851 resultados para Administração de empresas - Estudos interculturais


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Este projeto tem o objetivo de identificar os papéis de marketing existentes nos componentes da cadeia de distribuição de Tecnologia da Informação (TI), com ênfase na observação das atividades orientadas para melhoria do relacionamento da organização com o usuário corporativo e na consolidação da marca do integrante da cadeia, independente da tecnologia ou marca do fabricante representado. Este projeto centrou a observação em casos de representações no Brasil, embora um dos casos analisados atue multinacionalmente. Para manter certa homogeneidade na avaliação, foram escolhidos casos integrantes de um único canal de um fabricante de TI internacional. Estes casos foram selecionados por estarem inseridos num ambiente freqüentemente mutável e de alta competitividade. As empresas pesquisadas, que ocupam espaços específicos na cadeia de relacionamento do canal, diferenciam-se também no tamanho e na abrangência de mercado, considerando-se o tipo, a quantidade e a dispersão geográfica dos usuários. As observações efetuadas indicam que poucas atividades e papéis de marketing são comuns aos casos pesquisados. Além disto, foi identificado que o conjunto básico de atividades necessárias para um adequado relacionamento com o usuário final, embora contido em toda a cadeia ou sistema do canal, não está estruturado como um todo, ocorrendo eventualmente ineficiência de determinadas atividades e papéis de marketing ou superposição de outros.


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O relatório social, instrumento importante para gestão social, prestação de contas dessa gestão, análise e estudos sobre a RSE, é publicado cada vez com mais freqüência[ABF1] na Internet, levando as questões sociais da empresa para o espaço público, potencializando, com isso, sua divulgação e seu uso. No entanto, a tecnologia da informação oferece recursos para que essas ações possam ir além da divulgação. Diante desta premissa, o estudo se propõe[ABF2] a analisar o aproveitamento desses recursos pela área de responsabilidade social da empresa. A partir de um levantamento realizado nos sites de 139 empresas, são observadas aquelas[ABF3] que divulgaram o relatório social e quais os seus interesses, projetos e ações sócio-ambientais, assim como os recursos tecnológicos que viabilizam a interação e a comunicação com stakeholders. Num segundo momento, busca-se a interação com as empresas via e-mail e realizam-se pesquisas de campo para examinar o uso da tecnologia pela área de responsabilidade social de duas empresas participantes do levantamento. Por um lado, há o desejo de diálogo e de maior proximidade com o público, sobretudo quando estão em pauta temas relacionados com o meio ambiente, a cidadania e ações comunitárias. Por outro, porém, alguns passos -ainda que curtos -são dados em direção à divulgação de informações relevantes para a sociedade (atingindo universos mais remotos).A comunicação, a interação e as práticas que permitem maior participação e integração com stakeholders carecem de maior empenho e aproveitamento dos recursos tecnológicos voltados para esses fins.


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A Física e a Administração concentram suas pesquisas sobre fenômenos que, de certa forma, se assemelham, fazendo com que nos questionemos a respeito da grande integral do universo a que estamos submetidos. Em uma exploração por analogias, aproxima-se aqui o mundo organizacional ao dos sistemas UnIVerSaIS, instáveis e não-integráveis, onde a flecha do tempo é quem determina a evolução dos mesmos. Mostra-se que na Administração, como na Física, tudo parece convergir na direção de um inesgotável repertório de bifurcações e possibilidades para o destino mercadológico de produtos, serviços e marcas ao longo de um continuum. Para amenizar os efeitos dessas incertezas, é buscada uma simplificação desses complexos sistemas sociais através de uma proposta de modelo baseado em fatores consagrados pela literatura da gestão empresarial como norteadores das escolhas dos consumidores; um processo gaussiano da 'percepção do valor', que pode servir de ferramenta nas decisões estratégicas e gerenciais dentro das empresas.


