946 resultados para Adherence to drug therapy


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To analyze the relationship between the practice of family health team workers and women with tuberculosis, according to the family focus dimension. The participants were eight family health team workers from a city in the Joao Pessoa metropolitan area (Paraiba -PB). Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, and then subjected to thematic content analysis. The workers recognize the critical social condition that women with tuberculosis live in, as well as the prejudice they face. They suggest that these women require care based on the concept of comprehensiveness in health. They also highlight the importance of Directly Observed Therapy -Short Course, the existence of incentives, and the women's poor adherence to educational activities and groups. Few workers recognize the inclusion of relatives in the care of women with tuberculosis, which implies the need for discussion regarding this fact with the purpose of improving tuberculosis treatment effectiveness.


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Objective: To evaluate cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 at multiple sites in Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of missed opportunities for prevention. Methods: Pregnant women infected with HIV-1 were eligible for inclusion if they were enrolled in either the NISDI Perinatal or LILAC protocols by October 20, 2009, and had delivered a live infant with known HIV-1 infection status after March 1, 2006. Results: Of 711 eligible mothers, 10 delivered infants infected with HIV-1. The transmission rate was 1.4% (95% CI, 0.7-2.6). Timing of transmission was in utero or intrapartum (n = 5), intrapartum (n = 2), intrapartum or early postnatal (n = 1), and unknown (n = 2). Possible missed opportunities for prevention included poor control of maternal viral load during pregnancy; late initiation of antiretrovirals during pregnancy; lack of cesarean delivery before labor and before rupture of membranes; late diagnosis of HIV-1 infection; lack of intrapartum antiretrovirals; and incomplete avoidance of breastfeeding. Conclusion: Early knowledge of HIV-1 infection status (ideally before or in early pregnancy) would aid timely initiation of antiretroviral treatment and strategies designed to prevent mother-to-child transmission. Use of antiretrovirals must be appropriately monitored in terms of adherence and drug resistance. If feasible, breastfeeding should be completely avoided. Presented in part at the XIX International AIDS Conference (Washington, DC; July 22-27, 2012); abstract WEPE163. (c) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. on behalf of International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.


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Great strides have been made in the last few years in the pharmacological treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, with the introduction into the therapy of several new and more efficient agents, which have improved the quality of life of many patients. Despite these advances, a large percentage of patients is still considered “non-responder” to the therapy, not drawing any benefits from it. Moreover, these patients have a peculiar therapeutic profile, due to the very frequent application of polypharmacy, attempting to obtain satisfactory remission of the multiple aspects of psychiatric syndromes. Therapy is heavily individualised and switching from one therapeutic agent to another is quite frequent. One of the main problems of this situation is the possibility of unwanted or unexpected pharmacological interactions, which can occur both during polypharmacy and during switching. Simultaneous administration of psychiatric drugs can easily lead to interactions if one of the administered compounds influences the metabolism of the others. Impaired CYP450 function due to inhibition of the enzyme is frequent. Other metabolic pathways, such as glucuronidation, can also be influenced. The Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) of psychotropic drugs is an important tool for treatment personalisation and optimisation. It deals with the determination of parent drugs and metabolites plasma levels, in order to monitor them over time and to compare these findings with clinical data. This allows establishing chemical-clinical correlations (such as those between administered dose and therapeutic and side effects), which are essential to obtain the maximum therapeutic efficacy, while minimising side and toxic effects. It is evident the importance of developing sensitive and selective analytical methods for the determination of the administered drugs and their main metabolites, in order to obtain reliable data that can correctly support clinical decisions. During the three years of Ph.D. program, some analytical methods based on HPLC have been developed, validated and successfully applied to the TDM of psychiatric patients undergoing treatment with drugs belonging to following classes: antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytic-hypnotics. The biological matrices which have been processed were: blood, plasma, serum, saliva, urine, hair and rat brain. Among antipsychotics, both atypical and classical agents have been considered, such as haloperidol, chlorpromazine, clotiapine, loxapine, risperidone (and 9-hydroxyrisperidone), clozapine (as well as N-desmethylclozapine and clozapine N-oxide) and quetiapine. While the need for an accurate TDM of schizophrenic patients is being increasingly recognized by psychiatrists, only in the last few years the same attention is being paid to the TDM of depressed patients. This is leading to the acknowledgment that depression pharmacotherapy can greatly benefit from the accurate application of TDM. For this reason, the research activity has also been focused on first and second-generation antidepressant agents, like triciclic antidepressants, trazodone and m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-cpp), paroxetine and its three main metabolites, venlafaxine and its active metabolite, and the most recent antidepressant introduced into the market, duloxetine. Among anxiolytics-hypnotics, benzodiazepines are very often involved in the pharmacotherapy of depression for the relief of anxious components; for this reason, it is useful to monitor these drugs, especially in cases of polypharmacy. The results obtained during these three years of Ph.D. program are reliable and the developed HPLC methods are suitable for the qualitative and quantitative determination of CNS drugs in biological fluids for TDM purposes.


