956 resultados para Ato Infracional
Parental investment increases the offspring s survival, though it decreases the opportunities for the parents to invest in a future progeny. In a broad sense, this investment is directed to one s own descendant, but in some cases, such as in adoption, resources are directed to non-relatives even in the absence of fitness benefits. Once there are many factors involved in adoption, this study investigated adopters candidates, aiming to analyze aspects considered by them for adopting, based on the Evolutionary Psychology s perspective. We analyzed the judicial proceedings´ files people who had been inlisted for adoption at the 2ª Childhood and Adolescence Law Court, Natal-RN. The adopter s motivations were classified into biological or social reasons. A relationship between adopters´ age and kind of motivation was found: requirements of young people were related to biological reasons while requirements of the old ones were related to social reasons. Fertility, mainly female requirer´s fertility, underlie this relationship, considering that women fertility is strongly influenced by age. The reasons to adopt were also related to the age of the desired child, once that people who wanted children older than 25 months alleged social reasons while those that wanted younger babies alleged biological reasons. There are lots of motives to adopt a child, but the phenomenon of adoption is broadly acknowledged by society as an act of love and the adoptive parents are often regarded as kind and generous people. It was observed, instead, that the reasons to adopt comes from the adopters themselves, related to the fulfillment of personal needs, such as increasing the family, carrying out mother/father role or having a company or someone to care form them in elderly age
The murder-suicide (H / S) has been defined as a shocking crime in which a person takes the life of another and then kills himself within 24 hours. Set up as a gender violence, because men are in majority, the killers and the women victims. This study aims to understand the meanings of the experience of a H / S, from women who have survived this act. This study sets up as a hermeneutic phenomenological research, based on Heidegger`s ontology. We interviewed three survivors of H / S, whose narratives allowed to approach the senses present in their lives. The interviews were transcribed and interpreted in accordance with the hermeneutic circle, as proposed by Martin Heidegger. From the interviews of research participants perceive that these women have built their senses in stocks, represented the family foundation and the presence of a husband and children. This project that moved their lives toward the construction of modes-of-being. We noticed the presence of historicity constructing meanings for the existence of these women. We found reports of an experience of loving relationships characterized by strong jealousy, with the presence of fantasies of betrayal, and marked by a careful affective relationship that put them in the position of object possession of his companions. Reflect that such caring restricted their existence being-for-husband. So the senses that moved their stocks, which aimed his ways existential, was the creation of a family, a reference to their lives, to live a love, and care for the children. Therefore, beyond the already known aspects in studies on violence against women, which made these women continue to choose this relationship was the sense that they had for their existence. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the construction of a new look on violence against women, taking as a basis the Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenology
The object of this study was to identify the possibility of predicting the involvement in traffic infractions from the results of the psychological tests carried out by psychologists specialized in the process of driver licensing in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN). The proposal consisted in identifying the penalty points recorded in national driving licenses (CNH) and identifying the corresponding tests and scores obtained, verifying if the average scores in the tests of drivers with and without an infraction record were significantly different and if there is any relation between the test scores and the frequency of the infractions. The results of the psychological instruments were collected in two moments the first being in the act of acquisition of the CNH and the second being during license renewal at the only certified clinic and at the DETRAN-RN. A population of 839 drivers of 14 municipalities were identified. 127 protocols of psychological tests were identified in the records of the DETRAN-RN (2002) and 76 at the clinic (2007), pointing out failures in the process of safekeeping of the psychological material, as well as in its retrieval from the record files. The sample was thus reduced to 68 drivers, all male, with age range between 18 and 41 years old, mean of 21,72 years old (DP = 5,24). 54 drivers were identified without a record of infraction, and 14 with a record. The latter committed 29 infractions. The penalty points recorded in their CNH ranged from 0 to 35 and the typical value of points (median) was zero. In the group with a record of infractions the number of points ranged between 3 and 35, mean of 10,79 (DP = 7,73). Differences were observed in the composition of the battery of tests in the two moments with the same subjects. The use of different tests to assess the same construct of the subject, first and second moment of assessment, did not allow for some analyzes with more efficient statistical proof. It was pointed out that five tests were not carried out and 118 were not corrected/analyzed. Significant differences between the groups were not identified with the psychological instruments used. In another attempt to establish differences between the means, the application of the independent t-Test evidenced a significant difference in the scores of the instruments of concentrated attention in 2002 (t = 2,21, gl = 25, p = 0.037) and of diffuse attention in 2002 (t = 2,37, gl = 24, p = 0.026). The results also did not evidence significant correlation between the scores of the tests and the penalty points of the infractions. Based on this study, it cannot be concluded with precision that the high or low scores are good criteria to determine that a driver will commit more or less traffic infractions, nor that the drivers with higher scores in the tests commit less infractions and vice-versa. Furthermore, the problems to find the instruments and the most basic data require a stronger monitoring on the part of the certified clinic and of the DETRAN-RN.
