963 resultados para Apple - Harvesting


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As anonáceas compõem um grupo de plantas que se têm destacado em várias partes do mundo, principalmente por produzirem frutos de grande interesse comercial. Entre os mais destacados membros desta família, estão a cherimólia (Annona cherimola), a pinha (A. squamosa), a atemoia (híbrido A. squamosa x A. cherimola), e a graviola (A. muricata). No Brasil, pelas suas características de clima tropical e com baixas altitudes na maior parte de seu território, a cherimólia tem sido pouco cultivada devido a sua exigência em temperaturas baixas. As demais apresentam áreas cultivadas em diversas regiões do País para fazer frente à demanda dos mercados de frutas frescas (pinha e atemoia) e processadas (graviola). Todavia, o interesse neste grupo de plantas é mais abrangente, tendo em vista que inúmeras pesquisas comprovam que compostos secundários obtidos de várias anonáceas possuem atividade pesticida e antitumoral. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar um quadro atual da produção de anonáceas no Brasil, focando nas principais anonas cultivadas nas diferentes regiões do País. Para tanto, foram levantados dados de produção e principais tecnologias utilizadas nestas culturas. Os dados de produção obtidos serviram para estabelecer uma estimativa aproximada da realidade da produção de atemoia, pinha e graviola no Brasil. Os resultados demonstram um vigoroso crescimento na área total de cultivo, na produção e no uso de tecnologias modernas para as três espécies consideradas neste estudo. Apontam também para uma expansão dos cultivos em todas as regiões do Brasil, principalmente no Nordeste.


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Puuenergian käyttö on viime vuosina lisääntynyt kaukolämmön tuotannossa sekä yhdistetyssä sähkön ja lämmön tuotannossa. Puun kilpailukykyä polttoaineena ovat lisänneet polttotekniikan ja korjuutekniikoiden kehittyminen. Puun energiakäyttöä on edistänyt myös valtiovalta tukien ja veroratkaisuiden avulla, koska fossiilisten polttoaineiden korvaaminen puupolttoaineilla tukee Suomen ilmastopoliittisia tavoitteita. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää puupolttoaineiden käytön mahdollisuudet Espoon Sähkön Suomenojan voimalaitoksella. Nykyiset Suomenojan pääpolttoaineet ovat kivihiili ja maakaasu. Suomenojalle toimitetut puupolttoaineet koostuisivat sahoilta saatavista sivutuotteista, metsätähdehakkeesta ja kierrätyspuusta. Puupolttoaineiden taloudellinen saatavuus vaihtelee alueittain huomattavasti. Espoo ei tässä suhteessa ole sijainniltaan edullinen. Saatujen polttoainetarjousten perusteella puunpolton kustannukset nousevat kivihiilen kustannuksia korkeammiksi kuljetusetäisyyksistä johtuen, kun puunpoltto on yli 300 GWh/a. Tämä vastaisi 10 prosenttia Espoon Sähkön vuoden 2000 kokonaispolttoainekäytöstä ja 8 prosenttia arvioidusta polttoaineiden käytöstä vuodelle 2010. Puuta voidaan polttaa leijukerrostekniikkaan perustuvissa kattiloissa, arinakattiloissa, pölypolttona tai kaasuttamalla ja johtamalla tuotekaasu poltettavaksi. Puun ravinneaineista kloori voi aiheuttaa kuumakorroosiota höyrykattiloiden tulistimissa. Tätä pyritään estämään seospoltolla rikkipitoisten polttoaineiden, kuten turpeen tai kivihiilen kanssa. Seospoltto muiden polttoaineiden kanssa parantaa myös puun palamistulosta. Puupolttoaineiden kosteus voi olla jopa 60 prosenttia. Tässä työssä tutkittiin puun energiakäytölle pääasiassa kuutta eri ratkaisua. Ne olivat: kaasuttimen rakentaminen ja tuotekaasun poltto nykyisessä hiilipölykattilassa, hiilipölykattilan muuttaminen leijukerrospolttoon, uuden vastapainevoimalaitoksen rakentaminen, Suomenojalla olevan hiilivesikattilan muuttaminen puupolttoaineille, kivihiilen ja puun yhteispoltto hiilipölykattilassa puu/hiilipölypolttimilla sekä leijukerroskattilan rakentaminen ja sen yhdistäminen olemassa olevaan höyryturbiiniin. Taloudellisesti kannattaviksi ratkaisuiksi osoittautui kaksi viimeksi mainittua. Jos voimalaitostonttia halutaan säästää myöhempää maakaasuvoimalaitoshanketta varten, nousee puun ja kivihiilen yhteispoltto puu/hiilipölypolttimilla oleellisesti paremmaksi vaih-toehdoksi. Tämän vaihtoehdon korollinen takaisinmaksuaika on 7-11 vuotta, riippuen puunpolton laajuudesta. Kannattavuudelle on hyvin tärkeää puulla tuotetun sähkön tuki. Yhteispolton ansiosta hiilipölykattilan rikkidioksidi- ja hiilidioksidipäästöt sekä mahdollisesti myös typenoksidipäästöt vähenisivät. Puunpoltto lisää savukaasuvirtaa, nostaa savukaasun loppulämpötilaa ja mahdollisesti laskee hyötysuhdetta. Laitoksen rekkaliikenne lisääntyy. Kaikki esitetyt ratkaisuvaihtoehdot vähentäisivät hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Puunpolttoratkaisuilla ei kuitenkaan pystytä vähentämään Espoon Sähkön energiantuotannon hiilidioksidipäästöjä alle vuoden 1990 tason, mutta hiilidioksidin ominaispäästöissä edellä mainitun tason alle päästäisiin.


