868 resultados para Animais - Sistema nervoso - Doenças


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Com a realização deste trabalho pretendeu-se estabelecer o perfil urinário de níveis de biomarcadores do stress oxidativo (5-HMU; UAc; MDA; 8-OHdG) em indivíduos saudáveis (grupo controlo) comparando com o de doenças cardiovasculares (grupo CVD) de modo a avaliar o seu potencial como possíveis biomarcadores da possibilidade de ocorrência de CVD. A extração dos compostos alvos foi realizada por recurso a uma nova técnica extrativa - microextração com adsorvente empacotado em seringa (MEPS) controlada digitalmente (eVol). A análise dos biomarcadores foi efetuada por cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência (UHPLC) utilizando como coluna analítica a HSS T3 (100 mm × 2,1 mm, 1,7 μm de tamanho da partícula) e com um sistema deteção de fotodiodos (PDA). Otimizaram-se os parâmetros experimentais com influência no processo extrativo, nomeadamente no que se refere ao tipo de adsorvente, á influência do pH, ao volume de amostra, ao número de ciclos extrativos, lavagem e ao volume de eluição. Foram ensaiadas diferentes condições experimentais e selecionadas as que corresponderam a uma maior eficiência extrativa, expressa pela área total relativa dos analitos e reprodutibilidade. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando como adsorvente C8, o pH da amostra ajustado a 6, o adsorvente foi carregado com 5x50 μL de amostra e a eluição com 1x50 μL de 0,01% ácido formico e 3x50 μL de 20% metanol. Para a separação cromatográfica dos analitos usou-se uma fase móvel binária (0,01% ácido fórmico:20% metanol), em modo isocrático e um fluxo de 250 μL min-1. O método analítico foi validado em termos de seletividade, linearidade, limite de deteção (LOD), limite de quantificação (LOQ), efeito matriz, exatidão e precisão (intra e interdias) e aplicada a determinação de biomarcadores alvo nos dois grupos estudados, obtiveram-se bons resultados em termos seletividade e linearidade (R2>0,9906), os valores de LOD e LOQ obtidos foram baixos, variando entre 0,00005 - 0,72 μg mL-1 e 0,00023 – 2,31 μg mL-1 respetivamente. Os resultados da percentagem de recuperação (91,06 – 123,02 %), precisão intra-dia (0,95 – 8,34 %), precisão inter-dia (4,58 -6,33 %) e o efeito de matriz (60,11 – 110,29 %) deste método foram satisfatórios. A aplicação da metodologia validada aos dois grupos em estudo permitiu concluir que as concentrações de UAc e MDA entre os dois grupos, contrariamente ao 5-HMU e ao 8- OhdG cujas concentrações são estatisticamente diferentes entre o grupo controlam e o grupo CVD.


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Fucans are a family of sulfated homo and teropolysaccharides respectively, composed mainly of a- (1®2) and a- (1®3) linked by L-fucose residues. Properties such as the ability to act as an anti-contraceptive, to reduce cholesterol levels, and to act as an anti-tumor agent are much related. We have focused our attention on the anticoagulant properties, platelet aggregation, hemorrhagic activity and complement system in vitro of commercial fucoidan (F) and their purified fractions (F1, F2 and F3) from Fucus vesiculosus obtained from fractionation of the fucoidan with different concentrations of acetone 1, 2 and 3v. These compounds were chemically characterized and the fucoidan (F) was modified by desulfation. The anticoagulant activity of the compounds was assessment by activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and prothrombine time assay (PT) using citrated normal human plasma. The results of APPT test showed that F, F1 and F2 have high anticoagulants activities 240.0 s (5 µg). The F3 showed 73.7 s in the same concentrations. The results obtained with PT test to F, F1, F2 and F3 were 81.5 s, 120.0 s, 57.1 and 32.5 s respectively with 50 µg. The dessulfated polymer showed a decrease in the anticoagulant activity in these two tests. Platelet aggregation assay was measured turbidimetrically with platelet aggregometer by method of Born. The aggregation platelet with F and fractions F1, F2 and F3 exhibited a two-phase answer in the concentration of 5 mg/mL with maximum aggregation of 76.36 ± 10.3% ; 69.54 ± 9.40%; 75.94 ± 9.01%; 51.13 ± 9.59% respectively. However, was observed a hipoaggregate profile F (15.17 ± 5.2%), F1 (7.40 ± 3.04 %), F2 (19.1 ± 5.41%) and F3 (5.09 ± 3.02%) at 0.1 mg/mL. The hemorrhagic activity assay was carried in Wistar rats and showed that these compounds have low hemorrhagic effect when compared to heparin. The complement system ( alternative pathway was made using non-sensibilized rabbit red blood cells The results of complement system essay showed that F , F2 and F3 have action inhibitory in relation to the group control 0.544, 0.697, 0.622 and 0.958 respectively The results showed that these compounds have action on this system. Interaction of the polisaccharides with proteins C3 and C4 showed that the fraction F1 stimulated the activity assay hemolytic using red blood cells