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Esta dissertação objetiva transmitir subsídios não somente para um repensar estratégico bem como e, principalmente, para uma ampla visão da eterna dicotomia quanto a determinação de centralizar ou descentralizar o processo decisório e as atividades nas empresas. Considerando-se, o acirramento crescente da concorrência e a pressão econômica capitaneada pela mundialização dos produtos e serviços, como sendo os principais influenciadores desta inquietação. Será analisado o setor de comércio varejista, mais especificamente supermercados e hipermercados e, as razões e motivos pelos quais os seus executivos podem ter optado por conduzir suas organizações para um determinado posicionamento estratégico-gerencial bem como, às conseqüentes vantagens e desvantagens destas escolhas. As conclusões a serem obtidas com esta dissertação objetivam estimular a reflexão das organizações, profissionais e estudiosos acerca dos impactos tangíveis e intangíveis quando estiverem definindo ou reconsiderando o seu posicionamento estratégico-gerencial, e, ainda, levaram a macro-conclusão de que não existe um único modelo aplicável para todas as situações e que, infinitas configurações e aplicações podem ser consideradas. Palavras ¿ chaves: estratégia, centralização de poder, administração de aspectos conflitantes, fatores motivacionais e psicológicos, mudanças,transformações organizacionais e humanização das empresas.


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E ste estudo foi motivado pelo sentimento de que o alto custo tínanceiro que se verifica em várias pequenas empresas é, pelo menos em parte. relacionado com a precariedade dos controles administrativos e das infOlmaç õc s contábeis que deveriam suportar a tomada de decisões diárias de seus respectivos gestores. O objetivo desta dissertação é estudar as conseqüênc ias para as pequenas empresas brasileiras de uma má administração de reeursos financeiros, causadas principalmente pela informalidade do negócio e pela precariedade de informações contábeis uti lizadas na tomada de decisões. Partindo-se de pesquisas que mostram a elevada taxa de mortalidade em pequenos negóeios no Brasil e suas principais causas, faz-se nesta dissertação uma descrição sumária dos pri ncipais aspectos teóri cos que envolvem a administração financeira e o processo contábil de geração de informação, além de um estudo sobre as principais fontes de captação de recursos disponíveis para as pequenas empresas e o custo dessas operações.


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This dissertation seeks to add new evidence to the international debate on globalization of innovation in the developing countries context. Globalization of innovation, in this dissertation, is defined and measured by the types, levels and rate of innovative technological capability accumulation and the underlying technological learning processes (sources of capabilities) at the firm level in late-industrializing countries ¿ or developing countries. This relationship is examined within a large transnational corporation (TNC) subsidiary of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector in Brasil: Motorola do Brasil during over the period from 1996 to 2006. In the international literature there is a strong debate on the extent to which innovative technological capabilities have been spreading internationally. But, the most of the studies are focused on early industrialized countries. In other words, there is still a scarcity of analysis, mainly at the firm level, from the perspective of developing countries. This dissertation supports itself in analytical basis developed in the international literature on accumulation of technological capabilities and learning in the context of developing countries. The learning processes examined in this dissertation are: (i) intra-firm learning processes; (ii) inter-firm learning processes (links between mother and sister companies); and (iii) links between the firm and other organizations of the innovation system (universities, research institutes, among others). Based on first-hand empirical evidence, qualitative and quantitative, collected on the basis of extensive fieldwork, this dissertation examines these issues with adequate level of detail and depth, in this large company in Brazil. The study results suggest that: Concerning the path of the technological capability accumulation, the firm exhibited heterogeneity in the path of accumulation of technological capabilities to distinct functions. For the functions Software Engineering and Process and Management Project the firm reached the Level 6 (Innovative Intermediate Superior), on a scale that ranges from 1 to 7; In relation to technological capability sources, the firm deliberately sought and built sources of knowledge in order to develop and sustain its innovative technological capabilities. The dissertation, thus, contributes to adding new empirical evidence to the debate on globalization of innovative capabilities from a late-industrializing perspective.


