987 resultados para 169-1034


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"This paper analyzes how expenditures of the city of San Francisco were altered in response to changes in municipal labor costs over the period 1945 through 1976. A hybrid of the "demands" and the "organizational" models of budgeting is used to measure the budgetary response to changes in the relative prices of labor inputs. Descriptive and econometric evidence reveals significant adjustments both among and within departments in reaction to changes in relative labor costs. The empirical evidence demonstrates that the city's budgetary process is guided by simple allocative rules modified by price-responsive adjustments."


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The effect of corundum particle content on the wear of aluminium was studied. Composites of different corundum contents were tested for their wear characteristics. Hardness and density measurements were made on specimens before and after test. Specimens were examined by scanning electron microscopy in the as-compacted, sintered and worn states. The wear decreased as the oxide content increased, showing an optimum value at a composition range of 25 wt.%–35 wt.% of corundum. The mechanism of reinforcement and its effect on the operative wear mode are discussed.


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The development of algorithms, based on Haar functions, for extracting the desired frequency components from transient power-system relaying signals is presented. The applications of these algorithms to impedance detection in transmission line protection and to harmonic restraint in transformer differential protection are discussed. For transmission line protection, three modes of application of the Haar algorithms are described: a full-cycle window algorithm, an approximate full-cycle window algorithm, and a half-cycle window algorithm. For power transformer differential protection, the combined second and fifth harmonic magnitude of the differential current is compared with that of fundamental to arrive at a trip decision. The proposed line protection algorithms are evaluated, under different fault conditions, using realistic relaying signals obtained from transient analysis conducted on a model 400 kV, 3-phase system. The transformer differential protection algorithms are also evaluated using a variety of simulated inrush and internal fault signals.


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EELS studies provide definitive evidence for the hydroxylation of oxygen-covered Cu(110) and Zn(0001) surfaces on interaction with proton donor molecules such as H2O, CH3OH, HCOOH, NH3 and (CH3)2NH. The occurrence of surface hydroxylation is unambigouusly shown by a study of the interaction of H2S and HCl with an oxygen covered Cu(110) surface.


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Background Leucocyte telomere length (LTL), which is fashioned by multiple genes, has been linked to a host of human diseases, including sporadic melanoma. A number of genes associated with LTL have already been identified through genome-wide association studies. The main aim of this study was to establish whether DCAF4 (DDB1 and CUL4-associated factor 4) is associated with LTL. In addition, using ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA), we examined whether LTL-associated genes in the general population might partially explain the inherently longer LTL in patients with sporadic melanoma, the risk for which is increased with ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Results Genome-wide association (GWA) meta-analysis and de novo genotyping of 20 022 individuals revealed a novel association (p=6.4×10−10) between LTL and rs2535913, which lies within DCAF4. Notably, eQTL analysis showed that rs2535913 is associated with decline in DCAF4 expressions in both lymphoblastoid cells and sun-exposed skin (p=4.1×10−3 and 2×10−3, respectively). Moreover, IPA revealed that LTL-associated genes, derived from GWA meta-analysis (N=9190), are over-represented among genes engaged in melanoma pathways. Meeting increasingly stringent p value thresholds (p<0.05, <0.01, <0.005, <0.001) in the LTL-GWA meta-analysis, these genes were jointly over-represented for melanoma at p values ranging from 1.97×10−169 to 3.42×10−24. Conclusions We uncovered a new locus associated with LTL in the general population. We also provided preliminary findings that suggest a link of LTL through genetic mechanisms with UVR and melanoma in the general population.


