999 resultados para American Bible Society


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SecB is a cytosolic, tetrameric chaperone of Escherichia coli which maintains precursor proteins in a translocation competent state. We have investigated the effect of SecB on the refolding kinetics of the small protein barstar in I M guanidine hydrochloride at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C using fluorescence spectroscopy. We show that SecB does not bind either the native or the unfolded states of barstar but binds to a late near-native intermediate along the folding pathway. For barstar, polypeptide collapse and formation of a hydrophobic surface are required for binding to SecB. SecB does not change the apparent rate constant of barstar refolding. The kinetic data for SecB binding to barstar are not consistent with simple kinetic partitioning models.


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We demonstrate the phenomenon of self-organized criticality (SOC) in a simple random walk model described by a random walk of a myopic ant, i.e., a walker who can see only nearest neighbors. The ant acts on the underlying lattice aiming at uniform digging, i.e., reduction of the height profile of the surface but is unaffected by the underlying lattice. In one, two, and three dimensions we have explored this model and have obtained power laws in the time intervals between consecutive events of "digging." Being a simple random walk, the power laws in space translate to power laws in time. We also study the finite size scaling of asymptotic scale invariant process as well as dynamic scaling in this system. This model differs qualitatively from the cascade models of SOC.


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By definition, the two faces of a pi bond are equivalent.1 However, they are rendered nonequivalent in most molecules because of the absence of a plane of symmetry encompassing the double bond and the adjacent substituents. As a result, additions to trigonal centers from the two faces need not be equally facile. Exploiting this stereodifferentiation in a controlled manner represents one of the core problems in organic synthesis. Evidently, the factors which determine such diastereoselection need to be delineated in as much detail as possible.


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Dimeric or gemini surfactants consist of two hydrophobic chains and two hydrophilic head groups co; valently connected by a hydrocarbon spacer. Small-angle neutron scattering measurements from bis-cationic C16H33N+(CH3)(2)-(CH2)(m)-N+(CH3)(2)C(16)H(33)2Br(-) dimeric surfactants, referred to-as 16-m-16, for different length of hydrocarbon spacers m-3-6, 8, 10, and 12, are reported. The measurements have been carried out at various concentrations: C=2.5 and 10 mM for all m and C=30 and 50 mM for m greater than or equal to 5. It is found that micellar structure depends on the length of the spacer. Micelles are disks for m=3, cylindrical for m=4, and prolate ellipsoidals for other values of m. These structural results are in agreement with the theoretical predictions based on the packing parameter. It has also been observed that conformation of the spacer and the hydrophobic chains in the interior of the micelle change as the length of the spacer is increased. The concentration dependence for m greater than or equal to 5 shows that the effect of surfactant concentration on the size of the micelle is more pronounced for m=5 and 12 than for the intermediate spacers. The fractional charge on the micelle increases with the increase in spacer length and decreases when the concentration is increased.


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In order to identify new anticancer compounds from nature, a prefractionated library derived from Australian endemic plants was generated and screened against the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP using a metabolic assay. Fractions from the seeds, leaves, and wood of Anopterus macleayanus showed cytotoxic activity and were subsequently investigated using a combination of bioassay-guided fractionation and mass-directed isolation. This led to the identification of four new diterpenoid alkaloids, 6α-acetoxyanopterine (1), 4′-hydroxy-6α-acetoxyanopterine (2), 4′-hydroxyanopterine (3), and 11α-benzoylanopterine (4), along with four known compounds, anopterine (5), 7β-hydroxyanopterine (6), 7β,4′-dihydroxyanopterine (7), and 7β-hydroxy-11α-benzoylanopterine (8); all compounds were purified as their trifluoroacetate salt. The chemical structures of 1–8 were elucidated after analysis of 1D/2D NMR and MS data. Compounds 1–8 were evaluated for cytotoxic activity against a panel of human prostate cancer cells (LNCaP, C4-2B, and DuCaP) and nonmalignant cell lines (BPH-1 and WPMY-1), using a live-cell imaging system and a metabolic assay. All compounds showed potent cytotoxicity with IC50 values of <400 nM; compound 1 was the most active natural product from this series, with an IC50 value of 3.1 nM toward the LNCaP cell line. The live-cell imaging assay on 1–8 showed a concentration- and time-dependent effect on the cell morphology and proliferation of LNCaP cells.


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Recent measurements on the resistivity of (La-Sr)(2)CuO4 are shown to tit within the general framework of Luttinger liquid transport theory. They exhibit a crossover from the spin-charge separated ''holon nondrag regime'' usually observed, with rho(ab) similar to T, to a ''localizing'' regime dominated by impurity scattering at low temperature. The proportionality of rho(c) and rho(ab) and the giant anisotropy follow directly from the theory.


