998 resultados para Athenas, P. L. (17..-18..) -- Portraits


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In this paper, some notes on "saúva mata pasto" (paraol ant, Atta bisphaerica Forel, 1908) are presented. This ant is very common in good soils and it is a pest of gramineous plants, mainly com, rice, sugar cane, and so son. In poor land it is too difficult or even impossible to ind it.


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Rose aphid, Macrosiphum rosae (L., 1758), a very common aphid in State of São Paulo, Brazil, is studied in this paper.


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Foi feita a determinaçio dos elementos minerais contidos nos frutos do cacaueiro, amêndoas e casca. Um quilo de amendoas secas contêm, em grama: N-33,4; P--2,1; K-8,1; Ca-0,8; Mg-1,9; S-0,9; em mg: B-12; Cu-16, Fe-80; Mn-28; Mo-0,04; Zn-47. A análise completa do casqueiro semi decomposto mostrou na matéria seca os seguintes teores porcentuais N-2,20; P-0,05; K-2,40; Ca-0,51; Mg-0,32; S--0,12; concentração dos micronutrientes, em ppm é B-16; Cu-16; Fe-368; Mn-56; Mo-0,06; Zn-93. Foram colhidas amostras de folhas de uma roça altamente produtiva (172 arrobas ou 2580 quilos//ha)cuja análise mostrou os sequintes teores: N-I ,98%; P-0,17; K-2,20; Ca--0,73; Mq-0,19; B-25 ppm; Cu-14; Fe-87; Mu-134; Mo-0,16; Zn-96.


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No experimento foram utilizadas amostras de terra de um Oxísol (LR) e um Alfisol (PVp) , horizontes A e B2, sujeitas à compactação. Foram confinadas em vasos com capacidade para 3,8 litros, incubadas durante 80 dias e cultivadas com feijoeiro durante 67 dias, numa faixa de umidade correpondente à tensão entre 100 e 300 mbares. Através das análises físicas, pode-se verificar a ocorência de aumento da densidade do solo e redução da porosidade total, macroporosidade e condutívidade hidráulica saturada. Os microporos e poros bloqueados sofreram aumento no LR e redução no PVp. A amostra de terra do LR-B2 mostrou ser menos suscetível à compactação, enquanto que a do PVp-B2 mostrou ser a mais suscetível, seguida do LR-Al e PVp-Ap. As análises químicas revelaram tendências de aumento no teor de carbono no horizonte A sem adubo e redução no com adubo, no LR e PVp com o aumento da compactação. Verificou-se também redução do P disponível e aumento do Mg trocável nas parcelas sem e com adubo, no horizonte A de ambos os solos, com aumento da compactação.


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Em crustáceos, o aumento de tamanho ocorre imediatamente a³s a muda, quando o animal está com a carapaça mole. O crescimento de Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) foi observado em laboratório, através da ocorrência de muda, incremento de muda e período de intermuda. O estudo foi realizado durante os meses de outubro/2000 a março/2002 e um total de 91 caranguejos (15 machos, 33 fêmeas e 43 juvenis) foi coletado no manguezal de Itacuruçá - Coroa Grande, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Os animais foram mantidos em dois tipos de tanques: os caranguejos adultos foram mantidos em tanques de 1000 l, durante 18 meses, enquanto os juvenis foram mantidos em tanques plásticos de 20 l de capacidade durante oito meses. Os animais foram mantidos em sistema aberto de circulação de água do mar e alimentados duas vezes por semana com folhas de Rhizophora mangle (L.) (Rhizophoraceae) e Laguncularia racemosa (Gaertn.) (Combretaceae). A largura da carapaça variou entre 50,1 a 70,0 mm nos machos, 40,2 a 80,0 mm entre as fêmeas e 1,1 a 40,1 mm entre os juvenis. A sobrevivência dos es©cimes estudados foi de 46,7% entre os machos, 39,4% entre as fêmeas a³s dezoito meses e 67,4% entre os juvenis, a³s oito meses de observação. Os machos e as fêmeas realizaram três mudas durante o experimento, enquanto os juvenis realizaram até duas mudas. As mudas ocorreram entre agosto e abril, mostrando maior freqüência durante a primavera e o verão. O incremento na largura da carapaça diminuiu com o tamanho do indivíduo, com média de 2,21 &plusmn; 1,39% para os machos, 1,28 &plusmn; 0,84% para as fêmeas e 2,89 &plusmn; 2,13% para os juvenis. A relação entre o incremento percentual e a largura da carapaça pode ser expresso pela equação IM = -0.0707LC + 4.645 (r²= 0.40). O período de intermuda foi de 191 &plusmn; 140 dias entre os machos, 216 &plusmn; 76,2 dias entre as fêmeas e 54 &plusmn; 1,41 dia entre os juvenis. O incremento de muda foi estatisticamente significativo (p<0,05) quando comparados machos e fêmeas, e adultos e juvenis.