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Chronic inhalation of grain dust is associated with asthma and chronic bronchitis in grain worker populations. Exposure to fungal particles was postulated to be an important etiologic agent of these pathologies. Fusarium species frequently colonize grain and straw and produce a wide array of mycotoxins that impact human health, necessitating an evaluation of risk exposure by inhalation of Fusarium and its consequences on immune responses. Data showed that Fusarium culmorum is a frequent constituent of aerosols sampled during wheat harvesting in the Vaud region of Switzerland. The aim of this study was to examine cytokine/chemokine responses and innate immune sensing of F. culmorum in bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells and macrophages. Overall, dendritic cells and macrophages responded to F. culmorum spores but not to its secreted components (i.e., mycotoxins) by releasing large amounts of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α, MIP-1β, MIP-2, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, RANTES, and interleukin (IL)-12p40, intermediate amounts of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), IL-6, IL-12p70, IL-33, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), and interferon gamma-induced protein (IP-10), but no detectable amounts of IL-4 and IL-10, a pattern of mediators compatible with generation of Th1 or Th17 antifungal protective immune responses rather than with Th2-dependent allergic responses. The sensing of F. culmorum spores by dendritic cells required dectin-1, the main pattern recognition receptor involved in β-glucans detection, but likely not MyD88 and TRIF-dependent Toll-like receptors. Taken together, our results indicate that F. culmorum stimulates potently innate immune cells in a dectin-1-dependent manner, suggesting that inhalation of F. culmorum from grain dust may promote immune-related airway diseases in exposed worker populations.


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Tissue engineering is a popular topic in peripheral nerve repair. Combining a nerve conduit with supporting adipose-derived cells could offer an opportunity to prevent time-consuming Schwann cell culture or the use of an autograft with its donor site morbidity and eventually improve clinical outcome. The aim of this study was to provide a broad overview over promising transplantable cells under equal experimental conditions over a long-term period. A 10-mm gap in the sciatic nerve of female Sprague-Dawley rats (7 groups of 7 animals, 8 weeks old) was bridged through a biodegradable fibrin conduit filled with rat adipose-derived stem cells (rASCs), differentiated rASCs (drASCs), human (h)ASCs from the superficial and deep abdominal layer, human stromal vascular fraction (SVF), or rat Schwann cells, respectively. As a control, we resutured a nerve segment as an autograft. Long-term evaluation was carried out after 12 weeks comprising walking track, morphometric, and MRI analyses. The sciatic functional index was calculated. Cross sections of the nerve, proximal, distal, and in between the two sutures, were analyzed for re-/myelination and axon count. Gastrocnemius muscle weights were compared. MRI proved biodegradation of the conduit. Differentiated rat ASCs performed significantly better than undifferentiated rASCs with less muscle atrophy and superior functional results. Superficial hASCs supported regeneration better than deep hASCs, in line with published in vitro data. The best regeneration potential was achieved by the drASC group when compared with other adipose tissue-derived cells. Considering the ease of procedure from harvesting to transplanting, we conclude that comparison of promising cells for nerve regeneration revealed that particularly differentiated ASCs could be a clinically translatable route toward new methods to enhance peripheral nerve repair.


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Occupational exposures to fungi are very frequent and are known to cause chronic or acute symptoms. To better assess health risks related to fungal exposure, it is crucial to characterize precisely the airborne fungal community in terms of quantity and composition. The objective of this chapter is to synthesize existing knowledge of airborne fungal contamination in various occupational settings. We analyzed 134 papers published between 2000 and 2014 focusing on five different work sectors considered as highly contaminated (i.e., more than 1000 fungal particles/m3): animal confinement buildings, sawmills, waste handling, the food industry, and grain/plant handling. Results show that harvesting grain, washing cheese, and handling salami seem to be the occupational situations with the worst potential for exposure. Moreover, a lack of standardized sampling and analysis methods among countries and even within the same country is highlighted. Occupational exposure limit values do not exist. Recommendations and guidelines based on culture-dependent methods, which are now recognized to underestimate true concentrations, are proposed. Those recommendations are frequently exceeded and protective measures are not always easy to implement.