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Selective introduction and removal of protecting groups is of great significance in organic synthesis.l The benzyl ether function is one of the most common protecting groups for alcohols. Selective oxidative removal of the 4-methoxybenzyl (MPM) ethers in the presence of benzyl ethers made the MPM moiety an alternative protecting group, and its utility in carbohydrate chemistry is well established. Several procedures have been developed for the cleavage of the 4-methoxybenzyl moiety, e.g. DDQ oxidation (eq 1),2e lectrochemical ~xidationh,~om ogeneous electron t r a n~f e rp,~ho toinduced single electron t r an~f e rb,o~ro n trichloride-dimethyl sulfide,6e tc. However, in all these methods isolation of the alcohol from the inevitable byproduct, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde [also dichlorodicyanohydroquinone (DDHQ) in the most commonly used method employing DDQI can be troublesome. Recently Wallace and Hedgetts7 discovered that acetic acid at 90 "C cleaves the aromatic MPM ethers into the corresponding phenols and 4-methoxybenzyl acetate (eq 21, whereas the aliphatic MPM ethers generated, instead of alcohols, the corresponding acetates (eq 3). Complimentary to this methodology, herein we report that sodium cyanoborohydride and boron trifluoride etherate reductively cleaves, cleanly and efficiently, the aliphatic MPM ethers to an easily separable mixture of the corresponding alcohols and 4-methylanisole


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This paper reports a new class of photo-cross-linkable side chain liquid crystalline polymers (PSCLCPs) based on the bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone unit, which functions as both a mesogen and a photoactive center. Polymers with the bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone unit and varying spacer length have been synthesized. Copolymers of bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone containing monomer and cholesterol benzoate containing monomer with different compositions have also been prepared. All these polymers have been structurally characterized by spectroscopic techniques. Thermal transitions were studied by DSC, and mesophases were identified by polarized light optical microscopy (POM). The intermediate compounds OH-x, the monomers SCLCM-x, and the corresponding polymers PSCLCP-x, which are essentially based on bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone, all show a nematic mesophase. Transition temperatures were observed to decrease with increasing spacer length. The copolymers with varying compositions exhibit a cholesteric mesophase, and the transition temperatures increase with the cholesteric benzoate units in the copolymer. Photolysis of the low molecular weight liquid crystalline bis(benzylidene)-cyclohexanone compound reveals that there are two kinds of photoreactions in these systems: the EZ photoisomerization and 2 pi + 2 pi addition. The EZ photoisomerization in the LC phase disrupts the parallel stacking of the mesogens, resulting in the transition from the LC phase to the isotropic phase. The photoreaction involving the 2 pi + 2 pi addition of the bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone units in the polymer results in the cross-linking of the chains. The liquid crystalline induced circular dichroism (LCICD) studies of the cholesterol benzoate copolymers revealed that the cholesteric supramolecular order remains even after the photo-cross-linking.


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This is the first report on studies carried out in detail on high-pressure oxygen copolymerization (> 50 psi) of the vinyl monomers styrene and alpha-methylstyrene (AMS). The saturation pressure of oxygen for AMS oxidation, hitherto obscure, is found to be 300 psi. Whereas the ease of oxidation is more favorable for styrene, the rate and yield of polyperoxide formation are higher for AMS. This is explained on the basis of the reactivity of the corresponding alkyl and peroxy radicals. Below 50 degrees C, degradation of the poly(styrene peroxide) formed is about 2.5 times less than that observed above 50 degrees C, so much so that it gives a break in the rate curve, and thereafter the rate is lowered. Normal free radical kinetics is followed before the break point, after which the monomer and initiator exponents become unusually high. This is interpreted on the basis of chain transfer to the degradation products. The low molecular weight of polyperoxides has been attributed to the (i) low reactivity of RO(2)(.) toward the monomer, (ii) chain transfer to degradation products, (iii) facile cleavage of O-O bond, followed by unzipping to nonradical products, and (iv) higher stability of the reinitiating radicals. At lower temperatures, (i) predominates, whereas at higher temperatures, chiefly (ii)-(iv) are the case.


