935 resultados para Búfalos - Variabilidade genética


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of selective thinning on the genetic divergence in progenies of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis, aiming to identify the most productive and divergent progenies for the use of improvement program. The test of progenies containing 119 progenies and two commercial controls were planted in March 1990, using 11 × 11 square lattice design, sextuple, partially balanced, disposed in lineal plots with six trees in the spacing of 3,0 × 3,0m. 13 years after planting thinning was realized (selection for DBH), with 50% selection intensity based on Multi-effect index, leaving three trees per plot in all the experiment. The evaluations were done at four situations: A (before the thinning); B (thinned trees); C (remaining trees after thinning) and D (one year after thinning). The analyzed traits were: height, diameter at breast height (DBH), volume, form of stem and wood density. The genetic divergence among the progenies was studied with aid of the canonical variables and of clustering of Tocher method, using the generalized distance matrix of Mahalanobis (D2) as estimate of the genetic similarity. The progenies were grouped in four groups in situation A, fourteen in the situation B, two in the situation C and three in the situation D. The selective thinning of the trees within of the progenies caused a change in the genetic divergence among the progenies, genetically homogenizing the progenies, as demonstrated by the generalized distances of Mahalanobis, clustering of Tocher' and canonical variables methods. The thinning made possible a high uniformity in respect to the relative contribution of the traits for the total genetic divergence. The techniques of clustering were efficient to identify groups of divergent progenies for the use hybridization and little divergent progenies for the use in backcross program.


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Brazil is one of the world's richest countries in forest biodiversity. This has a great importance for humanity for sheltering essential scientific potential for the improvement in the quality of living beings. It also contributes to the preservation of natural resources and the environment. Among Brazil's forest species, jenipapo (Genipa americana L.) is commonly found in riparian vegetation. The objective of this work was to quantify the genetic variability of biochemical traits of seeds, as a support for in situ and ex situ conservation of natural populations of G. americana L. Two populations of the species were studied: one from Ilha Solteira, SP region (ISA) and other from Mogi Guaçu, SP (MOG). In the ISA population, seeds were collected from 30 trees, and in the MOG population, from 22 trees. These seeds were analyzed for chemical composition: content of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and starch. The two populations of G. americana studied had a great genetic variation for these traits. The population ISA had an additive and phenotypic correlation, which was negative and high for starch with lipid; and positive and medium, for lipid with prolamine, as well as for globulin with prolamine. The population MOG presented additive and phenotypic correlations: positive and medium for gluteline with globulin. In these populations, narrow sense heritability estimates of progenies were moderate (0.69 for carbohydrates in the population ISA) to high (0.81 to 0.99 for the other traits in the two populations), indicating that much progress can be expected with selection strategies.


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Non-linear mathematical functions proposed by Brody, Gompertz, Richards, Bertalanffy and Verhulst were compared in several buffalo production systems in Colombia. Herds were located in three provinces: Antioquia, Caldas, and Cordoba. Growth was better described by the curves proposed by Brody and Gompertz. Using the datasets from herds from Caldas, heritabilities for traits such as weaning weight (WW), weight and maturity at one year of age (WY and MY, respectively), age at 50% and 75% of maturity (A50% and A75%, respectively), adult weight (β0), and other characteristics, were also estimated. Direct and maternal heritabilities for WW were 0.19 and 0.12, respectively. Direct heritabilities for WY, MY, A50%, A75% and β0 were 0.39, 0.15, 0.09, 0.20 and 0.09, respectively. The genetic correlation for β0 and WY was -0.47, indicating that selection for heavy weight at one year of age will lead to lower weight at adult age. These data suggest that selection based on maturity traits can generate changes in characteristics of economic importance in beef-type buffalo farms. © 2012 Universidad de Antioquia.


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A total of 5575 monthly test-day yield records from 796 lactations buffaloes first in the north coast of Colombia. The model included random direct additive genetic and permanent environment effects. As fixed effects were included, contemporary groups, and age of cow at calving as covaraible, linear and quadratic effects. Test-day (PLDC) yield was 3.89 ± 1.14 kg. The PLDC ranged from 2.86 kg to 4.26 kg while the highest values towards the middle of lactation. The heritability estimates obtained for PLDC ranged from 0.23 to 0.47. Genetic correlations between PLDC, declining steadily increased the distance between PLDC. Phenotypic variances were higher in the initial PLDC and decreasing towards the end of lactation. The results found in this study indicate that there is a high genetic variability for the PLDC in the population studied using a random regression model.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic variation, the genotype × soil interaction and the selection among and within Corymbia citriodora progenies in three different kinds of soils (Red Latossol, Quartz Sand and Purple Latossol), which occur in the Luiz Antônio Experimental Station, São Paulo State, Brazil. The progeny test was established 1983, using 56 open-pollinated families of C. citriodora. Twenty fve years after planting the following traits were measured: height, diameter at breast height (Dbh), stem form and survival. Best growth occurred in Purple Latossol. Significant differences among progenies were detected for most traits in all sites, suggesting the possibility of improvement by selection. In the analysis with sites, Significant differences among locals, progenies and genotypes × soil interaction were detected, confiming that the tested material has sufficient genetic variation to be explored by selection in all sites. The analysis of genotype × soil interaction indicates that growth traits present single interaction and the same progenies can be selected in each site. On the order hand, genotype × soil interaction for stem form and survival was complex; and specifc progenies need to be selected for each kind of soil. The population, due to its high genetic variation and strong genetic control of traits, permits to obtain considerable genetic gains by selection among and within progenies.


