973 resultados para Ars Analytica


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Twelve commercially available edible marine algae from France, Japan and Spain and the certified reference material (CRM) NIES No. 9 Sargassum fulvellum were analyzed for total arsenic and arsenic species. Total arsenic concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) after microwave digestion and ranged from 23 to 126 μg g−1. Arsenic species in alga samples were extracted with deionized water by microwave-assisted extraction and showed extraction efficiencies from 49 to 98%, in terms of total arsenic. The presence of eleven arsenic species was studied by high performance liquid chromatography–ultraviolet photo-oxidation–hydride generation atomic–fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC–(UV)–HG–AFS) developed methods, using both anion and cation exchange chromatography. Glycerol and phosphate sugars were found in all alga samples analyzed, at concentrations between 0.11 and 22 μg g−1, whereas sulfonate and sulfate sugars were only detected in three of them (0.6-7.2 μg g−1). Regarding arsenic toxic species, low concentration levels of dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) (<0.9 μg g−1) and generally high arsenate (As(V)) concentrations (up to 77 μg g−1) were found in most of the algae studied. The results obtained are of interest to highlight the need to perform speciation analysis and to introduce appropriate legislation to limit toxic arsenic species content in these food products.


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Problemas geométricos y constructivos de las bóvedas de arista medievales y conceptos fundamentales de las bóvedas de crucería.


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Durante la posguerra española el Instituto Nacional de Colonización (INC) se encargó de desarrollar la utópica empresa asumida por el franquismo de remodelación del campo español. En un período de aislamiento internacional y de recomposición del país tras la devastación de la guerra, el regimen se apoya en el desarrollo de la agricultura como principal motor de la economía nacional. Un apoyo que parte también de un planteamiento ideológico, pues a través de la agricultura. del ruralismo peninsular que se pretende relanzar, el franquismo quiere apoyarse en aquello que considera lo genuinamente nacional. Supone, pues, la reivindicación del espíritu español defendido por el régimen; un espíritu nacional libre de las influencias extranjeras que representa el mundo de la industria, identificado como causante de los males del país


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Background DCE@urLAB is a software application for analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging data (DCE-MRI). The tool incorporates a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) to interactively select and analyze a region of interest (ROI) within the image set, taking into account the tissue concentration of the contrast agent (CA) and its effect on pixel intensity. Results Pixel-wise model-based quantitative parameters are estimated by fitting DCE-MRI data to several pharmacokinetic models using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (LMA). DCE@urLAB also includes the semi-quantitative parametric and heuristic analysis approaches commonly used in practice. This software application has been programmed in the Interactive Data Language (IDL) and tested both with publicly available simulated data and preclinical studies from tumor-bearing mouse brains. Conclusions A user-friendly solution for applying pharmacokinetic and non-quantitative analysis DCE-MRI in preclinical studies has been implemented and tested. The proposed tool has been specially designed for easy selection of multi-pixel ROIs. A public release of DCE@urLAB, together with the open source code and sample datasets, is available at http://www.die.upm.es/im/archives/DCEurLAB/ webcite.


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Long-length ultrafine-grained (UFG) Ti rods are produced by equal-channel angular pressing via the conform scheme (ECAP-C) at 200 °C, which is followed by drawing at 200 °C. The evolution of microstructure, macrotexture, and mechanical properties (yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, failure stress, uniform elongation, elongation to failure) of pure Ti during this thermo-mechanical processing is studied. Special attention is also paid to the effect of microstructure on the mechanical behavior of the material after macrolocalization of plastic flow. The number of ECAP-C passes varies in the range of 1–10. The microstructure is more refined with increasing number of ECAP-C passes. Formation of homogeneous microstructure with a grain/subgrain size of 200 nm and its saturation after 6 ECAP-C passes are observed. Strength properties increase with increasing number of ECAP passes and saturate after 6 ECAP-C passes to a yield strength of 973 MPa, an ultimate tensile strength of 1035 MPa, and a true failure stress of 1400 MPa (from 625, 750, and 1150 MPa in the as-received condition). The true strain at failure failure decreases after ECAP-C processing. The reduction of area and true strain to failure values do not decrease after ECAP-C processing. The sample after 6 ECAP-C passes is subjected to drawing at 200¯C resulting in reduction of a grain/subgrain size to 150 nm, formation of (10 View the MathML source1¯0) fiber texture with respect to the rod axis, and further increase of the yield strength up to 1190 MPa, the ultimate tensile strength up to 1230 MPa and the true failure stress up to 1600 MPa. It is demonstrated that UFG CP Ti has low resistance to macrolocalization of plastic deformation and high resistance to crack formation after necking.


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Bibliography of Spanish Muslim Art 1939-1946


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Quizzes are among the most widely used resources in web-based education due to their many benefits. However, educators need suitable authoring tools that can be used to create reusable quizzes and to enhance existing materials with them. On the other hand, if teachers use Audience Response Systems (ARSs) they can get instant feedback from their students and thereby enhance their instruction. This paper presents an online authoring tool for creating reusable quizzes and enhancing existing learning resources with them, and a web-based ARS that enables teachers to launch the created quizzes and get instant feedback from the class. Both the authoring tool and the ARS were evaluated. The evaluation of the authoring tool showed that educators can effectively enhance existing learning resources in an easy way by creating and adding quizzes using that tool. Besides, the different factors that assure the reusability of the created quizzes are also exposed. Finally, the evaluation of the developed ARS showed an excellent acceptance of the system by teachers and students, and also it indicated that teachers found the system easy to set up and use in their classrooms.


