991 resultados para 2,6-diclorofenol-indofeno


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INTRODUCTION: Despite significant left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction and cardiomegaly, pulmonary congestion does not seem to be a major finding in Chagas' cardiomyopathy (CC). This study sought to identify echocardiographic parameters associated with pulmonary congestion in CC and in dilated cardiomyopathy of other etiologies, such as non-CC (NCC), and to compare pulmonary venous hypertension between the two entities. METHODS: A total of 130 consecutive patients with CC and NCC, with similar echocardiographic characteristics, were assessed using Doppler echocardiography and chest radiography. Pulmonary venous vessel abnormalities were graded using a previously described pulmonary congestion score, and this score was compared with Doppler echocardiographic parameters. RESULTS: NCC patients were older than CC patients (62.4 ± 13.5 × 47.8 ± 11.2, p = 0.00), and there were more male subjects in the CC group (66.2% × 58.5%, p = 0.4). Pulmonary venous hypertension was present in 41 patients in the CC group (63.1%) and in 63 (96.9%) in the NCC group (p = 0.0), the mean lung congestion score being 3.2 ± 2.3 and 5.9 ± 2.6 (p = 0.0), respectively. On linear regression multivariate analysis, the E/e' ratio (β = 0.13; p = 0.0), LV diastolic diameter (β = 0.06; p = 0.06), left atrial diameter (β = 0.51; p = 0.08), and right ventricular (RV) end-diastolic diameter (β = 0.02; p = 0.48) were the variables that correlated with pulmonary congestion in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary congestion was less significant in patients with CC. The degree of LV of systolic and diastolic dysfunction and the RV diameter correlated with pulmonary congestion in both groups. The E/e' ratio was the hallmark of pulmonary congestion in both groups.


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A potentially renewable and sustainable source of energy is the chemical energy associated with solvation of salts. Mixing of two aqueous streams with different saline concentrations is spontaneous and releases energy. The global theoretically obtainable power from salinity gradient energy due to World’s rivers discharge into the oceans has been estimated to be within the range of 1.4-2.6 TW. Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is one of the emerging, membrane-based, technologies for harvesting the salinity gradient energy. A common RED stack is composed by alternately-arranged cation- and anion-exchange membranes, stacked between two electrodes. The compartments between the membranes are alternately fed with concentrated (e.g., sea water) and dilute (e.g., river water) saline solutions. Migration of the respective counter-ions through the membranes leads to ionic current between the electrodes, where an appropriate redox pair converts the chemical salinity gradient energy into electrical energy. Given the importance of the need for new sources of energy for power generation, the present study aims at better understanding and solving current challenges, associated with the RED stack design, fluid dynamics, ionic mass transfer and long-term RED stack performance with natural saline solutions as feedwaters. Chronopotentiometry was used to determinate diffusion boundary layer (DBL) thickness from diffusion relaxation data and the flow entrance effects on mass transfer were found to avail a power generation increase in RED stacks. Increasing the linear flow velocity also leads to a decrease of DBL thickness but on the cost of a higher pressure drop. Pressure drop inside RED stacks was successfully simulated by the developed mathematical model, in which contribution of several pressure drops, that until now have not been considered, was included. The effect of each pressure drop on the RED stack performance was identified and rationalized and guidelines for planning and/or optimization of RED stacks were derived. The design of new profiled membranes, with a chevron corrugation structure, was proposed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. The performance of the suggested corrugation geometry was compared with the already existing ones, as well as with the use of conductive and non-conductive spacers. According to the estimations, use of chevron structures grants the highest net power density values, at the best compromise between the mass transfer coefficient and the pressure drop values. Finally, long-term experiments with natural waters were performed, during which fouling was experienced. For the first time, 2D fluorescence spectroscopy was used to monitor RED stack performance, with a dedicated focus on following fouling on ion-exchange membrane surfaces. To extract relevant information from fluorescence spectra, parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) was performed. Moreover, the information obtained was then used to predict net power density, stack electric resistance and pressure drop by multivariate statistical models based on projection to latent structures (PLS) modeling. The use in such models of 2D fluorescence data, containing hidden, but extractable by PARAFAC, information about fouling on membrane surfaces, considerably improved the models fitting to the experimental data.


