936 resultados para Aspirinato de cobre


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This study explores, in 3 steps, how the 3 main library classification systems, the Library of Congress Classification, the Dewey Decimal Classification, and the Universal Decimal Classification, cover human knowledge. First, we mapped the knowledge covered by the 3 systems. We used the “10 Pillars of Knowledge: Map of Human Knowledge”, which comprises 10 pillars, as an evaluative model. We mapped all the subject-based classes and subclasses that are part of the first 2 levels of the 3 hierarchical structures. Then, we zoomed into each of the 10 pillars and analyzed how the three systems cover the 10 knowledge domains. Finally, we focused on the 3 library systems. Based on the way each one of them covers the 10 knowledge domains, it is evident that they failed to adequately and systematically present contemporary human knowledge. They are unsystematic and biased, and, at the top 2 levels of the hierarchical structures, they are incomplete.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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Dissipadores de calor recobertos com filmes de diamante CVD foram desenvolvidos para acoplar a semicondutores, utilizando-se do Laboratório de Deposição de Filmes de Diamante CVD, na UNESP - Campus de Guaratinguetá e o Laboratório de Diamantes da Universidade São Francisco, em Itatiba, SP. Analisou-se o filme de diamante CVD sobre o silício, para emprego como dissipador de calor, porque o filme de diamante CVD pode ter o valor da condutividade térmica até cinco vezes superior ao do cobre e de dez vezes a do alumínio. Os filmes foram obtidos via deposição através de reator de filamento quente, trabalhando-se com vários filamentos retilíneos em paralelo, resultando assim em um processo que visou obter um filme mais uniforme e com grande área de deposição. Os dados para análises da composição química superficial dos filmes foram obtidos por Difração de Raios-X, Dispersão de Energia de Raios-X e para a verificação da morfologia e espessura do filme foi utilizada a Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura. Para a verificação do comportamento da temperatura sobre o dissipador com o filme de diamante CVD foi utilizada uma câmera de imagem termográfica, marca Fluke, modelo Ti 40 FT. Foram obtidos filmes de 2 e 10 ?m sobre o silício. Estas espessuras ainda não oferecem um desempenho mecânico que o torne autosustentado. Do ponto de vista de desempenho térmico as análises mostraram que, mesmo com pequena espessura, o filme de diamante CVD apresentou bom resultado experimental. Os principais desafios de construção para esse dissipador de calor são a obtenção do filme com espessura acima de um mm e a garantia da qualidade do filme com a repetitividade do processo em cujo caso torna-se necessário definir as dimensões do dissipador antes da deposição do filme.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Contamination of rivers and lakes, waste disposed by infiltration into the soil as fertilizer, for example, has been highlighted around the world, since such compounds can contain toxic elements, causing changes in aquatic and/or terrestrial ecosystem. Due to the possible presence of these elements in these wastes, it is possible assess damage to organisms exposed through breaks in genetic material and mutations. In this sense, this work aimed at exploring the cytotoxic, mutagenic and genotoxic vinasse pontential, residue used as fertilizer, from the processing of sugar cane into alcohol, using fish (Oreochromis niloticus - Cichlidae) as a test organism. The individuals were exposed to different dilutions of vinasse in the water and later carried out analysis of their erythrocytes using the micronucleus test and nuclear abnormalities associated and the comet assay. In the first bioassay, tilapia exhibited 5% and 10% vinasse concentrations died after 48h. The number of micronucleated erythrocytes was statistically significant for the 1% vinasse concentration and also for nuclear abnormalities such as broken-egg and nuclear bud, when compared with negative and positive controls; were also significant lobed type erythrocytes, when compared to the negative control. The test results of the comet assay were not significant for 1% vinasse when compared to the negative control, due to the high rate of comets with damage control, which is unusual. The same was observed for changes as notched and blebbed type. In the second chemical analyzes conducted, the detection of heavy metals in the vinasse sample, charged only the presence of copper and chromium, the latter with a concentration 89 times higher than in the first test. Differentially the first bioassay, fish exposed to dilution of 5% did not die... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The aim of this experiment was evaluate the effect of the bioestimulant administered in grafted and non-grafted japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants, under greenhouse conditions, in gas exchanges during the development of the plant and in the increase of yield. The experiment was carried out in the experimental area of Agronomic Sciences University of UNESP, Campus of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment design was completely randomized, in a factorial arrangement of 2x5, grafted and non-grafted plants and 5 treatments with bioestimulant: control, indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 250 mL ha-1; indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 375 mL ha-1; indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 500 mL ha-1; Yuca extract (Yucca elephantipes) + manganese + iron + copper + sulfur 375 mL ha-1 applied 15 days after the transplant, in intervals of 7 days between the applications, via leaf. The effect of the treatments were evaluated through the observations of the following characteristics: production of fruits (number and mass), average mass of the fruit and measures of gas exchanges. It can be concluded that indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 250 mL ha-1 increased CO2 assimilation rate and the water efficiency, influencing in addition to increase the quantity of the fruits