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Switzerland has a low mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases, but little is known regarding prevalence and management of cardiovascular risk factors (CV RFs: hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes) in the general population. In this study, we assessed 10-year trends in self-reported prevalence and management of cardiovascular risk factors in Switzerland. data from three national health interview surveys conducted between 1997 and 2007 in representative samples of the Swiss adult population (49,261 subjects overall). Self-reported CV RFs prevalence, treatment and control levels were computed. The sample was weighted to match the sex - and age distribution, geographical location and nationality of the entire adult population of Switzerland. self-reported prevalence of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes increased from 22.1%, 11.9% and 3.3% in 1997 to 24.1%, 17.4% and 4.8% in 2007, respectively. Prevalence of self-reported treatment among subjects with CV RFs also increased from 52.1%, 18.5% and 50.0% in 1997 to 60.4%, 38.8% and 53.3% in 2007 for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, respectively. Self-reported control levels increased from 56.4%, 52.9% and 50.0% in 1997 to 80.6%, 75.1% and 53.3% in 2007 for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, respectively. Finally, screening during the last 12 months increased from 84.5%, 86.5% and 87.4% in 1997 to 94.0%, 94.6% and 94.1% in 2007 for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, respectively. in Switzerland, the prevalences of self-reported hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes have increased between 1997 and 2007. Management and screening have improved, but further improvements can still be achieved as over one third of subjects with reported CV RFs are not treated.


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It is not unusual for patients with "rare" conditions, such as skeletal dysplasias, to remain undiagnosed until adulthood. In such cases, a pregnancy may unexpectedly reveal hidden problems and special needs. A 28 year old primigravida was referred to us at 17 weeks for counselling with an undiagnosed skeletal dysplasia with specific skeletal anomalies suggesting the collagen 2 disorder, spondyloperipheral dysplasia (SPD; MIM 156550).She was counselled about the probability of dominant inheritance and was offered a prenatal diagnosis by sonography. US examination at 17, 18 and 20 weeks revealed fetal macrocephaly, a narrow thorax, and shortening and bowing of long bones. The parents elected to continue the pregnancy. At birth the baby showed severe respiratory distress for four weeks which then resolved. Mutation analysis of both mother and child revealed a hitherto undescribed heterozygous nonsense mutation in the C-propeptide coding region of COL2A1 confirming the diagnosis of SPD while reinforcing the genotype-phenotype correlations between C-propeptide COL2A1 mutations and the SPD-Torrance spectrum. This case demonstrates the importance of a correct diagnosis even in adulthood, enabling individuals affected by rare conditions to be made aware about recurrence and pregnancy-associated risks, and potential complications in the newborn.


