999 resultados para 194-1198A
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) affects vascular barrier function and thus increases vessel permeability. This phenomenon may be exploited to facilitate targeted drug delivery and may lead to a new clinical application of photodynamic therapy. Here, we investigate the role of leukocyte recruitment for PDT-induced vascular permeabilization. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-D, 2,000 kDa) was injected intravenously 120 minutes after focal PDT on striated muscle in nude mice bearing dorsal skinfold chambers (Visudyne® 800 µg/kg, fluence rate 300 mW/cm2 , light dose of 200 J/cm2). Leukocyte interaction with endothelial cells was inhibited by antibodies functionally blocking adhesion molecules ("MABS-PDT" group, n = 5); control animals had PDT but no antibody injection (group "PDT", n = 7). By intravital microscopy, we monitored leukocyte rolling and sticking in real-time before, 90 and 180 minutes after PDT. The extravasation of FITC-D from striated muscle vessels into the interstitial space was determined in vivo during 45 minutes to assess treatment-induced alterations of vascular permeability. RESULTS: PDT significantly increased the recruitment of leukocytes and enhanced the leakage of FITC-D. Neutralization of adhesion molecules before PDT suppressed the rolling of leukocytes along the venular endothelium and significantly reduced the extravasation of FITC-D as compared to control animals (156 ± 27 vs. 11 ± 2 (mean ± SEM, number of WBC/30 seconds mm vessel circumference; P < 0.05) at 90 minutes after PDT and 194 ± 21 vs. 14 ± 4 at 180 minutes after PDT). In contrast, leukocyte sticking was not downregulated by the antibody treatment. CONCLUSION: Leukocyte recruitment plays an essential role in the permeability-enhancing effect of PDT.
Observant la montée de l'instrumentalisation de la narration dans les médias de masse, le présent article vise comprendre les dimensions praxéologiques de l'activité de raconter en communication publique. L'analyse des dimensions praxéologiques permet d'envisager les mouvements discursifs attachés à la narration comme dirigés ou orientés vers un objectif pratique de l'ordre de l'interaction communicative et sociale. Dans le cas présent, il s'agit de saisir les fonctions d'un épisode narratif lors d'un entretien télévisé parodique. Cet entretien, mettant en scène le président français Nicolas Sarkozy interviewé par un journaliste dans le cadre d'un journal télévisé factice, est tiré d'une émission satirique française, Les Guignols de l'info. Par une mise en scène de la sphère médiatique française, cette émission articule parodie du dispositif médiatique, parodie des activités communicationnelles et parodie des discours associés aux acteurs de l'espace public. Recourant de façon importante à l'effet d'amplification, la parodie rend particulièrement saillant les aspects les plus conventionnels de la communication. Profitant de cet effet de loupe, une description détaillées des opérations linguistiques, discursives et interactionnelles participant de l'épisode narratif met en lumière deux fonctions possibles de la narration en situation d'entretien : réorienter l'interaction en sa faveur et configurer les cadres référentiels d'une argumentation.
Comprend : [Fig. à la Page de titre : marque de l'imprimeur vénitien, V. Roffinellum. Neptune.] [Cote : Res g Yc 203/Microfilm R 122299] ; [Fig. p.1 : personnages de la comédie de Térence, Andria.] [Cote : Res g Yc 203/Microfilm R 122299] ; [Fig. en reg. p.55 : personnages de la comédie de Térence, Eunuchus.] [Cote : Res g Yc 203/Microfilm R 122299] ; [Fig. en reg. p.104 : personnages de la comédie de Térence, Heautontimorumenos.] [Cote : Res g Yc 203/Microfilm R 122299] ; [Fig. p.124 : personnages de la comédie de Térence, Adelphi.] [Cote : Res g Yc 203/Microfilm R 122299] ; [Fig. en reg. p.160 : personnages de la comédie de Térence, Hecyra.] [Cote : Res g Yc 203/Microfilm R 122299] ; [Fig. p.194 : personnages de la comédie de Térence, Phormio.] [Cote : Res g Yc 203/Microfilm R 122299]
Eucalyptus Shoot Blight in the Vale do Rio Doce (ESBVRD) is an anomaly that leads to reduced growth and, in more extreme cases, to death of eucalyptus plants. Initially diagnosed in plantations in the region of the Vale do Rio Doce, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, this problem has also been found in plantations in other regions of the country and even in other countries. Although the symptoms of this anomaly are well-known, its causes are not yet understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cause-effect relationship between accumulation of manganese (Mn) in eucalyptus clones and ESBVRD. Characterization of the environment in areas of greater occurrence of this problem in regard to soil, climate and fluctuation of the water table was undertaken in eucalyptus plantations of the Celulose Nipo-brasileira S.A. (Cenibra) company in the region of the Vale do Rio Doce. Plant tissues were sampled in two situations. In the first situation, diagnosis occurred in the initial phase of the anomaly in clones with differentiated tolerance to the problem; in the second situation, diagnosis was made in a single clone, considered to be sensitive, in two time periods - in the phase with the strong presence of symptoms and in the recovery phase, in areas of occurrence and in areas of escape from the problem. The most ESBVRD-sensitive clone showed much higher (4.8 times higher) leaf Mn contents than more tolerant clones. In plants with the anomaly, Mn leaf contents were greater than 3,070 mg kg-1, much greater than the quantity found in those without the anomaly (734 mg kg-1). In the period in which the symptoms began to wane, there was a sharp decline in leaf Mn contents, from 2,194 to 847 mg kg-1. Manganese content in the above ground part and plant litter (44.4 g ha-1) in the area of occurrence of the anomaly was three times greater than that found in these same components (14.1 g ha-1) in the area of absence of the symptom. Based on the evidence found, such as the existence of environmental conditions favorable to high Mn availability to the plants in the areas of greatest incidence of ESBVRD, greater uptake of Mn in sensitive clones and in plants with symptoms, and a synchronism between the intensity of symptoms of ESBVRD and leaf Mn contents, it may be inferred that temporary excess of Mn in eucalyptus plants is closely related to ESBVRD.
In this study, we report the first ever large-scale environmental validation of a microbial reporter-based test to measure arsenic concentrations in natural water resources. A bioluminescence-producing arsenic-inducible bacterium based on Escherichia coli was used as the reporter organism. Specific protocols were developed with the goal to avoid the negative influence of iron in groundwater on arsenic availability to the bioreporter cells. A total of 194 groundwater samples were collected in the Red River and Mekong River Delta regions of Vietnam and were analyzed both by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and by the arsenic bioreporter protocol. The bacterial cells performed well at and above arsenic concentrations in groundwater of 7 microg/L, with an almost linearly proportional increase of the bioluminescence signal between 10 and 100 microg As/L (r2 = 0.997). Comparisons between AAS and arsenic bioreporter determinations gave an overall average of 8.0% false negative and 2.4% false positive identifications for the bioreporter prediction at the WHO recommended acceptable arsenic concentration of 10 microg/L, which is far betterthan the performance of chemical field test kits. Because of the ease of the measurement protocol and the low application cost, the microbiological arsenic test has a great potential in large screening campaigns in Asia and in other areas suffering from arsenic pollution in groundwater resources.
Horses (Equus caballus) belong to the group of seasonally polyestrous mammals. Estrous cycles typically start with increasing daylight length after winter, but mares can differ greatly in the timing of onset of regular estrus cycles. Here, we test whether spatial proximity to a stallion also plays a role. Twenty-two anestrous mares were either exposed to one of two stallions (without direct physical contact) or not exposed (controls) under experimental conditions during two consecutive springs (February to April). Ovarian activity was monitored via transrectal ultrasound and stallion's direct contact time with each mare was determined three times per week for one hour each. We found that mares exposed to a stallion ovulated earlier and more often during the observational period than mares that were not exposed to stallions. Neither stallion identity nor direct contact time, mare age, body condition, size of her largest follicle at the onset of the experiment, or parasite burden significantly affected the onset of cyclicity. In conclusion, the timing of estrous cycles and cycle frequency, i.e., crucial aspects of female reproductive strategy, strongly depend on how the mares perceive their social environment. Exposing mares to the proximity of a stallion can therefore be an alternative to, for example, light programs or elaborated hormonal therapies to start the breeding season earlier and increase the number of estrous cycles in horses.