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In the present paper, the size and strain rate effects on ultra-thin < 100 >/{100} Cu nanowires at an initial temperature of 10 K have been discussed. Extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed using Embedded atom method (EAM) to investigate the structural behaviours and properties under high strain rate. Velocity-Verlet algorithm has been used to solve the equation of motions. Two different thermal loading cases have been considered: (i) Isothermal loading, in which Nose-Hoover thermostat is used to maintain the constant system temperature, and (ii) Adiabatic loading, i.e., without any thermostat. Five different wire cross-sections were considered ranging from 0.723 x 0.723 nm(2) to 2.169 x 2.169 nm(2) The strain rates used in the present study were 1 x 10(9) s(-1), 1 x 10(8) s(-1), and 1 x 10(7) s(-1). The effect of strain rate on the mechanical properties of copper nanowires was analysed, which shows that elastic properties are independent of thermal loading for a given strain rate and cross-sectional dimension of nanowire. It showed a decreasing yield stress and yield strain with decreasing strain rate for a given cross- section. Also, a decreasing yield stress and increasing yield strain were observed for a given strain rate with increasing cross-sectional area. Elastic modulus was found to be similar to 100 GPa, which was independent of processing temperature, strain rate, and size for a given initial temperature. Reorientation of < 100 >/{100} square cross-sectional copper nanowire into a series of stable ultra-thin Pentagon copper nanobridge structures with dia of similar to 1 nm at 10 K was observed under high strain rate tensile loading. The effect of isothermal and adiabatic loading on the formation of such pentagonal nanobridge structure has been discussed.


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MADAM, Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a common age-dependent trait, characterized by a progressive loss of hair from the scalp. The hair loss may commence during puberty and up to 80% of white men experience some degree of AGA during their lifetime.1 Research has established that two essential aetiological factors for AGA are a genetic predisposition and the presence of androgens (male sex hormones).1,2 A recent meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has increased the number of identified loci associated with this trait at the molecular level to a total of eight.3 However, despite these successes, a large fraction of the genetic contribution remains to be identified. One way to identify further genetic loci is to combine the resource of GWAS datasets with knowledge about specific biological factors likely to be involved in the development of disease. The focused evaluation of a limited number of candidate genes in GWAS datasets avoids the necessity for extensive correction for multiple testing, which typically limits the power for detecting genetic loci at a genome-wide level.4 Because the presence of genetic association suggests that candidate genes are likely to operate early in the causative chain of events leading to the phenotype, this approach may also function to favour biological pathways for their importance in the development of AGA.


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For frail older people, admission to hospital is an opportunity to review the indications for specific medications. This research investigates prescribing for 206 older people discharged into residential aged care facilities from 11 acute care hospitals in Australia. Patients had multiple comorbidities (mean 6), high levels of dependency, and were prescribed a mean of 7.2 regular medications at admission to hospital and 8.1 medications on discharge, with hyper-polypharmacy (≥10 drugs) increasing from 24.3% to 32.5%. Many drugs were preventive medications whose time until benefit was likely to exceed the expected lifespan. In summary, frail patients continue to be exposed to extensive polypharmacy and medications with uncertain risk–benefit ratio.


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A comprehensive analysis was conducted using 48 sorghum QTL studies published from 1995 to 2010 to make information from historical sorghum QTL experiments available in a form that could be more readily used by sorghum researchers and plant breeders. In total, 771 QTL relating to 161 unique traits from 44 studies were projected onto a sorghum consensus map. Confidence intervals (CI) of QTL were estimated so that valid comparisons could be made between studies. The method accounted for the number of lines used and the phenotypic variation explained by individual QTL from each study. In addition, estimated centimorgan (cM) locations were calculated for the predicted sorghum gene models identified in Phytozome (JGI GeneModels SBI v1.4) and compared with QTL distribution genome-wide, both on genetic linkage (cM) and physical (base-pair/bp) map scales. QTL and genes were distributed unevenly across the genome. Heterochromatic enrichment for QTL was observed, with approximately 22% of QTL either entirely or partially located in the heterochromatic regions. Heterochromatic gene enrichment was also observed based on their predicted cM locations on the sorghum consensus map, due to suppressed recombination in heterochromatic regions, in contrast to the euchromatic gene enrichment observed on the physical, sequence-based map. The finding of high gene density in recombination-poor regions, coupled with the association with increased QTL density, has implications for the development of more efficient breeding systems in sorghum to better exploit heterosis. The projected QTL information described, combined with the physical locations of sorghum sequence-based markers and predicted gene models, provides sorghum researchers with a useful resource for more detailed analysis of traits and development of efficient marker-assisted breeding strategies.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of location, site type, regeneration method and precommercial thinning on the characteristics and development of young, even-aged, pure Scots pine stands. In addition, the effects of timing and intensity of first commercial thinning on the yield and profitability during the rotation period were also studied. The stand characteristics and external quality of young Scots pine stands and stand-level growth models were based on extensive inventory data of the Finnish Forest Research Institute for young Scots pine stands (3 measurement times, 192 stands). The effect of precommercial thinning on stand development was examined on the basis of long-term experiments (13 stands, 169 plots). The effect of timing and intensity of the first commercial thinning on yield and profitability were based on measurements made in first commercial thinnings (27 stands of Metsähallitus), and the further stand development was modeled using the MOTTI simulator. The thesis was based on four articles and a summary. Stand level growth models were developed for young, even-aged Scots pine stands. The models reliably predicted the development up until the first commercial thinning stage. The stand density of young Scots pine stands in Finland was moderately low compared to the target values. In addition, the external quality of pines was low on average. The low stand density and poor external quality will result in the need for quality tree selection in thinnings, if high quality sawn timber is required. In Northern Finland, only 20% of the dominant trees were classified as normal. This will lead to the situation where external quality will remain relatively poor up until the end of rotation. Early and light precommercial thinning (Hdom 3 m, to a density of 3000 trees per hectare) increased the thinning removal by 40% compared to late and more intensive precommercial thinning (at 7 meters to a density of 2000 trees per hectare). A model for the effect of precommercial thinning on merchantable thinning removal at the first commercial thinning was developed for forest management planning purposes. When the recommended time of first commercial thinning was delayed from a dominant height of 12 m to 16 m, or by ten years, the yield of merchantable wood was doubled. Simultaneously, the current value of the stumpage revenues (with 4% interest rate) was increased on the average by 65% (330 € per hectare). Variation in stumpage prices or interest rates did not have any effect on the final results. Without exception, delaying the first commercial thinning by ten years seemed to be the most profitable method. This presupposes that precommercial thinning has been carried out at the right time and that tree quality aspects do not be specially considered. Furthermore, the wood yield and economic outcome from the entire rotation were similar regardless of whether the first thinning was performed at the time currently recommended or ten years later.


