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Samarium and manganese co-doped zinc borosilicate storage glasses were prepared by high temperature solid state method. The effect of doping samarium on the defect of Mn activated sample was studied by means of thermoluminescence spectra. It was found that the shallower traps of the sample predominate with the addition of samarium, as a result, the phosphorescence and storage properties of the manganese doped zinc borosilicate glasses were greatly changed.


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The phase structures and transition behaviors of a novel liquid crystal compound containing biphenylyl mesogen, 5-{[(4'-heptoxy-4-biphenytyl) oxy]carbonyl}-1-pentyne (A3E'O7), have been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarizing optical microscopy (POM) and wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). In contrast to the published compound 5- {[(4'-heptoxy-4-biphenyl-yl)carbonyl]oxy}-1-pentyne (A3EO7), in which the ester bridge between the mesogenic core and the flexible spacer has different linkage order, A3E'O7 shows strikingly different phase structure and transition behaviors. Overall, A3E'O7 has better packing order and higher transition temperatures. It undergoes three enantiotropic stable liquid crystalline phases which are associated to smectic A (S-A) phase (100.2-98.2 degrees C), smectic C (S-C) phase (98.2-87.2 degrees C) and highly ordered smectic X (S-X) phase (87.2-63.3 degrees C), respectively, till eventual crystallization takes place upon cooling from isotropic state to room temperature. However, A3EO7 only shows monotropic SA (72.4-53.6 degrees C) phase and the metastable monotropic S-C phase provided that the same thermal treatment is applied.


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The population genetic structure of the crimson snapper Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia was examined with a 427-bp hypervariable portion of the mtDNA control region. A total of 262 samples were collected and 75 haplotypes were obtained. Neutrality tests (Tajima's and Fu's) suggested that Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia had experienced a bottleneck followed by population expansion since the late Pleistocene. Despite the low phylogeographic structures in mtDNA haplotypes, a hierarchical examination of populations in 11 localities from four geographical regions using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated significant genetic differentiation among regions (Phi(CT) = 0.08564, p < 0.01). Limited gene flow between the eastern region (including a locality in the western Pacific Ocean and two localities in the East Sea) and three geographic regions of the South China Sea largely contributed to the genetic subdivision. However, comparisons among three geographic regions of the South China Sea showed little to no genetic difference. Populations of Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia are inferred to be divided into two major groups: an eastern group, including populations of the western Pacific Ocean and the East Sea, and a South China Sea group, consisting of populations from northern Malaysia to South China. The results suggest that fishery management should reflect the genetic differentiation and diversity in East Asia. (c) 2006 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phycoerythrins have been widely used in food, cosmetics., immunodiagnostics and analytical reagents. An efficient one-step chromatography method for purification of R-phycoerythrins from Polysiphonia urceolata was described in this paper. Pure R-phycoerythrin was obtained with an absorbance ratio A(565)/A(280) of 5.6 and a high recovery yield of 67-33%, using a DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow chromatography with a gradient elution of pH, alternative to common gradient elution of ionic strength. The absorption spectrum of R-phycoerythrin was characterized with three absorbance maxima at 565, 539 and 498 mum, respectively and the fluorescence emission spectrum at room temperature was measured to be 580nm. The results of native-PAGE. and SDS-PAGE showed no contamination by other proteins in the phycoerythrin solution. which suggests an efficient method for the separation and purification of R-phycoerythrins from Polysiphonia urceolata. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, we chronicle the establishment of a novel transformation system for the unicellular marine green alga, Dunaliella salina. We introduced the CaMV35S promoter-GUS construct into D. saliva with a PDS1000/He micro-particle bombardment system. Forty eight h after transformation, via histochemical staining, we observed the transient expression of GUS in D. salina cells which had been bombarded under rupture-disc pressures of 450 psi and 900 psi. We observed no GUS activity in either the negative or the blank controls. Our findings indicated that the micro-particle bombardment method constituted a feasible approach to the genetic transformation of D. salina. We also conducted tests of the cells' sensitivity to seven antibiotics and one herbicide, and our results suggested that 20 mu g/ ml of Basta could inhibit cell growth completely. The bar gene, which encodes for phosphinothricin acetyltransferase and confers herbicide tolerance, was introduced into the cells via the above established method. The results of PCR and PCR-Southern blot analyses indicated that the gene was successfully integrated into the genome of the transformants.


