936 resultados para ANTIMICROBIAL EFFICACY


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Chitosan is a biocompatible and biodegradable natural polymer with established antimicrobial properties against specific microorganisms. The present study demonstrates its antibacterial activity against 48 isolates of Vibrio species from prawn larval rearing systems. The antibacterial activity had a positive correlation with the concentration of chitosan. This work opens up avenues for using chitosan as a prophylactic biopolymer for protecting prawn larvae from vibriosis.


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Prawn shell waste collected from shrimp-processing plants in Cochin, India, was subjected to fermentation using 20 chitinoclastic and proteolytic/non-proteolytic bacterial strains. The products generated were analysed for protein, lipid, total sugars, N-acetyl glucosamine, free amino acids and ash. Shrimp diets were prepared using these 20 fermented products and a control diet using raw prawn shell waste. Feeding experiment was conducted with postlarvae (PL21) of Indian white prawn, Fenneropenaeus indicus for a period of 21 days. Biogrowth parameters such as mean weight gain, feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio were estimated and the animals were challenged with white spot virus orally via diet. Enhanced growth could be observed in prawns fed F134 and F124, incorporated with the fermentation products generated using Bacillus spp., C134 and C124 respectively. The percentage survival of prawns after 7 days of challenge was found to be highest for groups fed diet F111 incorporated with fermentation product generated using Bacillus sp. These products of bacterial fermentation hold promise as growth enhancers and immunostimulants in aquaculture. KEY WORDS: biogrowth parameters, feed


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play a major role in innate immunity. Penaeidins are a family of AMPs that appear to be expressed in all penaeid shrimps. Penaeidins are composed of an N-terminal proline-rich domain, followed by a C-terminal domain containing six cysteine residues organized in two doublets. This study reports the first penaeidin AMP sequence, Fi-penaeidin (GenBank accession number HM243617) from the Indian white shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus. The full length cDNA consists of 186 base pairs encoding 61 amino acidswith an ORF of 42 amino acids and contains a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids. Comparison of F. indicus penaeidin (Fi-penaeidin) with other known penaeidins showed that it shared maximum similarity with penaeidins of Farfantepenaeus paulensis and Farfantepenaeus subtilis (96% each). Fi-penaeidin has a predicted molecular weight (MW) of 4.478 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point (pI) of 5.3


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are humoral innate immune components of fishes that provide protection against pathogenic infections. Histone derived antimicrobial peptides are reported to actively participate in the immune defenses of fishes. Present study deals with identification of putative antimicrobial sequences from the histone H2A of sicklefin chimaera, Neoharriotta pinnata. A 52 amino acid residue termed Harriottin-1, a 40 amino acid Harriottin-2, and a 21 mer Harriottin-3 were identified to possess antimicrobial sequence motif. Physicochemical properties andmolecular structure ofHarriottins are in agreement with the characteristic features of antimicrobial peptides, indicating its potential role in innate immunity of sicklefin chimaera. The histone H2A sequence of sicklefin chimera was found to differ from previously reported histone H2A sequences. Phylogenetic analysis based on histone H2A and cytochrome oxidase subunit-1 (CO1) gene revealed N. pinnata to occupy an intermediate position with respect to invertebrates and vertebrates


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Hepcidin is cysteine-rich short peptide of innate immune system of fishes, equipped to perform prevention and proliferation of invading pathogens like bacteria and viruses by limiting iron availability and activating intracellular cascades. Hepcidins are diverse in teleost fishes, due to the varied aquatic environments including exposure to pathogens, oxygenation and iron concentration. In the present study, we report a 87-amino acid (aa) preprohepcidin (Hepc-CB1) with a signal peptide of 24 aa, a prodomain of 39 aa and a bioactive mature peptide of 24 aa from the gill mRNA transcripts of the deep-sea fish spinyjaw greeneye, Chlorophthalmus bicornis. Molecular characterisation and phylogenetic analysis categorised the peptide to HAMP2-like group with a mature peptide of 2.53 kDa; a net positive charge (?3) and capacity to form b-hairpin-like structure configured by 8 conserved cysteines. The present work provides new insight into the mass gene duplication events and adaptive evolution of hepcidin isoforms with respect to environmental influences and positive Darwinian selection. This work reports a novel hepcidin isoform under the group HAMP2 from a nonacanthopterygian deep-sea fish, C. bicornis