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The objectives of this study were to analyze the impact of structural stand characteristics on ignition potential, surface fuel moisture, and fire behavior in Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea abies (L.) Karst stands in Finland and to explain stand-specific fire danger using the Canadian Fire Weather Index System and the Finnish Fire Risk Index. Additionally, the study analyzes the relationship between observed fire activity and fire weather indices at different stages of growing season. Field experiments were carried out in Pinus sylvestris or Picea abies dominated stands during fire seasons 2001 and 2002. Observations on ignition potential, fuel moisture, and fire behavior were analyzed in relation to stand structure and the outputs of the Finnish and Canadian fire weather indices. Seasonal patterns of fire activity were examined based on national fire statistics 1996 2003, effective temperature sum, and the fire weather indices. Point fire ignition potential was highest in Pinus clear-cuts and lowest in closed Picea stands. Moss-dominated surface fuels were driest in clear-cut and sapling stage stands and presented the highest moisture content under closed Picea canopy. Pinus sylvestris stands carried fire under a wide range of fire weather conditions under which Picea abies stands failed to sustain fire. In the national fire records, the daily number of reported ignitions presented its highest value during late fire season whereas the daily area burned peaked most substantially during early season. The fire weather indices correlated significantly with ignition potential and fuel moisture but were unable to explain fire behavior in the experimental fires. During the initial and final stages of the growing season, fire activity was disconnected from weather-based fire danger ratings. Information on stand structure and season stage would benefit the assessment of fire danger in Finnish forest landscape for fire suppression and controlled burning purposes.


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Monocotyledonous plant infecting mastreviruses (family Geminiviridae) have been found in the Old World. The greatest diversity of these viruses has been found in Africa but this may simply reflect the more extensive sampling that has been done there. To provide a better understanding of mastrevirus diversity in Australia. we have sequenced the genomes of 41 virus isolates found in naturalised and native grasses and identified four new species in addition to the four previously characterised species. Two of these species, which were recovered from a single Sporobolus plant, are highly divergent and are most closely related to the African streak viruses. This, coupled with the discovery of divergent dicotyledonous plant infecting mastreviruses in Australia brings into question the hypothesis that mastreviruses may have originated in Africa. We found that the patterns of inter- and intra-species recombination and the recombination hotspots mirror those found in both their African monocot-infecting counterparts and dicot-infecting mastrevirus. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Borohydride reduction of the bi-enone (1) gave the structurally and mechanistically interesting compounds (4) and (5a-c) resulting from intramolecular carbon-carbon coupling.