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Inclusion complex of astaxanthin with beta-cyclodextrin was prepared. The water solubility of the inclusion complex was < 0.5 mg/ml, which is better than that of astaxanthin. Large aggregates were observed in the aqueous solution of the inclusion complex. Furthermore, the stability of the inclusion complex against temperature and light was greatly enhanced compared to that of astaxanthin. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Serine proteases play critical roles in a variety of invertebrate immune defense responses, including hemolymph coagulation, antimicrobial peptide synthesis, and melanization. The first mollusk serine protease with clip-domain (designated CFSP1) cDNA was obtained from the scallop Chlamys farreri challenged with Vibrio anguillarum by randomly sequencing a whole tissue cDNA library and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The full-length cDNA of the C. farreri serine protease was 1211 bp, consisting of a 5-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 72 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 77 bp with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame of 1062 bp. The CFSP1 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 354 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids and a mature protein of 335 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of CFSP1 contained an amino-terminal clip domain, a low complexity region, and a carboxyl-terminal serine protease domain. CFSP1 mRNA was mainly expressed constitutively in the hemocytes and was up-regulated and increased 2.9- and 1.9-fold at 16 h after injury and injection of bacteria. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Allophycocyanin is one of the most important marine active peptides. Previous studies suggested that recombinant allophycocyanin (rAPC) could remarkably inhibit the S-180 carcinoma in mice, indicating its potential pharmaceutical uses. Based on intergeneric conjugal transfer, heterologous expression of rAPC was first achieved in marine Streptomyces sp. isolate M097 through inserting the apc gene into the thiostrepton-induced vector pIJ8600. The transformation frequency for this system was approximately 10(-4) exconjugants/recipient. In the transformed Streptomyces sp. isolate M097, the yield of purified rAPC could amount to about 38 mg/l using a simple purification protocol, and HPLC analysis showed that the purity of the protein reached about 91.5%. In vitro activity tests also revealed that the purified rAPC had effective scavenging abilities on superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. This would widen the usefulness of the marine Streptomyces as a host to express the rAPC and to offer industrial strain for the production of rAPC.


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Phytoene desaturase is one of the most important enzymes necessary for the biosynthesis of carotenoids in some cyanobacteria, green algae and plants. In this study, genomic DNA and cDNA of pds were cloned from unicellular green alga Haematococcus pluvialis strain323 using PCR and RT-PCR methods. The cDNA was cloned into plasmid pET-28a and efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli BL21. The complete genomic PDS gene of H. pluvialis, 3.3 kb in size, included eight exons and seven introns. To locate transcriptional regulation elements, an approximate 1 kb of 5'-flanking region was isolated by genome-walking method. Results of bioinformatic analysis showed several putative cis-elements e.g. the ABRE motif (abscisic acid responsive element), the C-repeat/DRE (dehydration responsive element) motif and the GCN4 motif were located in 5'-flanking region of pds. Results of phylogenetic analyses reveal that different sources of PDS genes form a separate clade, respectively, with 100% bootstrap support. Moreover, a maximum likelihood approach was employed to detect evidence of positive selection in the evolution of PDS genes. Results of branch-site model analysis suggest that 7.9% of sites along the green algal branch are under positive selection, and the PDS gene in green algae exhibits a different evolutionary pattern from its counterparts in cyanobacteria and plants.