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Hepcidin is a family of short cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) participating in various physiological functions with inevitable role in host immune responses. Present study deals with identification and characterisation of a novel hepcidin isoform from coral fish Zanclus cornutus. The 81 amino acid (aa) preprohepcidin obtained from Z. cornutus consists of a hydrophobic aa rich 22 mer signal peptide, a highly variable proregion of 35 aa and a bioactive mature peptide with 8 conserved cysteine residues which contribute to the disulphide back bone. The mature hepcidin, Zc-hepc1 has a theoretical isoelectric point of 7.46, a predicted molecular weight of 2.43 kDa and a net positive charge of ?1. Phylogenetic analysis grouped Z. cornutus hepcidin with HAMP2 group hepcidins confirming the divergent evolution of hepcidin-like peptide in fishes. Zc-hepc1 can attain a b-hairpin-like structure with two antiparallel b-sheets. This is the first report of an AMP from the coral fish Z. cornutus.


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There is a growing commercial interest in the ¢sh, Puntius ¢lamentosus, in the ornamental ¢sh trade in India and elsewhere.The trade is, however, hampered by severe mortalities during transport of the ¢sh owing to insu⁄cient data available on the use of anaesthetics. To resolve this problem, we evaluated the e⁄cacy of two anaesthetics, MS-222 and benzocaine, in sedating P. ¢lamentosus in simulated transportation experiments and used stress response parameters such as cortisol and blood glucose levels to perform assessments. We observed that MS-222 at 40 mg L 1 and benzocaine at 20mg L 1 were su⁄- cient to induce sedation for 48 h. Above these concentrations, both the anaesthetics adversely a¡ected the ¢sh and resulted inmortalities. Both anaesthetics signi¢cantly lowered the blood cortisol and glucose levels compared with the unsedated controls. Importantly, the anaesthetics treatment signi¢cantly lowered the post-transport mortality in the ¢sh. The results of the study show that MS-222 and benzocaine could be used as sedatives to alleviate transport- related stress in P. ¢lamentosus to improve their post-transport survival and hence reduce economic loss.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Las infecciones del sistema nervioso son importantes fuentes de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo, debido a diferentes factores como son el amplio uso de antibióticos que aunque contribuyen con éxito al manejo de infecciones, pero el mal uso por automedicación o tratamientos incompletos favorecen la emergencia de organismos resistentes y la existencia de “mimos infecciosos” que incluyen el síndrome de reconstitución inflamatoria (IRIS). Adicionalmente el crecimiento de las poblaciones inmunocomprometidas por el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) y por tratamientos agresivos para trasplante sólido o hematopoyético han mejorado la sobrevida de diferentes tipos de malignidades y alteraciones reumatológicas pero son poblaciones que tienen más susceptibilidad a contraer infecciones y encefalitis mediadas inmunológicamente, como son la encefalomielitis diseminada aguda (ADEM) o la encefalitis contra el receptor de N-metil-D aspartato (NMDA).


