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<正> 维生素C,又称丙种维生素,VitaminumC,抗坏血酸(Ascorbic acid),简称维C或Vc。维生素C是一种酸性己糖衍生物。化学名称为L—3—氧带苏己糖醛酸内酯。分子式为C_6H_8O_6,分子量为176.1。1维生素C的性状 外观为白色结晶粉末,有酸味,久置色渐变微黄色,易溶于水,水溶液呈酸性反应。稍溶于乙醇,微溶于甘油,不溶于乙醚和氯仿。熔点为190℃。抗坏血酸钠为白色或微黄色结晶粉末,略带酸味,只溶于水,基本上不溶于乙醇、乙醚等。在220℃时分解。 维生素C是动物的重要营养成分之一
在丝状蓝藻Anabaena sp.PCC7120细胞粗提液的碳酸酐酶(CA)分析中,发现了两种形式的CA活性.高CO_2下生长的细胞,在35μmol/L EZ(Ethoxyzolamide,碳酸酐酶的抑制剂)存在的情况下,CA总活性的85%左右被抑制,其半抑制浓度I_(50)为7.4μmol/L;随着EZ浓度的继续增加,CA活性在EZ浓度达到约150μmol/L处出现了第二个抑制峰,在250μmol/L处抑制程度达到最大,使CA总活性的15%被抑制,其半抑制浓度I_(50)为190μmol/L。在空气条件
This work presents simplified 242mAm-fueled nuclear battery concept design featuring direct fission products energy conversion and passive heat rejection. Optimization of the battery operating characteristics and dimensions was performed. The calculations of power conversion efficiency under thermal and nuclear design constraints showed that 5.6 W e/kg power density can be achieved, which corresponds to conversion efficiency of about 4%. A system with about 190 cm outer radius translates into 17.8 MT mass per 100 kW e. Total power scales linearly with the outer surface area of the battery through which the residual heat is rejected. Tradeoffs between the battery lifetime, mass, dimensions, power rating, and conversion efficiency are presented and discussed. The battery can be used in a wide variety of interplanetary missions with power requirements in the kW to MW range. Copyright © 2007 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
<正> 在现代生物数学中,常常需要对数据的分布类型作正态性检验。然而,在常用的分布类型检验方法中,由于各方法的侧重点不同,应用条件也不尽相同,因而对于某一类具体问题,各检验方法的检验效率也不同。因此,有必要对常用的几种分布类型检验方法的检验效率和应用条件进行讨论,以便能在实际应用中有选择地使用这些方法。
<正> 白鱀豚是我国特有的稀珍水生哺乳动物。仅分布于长江的中、下游干流之中。关于如何饲养白鱀豚没有可借鉴的资料。在没有水净化装置和流水系统的条件下,为了既能节省人力和财力,又能保证豚体的健康,我们对白鱀豚饲养池的理化和微生物因子进行了系统、全面的测定和研究。
<正> 哺乳动物的肾脏一般都表现出某种程度的分叶现象,这种情况在白暨豚等鲸类动物达到了高峰,以致整个肾主质都小肾化了,而且每一个小肾都是一个结构完整和生理上独立的单位,它同样有皮质、髓质、乳头、肾盂和漏斗,并且有独立的血管和神经供应.它的功能意义显然是在固定的肾脏大小下,皮质达到了最大的面积.以体长为181厘米的白暨豚为例,右肾的面积为190厘米~2,但如果剥离小肾,测得全部小肾的总面积达938厘米~2,几乎增加了
Infrastructure project sustainability assessment typically entails the use of specialised assessment tools to measure and rate project performance against a set of criteria. This paper looks beyond the prevailing approaches to sustainability assessments and explores sustainability principles in terms of project risks and opportunities. Taking a risk management approach to applying sustainability concepts to projects has the potential to reconceptualise decision structures for sustainability from bespoke assessments to becoming a standard part of the project decisionmaking process. By integrating issues of sustainability into project risk management for project planning, design and construction, sustainability is considered within a more traditional business and engineering language. Currently, there is no widely practised approach for objectively considering the environmental and social context of projects alongside the more traditional project risk assessments of time, cost and quality. A risk-based approach would not solve all the issues associated with existing sustainability assessments but it would place sustainability concerns alongside other key risks and opportunities, integrating sustainability with other project decisions.
Label-free detection of cancer biomarkers using low cost biosensors has promising applications in clinical diagnostics. In this work, ZnO-based thin film bulk acoustic wave resonators (FBARs) with resonant frequency of ∼1.5 GHz and mass sensitivity of 0.015 mg/m2 (1.5 ng/cm2) have been fabricated for their deployment as biosensors. Mouse monoclonal antibody, anti-human prostate-specific antigen (Anti-hPSA) has been used to bind human prostate-specific antigen (hPSA), a model cancer used in this study. Ellipsometry was used to characterize and optimise the antibody adsorption and antigen binding on gold surface. It was found that the best amount of antibody at the gold surface for effective antigen binding is around 1 mg/m2, above or below which resulted in the reduced antigen binding due to either the limited binding sites (below 1 mg/m2) or increased steric effect (above 1 mg/m2). The FBAR data were in good agreement with the data obtained from ellipsometry. Antigen binding experiments using FBAR sensors demonstrated that FBARs have the capability to precisely detect antigen binding, thereby making FBARs an attractive low cost alternative to existing cancer diagnostic sensors. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Unlike Escherichia coli, the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is insensitive to chill (5 degrees C) in the dark but rapidly losses viability when exposed to chill in the light (100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)). Preconditioning at a low temperature (15 degrees C) greatly enhances the chill-light tolerance of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. This phenomenon is called acquired chill-light tolerance (ACLT). Preconditioned wild-type cells maintained a substantially higher level of alpha-tocopherol after exposure to chill-light stress. Mutants unable to synthesize alpha-tocopherol, such as slr1736, slr1737, slr0089, and slr0090 mutants, almost completely lost ACLT. When exposed to chill without light, these mutants showed no or a slight difference from the wild type. When complemented, the slr0089 mutant regained its ACLT. Copper-regulated expression of slr0090 from P-petE controlled the level of et-tocopherol and ACLT. We conclude that alpha-tocopherol is essential for ACLT of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. The role of a-tocopherol in ACLT may be based largely on a nonantioxidant activity that is not possessed by other tocopherols or pathway intermediates.
The dithiophene donor-acceptor copolymers that are bridged either with carbon (C-PCPDTBT) or silicon atoms (Si-PCPDTBT) belong to a promising family of materials for use in photoactive layers for organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs). In this work, we implement the non-destructive Spectroscopic Ellipsometry technique in the near infrared to the far ultraviolet spectral region in combination with advanced theoretical modeling to investigate the vertical distribution of the C-PCPDTBT and Si-PCPDTBT polymer and fullerene ([6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester - PC70BM) phases in the blend, as well as the effect of the polymer-to-fullerene ratio on the distribution mechanism. It was found that the C-PCPDTBT:PC70BM blends have donor-enriched top regions and acceptor-enriched bottom regions, whereas the donor and acceptor phases are more homogeneously intermixed in the Si-PCPDTBT:PC70BM blends. We suggest that the chemical incompatibility of the two phases as expressed by the difference in their surface energy, may be a key element in promoting the segregation of the lower surface phase to the top region of the photoactive layer. We found that the increase of the photoactive layer thickness reduces the polymer enrichment at the cathode, producing a more homogeneous phase distribution of donor and acceptor in the bulk that leads to the increase of the OPV efficiency. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.