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Sandflies stand out as important vectors of leishmaniasis. The females need to ingest blood meals, enabling them to transmit protozoa of the genus Leishmania, which may give rise to visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL), in addition to transmitting other parasites. Leishmaniasis are important infirmities, distributed worldwide, whose infection results from the interaction of reservoir animals, the vector insect, parasitic protozoa and the healthy host. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, these insects are important transmitters of VL, which usually presents in the most serious form. It occurs mainly in metropolitan areas, with the dog as its main reservoir and Lutzomyia longipalpis as the vector. ATL is most present in the highland areas of the state. In addition to hematophagia, engaged in by the females, both sexes need to ingest carbohydrates, which are essential to the sand flies energy requirements and may interfere in the development of Leishmania. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence and abundance of sand flies in different environments on the farm belonging to the Empresa de Pesquisas Agropecuárias do RN (Institute of Agricultural Research of RN), in the municipality of Parnamirim, in order to relate this occurrence with climatological and biological references and eating habits. Three consecutive monthly collections were carried out with CDC traps in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest, in a residence, on a goat breeding farm and on cashew, dwarf and giant coconut, mango, banana, eucalyptus, acacia and bean plantations. A total of 1241 sandflies from eight species (Lutzomyia evandroi, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Lutzomyia shannoni, Lutzomyia sordellii Lutzomyia walkeri, Lutzomyia wellcomei, Lutzomyia whitmani, and Lutzomyia intermedia) were collected, most in the forest environment. L. longipalpis, the main VL transmitter, was confirmed as a species adapted to anthropic environments, whereas others such as L. wellcomei, the vector of ATL, occurred predominantly in forests. Carbohydrate characterization of the sand flies and plants of the region demonstrated that a number of exotic plants such as hay and eucalyptus may play some role in the adaptation of these species to modified environments. Breeding in laboratory showed a mean biological cycle of 53.5 days from egg to adulthood for L. shannoni and the possibility of diapause behavior in L. wellcomei. This study serves as a source of information that may contribute to the epidemiological vigilance of tegumentary and visceral leishmaniasis in the state, given that it analyzes the bioecology of transmitting species, as well as their potential to adapt to new environments