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INTRODUCTION: The emergence of carbapenem resistance mechanisms in Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been outstanding due to the wide spectrum of antimicrobial degradation of these bacteria, reducing of therapeutic options. METHODS: Sixty-one clinical strains of P. aeruginosa isolated from five public hospitals in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, were examined between 2006 and 2010, aiming of evaluating the profiles of virulence, resistance to antimicrobials, presence of metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) genes, and clonal relationship among isolates. RESULTS: A high percentage of virulence factors (34.4% mucoid colonies; 70.5% pyocyanin; 93.4% gelatinase positives; and 72.1% hemolysin positive) and a high percentage of antimicrobial resistance rates (4.9% pan-resistant and 54.1% multi-drug resistant isolates) were observed. Among the 29 isolates resistant to imipenem and/or ceftazidime, 44.8% (13/29) were MBL producers by phenotypic evaluation, and of these, 46.2% (6/13) were positive for the blaSPM-1 gene. The blaIMP and blaVIM genes were not detected. The molecular typing revealed 21 molecular profiles of which seven were detected in distinct hospitals and periods. Among the six positive blaSPM-1 isolates, three presented the same clonal profile and were from the same hospital, whereas the other three presented different clonal profiles. CONCLUSIONS: These results revealed that P. aeruginosa is able to accumulate different resistance and virulence factors, making the treatment of infections difficult. The identification of blaSPM-1 genes and the dissemination of clones in different hospitals, indicate the need for stricter application of infection control measures in hospitals in Recife, Brazil, aiming at reducing costs and damages caused by P. aeruginosa infections.


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Introduction Several cases of acute Chagas disease (ACD) have been reported in the Peruvian Amazon basin. Methods The objective was to describe and investigate 6 ACD cases in children from indigenous Amazon communities in the province of Datem del Marañón in Loreto department (2006-2010). Results The mean age was 3.6 years. All patients had fever, 4/6 hepatomegaly, 2/6 splenomegaly, and 5/6 had trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi on thick smears. The fatality rate was 33.3%. Rhodnius pictipes and Rhodnius robustus adults were found inside the homes and in the peri-domiciles. Conclusions All cases reported were isolated cases. We report a new focus of ACD in indigenous populations.


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Introduction This study investigated the epidemiological and clinical profile of snakebite cases reported from 2007 to 2012 in the municipalities of the Curimataú region, State of Paraíba, in northeastern Brazil. Methods Data were collected from the Health Department of the State of Paraíba using the Injury Notification Information System data banks of the Health Ministry. Results A total of 304 snakebite cases were studied. The cases occurred most frequently from April to June. The genera Bothrops, Crotalus, and Micrurus were responsible for 74.6%, 6.2%, and 1.3% of cases, respectively. Snakebite cases predominated in males living in rural areas and between 10 and 19 years old. The highest incidence of bites occurred on the feet. The majority of the victims received medical assistance within 1 to 3h after being bitten. With regard to severity, 48% of the cases were classified as mild, 26% as moderate, and 2.6% as severe. Successful cures predominated, and no deaths were reported. The average antivenom ampoule dose used for the treatment in some snakebite cases was lower than that recommended by the Health Ministry. Conclusions Although our results show that Paraíba has a good level of medical care, there are serious deficiencies in recording snakebite information. These data indicate the need to improve the recording process for snakebite cases. Further training for health professionals seems to be necessary to optimize their skills in treating snakebite victims.


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Introduction The association between cardiac autonomic and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in Chagas disease (ChD) is controversial. Methods A standardized protocol that includes the Valsalva maneuver, a respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) test, and an echocardiographic examination was used. Spearman correlation coefficients (rho) were used to investigate associations. Results The study population consisted of 118 ChD patients undergoing current medical treatment, with an average LV ejection fraction of 51.4±2.6%. The LV ejection fraction and diastolic dimension were correlated with the Valsalva index (rho=0.358, p<0.001 and rho=-0.266, p=0.004, respectively) and the RSA (rho=0.391, p<0.001 and rho=-0.311, p<0.001, respectively). Conclusions The impairment of LV function is directly associated with a reduction of cardiac autonomic modulation in ChD.


