993 resultados para APL TESTS REPORT


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The purpose of this study was to investigate which affective factors of adolescent high school readers were related to high-level readers, middle-level readers and low-level readers. The research problem was to determine the relationship between adolescent high school students' self-perceived reading self-efficacy factors and the students' reading performance on a standardized reading assessment considering demographic factors of age, gender and socio-economic status as covariates. The research design was ex post facto making inferences without direct intervention. The sample was obtained from one large, diverse, urban high school, consisting of 9th and 10th grade adolescent students (N = 176). Students voluntarily completed a self-report, reading self-efficacy survey. School records were used to obtain standardized reading level scores, age, gender, and socio-economic status data. An exploratory factor analysis of the self-efficacy survey responses resulted in the identification of 7 underlying factors. The striving (low-level) readers had significantly lower self-perceptions on 5 of the 7 affective factors than the middle-level readers, and strong (high-level) readers, p < .05. The 5 affective factors on which the striving readers had significantly lower self-perceptions were: (a) Observational Comparison, (b) Progress, (c) Lack of Progress, (d) Lack of Anxiety, and (e) Positive Social Feedback. The 2 affective factors which were not significantly different for reader level were Anxiety and Negative Social Feedback. Girls had significantly less anxiety than boys for both of the factors in the Anxiety category. Statistical results showed that none of the demographic covariates tested; age, gender, or socio-economic status, moderated the relationship between affective reader self-efficacy factors and reader level. This study concluded that there were distinguishable differences for striving, middle, and strong readers' self-efficacy factors. Determining affective factors related to reading can be used to create better instructional environments and instruction for adolescent students.


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Background: Internationally, tests of general mental ability are used in the selection of medical students. Examples include the Medical College Admission Test, Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test and the UK Clinical Aptitude Test. The most widely used measure of their efficacy is predictive validity.A new tool, the Health Professions Admission Test- Ireland (HPAT-Ireland), was introduced in 2009. Traditionally, selection to Irish undergraduate medical schools relied on academic achievement. Since 2009, Irish and EU applicants are selected on a combination of their secondary school academic record (measured predominately by the Leaving Certificate Examination) and HPAT-Ireland score. This is the first study to report on the predictive validity of the HPAT-Ireland for early undergraduate assessments of communication and clinical skills. Method. Students enrolled at two Irish medical schools in 2009 were followed up for two years. Data collected were gender, HPAT-Ireland total and subsection scores; Leaving Certificate Examination plus HPAT-Ireland combined score, Year 1 Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) scores (Total score, communication and clinical subtest scores), Year 1 Multiple Choice Questions and Year 2 OSCE and subset scores. We report descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients and Multiple linear regression models. Results: Data were available for 312 students. In Year 1 none of the selection criteria were significantly related to student OSCE performance. The Leaving Certificate Examination and Leaving Certificate plus HPAT-Ireland combined scores correlated with MCQ marks.In Year 2 a series of significant correlations emerged between the HPAT-Ireland and subsections thereof with OSCE Communication Z-scores; OSCE Clinical Z-scores; and Total OSCE Z-scores. However on multiple regression only the relationship between Total OSCE Score and the Total HPAT-Ireland score remained significant; albeit the predictive power was modest. Conclusion: We found that none of our selection criteria strongly predict clinical and communication skills. The HPAT- Ireland appears to measures ability in domains different to those assessed by the Leaving Certificate Examination. While some significant associations did emerge in Year 2 between HPAT Ireland and total OSCE scores further evaluation is required to establish if this pattern continues during the senior years of the medical course.


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This chapter describes the adaptation of a parent report instrument on early language development to a bilingual context. Beginning with general issues of adapting tests to any language, particular attention is placed on the issue of using parents as evaluators of child language acquisition of a minority language in a bilingual context. In Ireland, Irish is the first official language and is spoken by about 65,000 people on a daily basis. However all Irish speakers are bilingual, and children are exposed to the dominant English language at an early age. Using an adaptation of a parent report instrument, 21 typically developing children between 16 and 40 months were assessed repeatedly over two years to monitor their language development. The form allowed parents to document their children’s vocabulary development in both languages. Results showed that when knowledge of both languages was accounted for, the children acquired vocabulary at rates similar to those of monolingual speakers and used translational equivalents relatively early in language development. The study also showed that parents of bilingual children could accurately identify and differentiate language development in both of the child’s languages. Recommendations for adapting and using parent report instruments in bilingual language acquisition contexts are outlined.


