, but had returned to normal at 6 months. The extravascular volume followed the same pattern as the total carotid body volume and so did not change appreciably when expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the organ. The increase in size of the carotid body in diabetic rats is due, therefore, to an augmented extravascular volume. In one diabetic specimen the carotid sinus nerve showed signs of diabetic neuropathy, axonal swelling and intramyelinic oedema. The clinical implications of these results are discussed.
The tripeptide Hip-His-Leu was used to standardize a fluorimetric method to measure tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity in rats. The fluorescence of the o-phthaldialdehyde-His-Leu adduct was compared in the presence and absence of the homogenate (25 µl) to determine whether the homogenate from different tissues interfered with the fluorimetric determination of the His-Leu product. Only homogenates from lung and renal medulla and cortex showed significantly altered fluorescence intensity. To overcome this problem, the homogenate from these tissues were diluted 10 times with assay buffer. The specificity of the assay was demonstrated by the inhibition of ACE activity with 3 µM enalaprilat (MK-422). There was a linear relationship between product formation and incubation time for up to 90 min for homogenates of renal cortex and medulla and liver, for up to 60 min for ventricles and adrenals and for up to 30 min for the aorta, lung and atrium homogenates. In addition, there was a linear relationship between product formation and the amount of protein in the homogenates within the following range: lung, 30-600 µg; renal cortex and medulla, 40-400 µg; atrium and ventricles, 20-200 µg; adrenal, 20-100 µg; aorta, 5-100 µg; liver, 5-25 µg. No peptidase activity against the His-Leu product (31 nmol), assayed in borate buffer (BB), was detected in the different homogenates except the liver homogenate, which was inhibited by 0.1 mM r-chloromercuribenzoic acid. ACE activity in BB was higher than in phosphate buffer (PB) due, at least in part, to a greater hydrolysis of the His-Leu product in PB. ACE activity of lung increased 20% when BB plus Triton was used. Enzyme activity was stable when the homogenates were stored at -20o or -70oC for at least 30 days. These results indicate a condition whereby ACE activity can be easily and efficiently assayed in rat tissue samples homogenized in BB using a fluorimetric method with Hip-His-Leu as a substrate.
Bakgrund. Studien utgår ifrån antagandet att vårdaren är i en ständig utveckling av sin identitet och att utvecklingen påverkas av många olika faktorer. Forskningsöversikten visar att arbetsgemenskapen är av stor betydelse och att vårdarens identitet påverkas av olika erfarenheter och upplevelser. Det teoretiska perspektivet i denna studie är vårdvetenskapligt och den metodologiska ansatsen baserar sig på Gadamers hermeneutik. Syfte. Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse för utvecklingen av vårdarens identitet samt att få en inblick i vilka faktorer som påverkar utvecklingen. Intresset riktas speciellt till arbetsgemenskapens och ensamhetens betydelse för utvecklingen. Metod. Materialet består av nio stycken av vårdare skrivna berättelser vilka har tolkats med hjälp av hermeneutisk tolkningsmetod. Den hermeneutiska tolkningsmetoden har inneburit en rörelse mellan helhet–delar–helhet och att den egna förförståelsen och traditionen har fått ta plats i tolkningen. Resultatet har framträtt när författaren och texterna nått en gemensam förståelse. Resultat. Vårdarens identitet formas av fyra element: 1. Ryggsäcken, det ”bagage” som vårdaren alltid bär med sig i alla situationer, såsom sin personlighet, tidigare erfarenheter och sin kunskap, 2. Patienten, d.v.s. att ha en vilja att vårda och en målsättning att ge god vård, 3. Arbetsmiljön och att finna sin plats i gemenskapen, 4. Vårdarens egen begrundan och reflektion. Om elementen inte helt kan uppfyllas försvagas identiteten. Att uppfylla alla element kan jämföras med att tillgodose vårdarens kroppsliga, själsliga och andliga aspekter. Resultatet visar också att arbetsgemenskapen och ensamheten har stor betydelse för identiteten. Vårdaren vill finnas i antingen en positiv arbetsgemenskap, som präglas av trygghet, tillit, respekt och arbetsglädje eller i en positiv ensamhet, där hon känner frihet och kan växa i sin roll. En del vårdare arbetar varierat med båda typerna av arbetsuppgifter. Båda arbetssätten stärker vårdarens identitet. Det som försvagar vårdarens identitet är negativ arbetsgemenskap, d.v.s. att känna att man inte passar in och att den egna utvecklingen hämmas eller negativ ensamhet, såsom känslor av totalt utanförskap i en arbetsgemenskap eller stor osäkerhetskänsla förorsakad av att man arbetar ensam. Negativ ensamhet kan ses som ett hot mot vårdarens identitet och liv. En stark identitet och att vara trygg i sin yrkesroll ska i förlängningen leda till en vilja hos vårdaren att ge god och kärleksfull vård.
