989 resultados para 1995_01232348 TM-45 4302103
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Índices bióticos mono e multimétricos de avaliação da qualidade da água em riachos da Mata Atlântica
Protocols for rapid habitat evaluation and the biotic indices used in biomonitoring of streams in Brazil provide useful information about water quality and modifications in the ecosystem. However, the interpretation of their results is limited. Previous studies pointed out the low sensitivity of those indices to measure the quality of low-order streams, since they only measure organic impacts. Environmental degradation of these streams is mainly related to impacts caused by landscape change, such as erosion, siltation, channel change, loss of riparian vegetation, and reduction in water flow. The streams of the Serra do Japi are under some of these impacts, caused by agricultural activities. In this study, we evaluated whether the reduction of natural characteristics in these environments would decrease water quality. The Protocol of Habitat Diversity was affected by the impacts of agricultural activities. However, the other three biotic indices: Biological Monitoring Working Party Score System, Average Score Per Taxon, and Index of Benthic Community were not as sensitive to those impacts, since they all indicated a high water quality. An adaptation of the attributes and the scoring system is suggested for defining better policies for the conservation of this area.
Studies with organic systems have shown the feasibility and ecological and social sustainability of these agroecosystems, unlike the systems agrochemicals (conventional) production. Some studies have concluded that for the model agrochemical exists less interaction between the flow of internal energy, basically the crop receives all inputs to production with no increase in "energy quality" within the system, while in the organic model of production has increased interaction between different resources in the system. The current economic and ecological crisis, exposed no sustainability of the production pattern of industrialized agriculture developed in a way, showing the dependence of developed countries on imports of agricultural commodities produced in the third world, among there coffee. Given these facts, developed a survey to identify problems in the Alta Paulista region, west of São Paulo State, in relation to coffee production systems. Actually, the fundamental problem, according to the research, farmers in this region, is to choose a viable production system correctly (environmental, social and economic); agrochemical or organic. The objectives of this study were to analyze the yield of production systems and agro-chemical and organic coffee in the period from 2003 to 2007, in 30 producing properties, located in this region, in order to point the production system to produce the highest yield. According to the methodology of CONAB, data collected were recorded on spreadsheets to be used as variables in statistical analysis models and mathematics. We performed a descriptive analysis of productivity data and were used for statistical analysis tests for parametric and nonparametric analysis of variance. The mathematical analyses of the curves were prepared with Origin for Windows 6.0 software, which uses numerical methods to fit the data supplied to a function of variable parameters. Unlike conventional systems of production, the organic system showed greater viability of the production model. Furthermore, with the quantitative modeling proposal, it is possible to perform the evaluation of these types of investments, providing more security to the farmer at the time of decision.
O presente trabalho busca apresentar um método de balanceamento de ração (estudo de caso) que ofereça as exigências necessárias para o desenvolvimento de animais ruminantes, com diversas fontes de proteínas ao custo mínimo de produção para os produtores. Deste modo, o confinamento tem surgido como uma importante ferramenta para o pecuarista, que deseja ganhar em escala no seu sistema de produção e qualidade em seus produtos. Assim, a adoção de técnicas de manejo e alimentação que viabilizem a produção de carnes de melhor qualidade torna-se muito importante para colocar o setor pecuário em situação de igualdade com os grandes países produtores de carne. Para a realização deste trabalho, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico e uma pesquisa de campo com o administrador de uma fazenda no município de Presidente Prudente-SP. Através dos resultados obtidos, pode-se verificar que neste estabelecimento têm diminuído seus lucros, principalmente em virtude dos altos custos da alimentação.
