991 resultados para 7140-203
In this paper, we report on the realisation of a free space deposition process (FSD). For the first time the use of a moving support structure to deposit tracks of metal starting from a substrate and extending into free space is characterised. The ability to write metal shapes in free space has wide ranging applications in additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping where the tracks can be layered to build overhanging features without the use of fixed support structures (such as is used in selective laser melting (SLM) and stereo lithography (SLA)). We demonstrate and perform a preliminary characterisation of the process in which a soldering iron was used to deposit lead free solder tracks. The factors affecting the stability of tracks and the effect of operating parameters, temperature, velocity, initial track starting diameter and starting volume were measured. A series of 10 tracks at each setting were compared with a control group of tracks; the track width, taper and variation between tracks were compared. Notable results in free space track deposition were that the initial track diameter and volume affected the repeatability and quality of tracks. The standard deviation of mean track width of tracks from the constrained initial diameter group were half that of the unconstrained group. The amount of material fed to the soldering iron before commencing deposition affected the taper of tracks. At an initial volume of 7 mm3 and an initial track diameter of 0.8 mm, none of the ten tracks deposited broke or showed taper > ∼1°. The maximum deposition velocity for free space track deposition using lead-free solder was limited to 1.5 mm s-1. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
采用声学探测的方法,进行中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)繁殖群体数量的估算。2005~2007年,第1次产卵前的资源量分别为235尾、217尾和203尾;第1次产卵后的资源量分别为157尾、157尾和102尾。采用食卵鱼解剖统计和股分析的方法对中华鲟的自然繁殖规模进行估算,其结果为,2005~2007年间中华鲟的产卵量分别为356万粒、119.6万粒和238.6万粒。结合历史相关研究数据,对近10年的中华鲟繁殖群体数量和繁殖规模的变动趋势进行分析,结果显示,在20世纪90年代中期,第1次产卵
Data quality (DQ) assessment can be significantly enhanced with the use of the right DQ assessment methods, which provide automated solutions to assess DQ. The range of DQ assessment methods is very broad: from data profiling and semantic profiling to data matching and data validation. This paper gives an overview of current methods for DQ assessment and classifies the DQ assessment methods into an existing taxonomy of DQ problems. Specific examples of the placement of each DQ method in the taxonomy are provided and illustrate why the method is relevant to the particular taxonomy position. The gaps in the taxonomy, where no current DQ methods exist, show where new methods are required and can guide future research and DQ tool development.
采用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳对栉江珧(Atrina pectinata Linnaeus)消化盲囊进行了5 种酶(SOD、EST、MDH、ME、LDH) 的同工酶分析。结果表明不同个体的同工酶表达呈现多态现象,个体间酶带带型既有相一致的共同特征谱带,又有较多的变异,5种酶均可把样品大致区分为差异明显的2 种或3 种类型,而且酶谱类型与形态类型基本对应,同工酶表达上的多样性表明栉江珧种内在生化遗传上存在较大的变异, 具有较丰富的遗传多态性。
The geological profile of many submerged slopes on the continental shelf consists of normally to lightly overconsolidated clays with depths ranging from a few meters to hundreds of meters. For these soils, earthquake loading can generate significant excess pore water pressures at depth, which can bring the slope to a state of instability during the event or at a later time as a result of pore pressure redistribution within the soil profile. Seismic triggering mechanisms of landslide initiation for these soils are analyzed with the use of a new simplified model for clays which predicts realistic variations of the stress-strain-strength relationships as well as pore pressure generation during dynamic loading in simple shear. The proposed model is implemented in a finite element program to analyze the seismic response of submarine slopes. These analyses provide an assessment of the critical depth and estimated displacements of the mobilized materials and thus are important components for the estimation of submarine landslide-induced tsunamis. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report a comparative study of the electronic properties of nominally identical nanowire field-effect transistor (NW-FET) devices produced using 50 nm diameter InAs nanowires that differ only in phase: ZB on the one hand, and WZ on the other. We find much higher current densities in the ZB NW-FETs, and on/off ratios of up to 100. © 2010 IEEE.
Predictive models of friction-induced vibration have proved elusive despite decades of research. There are many mechanisms that can cause brake squeal; friction coupled systems can be highly sensitive to small perturbations; and the dynamic properties of friction at the contact zone seem to be poorly understood. This paper describes experimental and theoretical work aimed at identifying the key ingredients of a predictive model. A large-scale experiment was carried out to identify squeal initiations using a pin-on-disc test rig: approximately 30,000 squeal initiations were recorded, covering a very wide range of frequencies. The theoretical model allows for completely general linear systems coupled at a single sliding point by friction: squeal is predicted using a linearised stability analysis. Results will be presented that show that almost all observed squeal events can be predicted within this model framework, but that some subsets require innovative friction modelling: predictions are highly dependent on the particular choice of friction model and its associated parameters. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.
1979至1982年间,用瓦氏雅罗鱼、草鱼、链鱼、鲤鱼中的一种或多种精液同鲮鱼新鲜精液混合对鲮鱼成熟卵授精,使其发育成苗,并培育成鱼种。经养殖表明,有几组混精授精得到的鲮鱼,其抗寒性能比不混精授精的鲮鱼强;其中以四种混合精液授精以得混精鲮的耐寒能力最高。现将耐寒能力低达 5.5℃的混精鲮鱼选出,供进一步选育用。最后,根据各组试验结果,提出进一步工作的意见。
<正> 中国胭脂鱼Myxocyprinus asiaticus(Bleeker)是迄今知道胭脂鱼科(Catostomidae)分布于我国的一个种,而该科的大多数种属分布于北美洲,总计有14个现存属,大约80个种(Miller,1958)。 方炳文(Fang,1934)对中国胭脂鱼除了发表一个头骨及下咽齿的照片外,主要是阐明这种鱼的体形随不同体长(实际是不同龄期)而改变的事实。Nelson(1948)作了胭脂鱼韦氏器的比较解剖,他提到中国胭脂鱼第二和第三脊椎具有分离的椎体和第一脊椎存在一对横突之外,只简单地