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This study aims at understanding the entrepreneurial process and the capacity of the incubators of promoting the technical training of the entrepreneurs as well as developing projects, turning them into prosperous companies. The bibliography about this topic is recent and it is based on actual cases and experiences. The development of the sector is quite big and has been happening with a certain speed, creating a demand for studies and scientific production. Due to the fact that it is an exploratory research, the chosen method was the case study, from which we aim at obtaining current information, representative of the reality. The universe of this research will be the incubators of companies that have a technological basis, the sample of which being the companies that are in the ¿Gênesis Institute¿, the incubator of companies of PUC-RIO. From the results, it will be possible to see entrepreneurial processes, training of businessmen, technological development and generation of prosperous companies. The theoretical reference presents the concepts of entrepreneurialship and IEBTs.


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The present study of case empirically investigates the existence of indicators that suggest the social exclusion preoccupation from the organizations with a strategic management of human resources focus. The objects of study are two subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise in emergency and first-aid services area. One of them is Portuguese and the other is a Brazilian one. This exploratory research has used a sectional way with a longitudinal perspective, since it has considered a specific verified data referring to 2004 and 2005 years, beyond the deeper interviews with actual managers to an evaluation of these studied perception and its authentication. Our indicators identification sources were principally the individual and social rights and duties broaching and the fundamental guarantees disposed in the Brazilian and Portuguese Constitutions as such as the European Constitution project. The results appoint to great differences of management between both subsidiaries, being the Brazilian one closer to our research proposes, as such as suggest us that the human resource areas, still acting in an instrumentalist way, establish a great barrier to better practices in social inclusion and they would be unprepared for a management with the focus in the employees. Although our study has been realized in a specific activity enterprise, we believe that our results can stimulate the realization of other investigations with the same objectives. In this way, we contribute to a better comprehension of the social exclusion causes and the organizations participations in this process.


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This dissertation seeks to add new evidence to the international debate on globalization of innovation in the developing countries context. Globalization of innovation, in this dissertation, is defined and measured by the types, levels and rate of innovative technological capability accumulation and the underlying technological learning processes (sources of capabilities) at the firm level in late-industrializing countries ¿ or developing countries. This relationship is examined within a large transnational corporation (TNC) subsidiary of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector in Brasil: Motorola do Brasil during over the period from 1996 to 2006. In the international literature there is a strong debate on the extent to which innovative technological capabilities have been spreading internationally. But, the most of the studies are focused on early industrialized countries. In other words, there is still a scarcity of analysis, mainly at the firm level, from the perspective of developing countries. This dissertation supports itself in analytical basis developed in the international literature on accumulation of technological capabilities and learning in the context of developing countries. The learning processes examined in this dissertation are: (i) intra-firm learning processes; (ii) inter-firm learning processes (links between mother and sister companies); and (iii) links between the firm and other organizations of the innovation system (universities, research institutes, among others). Based on first-hand empirical evidence, qualitative and quantitative, collected on the basis of extensive fieldwork, this dissertation examines these issues with adequate level of detail and depth, in this large company in Brazil. The study results suggest that: Concerning the path of the technological capability accumulation, the firm exhibited heterogeneity in the path of accumulation of technological capabilities to distinct functions. For the functions Software Engineering and Process and Management Project the firm reached the Level 6 (Innovative Intermediate Superior), on a scale that ranges from 1 to 7; In relation to technological capability sources, the firm deliberately sought and built sources of knowledge in order to develop and sustain its innovative technological capabilities. The dissertation, thus, contributes to adding new empirical evidence to the debate on globalization of innovative capabilities from a late-industrializing perspective.