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Objetivo: analisar o estado da arte dos aspectos diagnósticos, periciais e jurisprudenciais das LER/DORT (Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos / Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho) no Brasil. Materiais e Método: trata-se de pesquisa descritiva, de natureza qualitativa, com formato documental, utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. A avaliação evolutiva da legislação previdenciária relacionada as LER/DORT foi realizada através da pesquisa no banco de dados disponibilizado pelo Governo Federal e mediante a consulta ao DATAPREV/Sislex. A avaliação dos aspectos diagnósticos foi instrumentalizada através, principalmente, de artigos científicos publicados entre 2003 e 2008, nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa, espanhola e francesa, relacionados com os métodos de diagnósticos complementares das LER-DORT (ressonância magnética, tomografia computadorizada, ultrassonografia e eletroneuromiografia). As jurisprudências foram obtidas através da busca dos julgados sobre o tema, entre 2003 e 2008, pertencentes ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, Superior Tribunal de Justiça, Tribunais Regionais Federais, Tribunal Superior do Trabalho e Tribunais Regionais do Trabalho. Resultados: foram identificados 48 artigos abordando os aspectos diagnósticos das LER-DORT, observando-se que os exames por ressonância magnética, ultrassonografia e eletromiografia demonstraram ser mais efetivos, dentro das suas especificidades, para a complementação do exame clínico de patologias relacionadas às LER-DORT. A análise das 123 jurisprudências selecionadas demonstrou, de forma geral, que as LER-DORT equiparam-se ao acidente de trabalho, devendo apresentar nexo de causalidade (atestado através de laudo médico-pericial) e, ainda, ensejam a ação por danos morais, a qual, devido à EC nº 45 passou a ser competência da Justiça do Trabalho. O Estado da arte dos aspectos periciais encontra-se representado pela vigência da Instrução Normativa n. 98/2003, a qual traz como aspecto fundamental a determinação de novos parâmetros a serem considerados na definição de um quadro de LER-DORT, dispondo, ainda, sobre a conduta ética que deve ser adotada pelo médico perito, bem como chama a atenção para a necessidade dessas doenças do trabalho serem comunicadas às autoridadades competentes, através da emissão da Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho (CAT). Conclusão: as LER-DORT representam, hoje, um problema de importante impacto, não apenas previdenciário, mas também econômico em diversos países, nos quais o Brasil encontra-se inserido. Estudos sobre o estado da arte relacionados às LER-DORT são fundamentais para auxiliar na construção de um modelo crítico e consciente que colabore com a garantia de sustentabilidade do sistema previdenciário no Brasil


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This work demonstrates the importance of using tools used in geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial data analysis (SDA) for the study of infectious diseases. Analysis methods were used to describe more fully the spatial distribution of a particular disease by incorporating the geographical element in the analysis. In Chapter 1, we report the historical evolution of these techniques in the field of human health and use Hansen s disease (leprosy) in Rio Grande do Norte as an example. In Chapter 2, we introduced a few basic theoretical concepts on the methodology and classified the types of spatial data commonly treated. Chapters 3 and 4 defined and demonstrated the use of the two most important techniques for analysis of health data, which are data point processes and data area. We modelled the case distribution of Hansen s disease in the city of Mossoró - RN. In the analysis, we used R scripts and made available routines and analitical procedures developed by the author. This approach can be easily used by researchers in several areas. As practical results, major risk areas in Mossoró leprosy were detected, and its association with the socioeconomic profile of the population at risk was found. Moreover, it is clearly shown that his approach could be of great help to be used continuously in data analysis and processing, allowing the development of new strategies to work might increase the use of such techniques in data analysis in health care