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The cobas® (Roche) portfolio of companion diagnostics in oncology currently has three assays CE-marked for in vitro diagnostics. Two of these (EGFR and BRAF) are also US FDA-approved. These assays detect clinically relevant mutations that are correlated with response (BRAF, EGFR) or lack of response (KRAS) to targeted therapies such as selective mutant BRAF inhibitors in malignant melanoma, tyrosine kinases inhibitor in non-small cell lung cancer and anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies in colorectal cancer, respectively. All these assays are run on a single platform using DNA extracted from a single 5 µm section of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue block. The assays provide an ‘end-to-end’ solution from extraction of DNA to automated analysis and report on the cobas z 480. The cobas tests have shown robust and reproducible performance, with high sensitivity and specificity and low limit of detection, making them suitable as companion diagnostics for clinical use.


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The major objective of this research project is to investigate how fly ash influences the chemical durability of portland cement based materials. The testing program is evaluating how Iowa fly ashes influence the sulfate durability of portland cement-fly ash pastes, mortars, and concretes. Also, alkali-reactivity studies are being conducted on mortar bar specimens prepared in accordance with ASTM C 311. Prelimary sulfate test results, based only on mortar bar studies, indicate that only the very high-calcium fly ash (29 percent CaO, by weight) consistently reduced the durability of test specimens exposed to a solution containing 5 percent sodium sulfate. The remaining four fly ashes that were used in the study showed negligible to dramatic increases in sulfate resistance. Concrete specimens were only beginning to respond to the sulfate solutions after about one year of exposure; and hence, considerably more time will be needed to assess their performance. Preliminary results from the alkali-reactivity tests have indicated that the Oreopolis aggregate is not sensitive to alkali attack. However, some of the test results have indicated that the testing procedure may be prone to delayed expansion due to the presence of periclase (MgO) in the Class C fly ashes. Research is being planned to: (1) verify if the periclase is influencing test results; and (2) estimating the magnitude of the potential error.


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A recommended minimum thickness for prestressed concrete (P/C) bridge deck panels containing 3/8-in. diameter, 270-ksi, low-relaxation, grit-impregnated, epoxy-coated prestressing strands is being evaluated by testing prototype panel specimens. As of January 1994, specimens from ten castings have been tested. The specimens in the first five castings were constructed to establish a preliminary minimum thickness for P/C panels. The specimens in the last five castings were constructed to 1) confirm the minimum panel thickness requirement, 2) measure the development length of epoxy-coated strands in specimens containing multiple strands, 3) measure the development length of uncoated strands in specimens containing multiple and single strands, 4) observe if concrete cracks form in thin panel specimens that have a raked top surface and are reinforced with welded wire fabric and either epoxy-coated or uncoated strands, 5) measure the transfer length for specimens containing a single uncoated strand, and 6) observe the seating characteristics of the grips used for uncoated strand and epoxy-coated strands. These tests have produced several initial findings. The preliminary recommended thickness for P/C panels containing grit-impregnated, epoxy-coated strands is 3 in. and the tentative development length for uncoated and coated multiple strands is approximately 45 in. and 24 in., respectively. Further tests will address confirmation of the recommended P/C panel thickness and establish the transfer and development lengths of single and multiple, uncoated and grit-impregnated epoxy-coated strands.


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Precast prestressed concrete panels have been used in bridge deck construction in Iowa and many other states. To investigate the performance of these panels at abutment or pier diaphragm locations for bridges with various skew angles, a research program involving both analytical and experimental aspects, is being conducted. This interim report presents the status of the research with respect to four tasks. Task 1 which involves a literature review and two surveys is essentially complete. Task 2 which involved field investigations of three Iowa bridges containing precast panel subdecks has been completed. Based on the findings of these investigations, future inspections are recommended to evaluate potential panel deterioration due to possible corrosion of the prestressed strands. Task 3 is the experimental program which has been established to monitor the behavior of five configurations of full scale composite deck slabs. Three dimensional test and instrumentation frameworks have been constructed to load and monitor the slab specimens. The first slab configuration representing an interior panel condition is being tested and preliminary results are presented for one of these tests in this interim report. Task 4 involves the analytical investigation of the experimental specimens. Finite element methods are being applied to analytically predict the behavior of the test specimens. The first test configuration of the interior panel condition has been analyzed for the same loads used in the laboratory, and the results are presented herein. Very good correlation between the analytical and experimental results has occurred.