In Brazil, the exploration and use of the Hevea brasiliensis Mull Arg. wood at the end of the latex production cycle from 30 to 35 years, is practically unknown. However, one of the most significant problems with its use relates to the high susceptibility of this species wood to the fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae attack, especially during the primary wood processing phase. The present study evaluated the efficacy of four chemicals to control juvenile and adult Hevea brasiliensis wood from the attack of the fungus stainer Botryodiplodia theobromae following the ASTM 4445 (2003) standard. The results showed that the active ingredients separately tested and evaluated in the laboratory; (Quinolinolato Copper - 8 and Carbendazim (T1); Tribromofenol 2-4-6 (T2); Extract-Based Vegetable Tannin (T3); Carbendazim and Prochloraz (T4)) do not totally prevent the contamination of Botryodiplodia theobromae in 5% level of significance
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O objetivo do desenvolvimento sustentável vem sendo buscado no Brasil desde a década de 1980, por ocasião da promulgação da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente (Lei n. 6.938, de 31 de agosto de 1981). De lá para cá, e após a Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Meio Ambiente e o Desenvolvimento, também conhecida como ECO-92, Rio-92, Cúpula ou Cimeira da Terra, diversas políticas ambientais têm sido elaboradas sobre temas, desdes os mais tradicionais e clássicos (recursos florestais, recursos hídricos), até os mais recentes (resíduos sólidos, remueração de serviços ambientais). Este trabalho se propõe a apontar, descrever, sistematizar e selecionar alguns dos principais parâmetros que devem ser considerados, dentro de uma leitura predominantemente econômica, para efeitos de se avaliar e monitorar as políticas públicas na área ambiental. Como hipótese principal, defende-se que é possível indicar critérios que possam orientar a avaliação e acompanhamento das políticas públicas ambientais por parte dos distintos segmentos da sociedade e segundo diversos interesses específicos. Pretende-se utilizar o método indutivo para fins de se estabelecer uma conclusão que confirme ou afaste a hipótese principal deste trabalho. Foram identificados, ao final, alguns dos principais parâmetros que poderiam auxiliar, os segmentos da sociedade direta ou indiretamente envolvidos em determinado tema ambiental, a discutir, avaliar e monitorar os instrumentos de comando e controle, econômicos e outros consoante propostos para a implantação de um política pública ambiental.
The Asian rust currently is the main disease of soybean culture, having as characteristics the difficult control, by start at the bottom of plants where penetration of the droplets is harder. The fine droplets has been used with the intention of improve the penetration and increase efficiency of agrochemicals, but that are losses by drift easily. New products have been developed to increase deposition of the drops at targets. The aim of this work was evaluate the TA- 35 capacity to improving the deposition of fungicides spray solution with or without mineral oil by aerial and ground applications. Was used a factorial 3x2, three spray solutions composed by Priori Xtra (concentrated suspension of azoxystrobin 200 g L-1 + cyproconazole 80 g L-1 ) mixed with adjuvants, Nimbus (emulsifiable concentrate containing aliphatic hydrocarbons 428 g L-1 ) and TA-35 (soluble concentrate containing sodium lauryl ether sulfate, surfactants, sequestering agents and emulsifiers), in aerial and ground applications. In ground applications was used 50 L ha-1 , TXA 8002 VS spray nozzles and on aerials was used 15 L ha-1 , Turboaero atomizer, both applying fine droplets. Was utilized the Brilliant Blue (FD & C n. 1) tracer to determine the deposits. There were used glass slides as targets to collect spray droplets. After to extract the tracer of the targets using distilled water, the samples were analyzed by spectrophotometry, thereby was possible quantify the tracer deposited on each glass slide. A study to evaluate possible losses of the tracer by degradation or retention also was done. The comparative analysis of treatments was done by statistical method "Confidence Interval for Differences Between the Averages" with 95% of confidence degree (IC95%). There was degradation or retention of the tracer between the processes of application of the droplets and the processing of the samples. The deposition averages with the presence of TA-35 were greatest for both sprayers however, there were not significant differences among the treatments. The viability of TA-35 use may consider other parameters or complementary studies.
