985 resultados para Arrow Categories


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Los mapas de vegetación son a menudo utilizados como proxis de una estratificación de hábitats para generar distribuciones geográficas contínuas de organismos a partir de datos discretos mediante modelos multi-variantes. Sin embargo, los mapas de vegetación suelen ser poco apropiados para ser directamente aplicados a este fin, pues sus categorías no se concibieron con la intención de corresponder a tipos de hábitat. En este artículo presentamos y aplicamos el método de Agrupamiento por Doble Criterio para generalizar un mapa de vegetación extraordinariamente detallado (350 clases) del Parque Natural del Montseny (Cataluña) en categorías que mantienen la coherencia tanto desde el punto de vista estructural (a través de una matriz de disimilaridad espectral calculada mediante una imágen del satélite SPOT-5) como en términos de vegetación (gracias a una matriz de disimilaridad calculada mediante propiedades de vegetación deducidas de la leyenda jerárquica del mapa). El método simplifica de 114 a 18 clases el 67% del área de estudio. Añadiendo otras agregaciones más triviales basadas exclusivamente en criterios de cubierta de suelo, el 73% del área de estudio pasa de 167 a 25 categorías. Como valor añadido, el método identifica el 10% de los polígonos originales como anómalos (a partir de comparar las propiedades espectrales de cada polígono con el resto de los de su clases), lo que implica cambios en la cubierta entre las fechas del soporte utilizado para generar el mapa original y la imagen de satélite, o errores en la producción de éste.


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5 to 10% of all fractures present with a delayed union, whereas 1 to 5% progress to a nonunion, which can be defined as a fracture older than 6 months and lacks any potential to heal without any further intervention. Different fracture and patient related risk factors exist, and the management of a nonunion needs a thorough clinical, radiological and biological workup to classify them in one of the two main categories, the viable nonunions that need essentially more stability, usually by a more rigid fixation, and the non-viable nonunions that need essentially a biological stimulation by decortication and bone grafting. This treatment still remains the first choice with bony healing obtained in 85 to 95% of cases, but it also comes along with certain risks, and some valuable alternatives exist if chosen on the basis of rigid criteria.


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This paper surveys the literature on strategy-proofness from a historical perspective. While I discuss the connections with other works on incentives in mechanism design, the main emphasis is on social choice models. This article has been prepared for the Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 2, Edited by K. Arrow, A. Sen and K. Suzumura


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L'objectiu principal de l'estudi ha estat conèixer els marcs cognitius i institucionals que tenen les polítiques penitenciàries de Dinamarca, França, Regne Unit i Gal·les i Canadà. Es comparen els discursos presents de fonts directes i indirectes que donen fonamentació semàntica a cada una de les accions polítiques reals d'aquests països. En aquest sentit, es parteix del paradigma que la acció és una comunicació, un discurs que produeix el sistema, que s'orienta significativament al voltant dels marcs cognitius de construcció autoreferencial. Aquests marcs s'agrupen per a la seva presentació en 4 nivells de categories conceptuals: a) fonaments político-filosòfics de la organització social del país en qüestió b) fonaments político-semàntics en la seva forma d'Estat; c) fonaments político-filosòfics en la forma del seu dret penal i el seu sistema penitenciari d) fonaments político-filosòfics de la seva execució penitenciària. Es tracta, doncs, d'analitzar el sentit mateix del càstig i de les formes que adopta. Amb tot això, es presenten arguments suficients que estableixen el valor diferencial de cada política penitenciària, malgrat els esforços d'homogeneïtzació que s'han volgut fer en el procés anomenat d'europeïtzació. En segon lloc es presenta una comparació dels quatre casos, en funció de les categories establertes i una reflexió crítica respecte les maneres que s’està duent a terme el debat sobre la europeïtzació de les polítiques penitenciàries. Amb tot això, es mostra com el anomenat vocable "reinserció social", es desdibuixa i es posa en dubte en funció de la singularitat de cada política, i ressaltat per la tendència de la europeïtzació de les polítiques penitenciàries.