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This paper aims at boosting a theoretical discussion on family operated companies in the Brazilian milieu. The methodology applied was based on bibliographical and qualitative research. The basic question raised by this study can be summarized as follows: Which factors should be taken into consideration, on the family business management, under a theoretical perspective? The answer to this question led the research to a better understanding of (i) the family corporate governance; (ii) the personal characteristics of the family business manager and his/her management style; (iii) the company's teamwork; (iv) role overlaping; (v) strategic direction and management assessment; (vi) the company's administrative divisions; (vii) and above all the crucial importance of the corporate governance for family businesses. The main results confirm the relevance of corporate governance in the country's big family businesses, and also point to manager's profile, teamwork, role overlaping (relatives & employees) and its conflicts, management departments, family's control and its strategic direction as ingredients of utmost importance.


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This dissertation focus the implication of differences in accumulation of technological competences among companies and its reflex on the improvement of indexes of operational, economical and financial performance. This connection has been investigated at D'Itália Móveis Industrial Ltda. and Pozza S.A Industrial Moveleira, both companies of the furniture market located in Bento Gonçalves - RS. Based on a comparative case study of these two companies, this dissertation is based on empiric evidences about how the company has accumulated its technological competences. Such evidences are qualitative and quantitative, and were collected from several sources in the studied companies. The examination of technological competences accumulation is done based on an analytical structure that exists in the literature, that has been adapted to the analysis of the furniture market. The examination of performance improvement is based on a set of indexes used in the furniture industry. Studies about this subject are found in the literature, but the application of these analytic structures in the furniture market is scarce, mainly in brazilian companies. It has been noticed that the company D'Itália has accumulated technological competences on all the three functions analysed, what suggests implications for the improvement of its performance. On the other side, the company Pozza has shown a paralysation on technological competences accumulation during a long time, what brought implications for the reduction of its corporative performance. In this way, the conclusion of this dissertation suggests that the accumulation of technological competences has contributed to explain the differences of performance between both companies. Besides, it explains how both companies have managed (or not) to accumulate their indexes of performance in the long run. Even though this conclusion is not different from other studies formerly done, this conclusion is derivated from a study applied to a kind of industry that still wasn¿t examined in the available literature.


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The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the implications of technological capacities in the improvement of technical performance indexes, specifically at the company level. These relationships were examined in a small sample of metal-working enterprises in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1960 to 2006). Although diverse studies on technological competences have been carried out in the last twenty years, a gap in empirical studies still exist that correlate the performance of companies in the context of developing countries, especially in Brazil. Aiming to contribute to a reduction of these gaps, this dissertation examines the questions by the light of available models in literature, which opting themselves to using operational indexes of companies. For drawing the accumulation of technological competences in this study, the metric proposal by Figueiredo (2000) shall be used indicating the levels of technological qualification in process, product, and equipment functions. The empirical evidence examined in this dissertation is both qualitative and quantitative in nature and were collected, first hand, through extensive field research involving informal interviews, meetings, direct-site observation and document analysis. In relation to the results, the evidence suggests that: - In terms of technological accumulation, a company reached Level 5 of technological capacity in process and organization of production as well as product and equipment. Three companies obtained Level 4 in the function process function while two others had reached the same technological level in the functions of product and equipment. Two companies had reached Level 3 in the product and equipment functions and one remained this level in the function of process; - In terms of the rate of accumulation of technological capacities, the observed companies had reached Level 4 needs 29 years in process function, 32 years in product function and 29 years in equipment function; - In terms of improvement performance pointers, a company which reached Level 5 of technological capacity improved in 70% of its indicators of performance, while the company that had achieved Level 4 had raised its pointers 60% and the other companies had gotten improved in the order of 40%. It was evidenced that the majority of the pointers of the companies with higher levels of technological capacities had obtained better performance. This dissertation contributes to advancing the strategic management of companies in metal-working segment to understanding internal accumulation of technological capacity and indicators of performance especially in the field of empirical context studied. This information offers management examples of how to improve competitive performance through the accumulation of technological capacities in the process, product and equipment functions.