This study investigates the Repetition of movements shown in a stereotypical case of a child three years old. In line with the psychoanalysis model of search, this work presents fragments of the clinic process, the locus for the observation of repetitive, ritualized and choreographically movements of this child who used not to speak. The contrast between their movements and the issuance of a word verbalized at the end of the treatment caused the following question: repetition in this child production would be a reproduction of the same or would be directing for the difference? In the psychiatric speech, the stereotypes are listed as diagnostic criteria for certain mental disorders. In the psychoanalysis studies a question about the psych nature of ritualistic gestures apparently without purpose or direction is included. Thus, the route followed was the reading of the theoretical concept of repetition in the psychoanalytic works of S. Freud and J. Lacan. With Freud, the repetition is linked to the transfer and resistance. In that context, when it appears in act, in the place of the talk, it constitutes a particular way of remembering. But the existence of a force in the psychic apparatus that acts independent and involuntarily of the Principle of pleasure (the repetition compulsion) subsidizes the discovery of Freudian pulsion of death that is the tendency to return to itself. In the Lacan reading, the function of Repetition is magnified, as it fulfils two functions: the automaton - reminders of repetitive signs, and that the service of tiqué - the meeting of the subject with his lack constituent. In this sense, repetition is not simply a reproduction, but the search for new, the difference, caused by the lack of continuity that pushes the circuit. Finally, the clinic process and the theoretical readings made the comprehension of the child repetitive and choreographically movements and the pronouncement of a "good-bye", full of meaning. This repetitive scenario which is full of questions, by this very nature, insists in remains inconclusive
This research has as main proposal to verify how the virtue of generosity, considered as one of the important aspects of moral development on children, shows itself in children between four and six years old in institutional welcome condition. Toward this aim, knowledge in Human Development Psychology, specifically Jean Piaget and his contemporary collaborators, were associated to philosophic knowledge, with emphasis in Kant and Aristotle. The research took place in an institutional welcome service in the town of Natal-RN, between February and May of 2009, witch is responsible to offer care to children from zero till six years old. As procedure were used: the rulebased game Memory Game ; the childhood story One note fight ; and observations of the institution s everyday. The corpus analysis was done by the Thematic Content Analysis method. In general, in the daily observations, children showed themselves more co-operative and generous than in the executed procedures, mainly when the matter subject was other´s well-being. The duty, Kantian perspective, was overcome by the Aristotelian sumo bem, classified as generous act of afford to other what is not posted as right, however guaranteed by solidarity
Suicide rates have been rising all over the world. In Rio Grande do Norte state, a study carried out by Dutra (1999) investigated suicide rates among youngsters and found that in 1997 alone 244 cases of suicide attempt were registered. The author took an interest in studying this phenomenon among adolescents after reviewing Dutra s study and the technical literature on suicide. In addition to that, another topic caught her attention and raised new research questions: suicide attempts motivated by love, i.e., the end of a relationship, the fantasy of being abandoned by a partner. These have made the author to question how love manifested itself among adolescents and how it could become a reason for adolescents to give up their lives. Based on the data she analyzed and the research questions she developed, her research objective was to understand how adolescents who have attempted suicide because of love-related reasons have gone through this experience. The theoretical reference for the research was the Client-centered Therapy and more specifically, the construct self , according to Carl Rogers. The methodological strategy was inspired by the existential-phenomenological strategy. It used the narrative