1000 resultados para 02292053 Live_tow-17


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Painovuosi nimekkeestä.


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This study aimed to explore the correlations between cadherin-17 (CDH17) protein expression and the clinicopathological features and prognosis of patients with sporadic gastric cancer (GC). Nine relevant studies of 1,960 patients were identified using electronic database searches supplemented with a manual search in strict accordance with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Statistical analyses were conducted using STATA 12.0 statistical software. Relative risks and 95% confidence intervals were determined, and Z test was used to measure the significance of the overall effect size. A total of nine eligible cohort studies were included in this meta-analysis. The expression of CDH17 in patients with diffuse GC was significantly higher than in those with intestinal-type GC. Moreover, the tumor depth of invasion differed significantly between patients with positive CDH17 (CDH17+) and negative CDH17 (CDH17-) GC. However, there were no significant differences between CDH17+ and CDH17- GC patients with respect to tumor node metastasis clinical stages, histological grades, or lymph node metastasis. Despite the differences in invasive depth, there was no significant difference in 5-year survival rates between CDH17+ and CDH17- GC patients. Our meta-analysis provides evidence that CDH17 protein expression may be associated with the development of GC, suggesting that CDH17 is an important biomarker that could be useful for the early diagnosis of GC. However, CDH17 levels do not appear to impact overall survival.


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Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, V4.


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The relaxation of coronary arteries by estrogens in the coronary vascular beds of naive and hypertensive rats has been well described. However, little is known about this action in gonadectomized rats. We investigated the effect of 17-ß-estradiol (E2) in coronary arteries from gonadectomized rats, as well as the contributions of endothelium-derived factors and potassium channels. Eight-week-old female and male Wistar rats weighing 220-300 g were divided into sham-operated and gonadectomized groups (n=9−12 animals per group). The baseline coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) was determined, and the vasoactive effects of 10 μM E2 were assessed by bolus administration before and after endothelium denudation or by perfusion with NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), indomethacin, clotrimazole, L-NAME plus indomethacin, L-NAME plus clotrimazole or tetraethylammonium (TEA). The CPP differed significantly between the female and sham-operated male animals. Gonadectomy reduced the CPP only in female rats. Differences in E2-induced relaxation were observed between the female and male animals, but male castration did not alter this response. For both sexes, the relaxation response to E2 was, at least partly, endothelium-dependent. The response to E2 was reduced only in the sham-operated female rats treated with L-NAME. However, in the presence of indomethacin, clotrimazole, L-NAME plus indomethacin or L-NAME plus clotrimazole, or TEA, the E2 response was significantly reduced in all groups. These results highlight the importance of prostacyclin, endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, and potassium channels in the relaxation response of coronary arteries to E2 in all groups, whereas nitric oxide may have had an important role only in the sham-operated female group.


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Invokaatio: I.N.J.


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A Lutheran gradual from Kalanti. As covers used a fragment of the Liturgical calendar of the Diocese of Turku, Saec. XIV 2/2, Diocese of Turku.


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ResumoIntrodução:A hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE) é alteração frequente em pacientes de diálise e imprime prognóstico sombrio. Não se conhece qual a tendência secular dessa alteração cardíaca em nossos pacientes.Objetivo:Avaliar o comportamento da HVE, pelo índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo (IMVE), no decorrer de 17 anos em pacientes de um centro universitário de diálise, bem como verificar as possíveis causas desse comportamento.Métodos:Foi realizado um estudo longitudinal retrospectivo que avaliou, por meio de ecocardiografia, o IMVE em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise em nosso Serviço de Diálise durante o período de 17 anos, de 1993 a 2010. Foram incluídos 250 exames de pacientes com doença renal crônica estágio V-D com idade superior a 18 anos que foram submetidos à avaliação ecocardiográfica de rotina.Resultados:Notou-se redução do IMVE à medida que os anos avançavam. Essa redução correlacionou-se à diminuição da pressão arterial e à elevação da hemoglobina. Em análise múltipla, a massa ventricular esquerda associou-se apenas à pressão arterial.Conclusão:A porcentagem de pacientes com HVE sofreu redução significante no decorrer de 17 anos em nossa Unidade de Diálise. O fator associado a essa redução foi a diminuição da pressão arterial.