Adaptation of 24-h energy expenditure (24-h EE) to seasonal variations in food availability was studied, by using a respiration chamber, in 18 rural Gambian men on three occasions: period 1--at the end of the rainy season, which is characterized by low food availability; period 2--during the nutritionally favorable dry season; and period 3--at the onset of the following rainy season. From periods 1 to 2 body weight increased by 2.8 +/- 0.4 kg, and a rise in 24-h EE was observed (from 8556 +/- 212 kJ/d to 9166 +/- 224 kJ/d), which was correlated to weight change (r = 0.73, P less than 0.001). During period 3, 24-h EE averaged 8740 +/- 194 kJ/d. Diet-induced thermogenesis increased significantly from periods 1 to 2 (5.9 +/- 0.5% to 8.2 +/- 0.8%) and subsequently decreased to 3.6 +/- 0.6% during period 3. In rural Gambian men, metabolic adaptations in response to seasonal changes in food availability are reflected by a decrease in body weight, mainly manifested by a loss of fat-free mass accompanied by a decreased 24-h EE and a lowered diet-induced thermogenesis.
Background: Treatment of depression, the most prevalent and costly mental disorder, needs to be improved. Non-concordance with clinical guidelines and non-adherence can limit the efficacy of pharmacological treatment of depression. Through pharmaceutical care, pharmacists can improve patients' compliance and wellbeing. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and costeffectiveness of a community pharmacist intervention developed to improve adherence and outcomes of primary care patients with depression. Methods/design: A randomized controlled trial, with 6-month follow-up, comparing patients receiving a pharmaceutical care support programme in primary care with patients receiving usual care. The total sample comprises 194 patients (aged between 18 and 75) diagnosed with depressive disorder in a primary care health centre in the province of Barcelona (Spain). Subjects will be asked for written informed consent in order to participate in the study. Diagnosis will be confirmed using the SCID-I. The intervention consists of an educational programme focused on improving knowledge about medication, making patients aware of the importance of compliance, reducing stigma, reassuring patients about side-effects and stressing the importance of carrying out general practitioners' advice. Measurements will take place at baseline, and after 3 and 6 months. Main outcome measure is compliance with antidepressants. Secondary outcomes include; clinical severity of depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (STAI-S), health-related quality of life (EuroQol-5D), satisfaction with the treatment received, side-effects, chronic physical conditions and sociodemographics. The use of healthcare and social care services will be assessed with an adapted version of the Client Service Receipt Inventory (CSRI). Discussion: This trial will provide valuable information for health professionals and policy makers on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a pharmaceutical intervention programme in the context of primary care. Trial registration: NCT00794196
Basal ganglia and brain stem nuclei are involved in the pathophysiology of various neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Currently available structural T1-weighted (T1w) magnetic resonance images do not provide sufficient contrast for reliable automated segmentation of various subcortical grey matter structures. We use a novel, semi-quantitative magnetization transfer (MT) imaging protocol that overcomes limitations in T1w images, which are mainly due to their sensitivity to the high iron content in subcortical grey matter. We demonstrate improved automated segmentation of putamen, pallidum, pulvinar and substantia nigra using MT images. A comparison with segmentation of high-quality T1w images was performed in 49 healthy subjects. Our results show that MT maps are highly suitable for automated segmentation, and so for multi-subject morphometric studies with a focus on subcortical structures.