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Introdução: Os hormônios estrogênicos possuem importante papel na defesa contra as espécies reativas do oxigênio, fato que se evidencia na maior incidência de doenças cardiovasculares e neurodegenerativas após a menopausa. O exercício físico melhora as defesas antioxidantes, contudo em altas cargas e em baixas concentrações de estrógeno possui efeito aditivo ao dano oxidativo. O ácido α-lipóico possui uma ampla gama de ação antioxidante e poderia contribuir para diminuição do dano nestas condições. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a ação do ácido α-lipóico sobre a adaptação antioxidante e funções reprodutivas de ratas submetidas a natação moderada. Material e métodos: Os animais foram submetidos a natação diária (1 hora) e sacrificados após 30, 60 e 90 dias. Os animais foram divididos em controles sedentários e exercitados; suplementados (ácido α-lipóico 100mg/Kg/dia) sedentários e exercitados e animais ovariectomizados e suplementados com ácido lipóico. Avaliou-se diariamente o ciclo estral e os seguintes marcadores de estresse oxidativos foram mensurados em fígado e sangue: atividade enzimática da SOD, GPx e CAT, além do SRAT e GSH. Resultados: O protocolo de exercício aumentou a duração do ciclo estral no grupo controle exercitado, sobretudo na fase diestral. Neste mesmo grupo, houve diminuição da lipoperoxidação com melhora da atividade antioxidante da SOD e GPx. O grupo exercitado e suplementado não apresentou alteração na duração do ciclo estral e manteve os benefícios sobre o sistema antioxidante antes observado nos animais exercitados. A suplementação antioxidante juntamente com a natação em períodos superiores a 30 dias, diminuiu o processo de adaptação antioxidante quando comparado aos animais somente exercitados. Nos animais ovariectomizados, o exercício e a suplementação com ácido lipóico não promoveu adaptação antioxidante ao contrário dos demais grupos. Conclusão: O aumento na duração do ciclo estral e a melhora nos marcadores de estresse oxidativo seriam uma resposta adaptativa frente ao exercício moderado. O ácido lipóico impediu a alteração no ciclo induzida pelo exercício, mas preservou a melhoria no sistema antioxidante. A depleção estrogênica provocada pela ovariectomia eleva o potencial de dano oxidativo gerado pelo exercício. A ação antioxidante do LA na presença de estrógeno diminuiu excessivamente o dano oxidativo, comprometendo a adaptação antioxidante a natação. Nos animais ovariectomizados, contudo, o AL promoveu adaptação antioxidante ao exercício


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The aim of the present study was to analyze cardiovascular risk of women with a history of preeclampsia, as well as its follow-upin the National Health System.This is a cross-sectional quantitative research conducted at the Januário Cicco Maternity School. The study population was composed of 573 women selected from a databank belonging to the Women s Health Research Group of the Gynecology Department at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, with a history of preeclampsia, and normotensives who gave birth at this institution five years before. The final sample consisted of 147 women, 64 in the group with a history of PE and 83 normotensives. Data were collected on a questionnaire containing the following: sociodemographic aspects, anthropometric measures, life habits, personal and family history of pregnancy-induced hypertension, family history of cardiovascular diseases and frequency of measuring current blood pressure levels. In relation to the association between cardiovascular risk and altered blood pressure (≥130x85 mmHg), the likelihood of exhibiting the latter condition was significantly higher in women with a history of preeclampsia (CI 95% 4.12-38.92), the overweight and obese (CI 95% 1.70-20.75), and in those with a family historyof CVD and personal history of PIH (CI 95% 0.78-47.07 and CI 95% 3.20-25.39) respectively. Likewise, the probability of having altered blood pressure was higher in women with fasting glycemia ≥100mg/dL (CI 95% 2.09-24.73), as well as in those with triglycerides ≥150mg/dl (CI 95% 1.72-9.66). After fitting the logistic model, diagnosis previous preeclampsia and altered triglycerides remained as explanatory variables.The women with a history of preeclampsia five years before exhibited altered blood pressure levels, clinical and laboratory manifestations suggestive of elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, as well as family and personal history of hypertension. There is no differential treatment or adequate outpatient follow-up for this population in basic health care units


