1000 resultados para Adolphe Quetelet
Musik von A. Adam. Nach dem Franz. des Scribe und Saint-Georges übers. Von dem Freiherrn von Lichtenstein
Musik von Adolph Adam. [Text] von H. von Leuven und F. Brunswick. Neu rev. dt. Text der Gesänge mit Angabe des Inhalts der Oper und einer Einf. in dieselbe von Hermann Mendel
Musik von Adolph Adam. Nach dem Franz. ... von Leuven und Brunswick von M. G. Friedrich
Musik von Adam. Nach dem Franz. von Friederike Ellmenreich
nach dem Franz. der ... Leuven und Brunswick, zur beibehaltenen Musik von Adam. Von ... von Lichtenstein
Musik von Adolpe Adam. [Text] von d'Ennery u. Brésil. Übers. und für die dt. Bühne bearb. von Paul Wolff
Musik von A. Adam. [Text] von Leuven und A. Beauplan. Dt. von Ernst Pasqué
Musik von A. Adam. Aus dem Franz. übers. von J. Cornet
Musik von D. F. E. Auber. [Text] von A. d'Ennery und E. Cormon. Dt. von Ernst Pasqué
Musik von A. Adam. Aus dem Franz. übers. von J. Cornet
Musik von Adolpe Adam. [Text] von d'Ennery u. Brésil. Übers. und für die dt. Bühne bearb. von Paul Wolff
Von Hrn. Quetelet
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F06604
Musik von F. Halevy. Nach dem Franz. des St. Georges und de Leuven dt. von J. C. Grünbaum
The association between birthweight and blood pressure (BP), and birthweight and serum lipid concentrations at age 7 through 11 years was examined in 1446 black and white children. The prevalence ratio (with 95% confidence interval) for being in the race-, sex- and age-specific upper decile of diastolic BP in children born with low birthweight (LBW, $<$2500 grams) versus children with birthweight $\geq$2500 grams was for black boys, 2.66 (1.24-5.70). In the other race-sex groups for diastolic BP, and in all race-sex groups for systolic BP this ratio did not differ from one. Among white boys with LBW, but not in the other race-sex groups, higher than expected percentages of subjects were in the highest decile group of triglyceride concentrations (0.01 $<$ p $<$ 0.05). The prevalence ratio was 2.42 (1.19-4.91). When prematures were excluded only more than expected white girls with LBW were in the highest decile group of triglyceride concentrations. The prevalence ratio was 3.23 (1.16-9.00). Prevalence ratios for triglyceride concentrations in black boys and girls, and for LDL/HDL-C ratio, cholesterol and VLDL-C concentrations in all race-sex groups were not different from one in analyses including and in those excluding prematures. Mean triglyceride concentrations stratified by tertiles of Quetelet Index, race and sex showed a strongly positive association between triglyceride concentrations and Quetelet Index, and in the upper tertile of the Quetelet Index an association between LBW and raised triglyceride concentrations. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that after adjusting for sex, race and age present Quetelet Index (p $<$ 0.001) is a much stronger predictor of systolic and diastolic BP, and also of LDL-C/HDL-C ratio and triglyceride concentrations in this age group than birthweight (p $>$ 0.05). Thus, an association between LBW and subsequent risk for elevated BP was confirmed for diastolic BP in black boys, but not for the other race-sex groups, and not for systolic BP in any group. This is the first study finding an association between LBW and elevated triglyceride concentrations in boys (white and black) and girls (white). A follow-up study to assess whether the findings can be confirmed at adult age is recommended. ^