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The managerial diagnostic carried out at Construtora e Incorporadora A. Bueno Ltda. ¿ CIAB, points to an administrative structure within the concepts of the Classic Theory of Administration. We believe that, to the solution of its operations, it is necessary to turn to the main principle of the Theory of Administration (preview, organize, command, coordinate and control) as a way of finding, according to Taylor and Fayol studies, one possible solution to this case. Nevertheless, the companies adopt other administrative approaches on its operational process although, we understand that nothing has changed, they are still dependent and/or are connected to the principles of these classic authors. So, to the solution of the internal disorganized problems, it is priority the introduction of administrative processes and also the restructuring of the operational processes such as: the study of the time and movement, the rationalization of the physical and material efforts, the supplement of objectives and profitability. Then, according to Fayol the administration is not an exclusive privilege and a personal responsibility of the boss or the leaders of the company; it is a function that shares, like other essential functions, among the head and the members of the company. Consequently, to Fayol, the administration is the search of the maxim prosperity to all involved. So, this study has the aim to elaborate a consultant project to the organizational structurate of the CIAB company, according to the Theory of the Administration.


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o objetivo desta pesquisa foi a identificação e a determinação dos principais elementos presentes no desenvolvimento de ações de responsabilidade social e programas de marketing social em unidades industriais de duas empresas, da iniciativa privada, localizadas em Curitiba: Bosch e Inepar. Na base teóricoempírica, foram analisados os aspectos referentes à gestão social sob o paradigma da Sociedade Pós-Industrial, à responsabilidade social e ao marketing social. Especificamente nestes dois últimos temas foi aprofundada a análise de suas bases de formação e a evolução de seus conceitos, bem como suas diferentes interpretações, tratamentos, usos e motivações para a efetivação de programas de cunho social. O método que caracteriza esta pesquisa é o de dois estudos de caso distintos. Os dados foram obtidos mediante pesquisa bibliográfica, análise de documentos internos e peças de comunicação externas, observação direta e por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com os dirigentes e funcionários das organizações estudadas, envolvidos na condução e organização de práticas sociais. A análise foi efetuada de forma descritivo-qualitativa. Os dados coletados revelaram a existência de consonâncias e dissonâncias entre a prática da responsabilidade social e do marketing social e o discurso apresentado pelas empresas. O objetivo maior do estudo foi ampliar o entendimento acerca da responsabilidade social e do marketing social praticado pela iniciativa privada, tendo como referência a visão de seus integrantes, dentro das atuais racionalidades econômica e social que estabelecem um novo modelo de relacionamento entre Estado, empresas e sociedade civil.


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The present work has as main objective the identification and impact analysis for the practice ITIL in the organizational flexibility of a multinational IT company, being this study of quali-quantitative and exploratory nature. To achieve this objective, some theoretical studies on bureaucracy, organization flexibility, control, IT governance and ITIL were done, as a form to better understand the research problem. For analysis effect a set of eleven ITIL process was considered in this research ¿ service desk, incident management, problem management, change management, configuration management, release management, service level management, availability management, capacity management, continuity management and finally IT financial services management ¿ grouped in its two core areas ¿ service support and service delivery. Then a scale was constructed and validated, on the basis of theoretical models developed by Volberda (1997), Tenório (2002) and Golden and Powell (1999), to measure the flexibility related to each process comprising the ITIL core. The dimensions adopted to measure flexibility were: organization design task, managerial task, IT impact on work force, HR management, efficiency impact, sensitivity, versatility and robustness. The instrument used in research was a semi-structured interview, which was divided in two parts. The data collection was performed with ten interviewed people from an IT multinational company, based on convenience, some were managers and there were users, some were ITIL certified and others not. The statistic tests of t student and Wilcoxon non-parametric were adopted. The result of the research indicated that the ITIL service support area, for possessing greater operational focus, presents flexibility trend. The opposite was found for the service delivery area, which has greater tactical focus. The results also suggest that the change management discipline was the one that contributed for the most flexibility inside the company, followed by incident management discipline and the service desk function.