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (DLPC) are lymphoid system diseases characterized by the abnormal proliferation of mature lymphocytes that affect B cells, T lymphocytes and NK cells. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the relevance of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry in patients with prolonged lymphocytosis and / or cytomorphological changes compatible with lymphoproliferative diseases. In this study 460 patients (244 men and 216 women) with DLPC were evaluated. Were analyzed by flow cytometry with a panel of monoclonal antibodies consisting of CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD10, CD19, CD22, CD23, CD25, CD38, CD45, CD16/CD56, and HLADR heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins. It also examines information regarding age, gender of patients and laboratory data as leucocytes, cytomorphological analysis, platelet count and hemoglobin determination. The results showed 398 cases of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders and 62 of DLPC B cell lymphoproliferative diseases T. B showed the following distribution : 253 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 42 cases of multiple myeloma ( MM ), 37 cases of lymphoma non - Hodgkin lymphoma in leukemic phase (NHL) , 17 cases of pro- B lymphocytic leukemia ( B -PLL), 15 cases of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL ), 12 cases of plasma cell leukemia ( PCL), 9 cases of lymphoma Burkitt (Linf B), 8 cases of leukemia villous cells ( LCV), 3 cases of splenic lymphoma with villous cells (LECV), a case of follicular lymphoma (LF) and a Waldenströn macroglobulinemia ( MW). The diseases source NK / T were 23 cases of peripheral T cell lymphoma (LCTP), 14 cases of T prolymphocytic leukemia (T -PLL), 10 cases of leukemia T of large granular lymphocytes (LGL -T) 9 cases of leukemia cells of adult T (LCTA), 5 cases of Sezary syndrome (SS) and a case of large granular NK leukemia (LGL -NK) lymphocytes. In conclusion, the combined use of the monoclonal antibody panel careful cytomorphological analysis was shown to be essential in immune diagnosis and classification of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders. This study was approved by the IRB - HUOL under number 356 / 09


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The work has objective to present actions of Physiotherapy, developed by SUS in the State of Rio Grande do Norte; discuss under the humanization point of view such actions of health; discuss the importance of physioterapy to the Norte-Riograndense, or maybe its role in the perpetuation of actions of health centered in the binomial cause/efect. The study was done in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The data were obtained through public sources gathered in the health secretrary ship of this State. The collected data talks about physiotherapy sections developed by SUS in several areas of the State; such data was collected and analysed after the aproval of Ethic and Resarch Committee of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Concerning the physiotherapy, along with the State Health Secretaryship of the State fo Rio Grande do Norte, there were only records of attending based on cure/rehabillitation, not being observed during the curse of study, any record or action of prevention, promotion and protection towards health. It s possible to notice that there is a highligth to the interventions focusing on the treatment of illness of rheumatic origin and general complaints related to the vertebral column. Such research evidenced that the Physiotherapy in the SUS in the State priorizes the individualized attending centered in the carteziano health/illness model, where the developde actions are turned to the curative and rehabilliting attention, with role fo some or no highligth in the primary attention


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The frequency of disseminated candidiasis caused by yeast has enhancing in intensive care unit. Despite the availability of new antifungal drugs, C. albicans sepsis mortality causes can be as high as 30-40%. So, it has been needed to looking for a new therapeutic medicament that helps in treatment and prevention of this infection. Previous data that demonstrated that particulated β-glucan stimulates the immune system and experiments of this work were conducted to investigating if β-glucan extracted from Saccharomices cerevisiae, could modified the evolution of mouse model C. albicans systemic infection. Balb/c mice with sepsis and β-1,3 glucan treated or not were analyzed the influence of β-1,3 glucan in survival of the animals, in the fungal burdens in kidney, in the production of urea and TNF even in the histopathology of kidney. The experiments shown that the infected animals a nd glucan treated had great survival (p<0,05), less unit form colony in kidney and normal levels of urea. In the kidney histopathology of not glucan treated animals it has seen more lesions when compared with treated animals. So we conclude that β-1,3 glucan could stimulate the immune system against disseminated C. albicans