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L'eficàcia del procés judicial només es visualitza quan s'executa el que s’ha jutjat. Però si la part que ha perdut el judici decideix mantenir la seva resistència fins al ­mit, fins i tot fins després del moment en què aquesta havia de cessar, sorgeix la necessitat de la investigació patrimonial. L'executat no donarà a conèixer fàcilment els elements del seu patrimoni, per dificultar al màxim l'embargament judicial. L'èxit de la fase executiva del procés passa necessàriament per conèixer el patrimoni de l'executat. En la nostra ordenació jurídica, la jurisdicció és la potestat ºblica que té com a missió l'actuació o realització del dret objectiu en el cas concret. Aquesta potestat ºblica és l'encarregada de dur a terme la funció del Dret. És el que en diem administrar Justícia. La funció del Jutge en la nostra societat és la de impartir Justícia aplicant el Dret, és a dir, donar a cadascú el seu. Difícilment podrem donar per complerta aquesta funció si no s'executa de forma eficaç la sentència ferma per ell dictada. L'article 24 CE estableix el dret a la tutela efectiva dels jutges. En aquest dret s'inclou l'execució de la sentència. En l'execució de la sentència s'inclou la investigació patrimonial de l'executat. La LEC reconeix el dret de l'executant a conèixer el patrimoni de l'executat. Tanmateix, l'executant ha d'evitar que en aquestes accions d'investigació puguin conculcar els drets fonamentals de l'executat. L'executat té al seu favor un conjunt de normes que desenvolupen el dret fonamental a la seva intimitat personal. Com són l'article 18 CE o la Llei Orgànica de Protecció de Dades. A la pràctica, serà molt poca la informació important per a €™execució que provingui només de la investigació privada. Quan l'executant no pot disposar d'informació patrimonial suficient de l'executat per cobrir la quantia de l'execució, només ens queda l'actuació ºblica del Tribunal per aspirar a un procés executiu eficaç. La LEC estableix, subsidiàriament a la designació de béns per part de l'executant, tres formes perquè la informació patrimonial de l'executat pugui arribar al Jutge. La manifestació de béns de l'executat, que determina el final del dret de resistència de l'executat. La investigació judicial. La co·laboració obligatòria de tercers en la investigació. El requeriment judicial d'informació patrimonial té una legitimitat absoluta i la cessió a tercers d'informació patrimonial de l'executat, a requeriment judicial, mai no suposa cap vulneració del dret fonamental de l'executat a la protecció de les seves dades personals. Hauria d'existir un servei ºblic d'investigació patrimonial, tutelat per l'administració de justícia, que pogués solucionar els actuals problemes d'ineficàcia d'algunes resolucions judicials. Sens dubte, ajudaria a impartir justícia i facilitaria donar a cadascú el seu.


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Inflammation significantly contributes to the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Inflammasome-dependent cytokines, such as IL-1β and IL-18, play a role in CKD, but their regulation during renal injury is unknown. Here, we analyzed the processing of caspase-1, IL-1β, and IL-18 after unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) in mice, which suggested activation of the Nlrp3 inflammasome during renal injury. Compared with wild-type mice, Nlrp3(-/-) mice had less tubular injury, inflammation, and fibrosis after UUO, associated with a reduction in caspase-1 activation and maturation of IL-1β and IL-18; these data confirm that the Nlrp3 inflammasome upregulates these cytokines in the kidney during injury. Bone marrow chimeras revealed that Nlrp3 mediates the injurious/inflammatory processes in both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cellular compartments. In tissue from human renal biopsies, a wide variety of nondiabetic kidney diseases exhibited increased expression of NLRP3 mRNA, which correlated with renal function. Taken together, these results strongly support a role for NLRP3 in renal injury and identify the inflammasome as a possible therapeutic target in the treatment of patients with progressive CKD.