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La recent qualificació de certs comportaments en la conducció de vehicles, amb conseqüències letals i indesitjables per a les víctimes, com a conductes delictives ha impactat de manera notable en la reducció de la freqüència i la gravetat d'aquestes conductes. La gestió i la intervenció juridicopenal amb aquests nous tipus d'infractors requereix conèixer les seves característiques individuals psicològiques i criminològiques que els fan especialment susceptibles de reincidir en el futur en aquests tipus delictius. L'objectiu d'aquest treball era avaluar les possibles diferències actitudinals i de personalitat entre un grup de condemnats per delictes contra la seguretat del trànsit, que estaven seguint una MPA, i un grup de controls. Es van seleccionar dues mostres de conductors, infractors i no-infractors, i es van avaluar mitjançant el NEO-FFI i el JI-R simultàniament. Els resultats indiquen que, respecte a les actituds antisocials, els membres del grup d'infractors mostren més actituds antisocials en general que els del grup control. Els infractors de trànsit mostren actituds antisocials compartides amb d'altres delinqüents. Tanmateix, en relació amb el segon objectiu de l'estudi, no es van detectar diferències significatives respecte a la personalitat entre els dos grups. És important ressenyar que la combinació de les mesures de personalitat i actitudinals emprades en aquest estudi permet classificar els conductors amb un bon nivell de precisió en les categories de presència/absència d'una condemna judicial per delicte de trànsit. Cal remarcar la necessitat d'un estudi més ampli i perllongat en el temps per tal de replicar aquests resultats i especialment verificar el seu efecte en la reincidència a un any, ja que en aquesta mostra no hem pogut contrastar-ho.


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Abstract : This thesis investigated the spatio-temporal brain mechanisms of three processes involved in recognizing environmental sounds produced by living (animal vocalisations) and man-made (manufactured) objects: their discrimination, their plasticity, and the involvement of action representations. Results showed rapid brain discrimination between these categories beginning at ~70ms. Then, beginning at ~150ms, effects of plasticity are observed, without any influence of the categories of sounds. Both of these processes of discrimination and repetition priming involved brain structures located in temporal and frontal lobes. Activation of brain areas BA21 and BA22 suggest an access to semantic representations and/or linked to object manipulation. To investigate the involvement of action representations in sound recognition, analyses were restricted to sounds produced by man-made objects. Results suggest an access to representations linked to action functionally related to sound rather than to representations linked to action that produced sound. These effects occurred at ~300ms post-stimulus onset and involved differential activity brain regions attributed to the mirror neuron system. These data are discussed in regard to motor preparation of actions functionally linked to sounds. Collectively these data showed a sequential progression of cerebral activity underlying the recognizing of environmental sounds. The processes occurred firstly in a shared network of brain areas before propagating elsewhere and/or leading to differential activity in these structures. Cerebral responses observed in this work allowed establishing a dynamic model of discrimination of sounds produced by living and man-made objects.


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Faecal samples were obtained from 190 children, aged 0 to 5 years, admitted to a public hospital in Belém, Pará, Brazil. These patients were placed in a pediatric ward with 40 beds distributed in six rooms. Case were classified into three groups: (a) nosocomial: children who developed gastroenteritis 72 hr or later after admission; (b) community-acquired: patients admitted either with diarrhoea or who had diarrhoea within 72 hr following admission; (c) non-diarrhoeic: those children who had no diarrhoea three days before and three days after collection of formed faecal sample. Specimens were routinely processed for the presence of rotaviruses, bacteria and parasites. Rotaviruses were detected through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and subsequently serotyped/electrophoretyped. Rotaviruses were the most prevalent enteropathogens among nosocomial cases, accounting for 39 % (9/23) of diarrhoeal episodes; on the other hand, rotaviruses ocurred in 8.3 % (11/133) and 9 % (3/34) of community-acquired and non-diarrhoeic categories, respectively. Mixed infections involving rotavirus and Giardia intestinalis and rotavirus plus G. intestinalis and Entamoeba histolytica were detected in frequencies of 8.6 and 4.3 %, respectively, in the nosocomial group. The absence of bacterial pathogens in this category, and the unusual low prevalence of these agents in the other two groups may reflect the early and routine administration of antibiotics following admission to this hospital. Rotavirus serotype 2 prevailed over the other types, accounting for 77.8 % of isolates from nosocomial diarrhoeal episodes. In addition, at least five different genomic profiles could be observed, of which one displayed an unusual five-segment first RNA cluster. Dehydration was recorded in all cases of hospital-acquired, rotavirus-associated diarrhoea, whereas in only 57 % of nosocomial cases of other aetiology. It was also noted that nosocomial, rotavirus-associated diarrhoeal episodes occur earlier (7 days), following admission, if compared with those hospital-acquired cases of other aetiology (14 days).


