930 resultados para Allied health personnel.


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BACKGROUND: Homeopathy is a major modality in complementary and alternative medicine. Significant tensions exist between homeopathic practice and education, evident in the diversity of practice styles and pedagogic models. Utilizing clinical reasoning knowledge in conventional medicine and allied health sciences, this article seeks to identify and critique existing research in this important area. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search utilizing MEDLINE,(®) Allied and Complementary Medicine (AMED), and CINAHL(®) (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) was conducted. Key terms including clinical thinking, clinical reasoning, decision-making, homeopathy, and complementary medicine were utilized. A critical appraisal of the evidence was undertaken. RESULTS: Four (4) studies have examined homeopathic clinical reasoning. Two (2) studies sought to measure and quantify homeopathic reasoning. One (1) study proposed a reasoning model, based on pattern recognition, hypothetico-deductive reasoning, intuition, and remedy-matching (PHIR-M), resembling much that has been previously mapped in conventional medical reasoning research. The fourth closely investigated the meaning and use of intuition in homeopathic decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these four studies provide valuable insight into what is currently known about homeopathic clinical reasoning. However, despite the history and breadth of practice, little is known about homeopathic clinical reasoning and decision-making. Building on the research would require viewing clinical reasoning not only as a cognitive phenomenon but also as a situated and interactive one. Further research into homeopathic clinical reasoning is indicated.


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Vascular disease is a leading cause of death and disability. While it is preventable, little is known about the feasibility or acceptability of implementing interventions to prevent vascular disease in Australian primary health care. We conducted a cluster randomised controlled trial assessing prevention of vascular disease in patients aged 40–65 by providing a lifestyle modification program in general practice. Interviews with 13 general practices in the intervention arm of this trial examined their views on implementing the lifestyle modification program in general practice settings. Qualitative study, involving thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with 11 general practitioners, four practice nurses and five allied health providers between October 2009 and April 2010. Providing brief lifestyle intervention fitted well with routine health-check consultations; however, acceptance and referral to the program was dependent on the level of facilitation provided by program coordinators. Respondents reported that patients engaged with the advice and strategies provided in the program, which helped them make lifestyle changes. Practice nurse involvement was important to sustaining implementation in general practice, while the lack of referral services for people at risk of developing vascular disease threatens maintenance of lifestyle changes as few respondents thought patients would continue lifestyle changes without long-term follow up. Lifestyle modification programs to prevent vascular disease are feasible in general practice but must be provided in a flexible format, such as being offered out of hours to facilitate uptake, with ongoing support and follow up to assist maintenance. The newly formed Medicare Locals may have an important role in facilitating lifestyle modification programs for this target group.


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MORENO,Cléa Maria da Costa,ENDERS,Bertha Cruz, SIMPSON, Clélia Albino. Avaliação das capacitações de Hanseníase: enfermeiros opinião de médicos e enfermeiros das equipes de saúde da família. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, Brasília, v.61,n.esp.p. 671-5.2008.


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The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to the field of human resources for health in Brazil. The assumption is that this organization not only influenced the development of this field, but but that it was also influenced by Brazilian institutions and by national political movements, through the interaction of its consultants with these movements. Four projects were selected, through which the contribution of PAHO was evaluated: the Program for the Strategic Preparation of Health Personnel (PPREPS), the Project for the Large Scale Formation of Middle and Low Level Personnel (Large Scale Project), the Project for Qualification in the Development of Human Resources in Health (CADRHU) and the Project for the Managerial Development of Basic Units of the National Health System (GERUS). To operacionalize the study, we used three basic complementary procedures: a bibliographic research, documental research and an interview. The time frame considered was from 1975, the year an agreement was signed between PAHO, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture, establishing PPREPS. It was through this program that the first PAHO team of national human resource consultants was contracted. The period between 1975 and 1999 was marked by political and social movements that changed the course of health in the country; among these was the Movement of Sanitary Reform in Brazil, which culminated in the implementation of the National Health System (SUS). This paper shows the connections of the PAHO consultants with this movement and the implications that this had for the Program of Cooperation in the Development of Human Resources of PAHO/Brazil. It also demonstrates that as the program became contaminated by national movements of health system reorganization and of democratization of Brazilian society, it proposed, in cooperation with national institutions, an organization of determinate areas of operation of these same institutions. The manuscript further reveals that, with the Large Scale Project, the human resources program determined the pedagogical and methodological option that would be the model for various other educational projects undertaken by a number of Brazilian institutions with the technical cooperation of PAHO. And finally, the repercussions and contributions of these projects, which strengthened the the field of human resources in the public health services of the country, are identified. Data analysis was based mainly on the theories of Bourdieu, Gramsci and Freire