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Lithium silicophosphate glasses have been prepared by a sol-gel route over a wide range of compositions. Their structural and electrical properties have been investigated. Infrared spectroscopic studies show the presence of hydroxyl groups attached to Si and P. MAS NMR investigations provide evidence for the presence of different phosphatic units in the structure. The variations of de conductivities at 423 K and activation energies have been studied as a function of composition, and both exhibit an increasing trend with the ratio of nonbridging oxygen to bridging oxygen in the structure. Ac conductivity behavior shows that the power law exponent, s, is temperature dependent and exhibits a minimum. Relaxation behavior has been examined in detail using an electrical modulus formalism, and modulus data were fitted to Kohlraush-William-Watts stretched exponential function. A structural model has been proposed and the unusual properties exhibited by this unique system of glasses have been rationalized using this model. Ion transport in these glasses appears to be confined to unidimensional conduits defined by modified phosphate chains and interspersed with unmodified silica units.


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UVPES studies and ab initio and DFT computations have been done on the benzene...ICl complex; electron spectral data and computed orbital energies show that donor orbitals are stabilized and acceptor orbitals are destabilized due to complexation. Calculations predict an oblique structure for the complex in which the interacting site is a C=C bond center in the donor and iodine atom in the acceptor, in full agreement with earlier experimental reports. BSSE-corrected binding energies closely match the enthalpy of complexation reported, and the NBO analysis clearly reveals the involvement of the pi orbital of benzene and the sigma* orbital of ICl in the complex.


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Giant magnetoresistance (GMR), which was until recently confined to magnetic layered and granular materials, as well as doped magnetic semiconductors, occurs in manganate perovskites of the general formula Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (Ln = rare earth; A = divalent ion). These manganates are ferromagnetic at or above a certain value of x (or Mn4+ content) and become metallic at temperatures below the curie temperature, T-c. GMR is generally a maximum close to T-c or the insulator-metal (I-M) transition temperature, T-im. The T-c and %MR are markedly affected by the size of the A site cation, [r(A)], thereby affording a useful electronic phase diagram when T-c or T-im is plotted against [r(A)]. We discuss GMR and related properties of manganates in polycrystalline, thin-film, and single-crystal forms and point out certain commonalities and correlations. We also examine some unusual features in the electron-transport properties of manganates, in particular charge-ordering effects. Charge ordering is crucially dependent on [r(A)] or the e(g) band width, and the charge-ordered insulating state transforms to a metallic ferromagnetic state on the application of a magnetic field.


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In order to understand the role of translational modes in the orientational relaxation in dense dipolar liquids, we have carried out a computer ''experiment'' where a random dipolar lattice was generated by quenching only the translational motion of the molecules of an equilibrated dipolar liquid. The lattice so generated was orientationally disordered and positionally random. The detailed study of orientational relaxation in this random dipolar lattice revealed interesting differences from those of the corresponding dipolar liquid. In particular, we found that the relaxation of the collective orientational correlation functions at the intermediate wave numbers was markedly slower at the long times for the random lattice than that of the liquid. This verified the important role of the translational modes in this regime, as predicted recently by the molecular theories. The single-particle orientational correlation functions of the random lattice also decayed significantly slowly at long times, compared to those of the dipolar liquid.


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We investigate the evolution of electronic structure with dimensionality (d) of Ni-O-Ni connectivity in divalent nickelates, NiO (3-d), La2NiO4, Pr2NiO4 (2-d), Y2BaNiO5 (1-d) and Lu2BaNi5 (0-d), by analyzing the valence band and the Ni 2p core-level photoemission spectra in conjunction with detailed many-body calculations including full multiplet interactions. Experimental results exhibit a reduction in the intensity of correlation-induced satellite features with decreasing dimensionality. The calculations based on the cluster model, but evaluating both Ni 3d and O 2p related photoemission processes on the same footing, provide a consistent description of both valence-band and core-level spectra in terms of various interaction strengths. While the correlation-induced satellite features in NiO is dominated by poorly screened d(8) states as described in the existing literature, we find that the satellite features in the nickelates with lower dimensional Ni-O-Ni connectivity are in fact dominated by the over-screened d(10)L(2) states. It is found that the changing electronic structure with the dimensionality is primarily driven by two factors: (i) a suppression of the nonlocal contribution to screening; and (ii) a systematic decrease of the charge-transfer energy Delta driven by changes in the Madelung potential. [S0163-1829(99)09619-8].


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A rare example of a two-dimensional Heisenberg model with an exact dimerized ground state is presented. This model, which can be regarded as a variation on the kagome' lattice, has several features of interest: it has a highly (but not macroscopically) degenerate ground state; it is closely related to spin chains studied by earlier authors; in particular, it exhibits domain-wall-like "kink" excitations normally associated only with one-dimensional systems. In some limits it decouples into noninteracting chains; unusually, this happens in the limit of strong, rather than weak, interchain coupling. [S0163-1829(99)50338-X].