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Beringian climate and environmental history are poorly characterized at its easternmost edge. Lake sediments from the northern Yukon Territory have recorded sedimentation, vegetation, summer temperature and precipitation changes since ~16 cal ka BP. Herb-dominated tundra persisted until ~14.7 cal ka BP with mean July air temperatures less than or equal to 5 °C colder and annual precipitation 50 to 120 mm lower than today. Temperatures rapidly increased during the Bølling/Allerød interstadial towards modern conditions, favoring establishment of Betula-Salix shrub tundra. Pollen-inferred temperature reconstructions recorded a pronounced Younger Dryas stadial in east Beringia with a temperature drop of ~1.5 °C (~2.5 to 3.0 °C below modern conditions) and low net precipitation (90 to 170 mm) but show little evidence of an early Holocene thermal maximum in the pollen record. Sustained low net precipitation and increased evaporation during early Holocene warming suggest a moisture-limited spread of vegetation and an obscured summer temperature maximum. Northern Yukon Holocene moisture availability increased in response to a retreating Laurentide Ice Sheet, postglacial sea level rise, and decreasing summer insolation that in turn led to establishment of Alnus-Betula shrub tundra from ~5 cal ka BP until present, and conversion of a continental climate into a coastal-maritime climate near the Beaufort Sea.
A 560-meter-thick sequence of Cenomanian through Pleistocene sediments cored at DSDP Site 462 in the Nauru Basin overlies a 500-meter-thick complex unit of altered basalt flows, diabase sills, and thin intercalated volcaniclastic sediments. The Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments contain a high proportion of calcareous fossils, although the site has apparently been below the calcite compensation depth (CCD) from the late Mesozoic to the Pleistocene. This fact and the contemporaneous fluctuations of the calcite and opal accumulation rates suggest an irregular influx of displaced pelagic sediments from the shallow margins of the basin to its center, resulting in unusually high overall sedimentation rates for such a deep (5190 m) site. Shallow-water benthic fossils and planktonic foraminifers both occur as reworked materials, but usually are not found in the same intervals of the sediment section. We interpret this as recording separate erosional interludes in the shallow-water and intermediate-water regimes. Lower and upper Cenozoic hiatuses also are believed to have resulted from mid-water events. High accumulation rates of volcanogenic material during Santonian time suggest a corresponding significant volcanic episode. The coincidence of increased carbonate accumulation rates during the Campanian and displacement of shallow-water fossils during the late Campanian-early Maestrichtian with the volcanic event implies that this early event resulted in formation of the island chains around the Nauru Basin, which then served as platforms for initial carbonate deposition.
A record based on counts of the relative abundance of the dominant calcareous nannofossil taxa Coccolithus pelagicus and Reticulofenestra spp. in sediments recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 747A (Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean) is established in this paper. This record (17 m.y. long) virtually spans the entire Miocene. Broad, steplike variations in the abundance of C. pelagicus range between 0% and 96%. Based on these variations, five stratigraphic units characterized by high abundance in C. pelagicus are delineated. We suggest that these variations are caused by water-mass movements (such as the north/south shifting of a front). This pronounced signal is compared with paleoceanographic events revealed by isotopic (d18O and d13C) studies. The five defined units are tentatively correlated to well-known global isotopic events. In particular, Units A and D correlate respectively with the Oligocene/Miocene boundary glaciation and the middle Miocene cooling event. Time-series analysis indicates the presence of the three main periodic components of the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. A 200-k.y. cycle is also present. The stratigraphic and paleoceanographic significance of this record is discussed.