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Este estudo objetivou identificar as representações sociais de agentes comunitários de uma unidade de Programa Saúde da Família sobre o transtorno mental. Optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando o estudo de caso. Para a coleta de dados, recorremos à entrevista semi-estruturada, enriquecida pelo uso de Técnica Projetiva, e à análise temática para analisar o material obtido. Os resultados evidenciam representações sociais ancoradas no paradigma psiquiátrico tradicional. Esse considera a pessoa acometida pelo transtorno mental passiva, sem condições de protagonizar os próprios caminhos que, por sua vez, são marcados pelo preconceito. Desse modo, denota-se a grande necessidade de investimento na capacitação em saúde mental, junto aos atores do cenário da assistência do Programa de Saúde da Família. de acordo com o estudo, tal investimento contribuirá para a efetivação de práticas e construção de novos saberes, contribuindo para a melhoria da assistência em saúde.


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A notificação da violência doméstica pelos profissionais de saúde contribui para o dimensionamento epidemiológico do problema, permitindo o desenvolvimento de programas e ações específicas. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a responsabilidade desses profissionais em notificar a violência, especialmente a doméstica e as possíveis implicações legais e éticas a que estão sujeitos. Assim, foi realizada pesquisa na legislação brasileira e códigos de ética da medicina, odontologia, enfermagem e psicologia. Quanto à legislação, as sanções estão dispostas na Lei das Contravenções Penais, Estatuto da Criança e Adolescente, Estatuto do Idoso e na lei que trata da notificação compulsória de violência contra a mulher. Também existem penalidades em todos os códigos de ética analisados. Conclui-se que o profissional de saúde tem o dever de notificar os casos de violência que tiver conhecimento, podendo inclusive responder pela omissão.


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O profissional de saúde é um ponto-chave para a implementação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). À medida que exerce sua função, o sistema passa do aspecto teórico-conceitual para a prática da atenção. Objetivou-se neste estudo verificar o nível de conhecimento sobre o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) dos coordenadores de saúde bucal e cirurgiões-dentistas do serviço público dos 40 municípios da região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado, autoaplicável, composto de questões referentes aos princípios doutrinários e organizativos do SUS, controle social, financiamento, formação de recursos humanos, atenção e assistência em saúde. Dos entrevistados, 77 (89,5%) não sabiam quem era o responsável pelo planejamento e execução da assistência, 53 (61,6%) não tinham conhecimento de equidade, 46 (53,5%) de fundo de saúde e 45 (52,3%) de controle social. Conclui-se que existe deficiência no conhecimento de determinados assuntos, havendo necessidade de promoção de cursos a respeito da filosofia do SUS.


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O objetivo do estudo é descrever os significados atribuídos por profissionais de saúde à sua experiência de cuidar de pessoas com HIV/AIDS. Os dados foram coletados em entrevistas com 10 profissionais da saúde, em diferentes instituições paulistas. Três temas emergiram da análise dos dados: (a) o cenário da assistência ao paciente com HIV/AIDS; (b) relacionamento com o paciente; (c) aspectos éticos nesse cuidado. A despeito dos reconhecidos avanços na assistência a esse paciente, os achados revelam a persistência de comportamentos discriminatórios, relacionados a sentimentos de insegurança e medo do contágio, entre os profissionais nos serviços e hospitais gerais. O preparo específico para atender os pacientes estaria mais voltado aos profissionais dos centros especializados para a assistência ao HIV/AIDS, resultando em dificuldades na integração da assistência a esses pacientes nos demais serviços do SUS. Esses dados remetem aos aspectos da formação profissional na área da saúde como um todo, levando à reflexão sobre as competências que se espera dos profissionais da saúde em cuidar e relacionar-se com pessoas com HIV/AIDS, assim como sobre o impacto dessa realidade na prevenção da doença.


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A study of the willingness of 363 general dental practices in Brazil to accept a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus for treatment of dental pain and the provision of routine dental care showed only 44% of dental practices to be willing to provide dental care. Willingness was influenced neither by financial factors nor the local prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus disease. © 1994.


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The nursing care for patients who are pronounced brain-dead but kept alive to serve as organ donors demands technical-scientific skills and the ability to handle situations that are often in conflict with the traditional concepts of nursing care. Based on the phenomenological approach in this article, essential themes of the lived experience of caring for these patients, including the technical and specific nursing care, the relationship with organ donors and their families, and the nurses' perception of themselves in this professional situation are described. The results point to the contradictions and ambiguities of this type of nursing, especially in regards to the affective and philosophical aspects.