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Ein wichtiger Baustein für den langfristigen Erfolg einer Lebertransplantation ist die Compliance mit der lebenslang einzunehmenden immunsuppressiven Therapie. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde erstmals mittels MEMS® die Compliance bei lebertransplantierten Patienten untersucht, deren Transplantation einige Jahre zurücklag. Rekrutiert wurden Patienten, die vor 2, 5, 7 oder 10 Jahren (Gruppe 2 y.p.t., 5 y.p.t., 7 y.p.t., 10 y.p.t.) in der Universitätsmedizin Mainz lebertransplantiert wurden. 39 Patienten nahmen an der prospektiven Anwendungsbeobachtung teil. Die Compliance wurde mittels MEMS® über eine Beobachtungszeit von 6 Monaten erfasst. Bei der MEMS®-Auswertung war zu vermuten, dass 10 Patienten diese nicht wie vorgesehen verwendet hatten. Folglich konnten die mittels MEMS® gemessenen Compliance-Parameter nur für 29 Patienten valide ermittelt werden. Die mittlere Dosing Compliance betrug 81 ± 21 %, wobei die Gruppe 2 y.p.t. mit 86 ± 14 % bessere Werte zu verzeichnen hatte als die Gruppe 5 y.p.t. (75 ± 27 %) und 7 y.p.t. (74 ± 28 %). Die Ergebnisse waren jedoch nicht signifikant unterschiedlich (p=0,335, Kruskal-Wallis-Test). Unter Einbeziehung aller mittels MEMS® gemessenen Compliance-Parameter wurden 19 von 29 Patienten (66 %) als compliant eingestuft. Bei der Analyse der Gesamtcompliance basierend auf den subjektiven Compliance-Messmethoden (Morisky-Fragebogen, MESI-Fragebogen, Selbsteinschätzung), der Arzneimittel-Blutspiegel und der Anzahl an Abstoßungsreaktionen, in der alle 39 Patienten einbezogen werden konnten, wurden 35 Patienten (90 %) als compliant eingestuft. rnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde die Etablierung und Bewertung eines intersektoralen Pharmazeutischen Betreuungskonzepts für lebertransplantierte Patienten untersucht. Erstmals wurden anhand eines entwickelten schnittstellenübergreifenden, integrierten Betreuungskonzepts niedergelassene Apotheker in die Pharmazeutische Betreuung lebertransplantierter Patienten eingebunden. 20 Patienten wurden rekrutiert und während ihres stationären Aufenthaltes nach Transplantation pharmazeutisch betreut. Die Betreuung umfasste eine intensive Patientenschulung mit drei bis vier Gesprächen durch einen Krankenhausapotheker. Während des stationären Aufenthaltes wurden arzneimittelbezogene Probleme erkannt, gelöst und dokumentiert. Bei Entlassung stellte der Krankenhausapotheker einen Medikationsplan für den Hausarzt sowie für den niedergelassenen Apotheker aus und führte mit den Patienten ein ausführliches Entlassungsgespräch. Darüber hinaus wurden den Patienten Arzneimitteleinnahmepläne und eine Patienteninformation über ihr immunsuppressives Arzneimittel übergeben. 15 Patienten konnten daraufhin ambulant von niedergelassenen Apothekern pharmazeutisch weiterbetreut werden. Das kooperierende pharmazeutische Personal wurde durch ein eigens für die Studie erstelltes Manual zur Pharmazeutischen Betreuung lebertransplantierter Patienten geschult und unterstützt. Die niedergelassenen Apotheker sollten die Patienten in ihrer Arzneimitteltherapie begleiten, indem Beratungsgespräche geführt und arzneimittelbezogene Probleme erkannt und gelöst wurden. Die Nutzeffekte der intensiven Pharmazeutischen Betreuung konnte anhand verschiedener Erhebungsinstrumente dargelegt werden. Im Ergebnis resultierte eine hohe Zufriedenheit der Patienten und Apotheker mit dem Betreuungskonzept, die mittels Selbstbeurteilungsfragebögen ermittelt wurde. Die Compliance der Patienten wurde anhand des Morisky- und MESI-Fragebogens, der Selbsteinschätzung der Patienten, Blutspiegelbestimmungen sowie der Einschätzung durch den niedergelassenen Apotheker bestimmt. 86 % der Patienten wurden als compliant eingeordnet. Die Kenntnisse der Patienten über ihre immunsuppressive Therapie, welche anhand von Interviews erfragt wurden, lagen auf einem sehr hohen Niveau. Abschließend kann festgestellt werden, dass die Pharmazeutische Betreuung lebertransplantierter Patienten in den niedergelassenen Apotheken durchführbar ist. Anhand der Dokumentationsprotokolle lässt sich allerdings nur sehr schwer beurteilen, in welchem Maße die Betreuung tatsächlich erfolgte. Das tatsächliche vorliegen einer mangelnden Betreuung oder aber eine lückenhafte Dokumentation der Betreuungsleistung war nicht zu differenzieren. Ein limitierender Faktor für die intensivierte Betreuung ist sicherlich der erhebliche Aufwand für nur einen Patienten mit einem seltenen Krankheitsbild. Das Erkennen und Lösen von 48 ABP durch den Krankenhausapotheker und 32 ABP durch die niedergelassenen Apotheker, d. h. insgesamt 4,5 ABP pro Patient zeigt, dass die Pharmazeutische Betreuung einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine qualitätsgesicherte Arzneimitteltherapie leistet. Die intersektorale Pharmazeutische Betreuung stellt eine wesentliche Hilfe und Unterstützung der Patienten im sicheren Umgang mit ihrer Arzneimitteltherapie dar.rn