Parodontit är en folksjukdom, som genom inflammationsprocesser skadar tändernas parodontologiska fastsättningsmekanism och kan leda till tandförlust. Om bettet är funktionellt nedsatt och estetiskt otillfredställande finns det skäl att rehabilitera bettet. Eftersom generaliserad parodontit ofta försvagar delvis eller alla tänders fastsättningsmekanism eller destruerar det, är det en utmaning vid rehabilitering av bettet. Rehabiliteringsformen kan vara en fast brokonstruktion, avtagbar partiell protes, implantat eller implantatstödd konstruktion och täckprotes. I detta arbete behandlas problematiken med en litteraturöversikt och ett patientfall. Som material i litteraturöversikten används relevanta artiklar och allmänt accepterad litteratur inom ämnesområdet. Arbetets patientfall hade en medelsvår parodontit i generaliserad form. Både sjukdomen parodontit och flera periapikala inflammationsprocesser har lett till stora tandförlustområden i övre käkens bakre tandregioner. Slutsatsen för litteraturöversikten är att en fast brokonstruktion i första hand rekommenderas eftersom den fördelar bettbelastningen optimalt, skenar fast rörliga tänder, inte ackumulerar plack och är lätt att anpassa sig till för patienten. Även de andra rehabiliteringsformerna är fördelaktiga vid rätta indikationer. Alternativen för patientens bettrehabilitering var en fast brokonstruktion, implantatstödd brokonstruktion och avtagbar partiell protes. På grund av patientens ekonomiska situation och rehabiliteringsbehov av båda bakre tandregionerna i övre käken rehabiliterades bettet med en partiell protes. Planerna var att med en parodontologiskt konservativ preprotetisk vård kunna tillverka en ensidig friändsprotes och undvika en dubbelsidig friändsprotes. Slutligen tillverkades en dubbelsidig friändsprotes för att få en stabil och framförallt långsiktig protetisk rehabilitering av bettet. Oberoende av rehabiliteringsformen är en noggrann grundvård och ett regelbundet uppföljningssystem ett krav för en lyckad vård och ett långvarigt slutresultat.
The health-promoting effects of exercise training (ET) are related to nitric oxide (NO) production and/or its bioavailability. The objective of this study was to determine whether single nucleotide polymorphism of the endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) gene at positions -786T>C, G894T (Glu298Asp) and at the variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) Intron 4b/a would interfere with the cardiometabolic responses of postmenopausal women submitted to physical training. Forty-nine postmenopausal women were trained in sessions of 30-40 min, 3 days a week for 8 weeks. Genotypes, oxidative stress status and cardiometabolic parameters were then evaluated in a double-blind design. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values were significantly reduced after ET, which was genotype-independent. However, women without eNOS gene polymorphism at position -786T>C (TT genotype) and Intron 4b/a (bb genotype) presented a better reduction of total cholesterol levels (-786T>C: before = 213 ± 12.1, after = 159.8 ± 14.4, Δ = -24.9% and Intron 4b/a: before = 211.8 ± 7.4, after = 180.12 ± 6.4 mg/dL, Δ = -15%), and LDL cholesterol (-786T>C: before = 146.1 ± 13.3, after = 82.8 ± 9.2, Δ = -43.3% and Intron 4b/a: before = 143.2 ± 8, after = 102.7 ± 5.8 mg/dL, Δ = -28.3%) in response to ET compared to those who carried the mutant allele. Superoxide dismutase activity was significantly increased in trained women whereas no changes were observed in malondialdehyde levels. Women without eNOS gene polymorphism at position -786T>C and Intron 4b/a showed a greater reduction of plasma cholesterol levels in response to ET. Furthermore, no genotype influence was observed on arterial blood pressure or oxidative stress status in this population.
Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been applied to detect M. leprae in different clinical samples and urine seems to be attractive for this purpose. PCR was used to improve the sensitivity for diagnosing leprosy by amplifying a 151-bp PCR fragment of the M. leprae pra gene (PCR-Pra) in urine samples. Seventy-three leprosy patients (39 males and 34 females, 14 to 78 years old) were selected for leprosy diagnosis at a reference laboratory in Maringá, PR, Brazil. Of these, 36 were under anti-leprosy multidrug therapy with dapsone and rifampicin for tuberculoid (TT) and dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine for borderline (BB) and lepromatous (LL) forms. The control group contained 50 healthy individuals without any clinical history of leprosy. DNA isolated from leprosy patients’ urine samples was successfully amplified by PCR-Pra in 46.6% (34/73) of the cases. The positivity of PCR-Pra for patients with the TT form was 75% for both patients under treatment and non-treated patients (P = 0.1306). In patients with the LL form, PCR-Pra positivity was 52 and 30% for patients under treatment and non-treated patients, respectively (P = 0.2386). PCR-Pra showed a statistically significant difference in detecting M. leprae between the TT and LL forms of leprosy in patients under treatment (P = 0.0033). Although the current study showed that the proposed PCR-Pra has some limitations in the detection of M. leprae, this method has the potential to be a useful tool for leprosy diagnosis mainly in TT leprosy where the AFB slit-skin smear is always negative.
People who suffer from traumatic brain injury (TBI) often experience cognitive deficits in spatial reference and working memory. The possible roles of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) in learning and memory impairment in mice with TBI are far from well known. Adult mice subjected to TBI were treated with the COX-1 selective inhibitor SC560. Performance in the open field and on the beam walk was then used to assess motor and behavioral function 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 days following injury. Acquisition of spatial learning and memory retention was assessed using the Morris water maze on day 15 post-TBI. The expressions of COX-1, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), interleukin (IL)-6, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB), synapsin-I, and synaptophysin were detected in TBI mice. Administration of SC560 improved performance of beam walk tasks as well as spatial learning and memory after TBI. SC560 also reduced expressions of inflammatory markers IL-6 and PGE2, and reversed the expressions of COX-1, BDNF, PDGF-BB, synapsin-I, and synaptophysin in TBI mice. The present findings demonstrated that COX-1 might play an important role in cognitive deficits after TBI and that selective COX-1 inhibition should be further investigated as a potential therapeutic approach for TBI.
Melões rendilhados cv. Bônus II foram minimamente processados manualmente na forma de cubos, acondicionados em diversos materiais de embalagem com injeção da mistura gasosa (5% O2 + 20% CO2 + 75% N2) e armazenados a 3ºC durante 12 dias. Os materiais de embalagem foram: BB-200: filme multicamada da Cryovac 65µm; PBC:filme poliolefínico Probag Conservax 64µm; PP: filme de polipropileno 52µm. Como controle, utilizou-se bandeja de polietileno com tampa perfurada. Realizou-se monitoramento da composição gasosa, análises microbiológicas, sensoriais e físico-químicas a cada 3 dias. Foram determinadas as taxas de permeabilidade ao O2 e CO2 de cada filme. A embalagem BB-200 promoveu acúmulo de CO2 até níveis de 24% e redução de O2 até níveis de 0,4%. Na embalagem PBC a concentração de O2 estabilizou-se ao redor de 8% e a de CO2 ao redor de 4%, enquanto na embalagem de PP os níveis de gases estabilizaram-se ao redor de 13% O2 e 6% CO2. De maneira geral, as características físico-químicas e sensoriais foram pouco influenciadas pelos tratamentos. A alteração da composição gasosa foi eficiente no controle de microrganismos. A partir do 9º dia de armazenamento, os melões controle apresentaram níveis de bactérias mesófilas acima de 10(5) NMP/g, com riscos de apresentarem microrganismos patogênicos e/ou deterioradores.