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La gran majoria d'hivernacles situats en clima mediterrani són de cost relativament baix i de tecnologia senzilla. El cultiu en hivernacle te com a objectiu principal incrementar la producció agrícola per unitat de superfície mitjançant l'aïllament de les condicions del medi. Aquest projecte presenta inventaris detallats i de qualitat del cicle de vida complet del compost amb aplicació en aire lliure i en hivernacle, aportant informació dels impactes ambientals i avaluant la viabilitat agronómica del compost com a fertilitzant quan s’aplica en cultius hortícoles. S’han considerat quatre opcions de cultiu, depenent del tipus de fertilitzant utilitzat (fertilitzans minerals o compost) i de si el cultiu és a l’aire lliure o en hivernacle. Les dades s’han obtingut experimentalment en parceles pilot i en una planta de compostatge industrial, ambdos localitzats prop de Barcelona, en una àrea mediterrànea. Per al cultiu en hivernacle, s’han obtingut produccions de tomàquet superiors a les d’aire lliure en el cas d’aplicar fertilitzants minerals, mentre l’ús de compani són de cost relativament baix i de tecnologia senzilla.


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El proyecto, desarrollado bajo los auspicios del grupo Cos i Textualitat, aborda las relaciones entre las categorías de sujeto poético y sujeto epistolar, en la literatura romántica escrita por mujeres, que abarca corpus textuales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. Haciendo uso de las herramientas del comparatismo, de la teoría de la literatura y de los estudios de género y sexualidad, el proyecto en una primera instancia se detuvo a estudiar la obra de aquellas escritoras (en el ámbito de la literatura norteamericana, española e hispanomericana) que desarrollaron e impulsaron el subgénero de la cartapoema, y cómo dicho subgénero les permitía velar su espacio íntimo, enmascarar su identidad literaria y social, al tiempo que obtenían legitimación social en esta estrategia de escritura. De este modo, el proyecto insiste en las estrategias de lectura de este tipo de textos, marginados por la crítica literaria, y de un tratamiento clasificatorio ciertamente ambiguo, y al mismo tiempo contaminado por la lectura autobiográfica de los textos. Cabe destacar que el punto de partida de este proceso de investigación fue la obra de la escritora norteamericana Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), pero se extendió con posterioridad desde autoras del romanticismo hispanoamericano, incluso hasta llegar a autoras españolas que escapan al movimiento romántico, bien entrado ya el siglo XX.


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Juvenile spondylarthropathies (JSpAs) comprise a group of rheumatic diseases distinct from other categories of juvenile arthritis. Several classification systems have been applied, and some are specific for children, such as the seronegative enthesopathy and arthropathy (SEA) syndrome and the enthesitis-related arthritis, diagnostic forms in the International League of Associations for Rheumatism (ILAR) classification. JSpA seems more frequent than was previously believed, but actual epidemiological data show important variations between studies. Compared to adult patients, children with JSpA present with peripheral arthritis and enthesitis early in disease but sacroiliac and spine joints involvement many years later. A multidisciplinary team in a paediatric environment should be responsible for the management of children with spondylarthropathies to ensure the best care for these children with their chronic disease and risk of long-term disability. Recent advances in the treatment of rheumatic diseases with biological agents show promising results in children with JSpA. Further research needs to be conducted to increase our knowledge of the long-term outcome of these patients, to improve management, and to prevent long-term consequences of the disease.


