985 resultados para ALKYL BROMIDES


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The self-assembly in water of designed peptide amphiphile (PA) C16-ETTES containing two anionic residues and its mixtures with C16-KTTKS containing two cationic residues has been investigated. Multiple spectroscopy, microscopy, and scattering techniques are used to examine ordering extending from the β-sheet structures up to the fibrillar aggregate structure. The peptide amphiphiles both comprise a hexadecyl alkyl chain and a charged pentapeptide headgroup containing two charged residues. For C16-ETTES, the critical aggregation concentration was determined by fluorescence experiments. FTIR and CD spectroscopy were used to examine β-sheet formation. TEM revealed highly extended tape nanostructures with some striped regions corresponding to bilayer structures viewed edge-on. Small-angle X-ray scattering showed a main 5.3 nm bilayer spacing along with a 3 nm spacing. These spacings are assigned respectively to predominant hydrated bilayers and a fraction of dehydrated bilayers. Signs of cooperative self-assembly are observed in the mixtures, including reduced bundling of peptide amphiphile aggregates (extended tape structures) and enhanced β-sheet formation.


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The self-assembly in aqueous solution of three lipopeptides obtained from Bacillus subtilis has been investigated. The lipopeptides surfactin, plipastatin and mycosubtilin contain distinct cyclic peptide headgroups as well as differences in alkyl chain length, branching and chain length distribution. Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy and X-ray scattering reveal that surfactin and plipastatin aggregate into 2 nm-radius spherical micelles, whereas in complete contrast mycosubtilin self-assembles into extended nanotapes based on bilayer ordering of the lipopeptides. Circular dichroism and FTIR spectroscopy indicate the presence of turn structures in the cyclic peptide headgroup. The unexpected distinct mode of self-assembly of mycosubtilin compared to the other two lipopeptides is ascribed to differences in the surfactant packing parameter. This in turn is due to specific features of the conformation of the peptide headgroup and alkyl chain branching.


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Alkyl esters of p–hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) are widely used as preservatives in personal care products, foods and pharmaceuticals. Their oestrogenic activity, their measurement in human breast tissue and their ability to drive proliferation of oestrogen-responsive human breast cancer cells has opened a debate on their potential to influence breast cancer development. Since proliferation is not the only hallmark of cancer cells, we have investigated the effects of exposure to parabens at concentrations of maximal proliferative response on migratory and invasive properties using three oestrogen-responsive human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T-47-D, ZR-75-1). Cells were maintained short-term (1 week) or long-term (20±2 weeks) in phenol-red-free medium containing 5% charcoal-stripped serum with no addition, 10-8M 17-oestradiol, 1-5x10-4M methylparaben, 10-5M n-propylparaben or 10-5M n-butylparaben. Long-term exposure (20±2 weeks) of MCF-7 cells to methylparaben, n-propylparaben or n-butylparaben increased migration as measured using a scratch assay, time-lapse microscopy and xCELLigence technology: invasive properties were found to increase in matrix degradation assays and migration through matrigel on xCELLigence. Western immunoblotting showed an associated downregulation of E-cadherin and -catenin in the long-term paraben-exposed cells which could be consistent with a mechanism involving epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Increased migratory activity was demonstrated also in long-term paraben-exposed T-47-D and ZR-75-1 cells using a scratch assay and time-lapse microscopy. This is the first report that in vitro, parabens can influence not only proliferation but also migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells.


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Here we describe general flow processes for the synthesis of alkyl and aryl azides, and the development of a new monolithic triphenylphosphine reagent, which provides a convenient format for the use of this versatile reagent in flow. The utility of these new tools was demonstrated by their application to a flow Staudinger aza-Wittig reaction sequence. Finally, a multistep aza-Wittig, reduction and purification flow process was designed, allowing access to amine products in an automated fashion.


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An efficient synthesis of spirocyclic triazolooxazine nucleosides is described. This was achieved by the conversion of β-D-psicofuranose to the corresponding azido-derivative, followed by alkylation of the primary alcohol with a range of propargyl bromides - obtained via Sonogashira chemistry. The products of these reactions underwent 1,3-dipolar addition smoothly to generate the protected spirocyclic adducts. These were easily deprotected to give the corresponding ribose nucleosides. The library of compounds obtained was investigated for its antiviral activity, using MHV (Mouse Hepatitis Virus) as a model wherein derivative 3f showed the most promising activity and tolerability.


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A series of hydro- and organo-supergelators have been synthesised via coupling of simple bis aromaticureas via alkyl amide linkages. These bis amide-aromatic-ureas exhibited reduced critical gelator concentrations, improved gelator stability, mechanical and dye removal properties for potential use in water purification, in comparison to related bis aromatic-ureas. Systematic structure studies via variation of the bis amide-aromatic-urea linker length as well as functionalization of the terminal aromatic moieties have enabled control over the gel properties.