Aino Toiviainen Probiotics and oral health: in vitro and clinical studies University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry, Periodontology, Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences (FINDOS-Turku), Turku, Finland Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Sarja – Ser. D, Medica-Odontologica. Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland, 2015 Probiotics are used, for example, to prevent and treat diarrhea, allergies and respiratory infections, and there is an increasing interest to use probiotics also for oral health purposes. The most commonly used probiotic bacteria are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are acidogenic and aciduric. From the oral point of view, use of these probiotics may, at least in theory, mean an increased risk of caries. In this thesis, the effects of probiotics on oral microbial composition, acid production of dental plaque and gingival health were studied through in vitro studies and two clinical studies. In a randomized, double-blind and crossover study, 13 healthy adults were allocated into two groups. Half of the subjects first consumed Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG tablets twice a day for two weeks, and after the washout period, L. reuteri tablets twice a day for two weeks. The other half of the subjects used the tablets in reverse order. In another controlled, randomized and double-blind study, 62 healthy adults were allocated into two groups. One group used the test tablets containing L. rhamnosus GG and B. lactis BB-12 and the other group used control tablets without probiotics. The recommendation for the use of the tablets was 4 per day for 4 weeks. Probiotic lactobacilli interfered with S. mutans biofilm formation and the adhesion of S. mutans to saliva-coated hydroxyapatite in vitro. No effect was found in S. mutans levels in the three-species biofilms. In clinical studies, the studied probiotics had no effect on the acid production of plaque. The counts of mutans streptococci and the oral microbial composition remained the same. Tablets containing L. rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 did decrease the amount of plaque and gingival bleeding. According to our results, it seems that probiotics have beneficial effects on gingival health. The present results confirmed that probiotics are safe and have beneficial effects on oral health. Since the consumption of probiotics by the general population is steadily increasing, an understanding of the functions of probiotics in the oral cavity has become more important. Keywords: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, caries, periodontal disease, mutans streptococci, probiotics
Para ser considerado prebiótico, um microrganismo deve atender a uma série de requisitos, sendo a manutenção da viabilidade, um dos principais. Culturas probióticas de Lactobacillus spp. e Bifidobacterium spp. foram cultivadas em leite em pó desnatado reconstituído 12% adicionado de 3% (p/v) de mel pasteurizado. Foram preparados controles sem mel. Todos os cultivos mantiveram-se viáveis por 46 dias a 7 °C atendendo o número mínimo exigido pela legislação. O maior número de células viáveis de L. casei-01 e L. casei Shirota (>9,0 log10 UFC.mL-1) foi observado nos cultivos contendo mel. A acidez titulável produzida por estas culturas foi de 1,44%. O número de células viáveis de L. acidophilus Sacco® aos 46 dias em cultivos com mel foi significativamente maior (p < 0,05) que nos controles. Considerando todo o período de estocagem, o mel exerceu efeito positivo significativo (p < 0,05) apenas para as culturas de Bifidobacterium. O menor crescimento e a menor acidificação no 46º dia foram observados nos cultivos de Bf. lactis Bb-12, sendo de 7,63 log10 UFC.mL-1 e 0,61% de acidez em presença de mel e 6,11 log10 UFC.mL-1 e 0,30% de acidez nos controles. Diferentemente, os cultivos de Bf. lactis Sacco® atingiram contagens de 9,11 log10 UFC.mL-1 e produziram 1,11% de acidez.