as a research instrument, inspired by the work of Walter Benjamim (1994) which was developed into a research strategy by Schmidt (1990). Four youngsters (three male and one female) have participated in this study. They have attempted suicide for love-related reasons during dolescence, when they were 12 to 18 years old. The interviews were recorded on cassette tapes, transcribed and literalized into narratives. The understanding of the narratives was based on the meanings that emerged from the youngsters speeches, as well as from the moments that touched the author. These moments highlighted the meaning of the experience of giving up life and the experience of love-based relationship as experienced by the youngsters. The study detected, among the adolescents who were interviewed, the existence of impulsiveness related to the suicide attempt. Also, the majority of the interviewees came from unstructured family backgrounds and had lost of one of their parents or had to face their parents divorce. The suicide was attempted by these youngsters through the ingestion of medicines. The research also revealed that the youngsters had regretted attempting suicide and felt guilty about it. With regards to their self-evaluation, the author observed that the youngsters had low self-esteem, negative perceptions about themselves and distorted views of themselves. These findings helped the author to reflect on the close relationship between the construct self and the suicide attempt. She also observed that a few factors, i.e., family context, education, social and cultural values, have influenced the way the youngsters perceived themselves . The results of this research confirm the idea that we have to understand the suicide attempt as a multi-determined phenomenon. This study contributed to the analysis and reflection on the factors that contribute to suicide attempts thus providing a foundation for the development of public health programs and policies to deal with this topic
A intenção do presente artigo é pensar a problemática do ensino de filosofia a partir da obra de Deleuze e Guattari. Esses autores criaram uma série de conceitos, em seu fazer filosófico, para entender o que seria fazer filosofia, ou seja, para entender a atividade filosófica que se distanciasse de uma reflexão sobre alguma coisa e se fundasse em um ato de criação filosófica. Segundo os autores, existem quatro conceitos que corroboram para entender esse fazer filosófico, quais sejam: conceito, plano de imanência, personagem conceitual e problema. Tem-se como hipótese que tais conceitos podem contribuir para se pensar o ensino de filosofia na contemporaneidade de modo diferenciado do qual vem sendo tratado. Foi dada especial atenção a um desses conceitos: plano de imanência, engendrado na última obra conjunta desses autores, O que é a filosofia? (1997). Buscou-se, na obra desses autores, a caracterização de imanência e, consecutivamente, de plano de imanência para entender como se pode pensar o ensino de filosofia de forma diferenciada e de modo tal a distanciá-lo de uma adequação conceitual a um transcendente ou a um transcendental, a qual, no entender dos autores trabalhados, levaria o conceito de ensino a um dogmatismo conceitual. A proposta deste artigo é buscar uma saída para o problema, pensando o ensino de filosofia a partir da imanência mesma na qual este se produz.
Artemisia annua tem sido utilizada tradicionalmente para o tratamento de malária e febre na China devido à presença do princípio ativo, artemisinina. O presente trabalho avaliou a atividade central de do óleo essencial obtido por hidrodestilação e do extrato etanólico bruto de folhas frescas de A. annua em modelo in vivo como parte de um screening farmacológico dessa espécie. Sono induzido por pentobarbital, nado forçado e o ensaio de campo aberto são modelos de estudo conhecidos para o estudo de fármacos sobre depressão induzida. A administração do óleo essencial ou extrato bruto etanólico de A. annua aumentaram o tempo de imobilidade no teste do nado forçado. Por outro lado, diminuíram outros parâmetros no campo aberto, como ambulação, exploração, o ato de lamber as patas ou se lamber. Ambos produtos aumentaram o tempo de sono induzido por pentobarbital, com o óleo essencial apresentando um efeito superior ao do extrato. Pela análise dos resultados, é possível sugerir que tanto o extrato bem como o óleo essencial podem atuar como depressores do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC).