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Although there is considerable published research on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), individual biases persist because of lack of information regarding HIV virus transmission. As a result, both infected patients and health care professionals suffer. The objective of this study was to determine if there is prejudice among university professors at the School of Dentistry at Aracatuba's Sao Paulo State University (FOA-UNESP) concerning HIV-positive patients or HIV-positive health care professionals. Out of the seventy-seven professors who responded to the questionnaire, 62.3 percent (forty-eight) stated that they advise their students not to refuse to treat a patient with HIV. Although 96.2 percent (fifty-two) of the fifty-four professors who treat patients have reported that they treat patients who are HIV-positive, only 65.3 percent of them were aware of infection control precautions, and only 32.7 percent reported that they would treat an HIV-positive patient like any other patient. There is also prejudice regarding HIV-positive professionals because only 48.1 percent (thirty-seven) of the professors responded that they would be willing to be treated by an infected professional. It can be concluded that there is prejudice among some of the FOA-UNESP university professors regarding individuals who are HIV-positive.


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Model: Prevalence study. Objectives: To evaluate the presence of self-reported hypertension to compare with blood pressure measurements. Besides, this work investigated health information level of workers and if the job position has any influence on blood pressure (BP). Methods: This study evaluated 349 health workers (44±10 years old) from Bauru and Jau cities, who answered some questions about history of health condition, use of medicines, past surgeries as well as social, scholar and physical conditions and had their blood pressure measured. Each subject selfreported as normotensive or hypertensive. Values of systolic ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic PA ≥ 90 mmHg were considered elevated. Among the health workers evaluated, 198 were submitted to anthropometric and biochemical evaluations. Values are presented as means ± SD and frequency of distribution. It was used T-student test (p<0.05). Results: From all workers evaluated only 16% self-reported as hypertensive, which 56% presented high BP, however 91% used to take antihypertensive medicines. Among the 84% who self-reported as normotensive, 24% presented high BP and 8% used to take medicines. Although most of the employees of each section self-reported as normotensive, more than a half presented high BP and which was more common in the health's section (76.3%). Conclusion: These results suggest that besides the majority of the employees self-reported as normotensive, an elevated number of health workers presented high blood pressure and used to take medicines inappropriately, which indicates that they did not have enough knowledge about their health. Furthermore, it was observed that Health Section presented the higher blood pressure values.


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Background and objectives: Glass ampoules have been widely used in packaging injection drugs. Glass has important characteristics that allow it to be widely used in fabrication of recipients for drugs and other sterile substances. However, contamination of solutions with glass microparticles on breaking open glass ampoules, the presence of metals, percutaneous injury, and biological contamination justify the need of educational materials to orient the manipulation of ampoules. Contents: Glass microparticles generated in the snap-opening of ampoules, as well as metals that contaminate their contents can be aspirated and injected through several routes. Exogenous contaminations by glass and metals can reach several sites in the organism. They trigger organic reactions that may give rise to injuries. Opening ampoules can expose professionals to the risk of percutaneous injuries. These lesions increase the biological risk as they are the gateway for viruses and bacteria. Ampoules opening systems (VIBRAC and OPC) have been developed to reduce the incidence of such accidents. Alternative materials to glass may represent an interesting strategy to increase safety. The use of prefilled syringes may represent an evolution regarding safety. Conclusions: Team training and information provided by the pharmaceutical industry on the use of ampoules are fundamental in the prophylaxis of accidents and contaminations. The search for safer materials to replace glass is also important. © 2011 Elsevier Editora Ltda.


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Background:  Few studies have investigated potential differences between the opinions of educators and undergraduates regarding spirituality in patient care. Understanding these differences, could lead to better strategies for educational proposes. Purpose:  To compare the opinions of medical teachers (MTs) and medical students (MSs) regarding spirituality training in a Brazilian medical school. Methods:  A cross-sectional study was conducted. MTs and MSs filled out a questionnaire containing the Duke Religion Index, and questions regarding spirituality in clinical practice and at medical school. A comparison between early-curriculum MSs, late curriculum MSs and MTs was carried out. Chi-square (categorical) and Mann-Whitney (continuous/ordinal) tests were used. Results:  A total of 475 MSs and 44 MTs were evaluated. Results showed that MSs did not address spirituality as frequently as MTs (p<0.001), and that most participants did not feel prepared to address this issue, and believe that Brazilian medical schools are not giving all the required information in this field. Nevertheless, they believe MSs should be prepared to discuss these issues. Late-curriculum MSs believed that spirituality plays a more positive role in patient health (p=0.027), and were more prone to address this issue than early-curriculum MSs (p=0.023). Conclusion:  These findings revealed some of the challenges faced by spirituality medical training in Brazil, and differences between MTs and MSs regarding this issue. Further studies are needed to replicate these findings in other countries. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2013.