900 resultados para Aluminium ore
Selected papers from the 3rd Edition of the International Conference on Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities
Les spirales sont des appareils de séparation gravimétrique principalement utilisés dans l’industrie du traitement du minerai de fer. La classification des particules dans la pulpe s’effectue lors de la descente dans les spires en fonction de leur taille et leur densité, des conditions d’opération et de la géométrie de la spirale. L’effet des conditions d’opération (pourcentage solide, débit d’alimentation et débit d’eau de lavage) est évalué sur la performance des spirales en utilisant une spirale WW6E installée à COREM pour traiter un minerai de fer de ArcelorMittal, Québec. Les résultats montrent l’effet dominant du débit de l’eau de lavage et son impact majeur sur les particules grossières. Un circuit fermé de trois spirales parallèles avec 3, 5 et 7 tours est utilisé afin d’évaluer l’influence du nombre de tours. Les résultats préliminaires indiquent que la spirale trois tours fonctionne bien pour le nettoyage tandis que la 7 tour est robuste pour l’ébauchage et l’épuisage.
Nickel isotope ratios were measured in ores, fly ash, slags and FeNi samples from two metallurgical plants located in the Goiás State, Brazil (Barro Alto, Niquelândia). This allowed investigating the mass-dependent fractionation of Ni isotopes during the Ni-laterite ore smelting and refining. Feeding material exhibits a large range of δ60Ni values (from 0.02 ± 0.10 ‰ to 0.20 ± 0.05 ‰, n=7), explained by the diversity of Ni-bearing phases, and the average of δ60Nifeeding materials was found equal to 0.08 ± 0.08‰ (2SD, n=7). Both δ60Ni values of fly ash (δ60Ni = 0.07 ± 0.07‰, n=10) and final FeNi produced (0.05 ± 0.02 ‰, n=2) were not significantly different from the feeding materials ones. These values are consistent with the very high production yield of the factories. However, smelting slags present the heaviest δ60Ni values of all the smelter samples, with δ60Ni ranging from 0.11 ± 0.05 ‰ to 0.27 ± 0.05 ‰ (n=8). Soils were also collected near and far from the Niquelândia metallurgical plant, to evaluate the potential of Ni isotopes for tracing the natural vs anthropogenic Ni in soils. The Ni isotopic composition of the non-impacted topsoils developed on ultramafic rocks ranges from -0.26 ± 0.09 ‰ to -0.04 ± 0.05 ‰ (n=20). On the contrary, the Ni isotopic composition of the non-ultramafic topsoils, collected close to the plant, exhibit a large variation of δ60Ni, ranging from -0.19 ± 0.13 ‰ up to 0.10 ± 0.05 ‰ (n=4). This slight but significant enrichment in heavy isotopes highlight the potential impact of smelting activity in the surrounding area, as well as the potential of Ni isotopes for discerning anthropogenic samples (heavier δ60Ni values) from natural ones (lighter δ60Ni values). However, given the global range of published δ60Ni values (from -1.03 to 2.5 ‰) and more particularly those associated to natural weathering of ultramafic rocks (from -0.61 to 0.32‰), the use of Ni isotopes for tracing environmental contamination from smelters will remain challenging.
Aluminium (Al) toxicity and drought are two major factors limiting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) production in the tropics. Short-term effects of Al toxicity and drought stress on root growth in acid, Al-toxic soil were studied, with special emphasis on Al-drought interaction in the root apex. Root elongation was inhibited by both Al and drought. Combined stresses resulted in a more severe inhibition of root elongation than either stress alone. This result was different from the alleviation of Al toxicity by osmotic stress (-0.60 MPa polyethylene glycol) in hydroponics. However, drought reduced the impact of Al on the root tip, as indicated by the reduction of Al-induced callose formation and MATE expression. Combined Al and drought stress enhanced up-regulation of ACCO expression and synthesis of zeatin riboside, reduced drought-enhanced abscisic acid (ABA) concentration, and expression of NCED involved in ABA biosynthesis and the transcription factors bZIP and MYB, thus affecting the regulation of ABA-dependent genes (SUS, PvLEA18, KS-DHN, and LTP) in root tips. The results provide circumstantial evidence that in soil, drought alleviates Al injury, but Al renders the root apex more drought-sensitive, particularly by impacting the gene regulatory network involved in ABA signal transduction and cross-talk with other phytohormones necessary for maintaining root growth under drought.