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Background: Clinical trials have demonstrated that selected secondary prevention medications for patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) reduce mortality. Yet, these medications are generally underprescribed in daily practice, and older people are often absent from drug trials. Objectives: To examine the relationship between adherence to evidence-based (EB) drugs and post-AMI mortality, focusing on the effects of single therapy and polytherapy in very old patients (≥80 years) compared with elderly and adults (<80 years). Methods: Patients hospitalised for AMI between 01/01/2008 and 30/06/2011 and resident in the Local Health Authority of Bologna were followed up until 31/12/2011. Medication adherence was calculated as the proportion of days covered for filled prescriptions of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)/angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), β-blockers, antiplatelet drugs, and statins. We adopted a risk set sampling method, and the adjusted relationship between medication adherence (PDC≥75%) and mortality was investigated using conditional multiple logistic regression. Results: The study population comprised 4861 patients. During a median follow-up of 2.8 years, 1116 deaths (23.0%) were observed. Adherence to the 4 EB drugs was 7.1%, while nonadherence to any of the drugs was 19.7%. For both patients aged ≥80 years and those aged <80 years, rate ratios of death linearly decreased as the number of EB drugs taken increased. There was a significant inverse relationship between adherence to each of 4 medications and mortality, although its magnitude was higher for ACEIs/ARBs (adj. rate ratio=0.60, 95%CI=0.52–0.69) and statins (0.60, 0.50–0.72), and lower for β-blockers (0.75, 0.61–0.92) and antiplatelet drugs (0.73, 0.63–0.84). Conclusions: The beneficial effect of EB polytherapy on long-term mortality following AMI is evident also in nontrial older populations. Given that adherence to combination therapies is largely suboptimal, the implementation of strategies and initiatives to increase the use of post-AMI secondary preventive medications in old patients is crucial.


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Curcumin exerts its anti-inflammatory activity via inhibition of nuclear factor κB. Oropharyngeal epithelia and residing bacteria closely interact in inflammation and infection. This in vitro model investigated the effects of curcumin on bacterial survival, adherence to, and invasion of upper respiratory tract epithelia, and studied its anti-inflammatory effect. We aimed to establish a model, which could offer insights into the host-pathogen interaction in cancer therapy induced mucositis.


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In order to facilitate and improve the use of antiretroviral therapy (ART), international recommendations are released and updated regularly. We aimed to study if adherence to the recommendations is associated with better treatment outcomes in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS).