As distinções mais óbvias que podem ser observadas no mercado de moda são aquelas que dizem respeito às diferenças de gênero, independente da classe ou do grupo social a que se faça referência. Dentro desse universo podem ser encontradas duas noções, elegância e atitude, que condensam, a um só tempo, marcas de gênero, sociais e individuais. No caso da noção de elegância, o discurso, tanto quanto a roupa ou o próprio indivíduo, traduz sempre um ato de remissão a uma determinada concepção de ordem social, entendida como natural. As diferenças de gênero são relevantes, nesse contexto, porque demarcam posições sociais entendidas como naturais. Já a noção de atitude não cobra, necessariamente, uma ordem social e natural, mas uma ordem pessoal. O discurso e a roupa traduzem um caráter individualista, supondo ser o indivíduo quem imprime um sentido a sua inserção social, ainda que eventual ou momentânea. Nesse contexto, na maior parte das vezes, o individualismo ganha expressão através de uma linguagem estruturada como se não tivesse gênero.
A uveíte peri e pós-operatória é o maior problema da cirurgia para extração de catarata no cão, sendo considerada o fator mais importante para o sucesso cirúrgico, imediato e tardio. Diversos protocolos pré e pós-operatórios utilizando agentes anti-inflamatórios esteroidais e não-esteroidais têm sido empregados na tentativa de controle da uveíte cirurgicamente induzida. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a reação inflamatória pós-operatória, clinicamente e por meio da pressão intraocular (PIO), após a cirurgia de facoemulsificação para extração de catarata em cães, com e sem implante de lente intraocular (LIO) em piggyback. Empregaram-se, 25 cães portadores de catarata, subdivididos em dois grupos: G1 (com implante de LIO), G2 (sem implante de LIO). A técnica cirúrgica adotada foi a facoemulsificação bimanual unilateral. Avaliações clínicas e mensurações da PIO foram aferidas antes do procedimento cirúrgico (0) e nos tempos 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 60 dias após o ato cirúrgico. Cães do grupo G1 apresentaram sinais clínicos de uveíte visivelmente mais intensos, relativamente aos do G2. Entretanto, a PIO não demonstrou diferença significativa entre os dois grupos analisados, nem entre os olhos operados e os contralaterais. A utilização de duas LIOs humanas em piggyback no cão é exequível, porém suscita mais inflamação e complicações no pós-operatório.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar morfometricamente a neoangiogênese de retalhos cutâneos subdérmicos em ratos tratados com óleo de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii) em pomada a 10%. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, composto por três recursos farmacológicos. Foram utilizadas dez repetições para cada recurso, e cada animal foi considerado uma unidade experimental. Trinta ratos Wistar foram submetidos à elevação do retalho cutâneo dorsal subdérmico e distribuídos em três grupos: grupo controle absoluto, no qual os animais não receberam nenhum tratamento; grupo controle, no qual os animais receberam tratamento tópico diário com pomada com apenas veículo (glicerina e vaselina); e grupo tratado, no qual os animais foram tratados diariamente com óleo de copaíba em pomada a 10%. Os ratos foram tratados e observados por oito dias após o ato operatório. No oitavo dia de pós-operatório, realizou-se a análise macroscópica do retalho e foram coletados fragmentos das porções cranial, média e caudal do retalho cutâneo para análise histopatológica. A análise morfométrica mostrou diferença significativa para o número de novos vasos sanguíneos nas partes média e caudal do retalho cutâneo no grupo tratado. O óleo de copaíba mostra-se eficiente no aumento da neoangiogênese em retalhos cutâneos subdérmicos de ratos.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A monitorização da profundidade da hipnose e da anestesia é um ato complexo. A maioria das propostas para monitorizar os níveis adequados da hipnose, durante a anestesia, envolve o EEG usando as ondas do EEG, ou mais recentemente, usando a forma processada. A análise bispectral é o método que permite analisar o EEG nas diferentes fases de freqüências. CONTEÚDO: O EEG processado é iniciado com a conversão do sinal de EEG para a forma digital. O EEG digitalizado pode ser matematicamente transformado pelo processo conhecido como análise de Fourier, que separa o complexo sinal do EEG em vários componentes da onda, ou seja, em cada porção de diferente amplitude, mas cuja soma corresponde à forma original da onda. Com o emprego deste método surgem vários parâmetros. O Índice Bispectral, ou simplesmente BIS (100 - acordado até 0 - isoelétrico), é derivado dos melhores parâmetros (p.ex.: freqüência da borda spectral, freqüência mediana e o burst supression ou surto de supressão) que foram avaliados através de análise estatística. CONCLUSÕES: A experiência clínica tem mostrado que o BIS pode predizer uma resposta à incisão da pele durante a anestesia. Entretanto, o BIS não é independente da técnica anestésica usada. Há diferentes respostas, a depender do hipnótico e analgésico empregado.