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The quality assurance control program (QACP) in clinical radiology is very important to acquire, image quality, patient dose reduction and cost for the institution. The verification of the real tension on the x ray tube, it is one of many parameters that may be determined on a QACP. This act on image quality as absorbed dose in patient. Once proved the importance of this fact, this study come up with the determination of tension to any X ray tube used on medical routine, on quick, safe and low cost manner. To reach the aim of this study, the methodology consisted on measuring expose rates (ER) using different thicknesses of copper (Cu) plates like filters and relating these results with Half Layer Value (HLV). Afterwards, the HLV was associated to real tension that was acquired with kilo voltage of peak (kVp) measurers used on clinical routine. So walking in this path, when performed the ER, on any X ray tube, it’s possible acquire the HLV and consequently the real kVp, considering measures obtained before, on the methodology of kVp estimative development


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Located in Apiaí, Vale do Ribeira, southern region of São Paulo state, the Usina do Calabouço areas (CIEM / CPRM) and Morro do Ouro (Parque Municipal do Morro do Ouro), were targeted for stud ies due to its old buildings, respectively a foundry in lead ore, called Experimental de Chumbo e Prata (Usina Calabouço), and a gold mine with processing plant of the gold-bearing ore produced there. Nowadays, the areas are used for public visitation, and in both places the rests of the buildings remains. Particularly in the CIEM/CPRM, due to the materials witch was produced before, it can suggest the existence of anomalous amounts of the involved metals (CIEM / CPRM) and possible contaminations by chemical products used in the improvement of the auriferous ore (P. M. Morro do Ouro). These potential contamination were confirmed with geochemical survey of soils and current sediments accomplished in both areas, for the elements arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper, mercury, silver and zinc, which were used as parameters guiding values for soil and groundwater the state of São Paulo (CETESB), and watershed values stipulated by CPRM (poor, background and anomalous), in it rising geochemistry during Folha Apiaí's execution (SG-22-X-B-V).


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O mercado da cachaça, bebida tipicamente brasileira, vem crescendo muito no Brasil e no mundo. Porém, apesar do grande volume de produção, nosso país ainda exporta uma quantidade muito pequena do produto, cerca de 1%. Visando atingir o mercado internacional, e também atender às crescentes exigências do mercado interno, é ainda necessária uma melhor padronização dessa bebida, além da obtenção de um produto com boas características físico-químicas e sensoriais. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar estudos, visando avaliar o efeito do processo de bidestilação e do envelhecimento, na padronização e na qualidade sensorial, da cachaça comparando-se a aceitação de amostras de cachaça obtidas tradicionalmente, por bidestilação e também envelhecidas. Assim, foram produzidas oito amostras de cachaça, por destilação simples e utilizando-se o processo de bidestilação, em alambiques de cobre, a partir do mesmo vinho de cana, e então envelhecidas em tonéis de carvalho durante seis meses. As referidas amostras foram submetidas a testes de aceitação sensorial utilizando-se sessenta provadores e os resultados obtidos, mostraram que a bidestilação produz uma aguardente mais padronizada e ainda que sua aceitação, aumenta de forma mais acentuada durante o processo de envelhecimento


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The following work refers to a geologic mapping in the Morro do Corcunda target, located between the cities of Pilar of Goiás and Santa Terezinha in the northwest portion of the State of Goiás. This mapping was carried through in 1:10,000 scale and covers an area of approximately 60km2. Collections of samples had been carried through for laborarorial analysis, and from those twenty-three thin scetions have been produced in order to describe the main lithologies that occur in the area. It was possible to observe anomalous gold targets in the region through chip samples carried through during the stage of field work. The gathered field data and the ones that have been made available by the company Yamana Gold Incorporation were congregated, and a data integration was carried through. This integration made possible the correlation of the litologies found in field with the Greenstone Belt Pilar de Goiás sequence and the structural evolution of the area.