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O conhecimento científico sobre nutrição de animais de companhia tem aumentado de forma contínua, acompanhando o fenômeno visto em diversas áreas de conhecimento. Na última década, têm-se prioritariamente pesquisas direcionadas ao uso de nutrientes na promoção de saúde, prevenção de doenças degenerativas, melhoria da qualidade de vida e aumento da expectativa de vida de cães e gatos. Este direcionamento de pesquisas é, em grande parte, explicado pela importância que cães e gatos assumiram na vida das pessoas, fazendo com que as decisões alimentares dos proprietários com seus animais se assemelhassem às que adotam para si próprios. A publicação da nova revisão do Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats em 2006 foi, talvez, o avanço recente mais significativo, trazendo novo entendimento sobre necessidades energéticas e de nutrientes nas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento e estados fisiológicos. Apesar destes avanços, ainda são necessárias pesquisas na área de caracterização físico-química e de utilização dos ingredientes, efeitos do processo de extrusão e mesmo de necessidades nutricionais, que conta com uma base pequena de artigos disponíveis, a maioria antiga. Talvez os desafios científicos mais importantes em nutrição de cães e gatos sejam metabolismo de carboidratos, importância da massa corporal magra na saúde, urolitíases, gerontologia, relação entre microbiota intestinal e saúde, imunonutrição e manejo nutricional em condições clínicas específicas importantes para estas espécies.


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O estudo foi conduzido com os objetivos de analisar o desempenho produtivo e algumas medidas de eficiência reprodutiva de 1877 vacas provenientes de quatro grupos genéticos Holandês ¾ Zebu e estimar os parâmetros genéticos pertinentes. Os animais pertenciam a três rebanhos comerciais que foram monitorados pelo Sistema Computacional de Informação DAISY (The Dairy Information System), durante período de 1989 a 1998. Para consistência dos dados, formação dos arquivos e análises preliminares foram usados os procedimentos disponíveis no SAS (Statistical Analysis System), enquanto os componentes de (co)variância foram estimados pelo método de máxima verossimilhança restrita livre de derivada (MTDFREML), sob um modelo animal. Os efeitos de grupo genético e ano do parto foram significativos sobre a idade da vaca ao primeiro parto (IPC), intervalo parto - primeiro serviço (PP1S), duração da lactação(DL), produção total de leite (PT) e produção de leite por dia de intervalo de parto (PLIEP). As estimativas de herdabilidade (h²) para as características reprodutivas ficaram próximas de zero, evidenciando grande dependência do manejo oferecido aos rebanhos, enquanto o valor de 0,28 para a h² da PT mostrou variância genética aditiva média. A correlação genética entre PT e DL de 0,81 pode ser considerada de alta magnitude.


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Infrastructure works are included in strategic areas for the social development. For that matter that all of the investments are very important for the social development. When the population has enough water and an acceptable quality, and it includes a wastewater gathering and its treatment, the whole society became less susceptible to the water diseases. Even the Water Supply and the Sewage depend for its perfect operation of reservoirs, or of the accumulation of water to provide the popular necessity, either due to retention or for the treatment wastewarer. These structures present very specific environmental conditions, because the microclimate created around them, like high environmental humidity and for the existence of many harmful substances for the concrete, such as chloride ions presents in water. The reservoir that compose the System of Water Supply of Natal were built between 1970s and 1980s, a period whom the technical and scientific community did not have in-depth studies about the reinforced concrete mechanism of deterioration. Therefore, these reservoirs have been suffered accelerated deterioration progress, and they have been shown many pathological manifestations strikingly visible. In front of all these problems this academic work aims to identify the generally conditions of conservation of all the reservoirs components of the Water Supply System of Natal. This academic work objectives to develop a recuperation plan for use in these reservoirs, in this academic work it was achieved all the survey of pathological manifestation existing in each reservoir. It was made with local visits, photographic recorders of all manifestations viii and realization of in loco tests. The other step consisted in a application of GDE/UnB metodolgy reformulated by Fonseca (2007). In the step of local visits in each reservoir it was evaluated carbonation depth, by spreading a phenolphthalein solution with 1% of concentration; evaluation of contamination of chlorides, by spreading silver nitrate solution with 1% of concentration, and evaluation of width cracks. After the conclusion of all the testings, it was established that all reservoir, studied in this academic work, have showed an advanced deteriorating condition. It´s presents prevalent pathological manifestations as unacceptable cracks, spots, efflorescence and reinforcement corrosion, and in some cases, chlorides contamination. After the conclusion of the testings and its concatenation it was able to implementing, using GDE/UnB methodology, the order of the restoration its service life and initial safety conditions