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Transporters of Ca2+ are potential drug targets and Ca2+ is a useful signal in the assessment of G-protein-coupled receptor activation. Assays involving the assessment of intracellular Ca2+ using microplate readers most often use Ca2+ indicators which do not exhibit a spectra shift on Ca2+ binding (e.g. fluo-3). Indicators that do exhibit a spectral shift upon Ca2+ binding (e.g. fura-2) offer potential advantages for the calibration of intracellular Ca2+ levels. However, experimental limitations may limit the use of ratiometric dyes in microplate readers capable of screening. In this study, we compared the assessment of intracellular Ca2+ in adherent breast cancer cells using ratiometric and nonratiometric Ca2+ indicators. Our results demonstrate that both fluo-3 and fura-2 detect ATP dose-dependent increases in intracellular Ca2+ in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and that some of the limitations in the use of fura-2 appear to be overcome by the use of glass bottom microplates. The calibrated intracellular Ca2+ levels derived using fura-2 are consistent with those from microscopy and cuvette-based studies. Fura-2 may be useful in microplate studies, where cell lines with different properties are compared or where screening treatments lead to differences in the number of cells or dye loading. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The salient feature of metals is that unlike organic compounds they do not degrade in the environment and barely move from one environmental matrix to another. Human interventions take these compounds from their stable and non-bioavailable geological matrix into situations of biological accessibility. Studies in the 1970s and the 1980s of metal bioavailability and impacts of metals and metalloids were driven by the process of abatement of lead in the environment. Humans have clear and identifiable sources of exposure from fuels, food and leaded water pipes to lead. Interventions started at that time have dramatically lowered human lead exposure. Attention has now shifted to other metals, in particular, cadmium, which has seen increasing use. It is generally accepted that food crops grown on cadmium containing soils or soils naturally rich in this metal are the major source of exposure to humans other than exposure from smoking of cigarettes. This mini-review gives a summary and commentary on early studies on effects of lead on haem metabolism that provide us the clue to why investigations of the impacts of other toxic heavy metals and metalloids such as cadmium and arsenic on different human cytochrome P450 forms have become of great interest at the current time. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To explore the relationship between family average income (FAI; an index of socio-economic status) and body mass index (BMI; a widely used, inexpensive indicator of weight status) above the healthy weight range in a region of Mainland China. Design: Population-based cross-sectional study, conducted between October 1999 and March 2000 on a sample of regular local residents aged 35 years or older who were selected by random cluster sampling. Setting: Forty-five administrative villages selected from three urban districts and two rural counties of Nanjing municipality, Mainland China, with a regional population of 5.6 million. Subjects: In total, 29 340 subjects participated; 67.7% from urban and 32.3% from rural areas; 49.8% male and 50.2% female. The response rate among eligible participants was 90.1%. Results: The proportion of participants classified as overweight was 30.5%, while 7.8% were identified as obese. After adjusting for possible confounding variables (age, gender, area of residence, educational level, occupational and leisure-time physical activity, daily vegetable consumption and frequency of red meat intake), urban participants were more likely to be overweight or obese relative to their rural counterparts, more women than men were obese, and participants in the lowest FAI tertile were the least likely to be above the healthy weight range. Conclusions: The proportion of adults with BMI above the healthy weight range was positively related to having a higher socio-economic status (indexed by FAI) in a regional Chinese population.
This study investigates the sense of belonging to a neighbourhood among 9445 women aged 73-78 years participating in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Thirteen items designed to measure sense of neighbourhood were included in the survey of the older women in 1999. Survey data provided a range of measures of demographic, social and health-related factors to assess scale construct validity. Factor analysis showed that seven of the items loaded on one factor that had good face validity and construct validity as a measure of the sense of neighbourhood. Two of the remaining items related to neighbourhood safety and comprised a factor. A better sense of neighbourhood was associated with better physical and mental health, lower stress, better social support and being physically active. Women who had lived longer at their present address had a better sense of belonging to their neighbourhood, as did women living in non-urban areas and who were better able to manage on their income. Feeling safe in the neighbourhood was least likely in urban areas, increased in rural townships, and was most likely in rural and remote areas. Older women living alone felt less safe, as did women who were less able to manage on their income. This study has identified two sets of items that form valid measures of aspects of the social environment of older women, namely the sense of neighbourhood and feelings of safety. These findings make a contribution to our understanding of the relationship between feelings of belonging to a neighbourhood and health in older women. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper examines 116 articles related to sexual and reproductive health translated into English from the Khmer press from April 1997 to February 2004. These excerpts were found in The Mirror, a publication of the non-governmental organisation Open Forum of Cambodia, which collates Grid reviews all issues of the Khmer press on a weekly basis. Five major themes were identified: the politics of women's health, government regulation and control, the sex industry in Cambodia, rape, and the HIV epidemic. Discourse analysis of these articles in the context of other sources and experience allows a gendered exploration of the reporting of sexual and reproductive health and rights issues in Cambodia by the Khmer print media. The reports explore the contested political empowerment of women in this strongly hierarchical society, and the mechanisms used to regulate and control sexual activity. The expanding sex industry and associated sexual trafficking ore reported, together with the corruption of legal structures designed to regulate health systems and protect women and children from sexual exploitation and rope. The growing problem of AIDS and successes in reducing HIV transmission through the collaboration of sex workers in the 100% condom use policy is documented, and the tensions implicit in G Cultural representation of women that both protects and constrains women ore explored. (C) 2004 Reproductive Health Matters. All rights reserved.
A virtual outpatient service has been established in Queensland for the delivery of post-acute burns care to children living in rural and remote areas of the state. The integration of telepaediatrics as a routine service has reduced the need for patient travel to the specialist burns unit situated in Brisbane. We have conducted 293 patient consultations over a period of 3 years. A retrospective review of our experience has shown that post-acute burns care can be delivered using videoconferencing, email and the telephone. Telepaediatric bums services have been valuable in two key areas. The first area involves a programme of routine specialist clinics via videoconference. The second area relates to ad-hoc patient consultations for collaborative management during acute presentations and at times of urgent clinical need. The families of patients have expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the service. Telepaediatric services have helped improve access to specialist services for people living in rural and remote communities throughout Queensland. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
Videoconferencing has become a routine technique for the post-acute burns care of children in Queensland. We compared the agreement between clinical assessments conducted via videoconference and assessments conducted in the conventional, face-to-face manner (FTF). A total of 35 children with a previous burn injury were studied. Twenty-five children received three consecutive assessments: first FTF by a consultant in the outpatient department, then by a second consultant who reviewed the patient via videoconference, and then by the second consultant in person. The second consultant also reviewed another 10 children twice. At each review, the following variables were measured: scar colour, scar thickening, contractures, range of motion, the patient's level of general activity, any breakdown of the graft site, and adequacy of the consultation. Agreement between the two consultants when seeing patients FTF was moderately high, with an overall concordance of 85%. When videoconferencing was used, the level of agreement was almost the same, at 84%. If one consultant reviewed patients FTF first and then via videoconference, the overall concordance was 98%; if the process was reversed, the overall concordance was 97%. This study confirms that the quality of information collected during a videoconference appointment is comparable to that collected during a traditional, FTF appointment for a follow-up burns consultation.