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A series of hydro- and organo-supergelators have been synthesised via coupling of simple bis aromaticureas via alkyl amide linkages. These bis amide-aromatic-ureas exhibited reduced critical gelator concentrations, improved gelator stability, mechanical and dye removal properties for potential use in water purification, in comparison to related bis aromatic-ureas. Systematic structure studies via variation of the bis amide-aromatic-urea linker length as well as functionalization of the terminal aromatic moieties have enabled control over the gel properties.


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Four alkyl substituted β-lactones were investigated as monomers in ring opening polymerisation to produce a family of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)s. Homopolymers were synthesised using a robust aluminium salen catalyst, resulting in polymers with low dispersity (Đ < 1.1) and predictable molecular weights. ABA triblock copolymers were prepared using poly(L-lactic acid) as the A block and the aforementioned poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) as the B block via a sequential addition method. Characterisation of these copolymers determined they were well controlled with low dispersities and predictable molecular weight. DSC analysis determined copolymers prepared from β-butyrolactone or β-valerolactone yielded polymers with tunable and predictable thermal properties. Copolymers prepared from β-heptanolactone yielded a microphase separated material as indicated by SAXS, with two distinct Tgs. The polymers could be readily cast into flexible films and their improved tensile properties were explored.


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Interpretation of sedimentary n-alkyl lipid d2H data is complicated by a limited understanding of factors controlling interspecies variation in biomarker 2H/1H composition. To distinguish between the effects of interrelated environmental, physical and biochemical controls on the hydrogen isotope composition of n-alkyl lipids, we conducted linked d2H analyses of soil water, xylem water, leaf water and n-alkanes from a range of C3 and C4 plants growing at a UK saltmarsh (i) across multiple sampling sites, (ii) throughout the 2012 growing season, and (iii) at different times of the day. Soil waters varied isotopically by up to 35& depending on marsh sub-environment, and exhibited site-specific seasonal shifts in d2H up to a maximum of 31 per mil. Maximum interspecies variation in xylem water was 38 per mil, while leaf waters differed seasonally by a maximum of 29 per mil. Leaf wax n-alkane 2H/1H, however, consistently varied by over 100 per mil throughout the 2012 growing season, resulting in an interspecies range in the ewax/leaf water values of -79 per mil to –227 per mil. From the discrepancy in the magnitude of these isotopic differences, we conclude that mechanisms driving variation in the 2H/1H composition of leaf water, including (i) spatial changes in soil water 2H/1H, (ii) temporal changes in soil water 2H/1H, (iii) differences in xylem water 2H/1H, and (iv) differences in leaf water evaporative 2H-enrichment due to varied plant life forms, cannot explain the range of n-alkane d2H values we observed. Results from this study suggests that accurate reconstructions of palaeoclimate regimes from sedimentary n-alkane d2H require further research to constrain those biological mechanisms influencing species-specific differences in 2H/1H fractionation during lipid biosynthesis, in particular where plants have developed biochemical adaptations to water-stressed conditions. Understanding how these mechanisms interact with environmental conditions will be crucial to ensure accurate interpretation of hydrogen isotope signals from the geological record.


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A general consistency in the sequential order of petroleum hydrocarbon reduction in previous biodegradation studies has led to the proposal of several molecularly based biodegradation scales. Few studies have investigated the biodegradation susceptibility of petroleum hydrocarbon products in soil media, however, and metabolic preferences can change with habitat type. A laboratory based study comprising gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis of extracts of oil-treated soil samples incubated for up to 161 days was conducted to investigate the biodegradation of crude oil exposed to sandy soils of Barrow Island, home to both a Class ‘‘A” nature reserve and Australia’s largest on-shore oil field. Biodegradation trends of the hydrocarbon-treated soils were largely consistent with previous reports but some unusual behaviour was recognised both between and within hydrocarbon classes. For example, the n-alkanes persisted at trace levels from day 86 to 161 following the removal of typically more stable dimethyl naphthalenes and methyl phenanthrenes. The relative susceptibility to biodegradation of different di- tri- and tetramethylnaphthalene isomers also showed several features distinct from previous reports. The unique biodegradation behaviour of Barrow Is. soil likely reflects difference in microbial functioning with physiochemical variation in the environment. Correlation of molecular parameters, reduction rates of selected alkyl naphthalene isomers and CO2 respiration values with a delayed (61 d) oil-treated soil identified a slowing of biodegradation with microcosm incubation; a reduced function or population of incubated soil flora might also influence the biodegradation patterns observed.


