946 resultados para 2-THIOBENZYL-4,6-DIMETHYL-PYRIMIDINE
Läxor är en omdiskuterad fråga i den svenska skoldebatten med många argument både för och emot och för att kunna ta ställning i frågan är det viktigt att det finns tillgänglig kunskap om läxans för- och nackdelar. Detta en empirisk studie om lärares inställning till läxor och ordinlärning i engelskundervisning i grundskolans årskurs 4-6. Tidigare forskning om läxor och ordinlärning beskrivs och under studien har sju verksamma engelsklärare intervjuats. Metoden som används är en strukturerad intervju, där frågor har antecknats på förhand innan intervjun genomförts. Detta har gjorts för att minimera risken att informanternas svar påverkas av forskarens följdfrågor. Intervjuerna har spelats in och transkriberats för att sedan analyseras utifrån studiens teoretiska perspektiv, kognitiv lingvistik. Resultatet av analysen redovisas i studien och diskuteras med koppling till tidigare forskning och det teoretiska perspektivet. Resultatet av studien är att lärare idag använder sig av flera olika typer av läxor i engelska för att främja elevernas ordinlärning och glosläxan är den vanligast förekommande varianten. Lärarnas åsikter och föreställningar om läxor och ordinlärning skiljer sig mycket, vilket även reflekteras i forskningen om huruvida läxor bör användas och hur ordkunskap bäst undervisas.
Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie hade som syfte att synliggöra hur verksamma lärare i årskurs 4–6 motiverar sina val av läsinlärningsmetoder. Det var fem lärare som intervjuades via telefon eller genom personligt möte. Lärarnas svar transkriberades och sammanställdes med hjälp av färgkodning för att på detta sätt kunna se likheter och skillnader mellan lärarnas svar på de olika frågorna. Det som framkom av dessa intervjuer och i analysen var att lärare i första hand använder sig av beprövad erfarenhet och sin egen tysta kunskap om sina elever när de väljer undervisningsmetod.
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur lärare på mellanstadiet ser på användandet av en matematik kopplad till elevers vardag och erfarenheter. Vad betyder det för dem, använder de det i sin undervisning, anser de att det hjälper eller hindrar eleven i sin inlärningsprocess? Undersökningen har varit empirisk och utförts genom intervjuer med fem lärare som alla har behörighet att undervisa i matematik på mellanstadiet. De resultat som framkommit visar att lärare använder sig av en konkretiserad matematik genom att ta hjälp av olika material och koppla uppgifter till de intressen och erfarenheter eleverna bär med sig. En del lärare menar att vissa elever påverkas negativt av det här då det finns vissa delar i en konkretiserad, vardagsanknuten, matematik som gör att de kan uppleva problem och förvirring. Andra lärare menar istället att de märker hur elevernas förståelse ökar och att de tycker att matematik är roligt när de ser hur skolmatematiken kan kopplas samman och relateras till deras vardag och närliggande miljö.
This publication is volume 2, issue 4 of the University of South Carolina Publications. Series III. Biology. on taxonomic studies of the flora and fauna of South Carolina.
A bimonthly literary magazine edited by Zhou Shoujuan 周瘦鵑, featuring fiction, topical articles, and entertainment features, published from September 1921 through November 1925.
In 2007 some of us were fortunate enough to be in Dundee for the Royal College of Nursing’s Annual International Nursing Research Conference. A highlight of that conference was an enactment of the process and context debate. The chair asked for volunteers and various members of the audience came forward giving the impression that they were nurses and that it was a chance selection. The audience accepted these individuals as their representatives and once they had gathered on stage we all expected the debate to begin. But the large number of researchers in the audience gave little thought to the selection and recruitment process they had just witnessed. Then the selected representatives stood up and sang A cappella. Suddenly the context was different and we questioned the process. The point was made: process or context, or both?
The structures of the 1:1 anhydrous salts of nicotine (NIC) with 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNSA) and 5-sulfosalicylic acid (5-SSA), namely (1R,2S)-1-methyl-2-(3-pyridyl)-1H-pyrrolidin-1-ium 2-carboxy-4,6-dinitrophenolate, C10H15N2+ C7H3N2O7-, (I) and (1R,2S)-1-methyl-2-(3-pyridyl)-1H-pyrrolidin-1-ium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate, C10H15N2+ C7H5O6S-, (II) are reported. The asymmetric units of both (I) and (II) comprise two independent nicotinium cations (C and D) and either two DNSA or two 5-SSA anions (A and B), respectively. One of the DNSA anions shows a 25% rotational disorder in the benzene ring system. In the crystal of (I), inter-unit pyrrolidinium N-H...N(pyridine) hydrogen bonds generate zigzag NIC cation chains which extend along a while the DNSA anions are not involved in any formal inter-species hydrogen bonding but instead form pi--pi associated stacks which parallel the NIC chains along a [ring centroid separation, 3.857(2)A]. Weak C-H...O interactions between chain substructures give an overall three-dimensional structure. With (II), A and B anions form independent zigzag chains with C and D cations, respectively, through carboxylic acid O-H...N(pyridine) hydrogen bonds. These chains, which extend along b are pseudo-centrosymmetrically related and give pi--pi interactions between the benzene rings of anions A and B and the pyridine rings of the NIC cations C and D, respectively [ring centroid separations, 3.6422(19) and 3.7117(19)A]. Present also are weak intermolecular C-H...O hydrogen-bonding interactions between the chains, giving an overall three-dimensional structure.
The CJNN is one of only two international nursing journals with a focus on neuroscience nursing. We at CJNN (the editorial staff and CANN board of directors) have had to make the difficult decision to reduce publication frequency from quarterly (four times per year) down to three editions per year. The reason behind this decision relates to the current lack of submitted articles for peer review and potential publication in the journal; it is difficult to put out a quality edition with only one or two new manuscripts. We would like to encourage Canadian neuroscience nurses to share their insights and expertise with colleagues by writing about challenges and achievements in patient care, experiences encountered on a daily basis, or about unique/interesting cases that may inform others in their practice.