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***********Amended Report, May 2, 2016*************** Promoting and protecting the health of Iowans is the mission of the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH). Surveillance of notifiable health conditions is essential in establishing what, how, and when events impact the public’s health. Once this information is gathered, public health and health care providers around the state are able to use this data to take steps to prevent illnesses from occurring. Multiple divisions and bureaus are dedicated to accomplishing the goals of surveillance. In 2014, there were more than 86,000 laboratory results of infectious diseases and conditions submitted to IDPH disease surveillance programs. IDPH also investigates non-infectious conditions related to lead, occupational, and environmental hazards like carbon monoxide. In 2014, approximately 71,000 children’s and more than 7,000 adults’ blood tests results were reported to IDPH.


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Behavior of granular material subjected to repeated load triaxial compression tests is characterized by a model based on rate process theory. Starting with the Arrhenius equation from chemical kinetics, the relationship of temperature, shear stress, normal stress and volume change to deformation rate is developed. The proposed model equation includes these factors as a product of exponential terms. An empirical relationship between deformation and the cube root of the number of stress applications at constant temperature and normal stress is combined with the rate equation to yield an integrated relationship of temperature, deviator stress, confining pressure and number of deviator stress applications to axial strain. The experimental program consists of 64 repeated load triaxial compression tests, 52 on untreated crushed stone and 12 on the same crushed stone material treated with 4% asphalt cement. Results were analyzed with multiple linear regression techniques and show substantial agreement with the model equations. Experimental results fit the rate equation somewhat better than the integrated equation when all variable quantities are considered. The coefficient of shear temperature gives the activation enthalpy, which is about 4.7 kilocalories/mole for untreated material and 39.4 kilocalories/mole for asphalt-treated material. This indicates the activation enthalpy is about that of the pore fluid. The proportionality coefficient of deviator stress may be used to measure flow unit volume. The volumes thus determined for untreated and asphalt-treated material are not substantially different. This may be coincidental since comparison with flow unit volumes reported by others indicates flow unit volume is related to gradation of untreated material. The flow unit volume of asphalt-treated material may relate to asphalt cement content. The proposed model equations provide a more rational basis for further studies of factors affecting deformation of granular materials under stress similar to that in pavement subjected to transient traffic loads.


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Research activities during this period concentrated on continuation of field and laboratory testing for the Dallas County test road. Stationary ditch collection of dust was eliminated because of inconsistent data, and because of vandalism to collectors. Braking tests were developed and initiated to evaluate the influence of treatments on braking and safety characteristics of the test sections. Dust testing was initiated for out of the wheelpath conditions as well as in the wheelpath. Contrary to the results obtained during the summer and fall of 1987, the 1.5 percent bentonite treatment appears to be outperforming the other bentonite treated sections after over a year of service. Overall dust reduction appears to average between 25 to 35 percent. Dallas County applied 300 tons per mile of class A roadstone maintenance surfacing to the test road in August 1988. Test data indicates that the bentonite is capable of interacting and functioning to reduce dust generation of the new surfacing material. Again, the 1.5 percent bentonite treatment appeared the most effective. The fine particulate bonding and aggregation mechanism of the bentonite appears recoverable from the environmental effects of winter, and from alternating wet and dry road surface conditions. The magnesium chloride treatment appears capable of long-term (over one year) dust reduction and exhibited an overall average reduction in the range of 15 to 30 percent. The magnesium chloride treatment also appears capable of interacting with newly applied crushed stone to reduce dust generation. Two additional one mile test roads were to have been constructed early this year. Due to an extremely dry spring and summer, construction scheduling was not possible until August. This would have allowed only minimal data collection. Considering this and the fact that this was an atypically dry summer, it was our opinion that it would be in the best interest of the research project to extend the project (at no additional cost) for a period of one year. The two additional test roads will be constructed in early spring 1989 in Adair and Marion counties.