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Objectives: To evaluate the prophylactic efficacy of the human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine in preventing low grade cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasias and anogenital warts (condyloma acuminata). Design: Data from two international, double blind, placebo controlled, randomised efficacy trials of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (protocol 013 (FUTURE I) and protocol 015 (FUTURE II)). The trials were to be 4 years in length, and the results reported are from final study data of 42 months' follow-up. Setting: Primary care centres and university or hospital associated health centres in 24 countries and territories around the world. Participants: 17 622 women aged 16-26 years enrolled between December 2001 and May 2003. Major exclusion criteria were lifetime number of sexual partners (>4), history of abnormal cervical smear test results, and pregnancy. Intervention: Three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (for serotypes 6, 11, 16, and 18) or placebo at day 1, month 2, and month 6. Main outcome measures: Vaccine efficacy against cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade I and condyloma in a per protocol susceptible population that included subjects who received all three vaccine doses, tested negative for the relevant vaccine HPV types at day 1 and remained negative through month 7, and had no major protocol violations. Intention to treat, generally HPV naive, and unrestricted susceptible populations were also studied. Results: In the per protocol susceptible population, vaccine efficacy against lesions related to the HPV types in the vaccine was 96% for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I (95% confidence interval 91% to 98%), 100% for both vulvar and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade I (95% CIs 74% to 100%, 64% to 100% respectively), and 99% for condyloma (96% to 100%). Vaccine efficacy against any lesion (regardless of HPV type) in the generally naive population was 30% (17% to 41%), 75% (22% to 94%), and 48% (10% to 71%) for cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade I, respectively, and 83% (74% to 89%) for condyloma. Conclusions: Quadrivalent HPV vaccine provided sustained protection against low grade lesions attributable to vaccine HPV types (6, 11, 16, and 18) and a substantial reduction in the burden of these diseases through 42 months of follow-up. Trial registrations: NCT00092521 and NCT00092534.


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La incidencia de la tosferina ha mostrado un incremento en los últimos años; afectando predominantemente a los niños menores de 1 año, adolescentes y adultos. En el 2005 el Comité Asesor de Prácticas en Inmunización (ACIP) recomendó administrar una dosis de refuerzo de la vacuna acelular antipertussis a los adolescentes. Esta estrategia ha sido adoptada por distintos países. Sin embargo hasta el momento no existe una revisión sistemática que evalúe la efectividad de esta medida de prevención primaria. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos acerca de la efectividad de la vacuna acelular antipertussis como dosis de refuerzo en adolescentes. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial arrojó un total de 121 resultados, de los cuales solo 4 cumplieron los criterios de selección. Se evaluó en éstos, la inmunogenicidad generada contra tétanos y difteria por la vacuna Tdap vs Td con resultados significativos y similares. Además se documentó la respuesta inmunológica protectora generada por la Tdap contra tosferina. En cuanto a la reactogenicidad, en general fue baja. Discusión: La vacuna Tdap genera inmunogenicidad similar a la Td contra tétanos y difteria. Además proporciona adecuada protección contra la tosferina como dosis de refuerzo en los adolescentes. Conclusión: La evidencia disponible sugiere que se puede recomendar la vacuna Tdap como dosis de refuerzo en adolescentes entre los 10 y los 18 años de edad por su baja reactogenicidad y adecuada inmunogenicidad contra tétanos, difteria y B. Pertussis.


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The Staphylococcus spp. they can cause a wide range of infections systemic and located in community and hospital patients. Its high pathogenicity and growing resistance to multiple antimicrobials including methicillin, causes high morbiditymortality rates, causing a high epidemiological impact. Objective: to determine the phenotypic profile of resistance to different antimicrobials in strains of the genus Staphylococcus spp. Materials and methods: collected 75 strains and determined them susceptibility to different antibiotics by the Kirby-Bauer method. The production of betalactamasecheck using the nitrocefin test. (Resistance to Methicillin in S. aureus was conductedusing Mueller Hinton with 4% NaCl and oxacillin 6 μg/mL). Inducible clindamycin resistance tamizo by D-Test test. Results: they were isolated by 38% of staphylococcus coagulase negative (SNA) and 62% of S. aureus. 53% were penicillin resistant staphylococci: S. aureus with 58% and 42% SNA. 47% of the strains showed resistance to methicillin: S. aureus with 61% and SNA with 39%. A strain of S. aureus showed inducible resistance to clindamycin (1.33%). Coagulase negative staphylococci were isolated mostly from blood samples (31%), blood (29%), tip of catheter (5%) and came mostly from neonatal ICU (25%), medical (21%) and surgery (16%).Conclusions: S. aureus and SNA were isolated with greater frequency in blood and wounds from surgery and neonatal ICU. The predominant resistance phenotypes were penicillin and oxacillin.