Aluminium (Al) toxicity and drought are the two major abiotic stress factors limiting common bean production in the tropics. Using hydroponics, the short-term effects of combined Al toxicity and drought stress on root growth and Al uptake into the root apex were investigated. In the presence of Al stress, PEG 6000 (polyethylene glycol)-induced osmotic (drought) stress led to the amelioration of Al-induced inhibition of root elongation in the Al-sensitive genotype VAX 1. PEG 6000 (>> PEG 1000) treatment greatly decreased Al accumulation in the 1 cm root apices even when the roots were physically separated from the PEG solution using dialysis membrane tubes. Upon removal of PEG from the treatment solution, the root tips recovered from osmotic stress and the Al accumulation capacity was quickly restored. The PEG-induced reduction of Al accumulation was not due to a lower phytotoxic Al concentration in the treatment solution, reduced negativity of the root apoplast, or to enhanced citrate exudation. Also cell-wall (CW) material isolated from PEG-treated roots showed a low Al-binding capacity which, however, was restored after destroying the physical structure of the CW. The comparison of the Al(3+), La(3+), Sr(2+), and Rb(+) binding capacity of the intact root tips and the isolated CW revealed the specificity of the PEG 6000 effect for Al. This could be due to the higher hydrated ionic radius of Al(3+) compared with other cations (Al(3+) >> La(3+) > Sr(2+) > Rb(+)). In conclusion, the results provide circumstantial evidence that the osmotic stress-inhibited Al accumulation in root apices and thus reduced Al-induced inhibition of root elongation in the Al-sensitive genotype VAX 1 is related to the alteration of CW porosity resulting from PEG 6000-induced dehydration of the root apoplast.
Phosphorus, as phosphate, is frequently found as a constituent of many of the world iron resources. Phosphorus is an extremely harmful element found in iron ore used as a raw material in the steelmaking process because it will affect the quality of iron and steel products. Allowable phosphorus concentration in high quality steel is usually less than 0.08%. Dephosphorization of iron ore has been studied for a long time. Although there are described physical beneficiation and chemical leaching processes, involving inorganic acids, to reduce phosphorus content of iron ores, these processes have several limitations such as poor recovery, require high energy quantity, capital costs and cause environmental pollution. Use of microorganisms in leaching of mineral ores is gaining importance due to the implementation of stricter environmental rules. Microbes convert metal compounds into their water soluble forms and are biocatalysts of leaching processes. Biotechnology is considered as an eco-friendly, promising, and revolutionary solution to these problems. Microorganisms play a critical role in natural phosphorus cycle and the process of phosphate solubilization by microorganisms has been known for many years. This study was performed to analyze the possibility of using bioleaching as a process for the dephosphorization of an iron ore from Northeast of Portugal. For bioleaching, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans bacterium were used. For this study two experiments were done with different conditions, which lasts 6 weeks for first experiment and 5 weeks for second experiment. From the result of these preliminary studies, it was observed that for first experiment 6.2 % and for second experiment 3.7 % of phosphorus was removed from iron ore.
International audience
Anuran species diversity and abundance were evaluated in different farming status of cocoa plantation in Ore, Ondo State, Nigeria. Applying the combination of visual encounter survey (VES) and acoustical survey (AES), the different farms surveyed were categorized as; 1) pure cocoa farms with pesticides applied (PCWP); 2) pure cocoa farms without pesticides application; 3) intercropped cocoa farms with pesticides applied (ICWP); and 4) intercropped cocoa farms without pesticides application (ICNP). The surrounding primary/secondary forest (PSFV) was sampled applying the transect method. A mean total of 690±2.6 anurans belonging to 28 species, 14 genera and 9 families were recorded during the study. Out of these, 10, 19, 17, 22 and 26 species were recorded respectively from PCWP, PCNP, ICWP, ICNP and PSFV. The anuran species richness was significantly different between the different cocoa plantation status and the forest sites (F4, 10 = 20.55, P< 0.01). The highest mean number of individuals (190±9.5) was observed at ICNP followed by PSFV (183±5.7), while the least was at PCWP (77±8.0). There was also significant difference (F4, 10 = 150.48, P< 0.01) between the abundance of anuran species at the various sites. Diversity indices (Shannon and Margalef) showed that the forest sites had the greatest (3.204 and 4.799) respectively while the pesticide using pure cocoa farms had the least (1.853 and 2.072). Generally, the result of the study clearly indicated that pesticide use cocoa farms were significantly lower compared to other sites. Farmers are encouraged to engage in intercropping (polyculture) especially with food and economic crops in a biodiversity friendly manner which could have similar characteristics of a natural ecosystem, thereby enhancing the biological diversity of agro-ecosystems.
The current paper seeks to fulfill an internationalization action plan for Reynaers Aluminium Portugal (RAP) to address the Angolan construction market. Strong market opportunities have been spotted, namely: an increasingly well-succeeded presence of Reynaers’ customers; Reynaers portfolio responsive to an increasingly quality demanding Angolan market; strong support from the multinational chain. Aligned with a constant threat from the Portuguese economy RAP seeks to establish a stronger presence in Angola. Indeed the company has been approaching this market since 2008, resulting in the identification of key players and synergies spotted. For this purpose, the aim is to develop a Commercial and Marketing Plan while taking into consideration the results of the previous company interventions that reflect this market’s DNA.