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Informações experimentais e clínicas têm sugerido que os b-bloqueadores apresentam efeitos hemodinâmicos importantes e protetores durante o ato anestésico-cirúrgico. O objetivo deste trabalho é revisar as informações farmacológicas e clínicas dos b-bloqueadores para sua utilização adequada na medicina per-operatória. CONTEÚDO: Os b-bloqueadores seletivos inibem preferencialmente os b1-receptores reduzindo a freqüência e inotropismo cardíacos e determinando redução no consumo de oxigênio do miocárdio. Os b-bloqueadores não seletivos inibem também os b2-receptores, aumentando a resistência bronquiolar e vascular periférica. Alguns b-bloqueadores são, também, vasodilatadores. O tratamento prolongado com os b-bloqueadores aumenta a densidade dos b-receptores na membrana celular, o que pode explicar a hiperatividade simpática que pode ocorrer durante a parada do tratamento desses medicamentos. em cirurgia não cardíaca, os efeitos benéficos do b-bloqueadores em pacientes hipertensos ou nos que apresentam doença coronariana têm sido demonstrados, com redução da incidência de isquemia miocárdica no pós-operatório e da mortalidade durante o período de dois anos que se segue à operação. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento com b-bloqueadores deve ser mantido até o período da manhã da operação, exceto nos pacientes com sinais de intolerância à droga, como hipotensão ou bradicardia importante. Os b-bloqueadores exercem efeito benéfico na recuperação pós-operatória de pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares ou nos que apresentam fatores de risco. Por isso, o emprego desses medicamentos é importante na medicina per-operatória e deve ser ampliado.
The Scientific Algorithms are a new metaheuristics inspired in the scientific research process. The new method introduces the idea of theme to search the solution space of hard problems. The inspiration for this class of algorithms comes from the act of researching that comprises thinking, knowledge sharing and disclosing new ideas. The ideas of the new method are illustrated in the Traveling Salesman Problem. A computational experiment applies the proposed approach to a new variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem named Car Renter Salesman Problem. The results are compared to state-of-the-art algorithms for the latter problem
The objective of this work was about fixing the free will paradigm as negative evaluation of political rights which presents a new classification dde such rights, producing species: a) conditions of eligibility autonomous (free will), b) eligibility requirements heteronomous (will third party) and c) ineligibility (court decisions / administrative). This morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended, making a hermeneutic analysis of art. 14, § 9 of the Constitution, considering the justification of the views of the voting Minister Carlos Ayres Brito Appeal in Ordinary No 1069/2006 of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (where Eurico Miranda). Are fixed concepts of morality and life history from the perspective of the moral act freely and consciously. Has resulted in the identification of the moral virtues of honesty and integrity, which are voluntary acts as a reference to morality and integrity respectively. Justifies the morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended. who depend exclusively on the willingness of the candidate. It is noteworthy that the conditions for eligibility as a factual finding does not violate the law and does not allow punitive sanctions or setting a deadline in case of refusal to register the application. Attributed to political parties to take responsibility in their statutes moral criteria for the nomination convention in pre candidates, giving an ethical dimension. Analyzes the law under the Clean Record of morality and life history of the candidate and the possible impact on the electoral context