993 resultados para 174-1071P
由于栖息地被破坏和过度捕捞等人为因素的影响,长江上游特有鱼类厚颌鲂M egalobrama pellegrini的种群资源显著减少。利用单位补充量模型进行分析,结果显示:长江上游支流龙溪河的厚颌鲂种群资源已经被过度开发,现有的捕捞强度(0.94年-1)远超过种群可承受的水平(F40%=0.18年-1,F0.1=0.20年-1和F25%=0.30年-1);繁殖潜力比为4.50%,低于25%,将造成种群的补充量不足,导致种群资源量下降;限制捕捞强度和捕捞规格是控制过度捕捞、保护种群资源的有效措施。
2001年8月对保安湖大型底栖动物进行调查,共记录动物4门7纲25科54属70种。其中,软体动物为绝对优势类群(占总丰度的81.5%)。而腹足类的纹沼螺(Parafossarulus striatulus)、白旋螺(Gyraulus albus)、长角涵螺(Alocinma longicornis)、方格短沟蜷(Semisulcospira libertina)和铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)为该湖泊的优势种。样点间平均物种丰富度7.1,平均Shannon-Winner指数1.34。
对武汉东湖 4个不同营养水平和不同滤食性鱼类密度的湖区 1 993— 1 998年期间的浮游甲壳动物群落结构进行了比较研究。结果表明 ,营养水平及滤食性鱼类的密度以Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ站的次序依次下降 ;各站间浮游甲壳动物总生物量及各类群 (枝角类、剑水蚤和哲水蚤 )的生物量差异较大 ,并且哲水蚤相对于剑水蚤的优势度以Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ站的次序上升。浮游甲壳动物优势种结构在Ⅰ、Ⅱ站与Ⅲ、Ⅳ站间的差异尤为明显 :近邻剑水蚤与微型裸腹生物量在营养水平及鱼类生物量高的Ⅰ、Ⅱ站显著较高 ,而盔型透明的生物量在营养水平及
<正> 世界鲸类动物的人工饲养已经有100多年的历史,鲸类动物的人工饲养不但为人们提供了一种非常有趣的娱乐项目,而且为深入研究、繁殖和保护鲸类动物提供了很好的条件。我国鲸类动物的人工饲养于1965年由青岛海产博物馆从饲养江豚开始
静水缸中稀有鲫 2 40天养殖试验显示 ,A型人工饲料的每对亲鱼产卵次数汉源种群和彭州种群分别为15 2 5和 13 75次 ,相近于水蚯蚓为饲料的 12次和 14 5次 ;A型人工饲料产卵间隔天数分别为 15 98天和 17 46天 ,相近于水蚯蚓为饲料的 2 0 86天和 16 5 6天。循环水缸中稀有鲫 10 5天养殖试验显示 ,A型人工饲料的每对亲鱼产卵次数为 12次 ,低于水蚯蚓为饲料的 2 1 5次 ;产卵间隔天数为 8 75天 ,长于水蚯蚓为饲料的 4 88天。因此 ,用人工饲料可以实现
The work presents simplified242mAm fueled nuclear battery concept design featuring direct fission products energy conversion and passive heat rejection. The performed calculations of power conversion efficiency under thermal and nuclear design constraints showed that 14 W/kg power density can be achieved, which corresponds to conversion efficiency of about 6%. Total power of the battery scales linearly with its surface area. 144 kW of electric power can be produced by a nuclear battery with an external radius of about 174 cm and total mass of less than 10300 kg. The mass of242m Am fuel for such a system is 3200 gram.
于1992年4月-1992年5月在22,26及3℃下,以莴苣叶为食物,不限量摄食,测定草鱼的能量收支。结果表明,草鱼摄食率及生长率均随温度上升而增加;最大摄食率(Cw:% W/d)与水温(T:℃)的关系为:CW=0.0405T2.324;温度对食物能分配于能量收支各组分的比例没有显著影响,在3个温度下测定的平均能量收支式为:100C=29.89F+3.30U+52.48R十14.34G,式中C为食物能,F为排粪能,U为排泄能,R为代谢能,G为生长能。
Natural odors are usually mixtures; yet, humans and animals can experience them as unitary percepts. Olfaction also enables stimulus categorization and generalization. We studied how these computations are performed with the responses of 168 locust antennal lobe projection neurons (PNs) to varying mixtures of two monomolecular odors, and of 174 PNs and 209 mushroom body Kenyon cells (KCs) to mixtures of up to eight monomolecular odors. Single-PN responses showed strong hypoadditivity and population trajectories clustered by odor concentration and mixture similarity. KC responses were much sparser on average than those of PNs and often signaled the presence of single components in mixtures. Linear classifiers could read out the responses of both populations in single time bins to perform odor identification, categorization, and generalization. Our results suggest that odor representations in the mushroom body may result from competing optimization constraints to facilitate memorization (sparseness) while enabling identification, classification, and generalization.
Natural odors are usually mixtures; yet, humans and animals can experience them as unitary percepts. Olfaction also enables stimulus categorization and generalization. We studied how these computations are performed with the responses of 168 locust antennal lobe projection neurons (PNs) to varying mixtures of two monomolecular odors, and of 174 PNs and 209 mushroom body Kenyon cells (KCs) to mixtures of up to eight monomolecular odors. Single-PN responses showed strong hypoadditivity and population trajectories clustered by odor concentration and mixture similarity. KC responses were much sparser on average than those of PNs and often signaled the presence of single components in mixtures. Linear classifiers could read out the responses of both populations in single time bins to perform odor identification, categorization, and generalization. Our results suggest that odor representations in the mushroom body may result from competing optimization constraints to facilitate memorization (sparseness) while enabling identification, classification, and generalization