The primary objective of this study was to verify the existence of internal organization and processes influencing the decisions on adoption, choice, justification and implementation of innovative practices of scientific and technical activities undertaken in the elaborates of sugar, ethanol and energy companies of the midwest of the state of Sao Paulo. Using multivariate analysis of principal components and clusters, the variables were analyzed and the companies, classified. The taxonomy model adapted to contemporary situations described by Freeman (1975), was the 'parameter used with research information in personal interviews by semi-structured questionnaires. The investigated activities constituted of: basic research; applied research; experimental development; scientific and technical information; long-term planning. The variables analyzed were: production processes, operating systems, development of new products, projects and implementation of pilot plant for new products, development, knowledge, studies of other business segments, number of innovations, and the number of existing employees in the organizational structure for these purposes. It was concluded that the best companies with innovative attitudes are those that have incorporated into their organizational the structures, practices and techniques of scientific activities.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate land use and occupation of Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) as well as its use conflicts by TM (Thematic Mapper) image of the 2010 Landsat-5 satellite, according to the Forest Code. For that purpose, Geographic Information Systems in the Ribeirão Paraíso watershed, São Manuel, SP were used. The combination of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System technologies allowed representation of spatial distribution of the landscape and data integration in the diagnosis of geographic interest. The 2010 mapping showed 12 use categories, and the sugar cane crop had the largest land occupation, 48.25% of the area. The areas of permanent preservation amounted to 925.74 ha, which is an ideal value based on the Brazilian legislation. Mapping of land use conflicts showed intensive anthropic actions going 80.13% forward on PPAs, with only 19.87% remaining forests, which highlights their negative impact and illegal situations in these areas.
The massive urbanization and activities arising from the uncontrolled growth of urban areas, result in changes on the climate, making it unhealthy. One factor that contributes to poor quality of life due to this fact is the islands of heat that consists in the accumulation of surface heat and raises the temperature in the cities. The vegetation consists of urban greening, urban forests and green areas, have the function to minimize this effect. To reconcile these factors, collected data on surface temperature by satellite images, LANDSAT 5 captured on 18/12/2012 point 75 e 76, orbits 221, band 6 and on-site survey with thermo-hygrometer, possessed the data, crossing the conducted vegetative survey and provided a management vision to improve the microclimate of the city under study. The vegetation coverage at urban area directly affects the ambient temperature, improving the urban micro-climate. The different analyzed surface coverage also affects the apparent temperature. Among the studied ranks, the eucalyptus cultivation, native forest, urban area and solo exposed areas with greater vegetation cover have mild temperatures and improved microclimate.
This study aimed to evaluate a period of 38 years, the use and soil occupation of the Paradise River watershed, inserted in the citys of São Manuel and Areiópolis-SP using aerial photographs for the year 1972 and TM image (Thematic Mapper) obtained by the Landsat-5 satellite, in 2010, using geoprocessing techniques. The watershed in question is very important for the city of São Manuel-SP, because its urban area is inserted in its divisors which part of it belongs to the Environmental Protection Area (APA) Perimeter Botucatu-SP, considered a recharge area of the aquifer Guarani. Today, the development of agriculture faces challenges, which is to produce more food without impacting the environment. Allied to this concern, research institutions have sought new technologies that allow the detection and quantification of human actions, enabling interventions in order to minimize possible damage to the environment. Among these technologies can be cited Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which a large volume of data and information stored in a region at different times can be evaluated in the same time, suggesting different approaches to the planning of land use. The results of the mapping of areas of use and soil occupation result nine classes in 1972, and the coffee culture showed the biggest occupation (37.94%) of the total area. The 2010 mapping formulated twelve classes of use, which demonstrated the predominance of sugar cane (37.94%), on the areas occupied by coffee and pasture before. The land use maps of 1972 and 2010 showed results that show intense human activity in the modification of natural landscape.
Diagnóstico de conflitos em áreas de preservação permanente na bacia do Rio Capivara - Botucatu (SP)
The permanent preservation areas (PPA) established by Brazilian law are there to protect the natural environment. With the expansion of space occupied by man and development of economic activities in these areas were engaged in conflicts characterized PPA, where the use is other than the natural vegetation. According to these paradigms work aims to raise these conflict areas in the River Basin Capivara, Botucatu (SP) with the help of GIS Ilwis 3.4, topographic maps of IBGE and satellite images CBERS 2B. The map was generated from PPA in the GIS by distance calculation in relation to drainage, springs and break line on Cuesta de Botucatu. The classes of land use and natural vegetation were determined by interpretation of satellite images and field visits to check their veracity. With the cutting of the map of land use and natural vegetation in relation to PPA unit it was determined that the total 44,63% PPA is in conflict occupied by pasture, forest plantation, orange, annual crops, farms and irrigated rice project in lowland. This diagnostic characterizes the degradation of the environment and highlights the need to harmonize the economic and urban development with the preservation of the environment to ensure sustainability of the region.