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The prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and its risk factors are well known in Western countries but few data are available from low- and middle- income countries. We are not aware of systematically collected population- based data on AAA in the African region. We evaluated the prevalence of AAA in a population- based cardiovascular survey conducted in the Republic of Seychelles in 2004 (Indian Ocean, African region). Among the 353 participants aged 50 to 64 years and screened with ultrasound, the prevalence of AAA was 0.3% (95% CI: 0- 0.9) and the prevalence of ectatic dilatations of the abdominal aorta was 1.5% (95% CI: 0.2- 2.8). The prevalence of AAA in the general population seemed lower in Seychelles than in Western countries, despite a high prevalence in Seychelles of risk factors of AAA, such as smoking (in men), high blood pressure and hypercholesterolaemia.


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La pyriculariosis del arroz, causada por el hongo Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc., es una enfermedad que provoca daños considerables en la zona arrocera del Delta del Ebro. El hongo puede infectar el cultivo en todos los estadios de crecimiento y también en las partes aéreas de la planta: hoja, nudo del tallo, cuello y panícula. El uso de variedades resistentes para el control de la enfermedad es un método económico y efectivo, pero esta resistencia puede verse modificada con la presencia en la zona de nuevas poblaciones de P. grisea de tipo virulento, por lo que esta herramienta se debe utilizar bajo un concepto dinámico. El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio del comportamiento frente a P. grisea de un grupo de variedades de arroz cultivadas en el Delta del Ebro durante el período 2000-2008. El perfil varietal del Delta del Ebro durante este período ha ido variando constantemente y la mayoría de variedades principales que se han cultivado o se cultivan actualmente han presentado un comportamiento de tipo moderado frente a P. grisea.


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The aim of this exploratory study was to assess the impact of clinicians' defense mechanisms-defined as self-protective psychological mechanisms triggered by the affective load of the encounter with the patient-on adherence to a communication skills training (CST). The population consisted of oncology clinicians (N = 31) who participated in a CST. An interview with simulated cancer patients was recorded prior and 6 months after CST. Defenses were measured before and after CST and correlated with a prototype of an ideally conducted interview based on the criteria of CST-teachers. Clinicians who used more adaptive defense mechanisms showed better adherence to communication skills after CST than clinicians with less adaptive defenses (F(1, 29) = 5.26, p&#8201;= 0.03, d = 0.42). Improvement in communication skills after CST seems to depend on the initial levels of defenses of the clinician prior to CST. Implications for practice and training are discussed. Communication has been recognized as a central element of cancer care [1]. Ineffective communication may contribute to patients' confusion, uncertainty, and increased difficulty in asking questions, expressing feelings, and understanding information [2, 3], and may also contribute to clinicians' lack of job satisfaction and emotional burnout [4]. Therefore, communication skills trainings (CST) for oncology clinicians have been widely developed over the last decade. These trainings should increase the skills of clinicians to respond to the patient's needs, and enhance an adequate encounter with the patient with efficient exchange of information [5]. While CSTs show a great diversity with regard to their pedagogic approaches [6, 7], the main elements of CST consist of (1) role play between participants, (2) analysis of videotaped interviews with simulated patients, and (3) interactive case discussion provided by participants. As recently stated in a consensus paper [8], CSTs need to be taught in small groups (up to 10-12 participants) and have a minimal duration of at least 3 days in order to be effective. Several systematic reviews evaluated the impact of CST on clinicians' communication skills [9-11]. Effectiveness of CST can be assessed by two main approaches: participant-based and patient-based outcomes. Measures can be self-reported, but, according to Gysels et al. [10], behavioral assessment of patient-physician interviews [12] is the most objective and reliable method for measuring change after training. Based on 22 studies on participants' outcomes, Merckaert et al. [9] reported an increase of communication skills and participants' satisfaction with training and changes in attitudes and beliefs. The evaluation of CST remains a challenging task and variables mediating skills improvement remain unidentified. We recently thus conducted a study evaluating the impact of CST on clinicians' defenses by comparing the evolution of defenses of clinicians participating in CST with defenses of a control group without training [13]. Defenses are unconscious psychological processes which protect from anxiety or distress. Therefore, they contribute to the individual's adaptation to stress [14]. Perry refers to the term "defensive functioning" to indicate the degree of adaptation linked to the use of a range of specific defenses by an individual, ranging from low defensive functioning when he or she tends to use generally less adaptive defenses (such as projection, denial, or acting out) to high defensive functioning when he or she tends to use generally more adaptive defenses (such as altruism, intellectualization, or introspection) [15, 16]. Although several authors have addressed the emotional difficulties of oncology clinicians when facing patients and their need to preserve themselves [7, 17, 18], no research has yet been conducted on the defenses of clinicians. For example, repeated use of less adaptive defenses, such as denial, may allow the clinician to avoid or reduce distress, but it also diminishes his ability to respond to the patient's emotions, to identify and to respond adequately to his needs, and to foster the therapeutic alliance. Results of the above-mentioned study [13] showed two groups of clinicians: one with a higher defensive functioning and one with a lower defensive functioning prior to CST. After the training, a difference in defensive functioning between clinicians who participated in CST and clinicians of the control group was only showed for clinicians with a higher defensive functioning. Some clinicians may therefore be more responsive to CST than others. To further address this issue, the present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the level of adherence to an "ideally conducted interview", as defined by the teachers of the CST, and the level of the clinician' defensive functioning. We hypothesized that, after CST, clinicians with a higher defensive functioning show a greater adherence to the "ideally conducted interview" than clinicians with a lower defensive functioning.