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IntroductionFew studies have examined hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Brazil, and the incidence and risk factors for this type of malignancy vary greatly geographically. In this paper, we report several risk factors associated with HCC diagnosed at the University Hospital in Vitória, ES, Brazil.MethodsWe reviewed 274 cases of HCC (January 1993 to December 2011) in which hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) virus infection and chronic alcoholism were investigated. A diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was confirmed by histology or by the presence of a characteristic pattern on imaging.ResultsHCC with associated liver cirrhosis was noted in 85.4% of cases. The mean ages of men and women were 56.6 years and 57.5 years, respectively. The male-to-female ratio was 5.8:1. Associated risk factors included the following: HBV, 37.6% (alone, 23.4%; associated with chronic alcoholism, 14.2%); HCV, 22.6% (alone, 13.5%; associated with chronic alcoholism, 9.1%), chronic alcoholism, 17.1%, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, 2.6% and cryptogenic, 19.3%. The male-to-female ratio was higher in cases associated with HBV or chronic alcoholism compared with HCV-associated or cryptogenic cases. In 40 cases without associated cirrhosis, the male-to-female ratio and mean age were lower than those in cirrhosis-associated cases.ConclusionsThese results demonstrate that the main risk factor associated with HCC in the State of Espírito Santo is HBV. Chronic alcoholism is an important etiological factor, alone or in association with HBV or HCV infection.


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A malária é uma doença infeciosa transmitida através da picada de um mosquito fêmea Anopheles infetado com o parasita protozoário do género Plasmodium (P.), sendo o P. falciparum a espécie mais mortal. É responsável pela morte de milhares de pessoas por ano, nomeadamente nos países em vias desenvolvimento, países esses que não detêm as condições necessárias para a prática da microscopia ótica em larga escala, que continua nos dias de hoje a ser a técnica de eleição para o diagnóstico da doença. A conceção de testes de baixo custo e de fácil utilização tais como os testes de diagnóstico rápido (TDR) são uma mais-valia no diagnóstico deste tipo de doenças. A presente dissertação centra-se no desenvolvimento de um TDR num formato competitivo, baseado em nanopartículas de ouro (AuNP) funcionalizadas com ácido mercaptoundecanoico (MUA) ou com o pentapétido Cys-Ala-Leu-Asn-Asn (CALNN) e conjugadas com um anticorpo monoclonal anti-PfHRP2 que reconhece especificamente a proteína rica em histidina 2 produzida pelo P. falciparum (PfHRP2). Para isso, utilizou-se uma tecnologia inovadora na conceção do TDR, a tecnologia lab on paper, que utiliza o papel Whatman nº1. Os estudos de estabilidade de AuNP funcionalizadas com citrato de sódio, MUA ou CALNN por variação da força iónica e pH do meio mostraram que o pentapéptido CALNN é o agente de revestimento mais resistente a oscilações de força iónica, comparativamente com o citrato de sódio e o MUA e que apenas as AuNP revestidas com citrato de sódio atingiram o ponto de agregação ao pKa da molécula de revestimento. Os principais resultados obtidos aquando do desenvolvimento do TDR revelaram que o valor de diluição ótima de anticorpo anti-IgG (solução mãe a 11 mg.mL-1) imobilizado na linha de controlo é de 1:40 e 1:90, utilizando para deteção os bionanoconjugados AuNP-MUA-Anticorpo e AuNP-CALNN-Anticorpo, respetivamente. Com a aplicação da solução AuNP-CALNN-Anticorpo visualizou-se o aparecimento de cor vermelha na linha de teste, o que demonstra a deteção do antigénio pelos bionanoconjugados. A deteção ocorreu com a aplicação de 2,5 μL de PfHRP2 a 1,5 mg.mL-1. Numa análise global após a aplicação de culturas de sangue não infetadas ou infetadas com o parasita da malária, obteve-se cor na linha de controlo com uma diluição de 1:20 do anticorpo anti-IgG imobilizado. Em relação à linha de teste, na presença de culturas não infetadas, obteve-se sinal na mesma aplicando bionanoconjugados AuNP-MUA-Anticorpo e 2,5 μL de PfHRP2 a 2,6 mg.ml-1.