Background Foot complications have been found to be predictors of mobility impairment and falls in community dwelling elderly patients. However, fewer studies have investigated the link between foot complications and mobility impairment in hospital in patient populations. The aim of this paper was to investigate the associations between mobility impairment and various foot complications in general inpatient populations. Methods Eligible participants were all adults admitted overnight, for any reason, into five diverse hospitals on one day; excluding maternity, mental health and cognitively impaired patients. Participants underwent a foot examination to clinically diagnose different foot complications; including foot wounds, infections, deformity, peripheral arterial disease and peripheral neuropathy. They were also surveyed on social determinant, medical history, self-care, footwear, foot complication history risk factors, and, mobility impairment defined as requiring a mobility aid for mobilisation prior to hospitalisation. Results Overall, 733 participants consented; mean(±SD) age 62(±19) years, 408 (55.8%) male, 172 (23.5%) diabetes. Mobility impairment was present in 242 (33.2%) participants; diabetes populations reported more mobility impairment than non-diabetes populations (40.7% vs 30.9%, p < 0.05). In a backwards stepwise multivariate analysis, and controlling for other risk factors, those people with mobility impairment were independently associated with increasing years of age (OR = 1.04 (95% CI) (1.02-1.05)), male gender (OR = 1.7 (1.2-2.5)), being born in Australia (OR = 1.7 (1.1-2.8), vision impairment (2.0 (1.2-3.1)), peripheral neuropathy (OR = 3.1 (2.0-4.6) and foot deformity (OR = 2.0 (1.3-3.0). Conclusions These findings support the results of other large studies investigating community dwelling elderly patients that peripheral neuropathy and foot deformity are independently associated with mobility impairment and potentially falls. Furthermore the findings suggest routine clinical diagnosis of foot complications as defined by national diabetic foot guidelines were sufficient to determine these associated foot complication risk factors for mobility impairment. Further research is required to establish if these foot complication risk factors for mobility impairment are predictors of actual falls in the inpatient environment.
Tabella das produções dos tres Reinos da Natureza, que ha na capitania de Santa Catharina, escriptas por ordem alphabetica : reino vegetal, reino animal. Mappa das producções, consumo, e exportação da Capitania de Santa Catharina, no anno de 1810. Calculo aproximado das despezas da companhia, durante a primeira epocha, em conformidade do disposto nos artigos 2, 3., 4., 6., do appendice.
The problem of global optimization of M phase-incoherent signals in N complex dimensions is formulated. Then, by using the geometric approach of Landau and Slepian, conditions for optimality are established for N = 2 and the optimal signal sets are determined for M = 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
The method is the following: The signals are assumed to be equally probable and to have equal energy, and thus are represented by points ṡi, i = 1, 2, …, M, on the unit sphere S1 in CN. If Wik is the halfspace determined by ṡi and ṡk and containing ṡi, i.e. Wik = {ṙϵCN:| ≥ | ˂ṙ, ṡk˃|}, then the Ʀi = ∩/k≠i Wik, i = 1, 2, …, M, the maximum likelihood decision regions, partition S1. For additive complex Gaussian noise ṅ and a received signal ṙ = ṡiejϴ + ṅ, where ϴ is uniformly distributed over [0, 2π], the probability of correct decoding is PC = 1/πN ∞/ʃ/0 r2N-1e-(r2+1)U(r)dr, where U(r) = 1/M M/Ʃ/i=1 Ʀi ʃ/∩ S1 I0(2r | ˂ṡ, ṡi˃|)dσ(ṡ), and r = ǁṙǁ.
For N = 2, it is proved that U(r) ≤ ʃ/Cα I0(2r|˂ṡ, ṡi˃|)dσ(ṡ) – 2K/M. h(1/2K [Mσ(Cα)-σ(S1)]), where Cα = {ṡϵS1:|˂ṡ, ṡi˃| ≥ α}, K is the total number of boundaries of the net on S1 determined by the decision regions, and h is the strictly increasing strictly convex function of σ(Cα∩W), (where W is a halfspace not containing ṡi), given by h = ʃ/Cα∩W I0 (2r|˂ṡ, ṡi˃|)dσ(ṡ). Conditions for equality are established and these give rise to the globally optimal signal sets for M = 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
The article focuses on the types of training needed in African aquaculture development. The author suggested that rather than needing less training, extension agents and others who operate in the idiosyncratic world of the poor African farmer, need a far deeper understanding of fish culture (particularly the basics of pond dynamics and ecology) than do those who can take advantage of industrialized-country infrastructure.
Two studies were conducted in consecutive years over the time period 14 January to 1 July to determine whether labor-savings and fish growth enhancement could be achieved by stocking Tilapia rendalli directly into ponds containing weeds left from a dry period. Six replicates 200 sq. m ponds located at the Malawi National Aquaculture Centre, Domasi were drained, left dry for 63 days and natural growth of weeds was allowed. All ponds were stocked with 200 T. rendalli fingerlings (study 1) or adults (study 2) averaging 4.6 g (40 mm TL) and 47.7 (130 mm TL), respectively. For T. rendalli juveniles, final standing stock, growth and offspring production were significantly (P<0.05) better in fed than in weedy ponds. Average weight of fingerlings were significantly (P<0.05) different between the two treatments. For T. rendalli adults, final standing stock, growth and offspring production were not affected by the presence of weeds.
The article serves as anecdotal directory to the major fisheries, techniques and problems faced by the fishers in the coral reef area of Spermonde Archipelago, Southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia.