994 resultados para AK22-1941
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és veure de quina manera les historietes de Tintín reflecteixen l’època en què van ser elaborades i establir una relació entre la història i el còmic. La metodologia que s’ha emprat ha estat centrada principalment en dues tasques paral•leles i complementàries. D’una banda, l’estudi de la història del segle XX a partir de l’obra d’Eric Hobsbawm del mateix nom i d’altres fonts bibliogràfiques per tal d’adquirir una idea general sobre l’anterior segle. D’altra banda, l’anàlisi d’uns determinats aspectes dels còmics de Tintín. Aquests són: l’època en què va ser elaborat, una síntesi de l’argument, el recorregut geogràfic que fa Tintín, els conflictes i esdeveniments històrics - paral•lels a la realitat del moment- que hi apareixen, les problemàtiques contemporànies, i un comentari entorn de la documentació i les fonts d’inspiració usades per Hergé. Aquesta anàlisi es va dur a terme a partir d’una selecció de sis còmics del mateix període. En conclusió, veiem que realment existeix una relació entre els esdeveniments dels còmics i l’època en què van ser elaborats. Això ens permet també apropar-nos-hi i conèixer l’autor, Hergé, de qui podem dir que es basa en la realitat que l’envolta i en els esdeveniments del seu moment per elaborar els còmics.
Triatoma brasiliensis is one of the most important vectors of Chagas disease in the semiarid zone of the northeast of Brazil. Intraspecific morphological and behavioural variation has been reported for different populations. Results for four distinct populations using eight isoenzymes are reported here. The literature describes three subspecies: T. brasiliensis brasiliensis Neiva, 1911; T. brasiliensis melanica Neiva & Lent, 1941 and T. brasiliensis macromelasoma Galvão, 1956. These subspecies differ mainly in their cuticle colour pattern and were regarded as synonyms by Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979). In order to evaluate whether the chromatic pattern is a morphological variation of different melanic forms within T. brasiliensis or due to interspecific variation, field collections were performed in localities where these three subspecies have been described: Caicó (Rio Grande do Norte), the type-locality for T. b. brasiliensis; Petrolina (Pernambuco) for T. b. macromelasoma and Espinosa (Minas Gerais) for T. b. melanica. A fourth distinct chromatic pattern was found in Juazeiro (Bahia). A total of nine loci were studied. Values of Nei's genetic distance (D) were calculated. T. b. brasiliensis and T. b. macromelasoma are the closest populations with a D=0.295. T. b. melanica had a D ³ 0.537 when compared to the others, a distance in the range of interspecific variation for other triatomine species
Triatoma brasiliensis is considered as one of the most important Chagas disease vectors in the northeastern Brazil. This species presents chromatic variations which led to descriptions of subspecies, synonymized by Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979). In order to broaden bionomic knowledge of these distinct colour patterns of T. brasiliensis, captures were performed at different sites, where the chromatic patterns were described: Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte (T. brasiliensis brasiliensis Neiva, 1911), it will be called the "brasiliensis population"; Espinosa, Minas Gerais (T. brasiliensis melanica Neiva & Lent 1941), the "melanica population" and Petrolina, Pernambuco (T. brasiliensis macromelasoma, Galvão 1956), the "macromelasoma population". A fourth chromatic pattern was collected in Juazeiro, Bahia the darker one in overall cuticle coloration, the "Juazeiro population". At the sites of Caicó, Petrolina and Juazeiro, specimens were captured in peridomiciliar ecotopes and in wilderness. In Espinosa the specimens were collected only in wilderness, even though several exhaustive captures have been performed in peridomicile at different sites of this municipality. A total of 298 specimens were captured. The average registered infection rate was 15% for "brasiliensis population" and of 6.6% for "melanica population". Specimens of "macromelasoma" and of "Juazeiro populations" did not present natural infection. Concerning trophic resources, evaluated by the precipitin test, feeding eclecticism for the different colour patterns studied was observed, with dominance of goat blood in household surroundings as well as in wilderness
According to the descriptions of five closely related species of the genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832: T. phyllosoma (Burmeister, 1835), T. pallidipennis (Stal, 1872), T. picturata Usinger, 1939, T. longipennis Usinger, 1939 and T. mazzottii Usinger, 1941 and further published studies, these species could be included in a "specific complex" named as the species formerly described. All these species are typical from Mexico and another species was found in the same country, in the State of Puebla: Triatoma bassolsae sp. n. This species was morphologically compared with the other five of the "phyllosoma" complex, including the external male genitalia. The most important characters used to separate T. bassolsae from T. phyllosoma (which is the most similar to the other species) are the morphometric relationships on the head, with a longer anteocular region and a significant longer second rostral segment, a long and conspicuous pilosity in different areas of the body and specially on the head, and the characters of the anterolateral, lateral and discal tubercles of the pronotum, very long and sharp in the new species. The male genitalia has several differences between T. bassolsae and T. phyllosoma specially significant on the surface of the endosome process and on the branches of the phallosome support, separated at the apex in the new species. Types and paratypes are incorporated in the respective institutions in Mexico DF and Rio de Janeiro.
Eimeria carmelinoi n.sp., is described in the teiid lizard Kentropyx calcarata Spix, 1825 from north Brazil. Oocysts subspherical to spherical, averaging 21.25 x 20.15 µm. Oocyst wall smooth, colourless and devoid of striae or micropyle. No polar body or conspicuous oocystic residuum, but frequently a small number of fine granules in Brownian movement. Sporocysts, averaging 10.1 x 9 µm, are without a Stieda body. Endogenous stages characteristic of the genus: intra-cytoplasmic, within the epithelial cells of the ileum and above the host cell nucleus. A re-description is given of a parasite previously described as Eimeria cnemidophori, in the teiid lizard Cnemidophorus lemniscatus lemniscatus. A study of the endogenous stages in the ileum necessitates renaming this coccidian as Acroeimeria cnemidophori (Carini, 1941) nov.comb., and suggests that Acroeimeria pintoi Lainson & Paperna, 1999 in the teiid Ameiva ameiva is a synonym of A. cnemidophori. A further intestinal coccidian, Acroeimeria paraensis n.sp. is described in C. l. lemniscatus, frequently as a mixed infection with A. cnemidophori. Mature oocysts, averaging 24.4 x 21.8 µm, have a single-layered, smooth, colourless wall with no micropyle or striae. No polar body, but the frequent presence of a small number of fine granules exhibiting Brownian movements. Sporocysts 9 x 8, without a Stieda body. Endogenous stages epicytoplasmic, characteristic of the genus, in the upper ileum. The importance of a study of the endogenous stages of eimeriid coccidia is discussed.
Crosscare (formerly known as the Catholic Social Service Conference CSSC) have been responding to the needs of people on the margins of society since 1941. Currently they employ close to 170 staff with an annual expenditure running towards €11 million. Their range of programmes is diverse and they reach into areas of high need.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
L'article expose un comparatisme reposant sur la pratique des regards croisés dont nous postulons la pertinence pour comprendre l'échange d'idées et de pratiques entre l'Inde et l'«Occident». Durant les XIXe et XXe siècles naît l'un des phénomènes de mondialisation les plus intéressants, à savoir l'exportation et la globalisation du yoga indien. Pendant que l'«Occident» s'éveille au yoga spirituel inauguré par Vivekananda (dès 1893), des yogis indiens soumettent leur tradition à l'expérimentation scientifique moderne (années 20). Dans leur ouvrage commun Sport et Yoga (1941/48), Selvarajan Yesudian (le yogi chrétien indien) et Elisabeth Haich (l'ésotériste hongroise) illustrent d'une manière paradigmatique les synthèses créatives qui peuvent s'opérer dans les processus d'échanges pluri-dimensionels et pluri-directionnels entre les traditions indiennes et européennes que seule une posture comparative, capable de faire le va-et-vient entre les deux traditions, est à même de saisir.
Esta investigación se centra en el análisis de los verbos medievales que manifiestan alternancia en lo referente al prefijo a-. Aunque este tema se ha tratado en distintos estudios de carácter diacrónico —Malkiel (1941), García Medall (1988), Sánchez González de Herrero (1992), Sánchez-Prieto (1992)— los resultados alcanzados ponen de relieve la necesidad de profundizar en la descripción de las características de este tipo de formaciones cuyas implicaciones van más allá de la propia morfología
BACKGROUND A catheter-based approach after fibrinolysis is recommended if fibrinolysis is likely to be successful in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction. We designed a 2x2 randomized, open-label, multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the paclitaxel-eluting stent and tirofiban administered after fibrinolysis but before catheterization to optimize the results of this reperfusion strategy. METHODS AND RESULTS We randomly assigned 436 patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction to (1) bare-metal stent without tirofiban, (2) bare-metal stent with tirofiban, (3) paclitaxel-eluting stent without tirofiban, and (4) paclitaxel-eluting stent with tirofiban. All patients were initially treated with tenecteplase and enoxaparin. Tirofiban was started 120 minutes after tenecteplase in those patients randomly assigned to tirofiban. Cardiac catheterization was performed within the first 3 to 12 hours after inclusion, and stenting (randomized paclitaxel or bare stent) was applied to the culprit artery. The primary objectives were the rate of in-segment binary restenosis of paclitaxel-eluting stent compared with that of bare-metal stent and the effect of tirofiban on epicardial and myocardial flow before and after mechanical revascularization. At 12 months, in-segment binary restenosis was similar between paclitaxel-eluting stent and bare-metal stent (10.1% versus 11.3%; relative risk, 1.06; 95% confidence interval, 0.74 to 1.52; P=0.89). However, late lumen loss (0.04+/-0.055 mm versus 0.27+/-0.057 mm, P=0.003) was reduced in the paclitaxel-eluting stent group. No evidence was found of any association between the use of tirofiban and any improvement in the epicardial and myocardial perfusion. Major bleeding was observed in 6.1% of patients receiving tirofiban and in 2.7% of patients not receiving it (relative risk, 2.22; 95% confidence interval, 0.86 to 5.73; P=0.14). CONCLUSIONS This trial does not provide evidence to support the use of tirofiban after fibrinolysis to improve epicardial and myocardial perfusion. Compared with bare-metal stent, paclitaxel-eluting stent significantly reduced late loss but appeared not to reduce in-segment binary restenosis. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT00306228.