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RESUMO - Introdução: A integração de cuidados de saúde tem sido o modelo organizacional procurado para ajudar os sistemas de saúde a ultrapassar os constantes desafios impostos e para obterem ganhos na qualidade dos cuidados e nos resultados para os utentes. A taxa de mortalidade precoce no ambiente hospitalar é um indicador que permite avaliar a performance dos sistemas de saúde, refletindo os resultados em saúde. Esta é expressa a partir do cálculo dos anos de vida potencialmente perdidos (AVPP). Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da criação de Unidades Locais de Saúde (ULS) na região Alentejo. Metodologia: Em primeiro lugar determinou-se a taxa de mortalidade precoce em ambiente hospitalar e os respetivos AVPP, analisando os diagnósticos principais associados, entre 2000 e 2011, nas ULS do Norte Alentejano e Baixo Alentejo. Para calcular o impacto da criação das ULS nos AVPP foi realizado o método Difference in Difference. Resultados: Foram analisados 605 825 episódios de internamento, dos quais 5258 (0,87%) resultaram em óbito hospitalar em utentes com <70 anos. Desta análise resultaram 102 270 AVPP para ambos os sexos. Após a criação das ULS do Norte Alentejano e Baixo Alentejo, verificou-se uma diminuição no número de AVPP de – 2, 7% e – 2, 6% respetivamente. Conclusões: Com a criação das ULS na região de saúde do Alentejo, o número de AVPP em ambiente hospitalar diminuiu, no entanto torna-se necessário aumentar a população em estudo e incluir mais variáveis que possam influenciar os AVPP por forma a retirarem-se conclusões mais específicas.


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This is a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of sibutramine in the management of obese patients for a 6-month period. METHOD: Sixty-one obese patients (BMI >30, <40 kg/m2), aged 18-65 years were evaluated. In the first phase of the study (30 days), the patients were given a placebo. We monitored compliance with a low-calorie diet (1200 kcal/day) and to the placebo. In the next stage, the double-blind phase (6 months), we compared placebo and sibutramine (10 mg/day). The criteria for evaluating efficacy were weight loss, reduction in body mass index (BMI), and abdominal and hip circumferences. Tolerability was assessed based on reported side effects, variation in arterial blood pressure and heart rate, metabolic profile (fasting glucose, total cholesterol and its fractions, and triglycerides), laboratory tests (renal and hepatic functions), and flow Doppler echocardiogram. RESULTS: We observed a greater weight loss (7.3 kg, 8% vs 2.6 kg, 2.8%) and a reduction in body mass index (7.4% vs 2.1%) in the sibutramine group than in the placebo group. Classifying the patients into 4 subgroups according to weight loss (weight gain, loss <5%, loss of 5% to 9.9%, and loss >10%), we observed a weight loss of >5% in 40% of the patients on sibutramine compared with 12.9% in the placebo group. We also detected weight gain in 45.2% of the placebo group compared to 20% in the sibutramine group. The sibutramine group showed improvement in HDL- cholesterol values (increased by 17%) and triglyceride values (decreased by 12.8%). This group also showed an increase in systolic blood pressure (6.7%, 5 mmHg). There were no changes in echocardiograms comparing the beginning and end of follow-up, and side effects did not lead to discontinuation of treatment. DISCUSSION: Sibutramine proved to be effective for weight loss providing an 8% loss of the initial weight. Compliance to prolonged treatment was good, and side effects did not result in discontinuation of treatment. These data confirmed the good efficacy, tolerability, and safety profiles of sibutramine for treatment of obesity.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia in a Brazilian population in relation to body mass index. METHOD: Retrospective evaluation of 1213 adults (mean age: 45.2 ± 12.8; 80.6% females) divided into groups according to body mass index [normal (18.5 - 24.4 kg/m²); overweight (25 - 29.9 kg/m²); grade 1 obesity (30 - 34.9 kg/m²); grade 2 obesity (35 - 39.9 kg/m²), and grade 3 obesity (> 40 kg/m²)]. The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia were analyzed in each group. The severity of cardiovascular risk was determined. High-risk patients were considered those reporting 2 or more of the following factors: systemic hypertension, HDL < 35 mg/dL, total cholesterol > 240 mg/dL, triglycerides > 200 mg/dL when HDL < 35 mg/dL, and glycemia > 126 mg/dL. Moderate-risk patients were those reporting 2 or more of the following factors: systemic hypertension, HDL < 45, triglycerides > 200 mg/dL, and total cholesterol > 200 mg/dL. RESULTS: The prevalence of systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, and low HDL-cholesterol levels increased along with weight, but the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia did not. The odds ratio adjusted for gender and age, according to grade of obesity compared with patients with normal weight were respectively 5.9, 8.6, and 14.8 for systemic hypertension, 3.8, 5.8, and 9.2 for diabetes mellitus and 1.2, 1.3, and 2.6 for hypertriglyceridemia. We also verified that body mass index was positively related to cardiovascular high risk (P < .001) CONCLUSION: In our population, cardiovascular risk increased along with body mass index.


