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An automatic email handling system (AutoRouter) was introduced at a national counselling service in Australia. In 2003, counsellors responded to a total of 7421 email messages. Over nine days in early May 2004 the administrator responsible for the management of the manual email counselling service recorded the time spent on managing email messages. The AutoRouter was then introduced. Since the implementation of the AutoRouter the administrator's management role has become redundant, an average of 12 h 5 min per week of staff time has been saved. There have been further savings in supervisor time. Counsellors were taking an average of 6.2 days to respond to email messages (n=4307), with an average delay of 1.2 days from the time counsellors wrote the email to when the email was sent. Thus the response was sent on average 7.4 days after receipt of the original client email message. A significant decrease in response time has been noted since implementation of the AutoRouter, with client responses now taking an average of 5.4 days, a decrease of 2.0 days. Automatic message handling appears to be a promising method of managing the administration of a steadily increasing email counselling service.
We examined the feasibility of a low-cost, store-and-forward teledermatology service for general practitioners (GPs) in regional Queensland. Digital pictures and a brief case history were transmitted by email. A service coordinator carried out quality control checks and then forwarded these email messages to a consultant dermatologist. On receiving a clinical response from the dermatologist, the service coordinator returned the message to the referring GP. The aim was to provide advice to rural Gps within one working day. Over six months, 63 referrals were processed by the teledermatology service, covering a wide range of dermatological conditions. In the majority of cases the referring doctors were able to treat the condition after receipt of email advice from the dermatologist; however, in 10 cases (16%) additional images or biopsy results were requested because image quality was inadequate. The average time between a referral being received and clinical advice being provided to the referring GPs was 46 hours. The number of referrals in the present study, 1.05 per month per site, was similar to that reported in other primary care studies. While the use of low-cost digital cameras and public email is feasible, there may be other issues, for example remuneration, which will militate against the widespread introduction of primary care teledermatology in Australia.
A second-opinion child psychiatry service was piloted for six months in the northern-most two-thirds of Queensland. It provided specialist expertise by telehealth to local multidisciplinary teams of mental health staff. During the study period, 28 videoconferences were performed by the service: nine for administrative purposes, two for educational purposes, and 17 for direct and indirect clinical applications. The mean time between a referral being made and a consultation being performed was 4.7 days (range 1-13), A survey administered to referring and non-referring mental health workers showed that the major barriers to service implementation included the limited allied health applications that were offered, a perceived lack of communication during the implementation phase of the service, and the creation of a new referral network that did not conform to traditional referral patterns in the north of Queensland.
Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) have been used as passive air samplers of semivolatile organic compounds in a range of studies. However, due to a lack of calibration data for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), SPMD data have not been used to estimate air concentrations of target PAHs. In this study, SPMDs were deployed for 32 days at two sites in a major metropolitan area in Australia. High-volume active sampling systems (HiVol) were co-deployed at both sites. Using the HiVol air concentration data from one site, SPMD sampling rates were measured for 12 US EPA Priority Pollutant PAHs and then these values were used to determine air concentrations at the second site from SPMD concentrations. Air concentrations were also measured at the second site with co-deployed HiVols to validate the SPMD results. PAHs mostly associated with the vapour phase (Fluorene to Pyrene) dominated both the HiVol and passive air samples. Reproducibility between replicate passive samplers was satisfactory (CV < 20%) for the majority of compounds. Sampling rates ranged between 0.6 and 6.1 m(3) d(-1). SPMD-based air concentrations were calculated at the second site for each compound using these sampling rates and the differences between SPMD-derived air concentrations and those measured using a HiVol were, on average, within a factor of 1.5. The dominant processes for the uptake of PAHs by SPMDs were also assessed. Using the SPMD method described herein, estimates of particulate sorbed airborne PAHs with five rings or greater were within 1.8-fold of HiVol measured values. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two water quality monitoring strategies designed to sample hydrophobic organic contaminants have been applied and evaluated across an expected concentration gradient in PAHs in the Moreton region. Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) that sequester contaminants via passive diffusion across a membrane were used to evaluate the concentration of PAHs at four and five sites in spring and summer 2001/2002, respectively. In addition, induction of hepatic cytochrome P4501, EROD activity, in yellowfin bream, Acanthopagrus australis, captured in the vicinity of SPMD sampling sites following deployment in summer was used as a biomarker of exposure to PAHs and related chemicals. SPMDs identified a clear and reproducible gradient in PAH contamination with levels increasing from east to west in Moreton Bay and upstream in the Brisbane River. The highest PAH concentrations expressed as B(a)P-toxicity equivalents (TEQs) were found in urban areas, which were also furthest upstream and experienced the least flushing. Cytochrome P4501 induction in A. australis was similar at all sites. The absence of clear trends in EROD activity may be attributable to factors not measured in this study or variable residency time of A. australis in contaminated areas. It is also possible that fish in the Moreton region are displaying enzymatic adaptation, which has been reported previously for fish subjected to chronic exposure to organic contaminants. These potential interferences complicate interpretation of EROD activity from feral biota. It is, therefore, suggested that future monitoring combine the two methods by applying passive sampler extracts to in vitro EROD assays. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Modulation of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system by cadmium was investigated in male, adult DBA/2J mice treated with a single dose (16 Amol/kg body weight, i.p.) of cadmium chloride (CdCl2) at various time points. The total CYP content of kidney microsomes started to decrease 4 hours earlier than in the liver (P < 0.05), with maximal decreases at 24 hours of 56% and 85% in the liver and kidney, respectively. In contrast, both hepatic and renal coumarin 7-hydroxylase (COH) activity (indicative of CYP2A5 activity) relative to total CYP content started to progressively increase at 8 hours, with renal activity 61 times higher than the hepatic activity. Maximum increases were observed, 15-fold in the liver and 64-fold in the kidney after 24 hours. Liver and kidney CYP2A5 mRNA levels increased maximally 12 and 4 hours after treatment, respectively and decreased to almost half 6 hours later. In contrast, kidney and liver CYP2A5 protein levels increased maximally at 18 and 24 hours. This study demonstrates that hepatic and renal CYP2A5 is upregulated by cadmium with a faster response in the kidney than in the liver. This observation is concordant with the fact that kidney is the target organ for cadmium toxicity. The observed increase in the mRNA but not in protein levels after maximal induction suggests involvement of post-transcriptional mechanisms in the regulation of CYP2A5 expression by cadmium.