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Commercial cultivation of the dioecious brown macroalga Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura in East Asia depends on the supply of young seedlings from regenerated holdfasts or from wild population. Recent development of synchronized release of male and female gametes in tumble culture provides a possibility of mass production of young seedlings via sexual reproduction. In this paper, we demonstrate that controlled fertilization can be efficiently realized in ambient light and temperature in a specially designed raceway tank in which the sperm-containing water has been recirculated. The effective fertilization time of eggs by sperm was found to be within six hours. Fast growth and development of the young seedlings relied on the presence of water currents. Velocity tests demonstrated that young seedlings of 2-3 mm in length could withstand a water current of 190 cm s(-1) stop without detachment. Culture experiments at 24 h postfertilization showed that elongation of both the seedlings and their rhizoids were not hampered by high irradiance up to 600 mu mol photons m(-2) stop s(-1) stop. However, growth was slightly retarded if cultured at a temperature of 16 degrees C compared to other culture temperatures of 22, 25 and 29 degrees C. No seedling detachment was observed after transfer of the young seedlings to raft cultivation in the sea after one and 1.5 months post-fertilization, indicating the feasibility of obtaining large quantity of seedlings in such a system.


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Grateloupia turuturu, previously known as Grateloupia doryphora, has been widely reported to be an invasive algal species. There are no studies to relate the impact of its existence on its surrounding environment. In this paper, we present our results to show that about 70% of individuals collected from the field could turn Vibrio parahaemolyticus into non-culturable state on both selective (TCBS) and non-selective (2216E) culture medium in 24 h in the presence of light in live algal culture. Total bacteria counts on TCBS and 2216E plates dropped from the initial 565 (174) and 1192 (60) cfu ml(-1) respectively to zero in 24 h. This effect disappeared when the alga was grown in darkness. The same effect was not found in two other intertidal macroalgae Laminaria japonica and Palmaria palmata. Further tests showed that the settlement ability of bacteria in seawater was impaired significantly in the presence of this alga in comparison with three other algal species. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (C. reinhardtii) chloroplast expression vector, papc-B, containing the apc-B gene that encodes the beta subunit of the light-harvesting antenna protein allophycocyanin (APC) of cyanobacteria, was constructed and transferred to the chloroplast genome of C. reinhardtii by the biolistic method. The transformants were identified by Southern blot, Western blot and ELISA assays after selection on resistant medium. The recombinant APC beta subunit was expressed in the C. reinhardtii chloroplast and accounted for up to 2-3% (w/w) of the total soluble protein (TSP), suggesting a promising prospect of using C. reinhardtii chloroplasts to produce functional plant-derived proteins.


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Eleven pairs of Undaria pinnatifida (Harv.) Suringar gametophytes were identified with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. After screening 100 primers, 20 ten-base primers were determined for the RAPD analysis. A total of 312 polymorphic loci were obtained, of which 97.7% were polymorphic. The primer S198 was found to distinguish all the selected Undaria pinnatifida gametophytes. The genetic distances between each two of the twenty-two U. pinnatifida gametophytes ranged from 0.080 to 0.428, while the distances to the Laminaria was 0.497 on average. After reexamination, two sequences characterized amplification region (SCAR) markers were successfully converted, which could be applied to U. pinnatifida germplasm identification. All these results demonstrated the feasibility of applying RAPD markers to germplasm characterization and identification of U. pinnatifida gametophytes, and to provide a molecular basis for Undaria breeding.


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Triploid Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) chinensis was successfully produced by heat shock. Their metamorphosis, the relationship between body weight and length and difference in appearance between triploids and their diploid siblings under laboratory culture were studied. Hematological studies showed a smaller number of haemocytes, but larger cell volume, in triploids than in diploids. Triploid shrimp did not show higher growth during the immature stage, but exhibited superior growth during the maturation stage. Characteristics of reproductive organs indicated that triploid shrimp may be sterile and sex ratio can be changed through triploidization of shrimp. This paper summarizes the progress made in triploid shrimp research which would be helpful in understanding more about triploids of crustaceans. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.