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PURPOSE: Aerobic capacity and respiratory function may be compromised in obesity, but few studies have been done in highly obese bariatric candidates. In a prospective study, these variables were documented in the preoperative period, aiming to define possible physiologic limitations in a apparently healthy and asymptomatic population. METHOD: Forty-six consecutively enrolled adults (age 39.6 ± 8.4 years, 87.0% females, body mass index /BMI 49.6 ± 6.3 kg/m² ) were analyzed. Ventilatory variables were investigated by automated spirometry, aerobic capacity was estimated by a modified Bruce test in an ergometric treadmill, and body composition was determined by bioimpedance analysis. RESULTS: Total fat was greatly increased (46.4 ± 4.6% of body weight) and body water reduced (47.3 ± 4.6 % body weight), as expected for such obese group. Spirometric findings including forced vital capacity of 3.3 ± 0.8 L and forced expiratory volume-1 second of 2.6 ± 0.6 L were usually acceptable for age and gender, but mild restrictive pulmonary insufficiency was diagnosed in 20.9%. Aerobic capacity was more markedly diminished, as reflected by very modest maximal time (4.5 ± 1.1 min) and distance (322 ±142 m) along with proportionally elevated maximal oxygen consumption (23.4 ± 9.5 mL/kg/min) achieved by these subjects during test exercise. CONCLUSIONS: 1) Cardiopulmonary evaluation was feasible and well-tolerated in this severely obese population; 2) Mean spirometric variables were not diminished in this study, but part of the population displayed mild restrictive changes; 3) Exercise tolerance was very negatively influenced by obesity, resulting in reduced endurance and excessive metabolic cost for the treadmill run; 4) More attention to fitness and aerobic capacity is recommended for seriously obese bariatric candidates;


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Introdução: Os países de clima subtropical, tropical e húmido, onde as populações têm acesso limitado a água potável, saneamento básico efectivo, educação e cuidados de saúde, apresentam as condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento de doenças transmissíveis, nomeadamente as parasitoses intestinais, cuja prevalência é elevada. A infecção por parasitas intestinais patogénicos pode provocar diversas alterações patológicas tais como anemia, desnutrição e outras patologias orgânicas, afectando principalmente as crianças. Objectivos: Avaliar a prevalência das parasitoses intestinais e determinar a sua relação com o estado nutricional, em crianças dos 0 aos 5 anos de São Tomé e Príncipe. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal e analítico, com colheita de dados antropométricos e de fezes, entre Fevereiro e Março de 2011, nos distritos de Água Grande, Mé-Zochi e Lobata, em São Tomé e Príncipe, numa amostra de 390 crianças. A detecção microscópica dos parasitas intestinais foi executada no Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical. O estado nutricional de cada criança foi avaliado através dos z-scores do peso para a idade (PIZ), da estatura para a idade (EIZ), do peso para altura (PEZ) e do IMC para a idade (IMCZ). A relação entre a infecção por parasitas intestinais e a desnutrição foi analisada através de métodos estatísticos. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída maioritariamente por crianças com idade inferior a 24 meses (58%). Foram detectados parasitas intestinais patogénicos em 38,7% das crianças, tendo-se observado uma probabilidade mais alta de infecção em crianças com idade superior a 24 meses. Destacaram-se as infecções simples ou mistas por G. lamblia (27,4%), A. lumbricoides (12,8%), T. trichiura (2,6%), Hymenolepis nana (1%), E. histolytica (0,5%), ancilostomideos (0,5%), Schistosoma intercalatum (0,3%) e Taenia spp. (0,3%). No que se refere à desnutrição, 35,6% de crianças tinham baixo peso, 33,6% apresentavam desnutrição crónica, 27,7% e 27,4% desnutrição aguda (PEZ e IMCZ), destacando-se o grau ligeiro em cada uma. Verificou-se uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre a infecção por parasitas intestinais patogénicos e a desnutrição crónica. Discussão e Conclusão: Este estudo contribuiu para um melhor conhecimento das prevalências e relação das parasitoses intestinais patogénicas com a desnutrição em crianças menores de 5 anos em São Tomé e Príncipe, nomeadamente da associação entre desnutrição crónica e a infecção por parasitas intestinais patogénicos. Sugere-se a execução de estudos semelhantes a este nas restantes regiões do país para fundamentar a adopção de medidas adequadas de combate às infecções por parasitas intestinais patogénicos. Considerando o número de crianças infectadas com G. lamblia encontrada neste estudo, seria recomendável medidas específicas de combate à transmissão de protozoários e a realização de exames anuais das fezes de todas as crianças seguida de tratamento dos casos positivos.