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Keep Training és una aplicació que permet registrar i gestionar els entrenaments personals i un mitjà de comunicació amb els professionals. No cal anar a un centre esportiu per fer exercici; simplement, des de casa, es poden fer alguns exercicis bàsics per mantenir la forma i, amb l'ús de l'aplicació, tenir una planificació i un seguiment realitzat per professionals.


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The aim of this work is to design a flywheel generator for a diesel hybrid working machine. In this work we perform detailed design of a generator. Mobile machines are commonly used in industry: road building machines, three harvesting machines, boring machines, trucks and other equipment. These machines work with a hydraulic drive system. This system provides good service property and high technical level. Manufacturers of mobile machines tend to satisfy all requirements of customers and modernized drive system. In this work also a description of the frequency inverter is present. Power electronics system is one of the basic parts for structures perform in the project.


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La carpocapsa o corc de la poma (Cydia pomonella L.) és la plaga clau de lesplantacions comercials de pomera de la zona de Girona. Per controlar-la amb eficàcia,anualment són necessaris diferents tractaments insecticides que a més del cost econòmicque representen, afavoreixen fenòmens de resistències, aparició de plagues induïdes iproblemes de toxicitat, residus i contaminació ambiental.La combinació de diferents metodologies per combatre aquesta plaga, algunes menysagressives amb la fauna auxiliar i el medi ambient, s’ha convertit en una pràcticaimprescindible per aconseguir-ne un control efectiu i sostenible. La confusió sexual ésuna tècnica de lluita biotecnològica que per les seves característiques d’especificitat,toxicologia i respecte al medi ambient, representa una alternativa a la problemàticagenerada pels productes químics tradicionals.Fructícola Empordà S.L., empresa agroalimentària situada al municipi de Sant PerePescador (Alt Empordà, Girona) dedicada a la producció i comercialització de fruitafresca, com a entitat participant del projecte Àrea Pilot de Reducció d’Insecticides enplantacions comercials de pomera de Girona (APRI) emmarcat en el programad’actuacions específiques de les Associacions de Defensa dels Vegetals (ADV’s) de lazona, introdueix per primera vegada la tècnica de la confusió sexual a l’estratègia decontrol de carpocapsa en determinades parcel•les comercials on la lluita químicaexclusiva no és suficient (2003). Durant el període 2003-2011, l’ús de la confusió sexual per al control de carpocapsa esgeneralitza progressivament a les finques dels agricultors de Fructícola Empordà S.L.amb l’objectiu principal de reduir el percentatge de dany per atac de carpocapsa en elsfruits a collita i, conseqüentment, disminuir la pressió del corc de la poma a la zona. Atal efecte es va plantejar un estudi amb l’objectiu d’avaluar l’eficàcia de l’estratègia decontrol de la carpocapsa basada en la combinació del mètode de la confusió sexual ambaplicacions fitosanitàries de reforç durant el període d’expansió de la tècnica (2003-2011) en les plantacions comercials de pomera de Fructícola Empordà S.L. així com,fer una valoració d’aquest respecte al sistema de control paral•lelament utilitzat a lazona, la lluita química assessorada


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Chronic exposure to airborne fungi has been associated with different respiratory symptoms and pathologies in occupational populations, such as grain workers. However, the homogeneity in the fungal species composition of these bioaerosols on a large geographical scale and the different drivers that shape these fungal communities remain unclear. In this study, the diversity of fungi in grain dust and in the aerosols released during harvesting was determined across 96 sites at a geographical scale of 560 km(2) along an elevation gradient of 500 m by tag-encoded 454-pyrosequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Associations between the structure of fungal communities in the grain dust and different abiotic (farming system, soil characteristics, geographic and climatic parameters) and biotic (wheat cultivar, previous crop culture) factors were explored. These analyses revealed a strong relationship between the airborne and grain dust fungal communities and showed the presence of allergenic and mycotoxigenic species in most samples, which highlights the potential contribution of these fungal species to work-related respiratory symptoms of grain workers. The farming system was the major driver of the alpha and beta phylogenetic diversity of fungal communities. In addition, elevation and soil CaCO3 concentrations shaped the alpha diversity whereas wheat cultivar, cropping history and the number of freezing days per year shaped the taxonomic beta diversity of these communities.