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S’avaluà €™impacte de la intervenció d’un equip de cures pa€¢liatives de malalts de càncer avançat i terminal sobre la intensitat del dolor, mitjançant els instruments d’avaluació Support Team Assessment Schedule (STAS) i Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) en el moment de la inclusió (T1) i als 7 dies (T2). La intensitat del dolor va disminuir significativament a ambdues escales (1.79 vs 1.04 i 5.29 vs 3.42, respectivament, p&0.001), essent la magnitud de la diferència major per al grup de dolor ESAS moderat-greu (6.43 vs 3.86, p&0.001).


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BACKGROUND: The accumulation of mutations after long-lasting exposure to a failing combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is problematic and severely reduces the options for further successful treatments. METHODS: We studied patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who failed cART with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) and either a ritonavir-boosted PI (PI/r) or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI). The loss of genotypic activity <3, 3-6, >6 months after virological failure was analyzed with Stanford algorithm. Risk factors associated with early emergence of drug resistance mutations (<6 months after failure) were identified with multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Ninety-nine genotypic resistance tests from PI/r-treated and 129 from NNRTI-treated patients were analyzed. The risk of losing the activity of ≥1 NRTIs was lower among PI/r- compared to NNRTI-treated individuals <3, 3-6, and >6 months after failure: 8.8% vs. 38.2% (p&#8202;= 0.009), 7.1% vs. 46.9% (p<0.001) and 18.9% vs. 60.9% (p<0.001). The percentages of patients who have lost PI/r activity were 2.9%, 3.6% and 5.4% <3, 3-6, >6 months after failure compared to 41.2%, 49.0% and 63.0% of those who have lost NNRTI activity (all p<0.001). The risk to accumulate an early NRTI mutation was strongly associated with NNRTI-containing cART (adjusted odds ratio: 13.3 (95% CI: 4.1-42.8), p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The loss of activity of PIs and NRTIs was low among patients treated with PI/r, even after long-lasting exposure to a failing cART. Thus, more options remain for second-line therapy. This finding is potentially of high relevance, in particular for settings with poor or lacking virological monitoring.


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Presenta l'evolució lingüística del Rosselló en l'ambit de l'Esg©sia, resseguint sobretot l'acció doctrinal i pastoral per poder observar l' Esg©sia es va relacionar amb els seus fidels; per abordar aquest tema, es centra en la catequesi i, sobretot, en la predicació; també analitza breument el paper dels ordes religiosos