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Combined pegylated interferon (PegIFN) and ribavirin represents the standard therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC), which allows for sustained viral response (SVR) in up to 90% of patients depending on certain viral and host factors. Clinical studies have demonstrated the importance of adherence to therapy, that is, the ability of patients to tolerate and sustain a fully dosed therapy regimen. Adherence is markedly impaired by treatment-related adverse effects. In particular, haemolytic anaemia often requires dose reduction or termination of ribavirin treatment, which compromises treatment efficacy. Recent evidence points to a beneficial role of recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) in alleviating ribavirin-induced anaemia thereby improving quality of life, enabling higher ribavirin dosage and consequently improving SVR. However, no general consensus exists regarding the use of EPO for specific indications: its optimal dosing, treatment benefits and potential risks or cost efficiency. The Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver (SASL) has therefore organized an expert meeting to critically review and discuss the current evidence and to phrase recommendations for clinical practice. A consensus was reached recommending the use of EPO for patients infected with viral genotype 1 developing significant anaemia below 100 g/L haemoglobin and a haematocrit of <30% during standard therapy to improve quality of life and sustain optimal ribavirin dose. However, the evidence supporting its use in patients with pre-existing anaemia, non-1 viral genotypes, a former relapse or nonresponse, liver transplant recipients and cardiovascular or pulmonary disease is considered insufficient.


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Renovascular hypertension is due to reduced renal parenchymal perfusion. The correct diagnosis can be difficult. It is important to note that the demonstration of renal artery stenosis in a patient with hypertension does not necessarily constitute renovascular hypertension. Often, clinically nonsignificant and asymptomatic renal artery stenosis are found in patients with essential hypertension, or renal failure of other origin. Renovascular disease is a complex disorder with various clinical presentations. In patients with significant renovascular hypertension plasma renin is increased. For this reason the therapy aims to block the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Bilateral renal artery stenosis causes renal sodium retention. In this situation a diuretic drug has to be added to the therapy. Endovascular or surgical therapy has to be considered in patients with flash pulmonary edema or fibromuscular dysplasia. The control of cardiovascular risk factors is important.


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BACKGROUND: Stopping antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-1 infection can reduce costs and side-effects, but carries the risk of increased immune suppression and emergence of resistance. METHODS: 430 patients with CD4-positive T-lymphocyte (CD4) counts greater than 350 cells per muL, and viral load less than 50 copies per mL were randomised to continued therapy (n=146) or scheduled treatment interruptions (n=284). Median time on randomised treatment was 21.9 months (range 16.4-25.3). Primary endpoints were proportion of patients with viral load less than 50 copies per mL at the end of the trial, and amount of drugs used. Analysis was intention-to-treat. This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov with the identifier NCT00113126. FINDINGS: Drug savings in the scheduled treatment interruption group, compared with continuous treatment, amounted to 61.5%. 257 of 284 (90.5%) patients in the scheduled treatment interruption group reached a viral load less than 50 copies per mL, compared with 134 of 146 (91.8%) in the continued treatment group (difference 1.3%, 95% CI-4.3 to 6.9, p=0.90). No AIDS-defining events occurred. Diarrhoea and neuropathy were more frequent with continuous treatment; candidiasis was more frequent with scheduled treatment interruption. Ten patients (2.3%) had resistance mutations, with no significant differences between groups. INTERPRETATION: Drug savings with scheduled treatment interruption were substantial, and no evidence of increased treatment resistance emerged. Treatment-related adverse events were more frequent with continuous treatment, but low CD4 counts and minor manifestations of HIV infection were more frequent with scheduled treatment interruption.


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In the context of drug hypersensitivity, our group has recently proposed a new model based on the structural features of drugs (pharmacological interaction with immune receptors; p-i concept) to explain their recognition by T cells. According to this concept, even chemically inert drugs can stimulate T cells because certain drugs interact in a direct way with T-cell receptors (TCR) and possibly major histocompatibility complex molecules without the need for metabolism and covalent binding to a carrier. In this study, we investigated whether mouse T-cell hybridomas transfected with drug-specific human TCR can be used as an alternative to drug-specific T-cell clones (TCC). Indeed, they behaved like TCC and, in accordance with the p-i concept, the TCR recognize their specific drugs in a direct, processing-independent, and dose-dependent way. The presence of antigen-presenting cells was a prerequisite for interleukin-2 production by the TCR-transfected cells. The analysis of cross-reactivity confirmed the fine specificity of the TCR and also showed that TCR transfectants might provide a tool to evaluate the potential of new drugs to cause hypersensitivity due to cross-reactivity. Recombining the alpha- and beta-chains of sulfanilamide- and quinolone-specific TCR abrogated drug reactivity, suggesting that both original alpha- and beta-chains were involved in drug binding. The TCR-transfected hybridoma system showed that the recognition of two important classes of drugs (sulfanilamides and quinolones) by TCR occurred according to the p-i concept and provides an interesting tool to study drug-TCR interactions and their biological consequences and to evaluate the cross-reactivity potential of new drugs of the same class.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of applying a previously described dose strategy based on (99m)Tc-pertechnetate thyroid uptake under thyrotropin suppression (TcTU(s)) to radioiodine therapy for unifocal thyroid autonomy. METHODS: A total of 425 consecutive patients (302 females, 123 males; age 63.1+/-10.3 years) with unifocal thyroid autonomy were treated at three different centres with (131)I, using Marinelli's formula for calculation of three different absorbed dose schedules: 100-300 Gy to the total thyroid volume according to the pre-treatment TcTU(s) (n=146), 300 Gy to the nodule volume (n=137) and 400 Gy to the nodule volume (n=142). RESULTS: Successful elimination of functional thyroid autonomy with either euthyroidism or hypothyroidism occurred at a mean of 12 months after radioiodine therapy in 94.5% of patients receiving 100-300 Gy to the thyroid volume, in 89.8% of patients receiving 300 Gy to the nodule volume and in 94.4% receiving 400 Gy to the nodule volume. Reduction in thyroid volume was highest for the 100-300 Gy per thyroid and 400 Gy per nodule strategies (36+/-19% and 38+/-20%, respectively) and significantly lower for the 300 Gy per nodule strategy (28+/-16%; p<0.01). CONCLUSION: A dose strategy based on the TcTU(s) can be used independently of the scintigraphic pattern of functional autonomous tissue in the thyroid.