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O trabalho teve objetivo estudar a variabilidade temporal da temperatura do ar, precipitação pluviométrica e umidade relativa do ar na cidade de Botucatu-SP, Brasil, utilizando técnicas geoestatísticas. Os dados de precipitação pluviométrica, temperatura do ar e umidade relativa do ar utilizados no presente estudo são provenientes da Estação Meteorológica da Fazenda Lageado, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas-UNESP. As observações foram realizadas no período de 1988 a 2007, referem-se ao total mensal de precipitação pluvial expressa em altura de lâmina d'água (mm), médias mensais de temperatura em ºC e umidade relativa em %. Os dados foram avaliados por meio da estatística clássica e geoestatística. As variáveis climáticas tiveram sua dependência verificada por variogramas, apresentando dependência temporal maior que 76%. A série temporal de umidade relativa do ar foi a que apresentou maior alcance (8,67 meses) e, conseqüentemente, maior estabilidade climática. O conhecimento da distribuição temporal das variáveis climáticas é importante para o estudo e realização do zoneamento agroclimático, bem como para o dimensionamento do sistema de irrigação das culturas.


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Eucalyptus camaldulensis has great importance in Brazil because of their phenotypic plasticity for different environmental conditions, as soils, altitudes and rainfall. This study is an investigation of a base population of E. camaldulensis from Australia through a progeny test implanted in Selvíria, MS. The trial was established in a randomized block design, with 25 families and 60 replications of single tree plots. Genetic parameters for anatomic traits and volume shrinkage were estimated, as well as their correlations with wood basic density. No significant differences among progenies were observed for the traits studied. The additive genetic variation coefficient at individual and among progeny levels ranged from low (0.26%) to high (16.98%). The narrow sense heritability at individual and family means levels also ranged from low (0.01) to high (0.87). This indicates that some traits are under strong genetic control and can be improved by selection. In the present situation, in order to attain the highest genetic gains, the sequential selection among and within progeny would be recommended.


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the variation and to estimate genetic parameters for silvicultural anatomic wood traits for genetic breeding of a Myracrodruon urundeuva (Engler) Fr. Allem, population from Selvíria-MS. For this, from samples of a progeny test established in the Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira/UNESP, macroscopic anatomic wood traits of M. urundeuva (tangential diameter and vases frequency per mm2) and growth traits were measured (height, DBH and stem form). Genetic parameters were estimated in 28 open-pollinated progenies, in three replications and 10 plants per plot, using a REML/BLUP approach. Between the analysed traits, the DBH is the most indicated for selection for timber production, because it presented the highest values of coefficient of genetic variation, heritabilities and selective accuracy. Between the anatomic traits, the vessels frequency in the pith showed the highest values for genetic parameters. For pulp yield, based on the multi-effect index, the strategy of selecting the best trees for vessels frequency in the pith, independent of the progeny, permitted to obtain substantial gains by mass selection, without progeny test.


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Forecast of biological consequences of climate changes depend on both long-term observations and the establishment of carbon budgets within pelagic ecosystems, including the assessment of biomasses and activities of all players in the global carbon cycle. Approximately 25% of oceanic primary happen over continental shelves, so these are important sites for studies of global carbon dynamics. The Brazilian Continental Shelf (BCS) has sparse and non-systematic in situ information on phytoplankton biomass, making products derived from ocean color remote sensing extremely valuable. This work analyzes chlorophyll concentration (Chl) estimated from four ocean color sensors (CZCS, OCTS, SeaWiFS and MODIS) over the BCS, to compare Chl and annual cycles meridionally. Also, useful complementary ocean color variables are presented. Chl gradients increased from the central region towards north and south, limited by estuarine plumes of Amazon and La Plata rivers, and clear annual Chl cycles appear in most areas. In southern and central areas, annual cycles show strong seasonal variability while interannual and long-term variability are equally important in the remaining areas. This is the first comparative evaluation of the Chl over the BCS and will aid the understanding of its long-term variability; essential initial step for discussions of climate changes.


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Mapping the plant nutritional condition allows viewing different regions in a cropping area, providing the producers with different criteria to use foliar and soil fertilization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of the nutritional condition of canephora coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner) regarding the site specific management of foliar and soil fertilization. In a one hectare area 60 georeferenced points were sampled at irregular intervals. There were five plants in each sampled point; two pairs of leaves were removed from the lateral branches (3 rd and 4 th pairs from extremity to the basis) in the cardinal points of each plant, counting up 40 leaves per point. The foliar samples were chemically analyzed for the following nutrients: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu and Zn. The same pattern of spatial dependence was presented with adjustment for K and B. Except for N and P, which presented random distribution, the other nutrients presented mild to severe spatial dependence justifying the geostatistical data analysis for making maps for differential and located, foliar and soil fertilizer application in coffee crop.


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The objective of this work was to assess the spatial variability of the chemical attributes of two coffee areas, managed in conventional and organic crop systems, and to calculate the percent of variation between them. In each area, a 40-point-mesh was sampled at 0-0.10 m and 0.10-0.20 m layers, within the crown projection, for pH, SB, K, P, Ca and Mg analysis. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and geostatistics. From the soil chemical attributes map, the percent of variation between the systems' chemical attributes was determined by GIS algebraic operations. The results show that the soil chemical attributes present a spatial dependence in both systems and layers. Analysis of the soil chemical attributes showed less spatial variability in the organic system, in relation to the conventional, indicating homogeneous zones for different fertilizer applications. The percent of variation of the chemical attributes in the conventional system, in relation to the organic, at 0-0.10 m and 0.10-0.20m layers are 54.80% and 35.61%, respectively.