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The behaviour and fate of macronutrients and pollutants in sewage sludge applied to the land are affected by the chemical composition of the sludge organic matter, which in turn is influenced by both sewage source and by sewage treatment processes. In this study, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to characterise the organic matter of sludges collected at three different points along the treatment stream of a municipal sewage works with a domestic catchment. Sludge at the first point, an undigested liquid (UL) sludge, had a substantially different composition to the anaerobically digested (AD) and dewatered sludge cake (DC) materials, which were similar to each other. In particular, the UL sludge contained more alkyl C than the AD or DC sludges. All three sludges were found to contain mobile alkyl C that is poorly observed using the cross polarisation (CP) technique, necessitating the use of the less sensitive, but more quantitatively reliable direct polarisation (DP) technique to obtain accurate distributions of C types.


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Temperature, pressure, gas stoichiometry, and residence time were varied to control the yield and product distribution of the palladium-catalyzed aminocarbonylation of aromatic bromides in both a silicon microreactor and a packed-bed tubular reactor. Automation of the system set points and product sampling enabled facile and repeatable reaction analysis with minimal operator supervision. It was observed that the reaction was divided into two temperature regimes. An automated system was used to screen steady-state conditions for offline analysis by gas chromatography to fit a reaction rate model. Additionally, a transient temperature ramp method utilizing online infrared analysis was used, leading to more rapid determination of the reaction activation energy of the lower temperature regimes. The entire reaction spanning both regimes was modeled in good agreement with the experimental data.


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Drug resistance and virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are partially related to the pathogen`s antioxidant systems. Peroxide detoxification in this bacterium is achieved by the heme-containing catalase peroxidase and different two-cysteine peroxiredoxins. M. tuberculosis genome also codifies for a putative one-cysteine peroxiredoxin, alkyl hydroperoxide reductase E (MtAhpE). Its expression was previously demonstrated at a transcriptional level, and the crystallographic structure of the recombinant protein was resolved under reduced and oxidized states. Herein, we report that the conformation of MtAhpE changed depending on its single cysteine redox state, as reflected by different tryptophan fluorescence properties and changes in quaternary structure. Dynamics of fluorescence changes, complemented by competition kinetic assays, were used to perform protein functional studies. MtAhE reduced peroxynitrite 2 orders of magnitude faster than hydrogen peroxide (1.9 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1) vs 8.2 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) at pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C, respectively). The latter also caused cysteine overoxidation to sulfinic acid, but at much slower rate constant (40 M(-1) s(-1)). The pK(a) of the thiol in the reduced enzyme was 5.2, more than one unit lower than that of the sulfenic acid in the oxidized enzyme. The pH profile of hydrogen peroxide-mediated thiol and sulfenic acid oxidations indicated thiolate and sulfenate as the reacting species. The formation of sulfenic acid as well as the catalytic peroxidase activity of MtAhpE was demonstrated using the artificial reducing substrate thionitrobenzoate. Taken together, our results indicate that MtAhpE is a relevant component in the antioxidant repertoire of M. tuberculosis probably involved in peroxide and specially peroxynitrite detoxification.


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Most organisms that grow in the presence of oxygen possess catalases and/or peroxidases, which are necessary for scavenging the H(2)O(2) produced by aerobic metabolism. In this work we investigate the pathways that regulate the Caulobacter crescentus katG gene, encoding the only enzyme with catalase-peroxidase function in this bacterium. The transcriptional start site of the katG gene was determined, showing a short 5` untranslated region. The katG regulatory region was mapped by serial deletions, and the results indicate that there is a single promoter, which is responsible for induction at stationary phase. An oxyR mutant strain was constructed; it showed decreased katG expression, and no KatG protein or catalase-peroxidase activity was detected in stationary-phase cell extracts, implying that OxyR is the main positive regulator of the C. crescentus katG gene. Purified OxyR protein bound to the katG regulatory region between nucleotides -42 and -91 from the transcription start site, as determined by a DNase I footprinting assay, and a canonical OxyR binding site was found in this region. Moreover, OxyR binding was shown to be redox dependent, given that only oxidized proteins bound adjacent to the -35 sequence of the promoter and the katG P1 promoter was activated by OxyR in an H(2)O(2)-dependent manner. On the other hand, this work showed that the iron-responsive regulator Fur does not regulate C. crescentus katG, since a fur mutant strain presented wild-type levels of katG transcription and catalase-peroxidase production and activity, and the purified Fur protein was not able to bind to the katG regulatory region.


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We here report the synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of new supported Ru(III) and Ru(0) catalysts. In contrast to most supported catalysts, these new developed catalysts for oxidation and hydrogenation reactions were prepared using nearly the same synthetic strategy, and are easily recovered by magnetic separation from liquid phase reactions. The catalysts were found to be active in both forms, Ru(III) and Ru(0), for selective oxidation of alcohols and hydrogenation of olefins, respectively. The catalysts operate under mild conditions to activate molecular oxygen or molecular hydrogen to perform clean conversion of selected substrates. Aryl and alkyl alcohols were converted to aldehydes under mild conditions, with negligible metal leaching. If the metal is properly reduced, Ru(0) nanoparticles immobilized on the magnetic support surface are obtained, and the catalyst becomes active for hydrogenation reactions. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.