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There has been recent progress in the understanding of the pathogenesis of the hypereosinophilic syndromes (HES). This led to the distinction of subgroups, in which the underlying cause has been identified. Consequently, new treatment options became available, such as imatinib and mepolizumab, which proved to be promising. This article summarizes these new pharmacologic approaches to the therapy of HES.


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BACKGROUND: HIV-1 infected individuals have an increased cardiovascular risk which is partially mediated by dyslipidemia. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in multiple genes involved in lipid transport and metabolism are presumed to modulate the risk of dyslipidemia in response to antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: The contribution to dyslipidemia of 20 selected single nucleotide polymorphisms of 13 genes reported in the literature to be associated with plasma lipid levels (ABCA1, ADRB2, APOA5, APOC3, APOE, CETP, LIPC, LIPG, LPL, MDR1, MTP, SCARB1, and TNF) was assessed by longitudinally modeling more than 4400 plasma lipid determinations in 438 antiretroviral therapy-treated participants during a median period of 4.8 years. An exploratory genetic score was tested that takes into account the cumulative contribution of multiple gene variants to plasma lipids. RESULTS: Variants of ABCA1, APOA5, APOC3, APOE, and CETP contributed to plasma triglyceride levels, particularly in the setting of ritonavir-containing antiretroviral therapy. Variants of APOA5 and CETP contributed to high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels. Variants of CETP and LIPG contributed to non-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, a finding not reported previously. Sustained hypertriglyceridemia and low high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol during the study period was significantly associated with the genetic score. CONCLUSIONS: Single nucleotide polymorphisms of ABCA1, APOA5, APOC3, APOE, and CETP contribute to plasma triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels during antiretroviral therapy exposure. Genetic profiling may contribute to the identification of patients at risk for antiretroviral therapy-related dyslipidemia.


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BACKGROUND: Endovascular therapy is a rapidly expanding option for the treatment of patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), leading to a myriad of published studies reporting on various revascularization strategies. However, these reports are often difficult to interpret and compare because they do not utilize uniform clinical endpoint definitions. Moreover, few of these studies describe clinical outcomes from a patients' perspective. METHODS AND RESULTS: The DEFINE Group is a collaborative effort of an ad-hoc multidisciplinary team from various specialties involved in peripheral arterial disease therapy in Europe and the United States. DEFINE's goal was to arrive at a broad based consensus for baseline and endpoint definitions in peripheral endovascular revascularization trials for chronic lower limb ischemia. In this project, which started in 2006, the individual team members reviewed the existing pertinent literature. Following this, a series of telephone conferences and face-to-face meetings were held to agree upon definitions. Input was also obtained from regulatory (United States Food and Drug Administration) and industry (device manufacturers with an interest in peripheral endovascular revascularization) stakeholders, respectively. The efforts resulted in the current document containing proposed baseline and endpoint definitions in chronic lower limb PAD. Although the consensus has inevitably included certain arbitrary choices and compromises, adherence to these proposed standard definitions would provide consistency across future trials, thereby facilitating evaluation of clinical effectiveness and safety of various endovascular revascularization techniques. CONCLUSION: This current document is based on a broad based consensus involving relevant stakeholders from the medical community, industry and regulatory bodies. It is proposed that the consensus document may have value for study design of future clinical trials in chronic lower limb ischemia as well as for regulatory purposes.