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从控制理论的角度对幅度稳定系统进行了研究 ,提出用黑箱办法 ,结合实验分析控制对象 ,确定其数学模型 ,并依此来设计控制器 ,以达到在保证环路稳定的基础上提高回路增益的目的
A new measurement of proton resonance scattering on Be-7 was performed tip to the center-of-mass energy of 6.7 MeV using the low-energy RI beam facility CRIB (CNS Radioactive Ion Beam separator) at the Center for Nuclear Study of the University of Tokyo. The excitation function of Be-7 + p elastic scattering above 3.5 MeV was measured Successfully for the first time, providing important information about the resonance structure of the B-8 nucleus. The resonances are related to the reaction rate of Be-7(p.gamma)B-8. which is the key reaction in solar B-8 neutrino production. Evidence for the presence of two negative parity states is presented. One of them is a 2(-) state observed as a broad s-wave resonance, the existence of which had been questionable. Its possible effects on the determination of the astrophysical S-factor of Be-7(p.gamma)B-8 at solar energy are discussed. The other state had not been observed in previous measurements, and its spin and parity were determined as 1(-). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A LIBS setup was built in the Institute of Modern Physics. In our experiments, LIBS spectra produced by infrared radiation of Nd : YAG nanosecond laser with 100 and 150 mJ pulse energy, respectively, were measured by fiber optic spectrometer in the ranges of 230-430 run and 430-1080 nm with a delay time of 1.7 and gate width of 2 ms for potato and lily samples prepared by vacuum freeze-dried technique. The lines from different metal elements such as K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Al, Mn and Ti, and nonmetal elements such as C, N, O and H, and some molecular spectra from C-2, CaO, and CN were identified according to their wavelengths. The relative content of the six microelements, Ca, Na, K, Fe, Al, and Mg in the samples were analyzed according to their representative line intensities. By comparison we found that there are higher relative content of Ca and Na in lily samples and higher relative content of Mg in potato samples. The experimental results showed that LIBS technique is a fast and effective means for measuring and comparing the contents of microelements in plant samples.
The combination of ionizing radiation and gene therapy has been investigated. However, there are very few reports about the combination of heavy-ion irradiation and gene therapy. To determine if the pre-exposure to low-dose heavy ion beam enhances the suppression of AdCMV-p53 on non-small lung cancer (NSLC), the cells pre-irradiated or non-irradiated were infected with 20, 40 MOI of AdCMV-p53. Survival fraction and the relative biology effect (RBE) were determined by clonogenic assay. The results showed that the proportions of p53 positive cells in C-12(6+) beam induced AdCMV-p53 infected cells were more than 90%, which were significantly more than those in gamma-ray induced AdCMV-p53 infected cells. The pre-exposure to low-dose 12C6+ beam significantly prevented the G(0)/G(1) arrest and activated G(2)/M checkpoints. The pre-exposure to C-12(6+) beam significantly improved cell to apoptosis. RBEs for the C-12(6+)+ AdCMV-p53 infection groups were 30%-60%,20% -130% and 30%-70% more than those for the C-12(6+)_irradiated only, AdCMV-p53 infected only, and gamma-irradiation induced AdCMVp53 infected groups, respectively. The data suggested that the pre-exposure to low-dose C-12(6+) beam significantly promotes exogenous p53 expression in NSLC, and the suppression of AdCMV-p53 gene therapy on NSLC.
The neutron-rich target-like isotope Th-236 has been produced in the U-238-2p multinucleon transfer reaction between a 60 MeV/u O-18 beam and natural U-238 targets. The activities of thorium were determined after radiochemical separation of Th from the mixture of uranium and reaction products. The Th-236 isotope was identified by the characteristic gamma-rays of 642.2, 687.6 and 229.6 keV. The production cross section of Th-236 was determined to be 250 +/- 50 mu b.
Laser-induced breakdown plasma is produced by using Q-switched Nd: YAG laser operating at 532 nm, which interacts with the Al alloy sample target in air. The spectral lines in the 230-440 nm wavelength range have been identified, and based on the calibration-free method, the mass concentration of Al alloy are obtained, which is in good agreement with the standard value of the sample.
In this paper, we studied the changes in the photoluminescence spectra of the Ar+ ion implanted monocrystalline sapphire annealed at different atmospheres and different temperatures. Single crystals of sapphire (Al2O3) with the (1 0 (1) over bar 0) (m-samples) orientation were implanted at 623 K with 110 keV Ar+ ions to a fluence of 9.5 x 10(16) ions/cm(2). Photoluminescence measurement of the as-implanted sample shows a new emission band at 506 nm, which is attributed to the production of interstitial Al atoms. The intensity of emission band at 506 nm first increased then decreased with increase in annealing temperature. For the same annealing temperature, the intensity of PL peak at 506 nm of the sample annealed in air was higher than the sample annealed in vacuum. The experimental results show that the intensity of the PL peak at 506 nm of Ar-implanted sapphire can be enhanced by subsequent annealing with an enhancement of nearly 20 times. The influence of thermal annealing of the Ar-implanted samples on the new 506 nm emission band was discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) as a powerful analytical technique is applied to analyze trace-elements in fresh plant samples. We investigate the LIBS spectra of fresh holly leaves and observe more than 430 lines emitted from 25 elements and molecules in the region 230-438 nm. The influence of laser wavelength on LIBS applied to semi-quantitative analysis of trace-element contents in plant samples is studied. The results show that the UV laser has lower relative standard deviations and better repeatability for semi-quantitative analysis of trace-element contents in plant samples. This work may be helpful for improving the quantitative analysis power of LIBS applied to plant samples.
新核素的合成及衰变性质的研究一直是核物理科学的前沿领域,它对于人类拓广对原子核运动规律的认识有着十分重要的意义。本文首先概述了新核素合成的意义、方法,并简要阐述了一种奇异的衰变方式—β~-延发裂变,为实验部分的论述提供理论基础。在实验部分,本文阐述了用放射化学方法研究了钍、钡、镭等复杂反应产物的化学分离。通过在Th的分离中引用PMBP萃取和反萃体系,并采用氧化还原体系有效地去除了绝大多数杂质元素,特别是非常好的去除了碘和溴离子的沾污,较好地完成了Th与其它反应产物的分离。对Ba、Ra的分离主要采用快速的阳离子交换流程,达到了满意的分离效果。对用中能~(18)O离子束照射铀、钍的反应产物进行分离,对分离出的钍、钡、镭样品进行了γ(X)单谱和时间序列谱测量。并对记录下来的样品的谱图进行了分析。使用上述方法,我们在兰州重离子加速器(HIRFL)上用~(18)O离子照射重铀酸铵靶,通过多核子转移反应,首次合成并鉴别了新核素不相识~(238)Th。 同时通过不同的反应道产生~(237)Th,并对~(237)Th的半衰期进行了测定;在HIRFL上用~(18)O离子照射氧化钍靶对~(230)Ra的子体~(230)Ac的β~-延发裂变现象进行了观测,在被Ra样品爆光的云母径迹探测器上观察到了两个裂变径迹,从ThO_2靶中用三次BaCl_2沉淀法分离出钡、使用γ谱学这技术测定了十多个Ba的放射性同位素的截面。
本文利用Nd:YAG纳秒激光器与配有CCD探测器的四通道光纤光谱仪建立了一套可用于植物样品激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)测量的实验装置。基于该实验装置,论文着重开展了激光参数、探测角度、延迟时间等对LIBS 光谱影响以及植物样品LIBS光谱定性、定量分析两方面的实验研究工作。通过实验研究发现:1、在某一激光能量点处,LIBS有最大的相对光谱强度;2、红外(IR)激光击穿阈值要高于紫外(UV)激光,并且IR激光产生的LIBS光谱中连续谱强度也强于UV激光;3、粒子谱线信噪比随时间演化的方式与其产生机制有密切关系;4、光纤与样品表面法线方向夹角越小越容易获得信噪比大的光谱。对所获得的植物样品LIBS光谱分析得到以下结论:1、在230~1080nm范围内,从苹果表皮样品的LIBS中观测到了380余条谱线,鉴别分析出二十多种元素和分子;2、对经过真空冻干处理的三种水果和两种蔬菜样品中的K、Ca、Fe、Na、Mg、Al六种微量元素相对含量分别进行了比较。实验结果表明LIBS技术是分析比较植物样品中微量元素含量的一种有效方法
本论文从内容上可以分为两大部分:第一部分:对近球形核~(143)Pm高自旋态进行的在束γ研究。这一部分是本文的重点。利用能量为82和90 MeV的~(19)F束流,通过融合蒸发反应~(128)Te (~(19)F,4nγ) ~(143)Pm布局~(143)Pm的高自旋态。利用联合在束装置(JIBGE)的10套带BGO反康的HPGe探测器进行了标准在束γ谱学测量,包括γ射线的激发函数、γ单谱、γ-γ-t符合谱以及DCO测量。在已有工作的基础上,建立了~(143)Pm激发能高达10.5 MeV,自旋约为(61/2)h的高自旋态能级结构。观测到了28条新的跃迁能级和48条新的γ射线。对两个已知的同质异能态寿命进行了提取,并在8 MeV激发能附近进行了高自旋态同质异能态的搜索。以~(142)Nd,~(144)Sm为核实,用零级弱耦合模型对~(143)Pm的晕态能级结构进行了定量的解释。计算表明,直到激发能Ex = 6.77 MeV,自旋宇称J~π = (37/2~+)的晕态能级都可以用弱耦合模型进行很好的解释。但是,对于更高激发能的能级,组态情况要复杂的多,有出现N = 82中子闭壳打破的可能。同时,利用大基壳模型OXBASH程序对其能级结构进行了计算和讨论,其结果支持弱耦合模型的假设。第二部分:利用中能重离子的多核子转移反应,(~(186)W-2p + 2n),(~(238)U-2p + 2n)对丰中子核~(186)Hf和~(238)Th进行了合成和鉴别。测量它们的半衰期分别为(2.6 ± 1.2) min和 (9.4 ± 2.0) min,与用质子一中子准粒子随机相近似方法的预言值是相符的。同时,对β延发裂变先驱核~(230)Ac进行了实验研究。观测到了它的两个裂变事件,得到~(230)Acβ延发裂变几率为(1.19 ± 0.85) * 10~(-8)。从而使~(230)Ac成为世界上第一种被确认了的基态β延发裂变先驱核。