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The study of ceramic materials is constantly evolving, especially in research related to advanced ceramics. Once these have many applications, this paper relates to synthesis by solid state reaction of calcium copper titanate (CCTO) ceramic material means doping with strontium. The powders were characterized using thermal analysis techniques such as TG (thermogravimetry), DTA (differencial thermal analysis), dilatometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The compositions have submitted weight loss at around 6% with respect to carbonates used, and was attributed a temperature of 950° C to perform the calcination according to thermogravimetric analysis. After the process of calcination and milling, the particles presented approximately spherical shapes and high percentages of substitution Ca2+ with Sr2+ was evident by the presence of necks between to particles due to the milling calcination. Analyses with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) showed stoichiometries in different samples very similar to the theoretical stoichiometry


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The Mangabal Sul and Mangabal Norte mafic-ultramafic complexes are interpreted as intrusive stratiform bodies in the Goiás Magmatic Arc during the Brazilian cycle, being economically important for harboring significant amounts of nickel and copper sulfides. The main lithotypes of the complexes are gabbronorites, olivine gabbronorites, pyroxenites and peridotites, with variated degrees of deformation, recrystallization and metamorphism superimposed, with metamorphic peak of amphibolite to granulite facies evidenced mainly by the occurrence of coronitic olivine in metamafic rocks and the occurrence of syn-kinematic retrometamorphism associated with the development of the main foliation Sn. The Sn foliation planes show NE-SW preferential direction, consistent with the foliation direction of VIII the enclosing gneisses and schists, also concordant with the general elongation of mafic and ultramafic bodies displayed on map. The sulfide phase presents textures that indicate remobilization, associated with the occurrence of significant amounts of rutile within the ore which reinforces this idea. Along with the sulfides, the occurrence of expressive quantities of titanium oxides such as ilmenite and rutile, make the area more economically attractive. It can be suggested that the Mangabal Norte and Mangabal Sul complexes are contemporary, have the same genetic affinity and suffered the same deformational and metamorphic processes, evidenced by their structural and petrological similarities


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Os biossurfactantes apresentam inúmeras vantagens, como baixa toxicidade, biodegradabilidade e alta estabilidade, mas não são amplamente utilizados devido ao custo de produção. A utilização de substratos baratos, linhagens mutantes que associados à otimização das condições de cultivo pode levar a uma redução nos custos, possibilitando assim a substituição dos surfactantes sintéticos pelos biológicos. Uma maneira empregada para maximizar a produção dos biossurfactantes é a limitação de nutrientes. Os esforços empregados nesse sentido são direcionado para as proporções carbono: nitrogênio, entretanto os efeitos dos elementos traços são pouco conhecidos. Devido a esses fatores, o presente trabalho avaliou a importância dos seguintes elementos traços: ferro, zinco, cobalto, cobre, manganês e do sal citrato de sódio dihidratado, nas fermentações realizadas utilizando o mutante de Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI 2A1. Para tanto foram realizadas fermentações em frascos Erlenmeyer, onde se utilizou diferentes concentrações desses elementos. A influência dos mesmos na produção de ramnolipídios foi constatada, uma vez que a produção desse biotensoativo foi aumentada em mais de três vezes alterando apenas a concentração de um único elemento traço (Fe). Os experimentos realizados permitem, também, inferir a respeito das melhores concentrações desses micronutrientes para a produção de ramnolipídios


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The plastic deformation is widely used in the metallurgical market due to its positive factors such as low prices and high speed production. Forming process products are obtained in high quality, both surface quality and mechanical properties. Friction is an importante factor in metal forming. Friction study in metal forming can be accomplished indirectly, such as the ring test of friction. Two samples of different materials being mild steel and copper alloy were used. The results showed the influence of friction in the flow behavior of the deformation of the second phase, as evidenced by standard metallography. It is observed that in the outer regions of the ring, plastic deformation occured in the radial direction. In the central region of the disc deformation occured in the direction of compression and the inner region of the ring flux lines showed a significant deformation in the radial direction towards the center of the ring