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Certain strains of Pantoea are used as biocontrol agents for the suppression of plant diseases. However, their commercial registration is hampered in some countries because of biosafety concerns. This study compares clinical and plant-beneficial strains of P. agglomerans and related species using a phenotypic analysis approach in which plant-beneficial effects, adverse effects in nematode models, and toxicity were evaluated. Plant-beneficial effects were determined as the inhibition of apple fruit infection by Penicillium expansum and apple flower infection by Erwinia amylovora. Clinical strains had no general inhibitory activity against infection by the fungal or bacterial plant pathogens, as only one clinical strain inhibited P. expansum and three inhibited E. amylovora. By contrast, all biocontrol strains showed activity against at least one of the phytopathogens, and three strains were active against both. The adverse effects in animals were evaluated in the plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne javanica and the bacterial-feeding nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Both models indicated adverse effects of the two clinical strains but not of any of the plant-beneficial strains. Toxicity was evaluated by means of hemolytic activity in blood, and genotoxicity with the Ames test. None of the strains, whether clinical or plant-beneficial, showed any evidence of toxicity


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Open educational resources (OER) promise increased access, participation, quality, and relevance, in addition to cost reduction. These seemingly fantastic promises are based on the supposition that educators and learners will discover existing resources, improve them, and share the results, resulting in a virtuous cycle of improvement and re-use. By anecdotal metrics, existing web scale search is not working for OER. This situation impairs the cycle underlying the promise of OER, endangering long term growth and sustainability. While the scope of the problem is vast, targeted improvements in areas of curation, indexing, and data exchange can improve the situation, and create opportunities for further scale. I explore the way the system is currently inadequate, discuss areas for targeted improvement, and describe a prototype system built to test these ideas. I conclude with suggestions for further exploration and development.


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Seloste artikkelista: Jylhä, P. & Laitila, J. 2007. Energy wood and pulpwood harvesting from young stands using a prototype whole-tree bundler. Silva Fennica 41 (4) : 763-779


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Nanoantennae show potential for photosynthesis research for two reasons; first by spatially confining light for experiments which require high spatial resolution, and second by enhancing the photon emission of single light-harvesting complexes. For effective use of nanoantennae a detailed understanding of the interaction between the nanoantenna and the light-harvesting complex is required. Here we report how the excitation and emission of multiple purple bacterial LH2s (light-harvesting complex 2) are controlled by single gold nanorod antennae. LH2 complexes were chemically attached to such antennae, and the antenna length was systematically varied to tune the resonance with respect to the LH2 absorption and emission. There are three main findings. (i) The polarization of the LH2 emission is fully controlled by the resonant nanoantenna. (ii) The largest fluorescence enhancement, of 23 times, is reached for excitation with light at λ = 850 nm, polarized along the long antenna-axis of the resonant antenna. The excitation enhancement is found to be 6 times, while the emission efficiency is increased 3.6 times. (iii) The fluorescence lifetime of LH2 depends strongly on the antenna length, with shortest lifetimes of [similar]40 ps for the resonant antenna. The lifetime shortening arises from an 11 times resonant enhancement of the radiative rate, together with a 2–3 times increase of the non-radiative rate, compared to the off-resonant antenna. The observed length dependence of radiative and non-radiative rate enhancement is in good agreement with simulations. Overall this work gives a complete picture of how the excitation and emission of multi-pigment light-harvesting complexes are influenced by a dipole nanoantenna.


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La Permacultura, los Paisajes de retención de agua y la Economía del bien común, se configuran como una alternativa a la situación actual de la agricultura. Mediante la combinación de estas corrientes, se puede desarrollar una agricultura más respetuosa con el entorno natural capaz de ayudar a regenerarlo. Una buena gestión del suelo fija y estabiliza el CO2 y gracias a los paisajes de captación de agua, se consigue cosechar el agua, infiltrándose en los ecosistemas y llenándolos de vida. Sumado a una correcta gestión del agua se mitigan los efectos del cambio climático en nuestras latitudes. Finalmente la economía del bien común, nos permite crear sistemas económicos más justos y sociales, encajando a la perfección con los principios de la Permacultura. Para poder aplicar dicho concepto actualmente, establecer el sistema agrícola como un sistema asociativo (asociación sin ánimo de lucro), nos permite fijar unos precios estables y sociales, dando especial importancia a la mano de obra y a la autosuficiencia.


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El Projecte intenta presentar totes les tasques realitzades durant l’estada de pràctiques a l’empresa on es pretenia musealitzar el Molí de Pals, canviant el seu ús industrial per a un nou ús social i turístic. Es pretén donar valor a aquest element patrimonial com un referent en la identitat dels palencs i aconseguir oferir un servei de qualitat al visitant adaptant-se a les necessitats de cada col•lectiu. Es tracten alguns temes com el cultiu de l’arròs i la seva evolució a Pals, els museus industrials i tipus d’equipaments visitables