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La presente Tesis Doctoral establece, con criterios científico-técnicos y como primera aproximación, una metodología para evaluar la protección ante los riesgos naturales que proporciona la restauración hidrológico-forestal de las cuencas hidrográficas de montaña, a los habitantes en ellas y a los transeúntes por las mismas. La investigación se ha planificado dividida en tres secciones en las que se analizan: 1) la protección que proporcionan las cubiertas forestales, tanto si son de regeneración natural o si proceden de reforestación; 2) la que se consigue con las obras ejecutadas en las propias cuencas y sus cauces de drenaje, que en el ámbito de la restauración hidrológico-forestal se vinculan con las reforestaciones, por lo que se hace intervenir a éstas en su evaluación y 3) la que se obtiene con las sinergias que surgen a lo largo de la consolidación de las reforestaciones y de las obras ejecutadas en la cuenca, cumpliendo con el proyecto para su restauración hidrológico-forestal; que se estiman en función del grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos específicos del mismo. La incidencia de las cubiertas forestales en el control de los riesgos naturales en la montaña se ha evaluado: a) teniendo en cuenta las experiencias de las investigaciones sobre la materia desarrolladas en la última década en el área alpina y b) analizando las características dasocráticas de las cubiertas forestales objeto de la investigación y, en función de ellas, identificando los parámetros más representativos que intervienen en el control de los principales riesgos naturales en la montaña (crecidas torrenciales, aludes, deslizamientos del terreno y caídas de bloques). La protección aportada por las obras de corrección se ha evaluado, considerado a las cuencas en las que están ubicadas como unidades específicas de corrección y analizando su comportamiento ante el mayor número de eventos torrenciales posible (que se han definido a partir de todas las precipitaciones registradas en las estaciones meteorológicas de serie histórica más larga, situadas en la cuenca en cuestión o más próximas a ella) y verificando a continuación incidencias que hayan ocurrido en la cuenca y el estado en que han quedado las obras. Con la evaluación de las sinergias surgidas a lo largo de la consolidación del proyecto de restauración, se ha tratado de precisar el grado de cumplimiento de sus principales objetivos; teniendo en cuenta que los resultados del proyecto, por su propia dinámica, se experimentan a medio y largo plazo; intervalo en el que pueden surgir distintos imponderables. En cualquier caso, la restauración de las cuencas de montaña no implica la desaparición en ellas de todos de los riesgos; sino un control de éstos y la consiguiente reducción de sus efectos. Por lo que es necesario realizar trabajos de mantenimiento de las reforestaciones y de las obras ejecutadas en ellas, para que conserven las condiciones de protección inicialmente diseñadas. La metodología se ha aplicado en cinco escenarios del Pirineo Aragonés; tres en los que en el pasado se efectuaron trabajos y obras de restauración hidrológico-forestal (las cuencas vertientes a los torrentes de Arratiecho y de Arás y el paraje de Los Arañones) y otros dos que no fueron intervenidos (la ladera de la margen derecha vertiente al cauce de Canal Roya y la ladera de solana de la cabera de la cuenca de Fondo de Pineta) que sirvan de contraste con los anteriores. ABSTRACT The present Thesis establish a methodology in first approach with scientist and technical criteria to assess the protection of persons provided by the water and forest restoration before natural risks in the mountain watersheds. The research has been planned into three sections where it is analysed: 1) the protection provided by the forest cover itself, either it comes from natural regeneration or reforestation; 2) the protection provided by the works executed within the watersheds and in the drainage channels, which it is bound together with the reforestations of water and forest restorations, assessing both effects at a time; and 3) the protection provided by the synergy that arises along the consolidation of the reforestations and the woks executed in the watersheds as the water and forest restoration project considered. This is estimated according the degree of accomplishment of its specific objectives. The impact of the forest covers in the control of natural risks in the mountain has been assessed: a) having into account the experience in the research about the topic developed in the last decades in the alpine area, and b) analysing the dasocratic characteristics of the forest covers and identifying the more representative parameters that take part in the control of the main natural risks in the mountain (torrential rises, avalanches, landslides and rock falls). The protection supplied by the correction works has been assessed considering the watershed as the specific correction unit, as well as analysing their behaviour before the largest number of torrential events possible. Those were defined from the precipitation recorded in the meteorological stations placed within or the closest to the watershed with long historic data. Then the incidents presented in the watershed and the state of the works are verified. The grade of accomplishment of the main objectives has been specified with the evaluation of the synergies raised along the restoration project. It has to be taken into account that the project has its own dynamics and its results show in mid and long term during a period with events unexpected. In any case, the restoration of the mountain basins doesn't imply the disappearance of all risk, but a control of them and the reduction of their effects. Then, it is necessary maintenance of the reforestations and of the works executed to conserve the protection conditions originally designed. The methodology has been applied into five scenes in the Aragonese Pyrenees; three in which works and water and forest restorations were executed in the past (watershed of Arratiecho and Aras torrents, and the Arañones location), and other two without any intervention that make contrast (the right hill-slope of Canal Roya and the south hill-slope of the headwaters of Pineta valley).