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The assessment of medical technologies has to answer several questions ranging from safety and effectiveness to complex economical, social, and health policy issues. The type of data needed to carry out such evaluation depends on the specific questions to be answered, as well as on the stage of development of a technology. Basically two types of data may be distinguished: (a) general demographic, administrative, or financial data which has been collected not specifically for technology assessment; (b) the data collected with respect either to a specific technology or to a disease or medical problem. On the basis of a pilot inquiry in Europe and bibliographic research, the following categories of type (b) data bases have been identified: registries, clinical data bases, banks of factual and bibliographic knowledge, and expert systems. Examples of each category are discussed briefly. The following aims for further research and practical goals are proposed: criteria for the minimal data set required, improvement to the registries and clinical data banks, and development of an international clearinghouse to enhance information diffusion on both existing data bases and available reports on medical technology assessments.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: For many therapeutic decisions in Crohn's disease (CD), high-grade evidence is lacking. To assist clinical decision-making, explicit panel-based appropriateness criteria were developed by an international, multidisciplinary expert panel. METHODS: 10 gastroenterologists, 3 surgeons and 2 general practitioners from 12 European countries assessed the appropriateness of therapy for CD using the RAND Appropriateness Method. Their assessment was based on the study of a recent literature review of the subject, combined with their own expert clinical judgment. Panelists rated clinical indications and treatment options using a 9-point scale (1 = extremely inappropriate; 9 = extremely appropriate). These scenarios were then discussed in detail at the panel meeting and re-rated. Median ratings and disagreement were used to aggregate ratings into three assessment categories: appropriate (A), uncertain (U) and inappropriate (I). RESULTS: 569 specific indications were rated, dealing with 9 clinical presentations: mild/moderate luminal CD (n = 104), severe CD (n = 126), steroid-dependent CD (n = 25), steroid-refractory CD (n = 37), fistulizing CD (n = 49), fibrostenotic CD (n = 35), maintenance of medical remission of CD (n = 84), maintenance of surgical remission (n = 78), drug safety in pregnancy (n = 24) and use of infliximab (n = 7). Overall, 146 indications (26%) were judged appropriate, 129 (23%) uncertain and 294 (52%) inappropriate. Frank disagreement was low (14% overall) with the greatest disagreement (54% of scenarios) being observed for treatment of steroid-refractory disease. CONCLUSIONS: Detailed explicit appropriateness criteria for the appropriate use of therapy for CD were developed for the first time by a European expert panel. Disease location, severity and previous treatments were the main factors taken into account. User-friendly access to EPACT criteria is available via an Internet site, www.epact.ch, allowing prospective evaluation and improvement of appropriateness of current CD therapy.


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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."


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Every year, the World Economic Forum publishes the World Gender Gap Report mainly based on the results of the Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) computed by country. This index is made out of four subindexes to capture the magnitude of the gender gap in 4 areas: educational attainment, economic participation and opportunity, political empowerment, and health and survival; its methodology was reformed in 2006. In this paper we adapt the GGGI to construct a Regional Gender Gap Index (RGGI) and we compute it by regions (Comunidades Autónomas) in Spain with 2006 data. The RGGI could be applied to other regions. Results of the RGGI show that not only are there gender gap differences between Spanish regions in Spain, but that there are at the political empowerment and economic participation and opportunity categories that those differences are strongest. Geographic distribution of the gender gap shows that the deepest gaps are, in general, located in the northern regions (Euskadi, with a high score, and Murcia and Extremadura, with low scores, being exceptions); this is mainly due to the poor participation in politics of women in those regions.


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In Switzerland, national census data imply that 84.5 percent are affiliated with religious groups and national survey data imply that 15 percent attend a service on a given weekend in 2009. Research in other countries has shown that attendance is often over-reported, but the level of over-report varies across countries. Thus, in the United States, polls show high and stable levels of religious practice, while Church participation surveys indicate rates twice lower. This article assesses the validity of self-reported affiliation and attendance in Switzerland using the 2009 Swiss National Congregations Study (NCS). Results confirm the observation offered by others that the Swiss census undercounts the persuasions absent from the stylized response categories and they show for the first time that Swiss probably over-report their church attendance, though not as much as in the United States.