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Analisam a estrutura da floresta equatorial úmida próxima a Manaus, introduzindo a qualidade de fuste na. análise. Utilizam 8 amostras de 20m x 500m para indivíduos com DAP > 20cm, 24 subamostras de 10m x 100m para. indivíduos com DAP entre 5cm e 20cm e 120 subamostras de 2m x 10m para indivíduos com DAP < 5cm. Determinam valores mínimos de 2,6 e 22 amostras para composição florística é de 6,18 e 80 para a abundância em cada fração da floresta. Concluem que a floresta é muito heterogênea, com 324 espécies, 173 gêneros e 57 fiamílias e com grande diferença entre a regeneração e o povoamento adulto. Eschweilera odora, Corythophora alta., Protium apiculatum e Radlkoferella sp. são as espécies mais importantes. A floresta em geral apresenta a estrutura diamétrica regular esperada para florestas nativas devido às espécies do estrato inferior e sub-bosque.


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RESUMO - Introdução: As infecções associadas aos cuidados de saúde são um importante problema de saúde pública. Entre elas, as infecções urinárias são as mais frequentes associando‐se a elevados custos e morbilidade. Pretende‐se caracterizar as ITU adquiridas no Hospital (ITUaH) ocorridas num serviço de Medicina Interna de um hospital português. Métodos: Efectuou‐se um estudo de coorte (histórica) para determinação da incidência da ITUaH e da bacteriúria assintomática. Analisaram-se os dados correspondentes a uma amostra aleatória sistemática de 388 doentes, representativa dos 3492 admissões ocorridas, em 2014, nesse Serviço. Resultados: A taxa de incidência global de ITUaH foi de 6,2% (24/388; IC 95%:[3,8--‐8,6%]). Ocorreram 19,76 ITU por mil dias de cateter vesical (ITUaCV) e 4,17 ITUaCV por mil dias de internamento. A taxa de incidência de ITUaCV foi de 4% (15/388; IC 95%:[2%--‐6%]). Oitenta por cento destas infecções ocorreram em doentes sem indicação para a algaliação. Um quarto dos doentes desta coorte foram algaliados (24,7%; IC 95%: [20%--‐29%]), não se verificando indicação para o procedimento em 36,5% dos casos. Os principais factores de risco para a algaliação identificados foram a dependência total (OR: 24,47; IC 95%: [5,50--‐ 108,87]; p<0,001) a dependência grave (OR:11,43; IC 95% [2,56--‐50,93]; p=0,001) (escala de Barthel) e a carga de doença (OR: 1,19; IC 95% [1,03--‐1,38]; p=0,017) (índice de comorbilidade de Charlson). Foram utilizados CV em 759 dias dos 3591 dias de internamento quantificados neste estudo (21%). A Taxa de incidência de Bacteriúria Assintomática (BA) foi de 4,4% (IC 95%:[2--‐6%]). Cerca de 60% (10/17) desses doentes foram submetidos a tratamento contrariamente às recomendações clínicas actuais. Conclusões: Este estudo evidencia a necessidade de implementação de estratégias de prevenção, das quais se destaca a redução do número de algaliações. O tratamento da BA deve ser evitado.