847 resultados para Asiatic elephant -- Conservation -- Economic aspects -- Sri Lanka
A relevant subject in our globalized world concerns the relationship between language and identity, specifically amongst migrant youngsters’ experience of group belonging. This study therefore focused on how adolescents born to foreign parents in Sweden, perceived their multilingualism as part of their identity formation. I also aimed to include how socio-economic aspects could affect the process of identity construction. Thus, the investigation was performed with seventh grade students at a primary school located in the Stockholm suburb Bredäng. The methods consisted of a questionnaire, which was completed by the entire class and a group interview where six students participated. The results revealed that students adapted their language use based on the context, but Swedish was used most habitually. The informants viewed their multilingualism as beneficial but yet fully aware of the linguistic ideologies functioning in society. By combining their minority and majority language, the students were left with different ethnic identities and had diverse interpretations of what it meant to be Swedish. Even though all of them perceived themselves to have multiple ethnic identities, this was not solely seen positively. The issue of belonging was raised and the students claimed to be outcasts everywhere. However, the results differed depending on whether the students were born in Sweden or not. Also, most of them struggled with the process of assumed and ascribed identities, since they perceived themselves to be Swedish but experienced that society valued them as immigrants. Lastly, the study revealed that there were connections between their multilingualism and social mobility as the relationship towards the motherland was highly prioritized even with low levels of economic capital.
El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar los efectos potenciales de diversas políticas climáticas sobre la distribución del ingreso en América Latina. Este análisis se realizó con base en un meta-análisis y su meta-regresión y el análisis de las encuestas de ingreso gasto de diversos países de América Latina. Los principales resultados obtenidos de este análisis muestran que en general existe una tendencia a identificar efectos regresivos derivados de la instrumentación de políticas públicas orientadas a la mitigación. Sin embargo, la revisión de la literatura y de las encuestas de ingreso gasto muestran que los resultados son heterogéneos por países y que dependen de factores tales como el instrumento aplicado, la inclusión de estrategias de reciclaje fiscal y del nivel de desarrollo.
En este artículo se examina la hipótesis de que la política de elección escolar ha incrementado la segregación socioeconómica en Chile. Se utiliza una base de datos georreferenciada de estudiantes y escuelas del Gran Santiago, para comparar la segregación real con la que se produciría en un escenario hipotético en que los estudiantes asisten a la escuela más cercana a su lugar de residencia. Los resultados indican que la segregación escolar es mayor en el escenario real que en el contrafactual, lo que sugiere que la interacción entre las preferencias de las familias y las barreras de entrada establecidas por las escuelas (cobros obligatorios y procesos de admisión selectivos) tienden a incrementar la segregación escolar más allá del efecto de la segregación residencial subyacente en la ciudad.
Malaria control strategies are more likely to be successful if groups at high risk can be accurately predicted. Given that mosquitoes have an obligate aquatic phase we were interested in determining how vector larval abundance relates to the spatial distribution of human malaria infection. We examined the relationship between malaria parasite prevalence and distance from vector larval habitat, and vector larval abundance and distance from human habitation, in separate studies in rural, low-endemic areas of the Philippines. Parasite prevalence among symptomatic patients was significantly higher among those living in proximity ( less than or equal to 50 m) to potential larval habitats of the major vector, Anopheles flavirostris (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 2.64, P = 0.02 and AOR 3.43, P = 0.04). A larval survey of A. flavirostris revealed a higher density of early and late instars near human habitation (adjusted P < 0.05). The results suggest that larvae are associated with human habitation, thereby reinforcing malaria risk in people living close to larval habitats. This has implications for understanding the interaction between vectors, hosts, and parasites, and the potential for success of localized malaria control measures.
Until now, suicide prevention efforts have been limited in developing countries, although there are pockets of excellent achievement. Various universal, selective, and indicated interventions have been implemented, many of which target a different pattern of risk factors to those in developed countries. In the absence of sufficient mental health services, developing countries rely heavily on nongovemment organizations (NGOs) to provide crisis interventions for suicidal individuals, as well as proactive interventions aimed at raising community awareness and building resilience. Often these NGOs work within a social and public health framework, collaborating with others to provide nested suicide prevention programs that are responsive to local community needs. There is a clear need to develop appropriate, relevant and effective national suicide prevention plans in developing countries, since, to date, only Sri Lanka has done so. These plans should focus on a range of priority areas, specify the actions necessary to achieve positive change in these priority areas, consider the range of collaborators required to implement these actions, and structure their efforts at national, regional, and local levels. The plans should also promote the collection of accurate data on completed and attempted suicide, and should foster evaluation efforts.
Cross cultural research in occupational stress and coping has produced a wealth of knowledge. Although advances have been made, there are still problems to be solved. One of these problems is the confusion generated in the literature by researchers claiming that nation or country represents cultural values, and the use of the two terms interchangeably. It remains unclear whether this practice is correct. The present article reported on this by using 511 full-time employees from Australia, Singapore and Sri Lanka to study occupational stress and coping. Results revealed that cultural value paradigms (i.e. Individualism–Collectivism) were distributed across the three nations such that over 60% of participants were either high or low in both I–C paradigms. The findings also indicated that the relationship between cultural value paradigm and country impacted on stress and coping differently. The study shows that significant differences exist within countries as well as between countries, such that any attempt to equate ‘culture’ with ‘country’ becomes problematic. Therefore these findings established that country or nation is not the same as culture values and cannot be used interchangeably.
Accounts of Tamil long-distance nationalism have focused on Sri Lankan Tamil migrants. But the UK is also home to Tamils of non-Sri Lankan state origins. While these migrants may be nominally incorporated into a 'Tamil diaspora', they are seldom present in scholarly accounts. Framed by Werbner's (2002) conception of diasporas as 'aesthetic' and 'moral' communities, this article explores whether engagement with a Tamil diaspora and long-distance nationalism is expressed by Tamil migrants of diverse state origins. While migrants identify with an aesthetic community, 'membership' of the moral community is contested between those who hold direct experience of suffering as central to belonging, and those who imagine the boundaries of belonging more fluidly - based upon primordial understandings of essential ethnicity and a narrative of Tamil 'victimhood' that incorporates experiences of being Tamil in Sri Lanka, India and in other sites, despite obvious differences in these experiences. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.