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A 11.6 km (7.2 mi.) portion of IA 21 in Iowa County from the junction of US 6 north to the junction of IA 212, was selected for the research project. The project was divided into 65 different test sections of a PCC overlay of an existing asphalt concrete (AC) surface with thicknesses of 50 mm (2 in.), 100 mm (4 in.), 150 mm (6 in.), and 200 mm (8 in.). The joint spacings for these sections were 0.6 m (2 ft.), 1.2 m (4 ft.), 1.8 m (6 ft.), 3.7 m (12 ft.), and 4.6 m (15 ft.). Joints were sealed if the thickness of the pavement was over 100 mm (4 in.), unless specified. Two types of polypropylene fibers, monofilament and fibrillated, were added to the conventional PCC mix for designated sections. Three additional sections consisted of an asphalt overlay for comparison with the concrete overlay. Three different base preparations were used on the project, consisting of: patching and scarifying, patching only, and cold-in-place recycling. Sensors were placed in various test sections to measure the temperature and strain during and after construction of the overlay. Pullout tests were also conducted at various locations. Beams cylinders were made for each of the PCC mixes and tested for flexural and compressive strengths. Evaluation of the performance will be conducted through December 31, 1999.


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Ein Autobewerter für von Studierenden eingereichte Programme führt die im ProFormA-Aufgabenformat sequentiell spezifizierten "Tests" aus, um die Einreichung zu prüfen. Bzgl. der Interpretation und Darstellung der Testausführungsergebnisse gibt es derzeit keinen graderübergreifenden Standard. Wir beschreiben eine Erweiterung des ProFormA-Aufgabenformats um eine Hierarchie von Bewertungsaspekten, die nach didaktischen Aspekten gruppiert ist und Referenzen auf die Testausführungen besitzt. Die Erweiterung wurde in Graja umgesetzt, einem Autobewerter für Java-Programme. Je nach gewünschter Detailaufschlüsselung der Bewertungsaspekte müssen in der Konsequenz Testausführungen in Teilausführungen aufgebrochen werden. Wir illustrieren unseren Vorschlag unter Einsatz der Testwerkzeuge Compiler, dynamischer Softwaretest, statische Analyse sowie unter Einsatz menschlicher Bewerter.


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We present a case of a gravida 1 para 1 woman, who presented with an 11- month history of amenorrhea after cesarean delivery. The patient was taking birth control pills at the time of presentation. She was observed with a slight elevation of serum β-hCG level, an enlarged heterogeneous uterus and hematometra. A biopsy was performed, and the patient was diagnosed with placental site trophoblastic tumor; the patient then underwent surgery. Placental site trophoblastic tumor is the rarest form of gestational trophoblastic disease, derived from intermediate trophoblast cells. It does not have a pathognomonic appearance; therefore, correlation with medical history, as well as results of laboratory tests and pathological analysis is mandatory. It is a relatively chemoresistant tumor, posing considerable therapeutic challenges; patients with localized disease are managed with surgery and those with metastatic disease require additional chemotherapy. Herein, we review the main features of this entity and top differential diagnosis, as the rarity of this tumor is associated with imaging and pathological pitfalls, reinforcing the need for further experience in this field.


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Introduction: Abdominal pain, in etiology sometimes difficult to be defined, is a frequent complaint in childhood. Abdominal epilepsy is a rare cause of abdominal pain. Objectives: In this article, we report on 5 year old girl patient with abdominal epilepsy. Methods: Some investigations (stool investigation, routine blood tests, ultrasonography (USG), electrocardiogram (ECHO) and electrocardiograpy (ECG), holter for 24hr.) were done to understand the origin of these complaints; but no abnormalities were found. Finally an EEG was done during an episode of abdominal pain and it was shown that there were generalized spikes especially precipitated by hyperventilation. The patient did well on valproic acid therapy and EEG was normal 1 month after beginning of the treatment. Discussion: The cause of chronic recurrent paroxymal abdominal pain is difficult for the clinicians to diagnose in childhood. A lot of disease may lead to paroxysmal gastrointestinal symptoms like familial mediterranean fever and porfiria. Abdominal epilepsy is one of the rare but easily treatable cause of abdominal pain. Conclusion: In conclusion, abdominal epilepsy should be suspected in children with recurrent abdominal pain.


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Ces tests font partie de la recette de sismomètres MicrObs fournis par Sercel (Photo 1). Le but est de tester le fonctionnement en immersion pendant quelques jours ainsi que le largage. L’opération est répétée 3 fois pour chaque appareil.